145 research outputs found

    Attachment, Forgiveness, and Generativity in Midlife

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    Current literature suggests secure attachment and forgiveness are positively correlated. However, to date, the relationship of adult attachment, forgiveness, and generativity has not been explored. In this current study, middle-aged adults, ages 45-80 from the George Fox University Alumni were surveyed to explore attachment (anxious and avoidant), generativity, and forgiveness. Since generativity is a prosocial trait, synonymous with altruism, suggesting one’s selfless service and concern for the well-being for others, it is predicted that generativity will have a positive relationship with forgiveness, and secure attachment. Further, multiple regression statistics were used to explore which of the independent variables (anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, and generativity) has the greatest effect on the dependent variable of trait forgiveness. Results indicated that there was a medium positive relationship between forgiveness and secure attachment, between generativity and secure attachment, and between forgiveness and generativity. Multiple regression found that each of the independent variables (anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, and generativity) were significant predictors of forgiveness with anxious attachment being the strongest predictor of forgiveness

    The COVID Crisis in Legal Education

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    This report examines the impact of the COVID disruption on law students and legal education.  Data draw from the responses of over 13,000 law students at 61 law schools that participated in LSSSE in 2021.  The Report also features results from two new LSSSE Modules: The Coping with COVID module, which gathered responses from 1,521 law students and the Experiences with Online Learning module, which highlights responses from 3,450 law students.The report shows that though the core of legal education remained relatively stable and overall satisfaction remained remarkably high, law students were more likely than in years past to be lonely, emotionally exhausted, and to struggle with anxiety and depression.  Furthermore, COVID also deepened ongoing disparities and inequities in legal education.  Vulnerable student populations faced even greater challenges over the past year

    Assessing the relative informativeness and permanence of pro forma earnings and GAAP operating earnings

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    This study investigates whether market participants perceive pro forma earnings to be more informative and more persistent than standard GAAP operating income by analyzing a sample of 1,149 actual pro forma press releases issued between January 1998 and December 2000. We find that pro forma announcers report frequent GAAP losses and are mostly concentrated in the service and high-tech industries. We document a significant difference between pro forma numbers reported by managers and earnings figures published by I/B/E/S, and conclude that it is problematic to use an income figure reported by I/B/E/S as a proxy for pro forma earnings. Our analyses of short-window abnormal returns and revisions in analysts\u27 one-quarter-ahead earnings forecasts indicate that pro forma earnings are more informative and more permanent than GAAP operating earnings. Our evidence suggests that market participants believe pro forma earnings are more representative of core earnings than GAAP operating income

    A Comparison of Match Outcomes Between Traditional Medical Degree and Dual-Degree Applicants

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    Background: Dual degrees combining and MD with another professional degree (MPH, MBA, or PhD) are becoming more common in an attempt to increase an applicant’s competitivity for a residency. Objective: This study was designed to assess differences in MD-only and dual degree MD applicants with respect to applicant characteristics and match outcomes. Methods: Utilizing the voluntarily-reported publicly available 2017–2019 Texas STAR database, we assessed applicants from 115 medical schools. Texas STAR indicates that over this time period, there were 18,224 responses for a response rate of 43.8%. Comparisons were made between groups using student’s t-test and chi-squared analysis. Results: Compared to MD only students, MD/MPH applicants had a higher propensity towards primary care specialties. MD/PhD applicants did not differ versus MD only applicants in their selection of primary care specialties, or of competitive specialties. MD/MBA applicants chose more competitive specialties and less primary care specialties. Despite all these differences, match rates were not different comparing MD only and dual-degree students. Conclusions: Despite the growing popularity of combined MD programs, such programs do not appear to increase applicant match competitivity

    The Mobile CubeSat Command and Control (MC3) Ground Station Network: An Overview and Look Ahead

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    The Mobile CubeSat Command and Control (MC3) ground station network is a Department of Defense (DoD)-led effort to build common-use infrastructure supporting communications and mission operations of small satellites for a wide range of US government organizations, contractors, universities, and foreign partners. The network consists of low-cost ground station terminals fielded at participating institutions, providing operators bent-pipe access to their satellites from any location with an internet connection. MC3 currently consists of eight active stations, and three international collaborators. One of the most important aspects of the ground station network has been the diverse community of small satellite users that have come together to share capabilities of mutual interest. This paper describes the MC3 network and presents an overview of cost-effective future capabilities that will benefit researchers flying experiments on small satellites. Key capabilities include the Satellite Agile Transmit and Receive Network (SATRN) software, flexible software-defined radio architectures, fast-track radio licensing, expanded frequency support, and integration into secure cloud-based infrastructure. The paper also highlights some of the research undertaken at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) which utilizes the MC3 network and the satellites it operates as a testbed for advanced concepts. Research topics include optimization of constellation operations, predictive modeling of pass quality, and representative communications experiments flown on high altitude balloons and high power rockets

    Concurrent Validity of the Child Behavior Checklist DSM-Oriented Scales: Correspondence with DSM Diagnoses and Comparison to Syndrome Scales

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    This study used receiver operating characteristic (ROC) methodology and discriminative analyses to examine the correspondence of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) rationally-derived DSM-oriented scales and empirically-derived syndrome scales with clinical diagnoses in a clinic-referred sample of children and adolescents (N = 476). Although results demonstrated that the CBCL Anxiety, Affective, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity, Oppositional and Conduct Problems DSM-oriented scales corresponded significantly with related clinical diagnoses derived from parent-based structured interviews, these DSM-oriented scales did not evidence significantly greater correspondence with clinical diagnoses than the syndrome scales in all cases but one. The DSM-oriented Anxiety Problems scale was the only scale that evidenced significantly greater correspondence with diagnoses above its syndrome scale counterpart —the Anxious/Depressed scale. The recently developed and rationally-derived DSM-oriented scales thus generally do not add incremental clinical utility above that already afforded by the syndrome scales with respect to corresponding with diagnoses. Implications of these findings are discussed