3,876 research outputs found

    Presence of \u3cem\u3ePorphyromonas gingivalis\u3c/em\u3e in gingival squamous cell carcinoma

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    Periodontal disease has been recently linked to a variety of systemic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, preterm delivery, and oral cancer. The most common bacteria associated with periodontal disease, Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) has not yet been studied in the malignant gingival tissues. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of P. gingivalis in specimens from squamous cell carcinoma patients. We have performed immunohistochemical staining to investigate the presence of P. gingivalis and Streptococcus gordonii (S. gordonii), a non invasive oral bacteria, in paraffin embedded samples of gingival squamous cell carcinoma (n=10) and normal gingiva (n=5). Staining for P. gingivalis revealed the presence of the bacteria in normal gingival tissues and gingival carcinoma, with higher levels (more than 33%,P\u3c0.05) detected in the carcinoma samples. The staining intensity was also significantly enhanced in the malignant tissue by 2 folds (P\u3c0.023) compared to specimens stained for the non‐invasive S. gordonii. P. gingivalis is abundantly present in malignant oral epithelium suggesting a potential association of the bacteria with gingival squamous cell carcinoma

    Phase diagram of a Disordered Boson Hubbard Model in Two Dimensions

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    We study the zero-temperature phase transition of a two-dimensional disordered boson Hubbard model. The phase diagram of this model is constructed in terms of the disorder strength and the chemical potential. Via quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we find a multicritical line separating the weak-disorder regime, where a random potential is irrelevant, from the strong-disorder regime. In the weak-disorder regime, the Mott-insulator-to-superfluid transition occurs, while, in the strong-disorder regime, the Bose-glass-to-superfluid transition occurs. On the multicritical line, the insulator-to-superfluid transition has the dynamical critical exponent z=1.35±0.05z=1.35 \pm 0.05 and the correlation length critical exponent ν=0.67±0.03\nu=0.67 \pm 0.03, that are different from the values for the transitions off the line. We suggest that the proliferation of the particle-hole pairs screens out the weak disorder effects.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in PR

    Nova-Like Cataclysmic Variable TT Ari: QPO Behaviour Coming Back From Positive Superhumps

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    We study the variability of the nova-like cataclysmic variable TT Ari, on time-scales of between minutes and months. The observations in the filter R were obtained at the 40-cm telescope of the Chungbuk National University (Korea). TT Ari was in the "negative superhump" state after its return from the "positive superhump" state, which lasted 8 years. The ephemeris for 12 best pronounced minima is Tmin=BJD2453747.0700(47)+0.132322(53)E.T_{min}=BJD 2453747.0700(47)+0.132322(53)E. where numbers in digits are errors in units of the last digit. The phases of minima may reach 0.2, indicating non-eclipse nature of these minima. The quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO) are present with a mean "period" of 21.6 min and mean semi-amplitude of 36 mmag. This value is consistent with the range 15-25 minutes reported for previous "negative superhump" states and does not support the hypothesis of secular decrease of the QPO period. Either the period, or the semi-amplitude show significant night-to-night variations. According to the position at the two-parameter diagrams, the interval of observations was splitted into 5 parts, showing different characteristics which are discussed in this paper. The system is an excellent laboratory to study processes resulting in variations at time-scales from seconds to decades and needs further monitoring at various states of activity.Comment: 14pages,10figures, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Characteristic molecular properties of one-electron double quantum rings under magnetic fields

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    The molecular states of conduction electrons in laterally coupled quantum rings are investigated theoretically. The states are shown to have a distinct magnetic field dependence, which gives rise to periodic fluctuations of the tunnel splitting and ring angular momentum in the vicinity of the ground state crossings. The origin of these effects can be traced back to the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of the energy levels, along with the quantum mechanical tunneling between the rings. We propose a setup using double quantum rings which shows that Aharonov-Bohm effects can be observed even if the net magnetic flux trapped by the carriers is zero.Comment: 16 pages (iopart format), 10 figures, accepted in J.Phys.Cond.Mat

    New model for system of mesoscopic Josephson contacts

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    Quantum fluctuations of the phases of the order parameter in 2D arrays of mesoscopic Josephson junctions and their effect on the destruction of superconductivity in the system are investigated by means of a quantum-cosine model that is free of the incorrect application of the phase operator. The proposed model employs trigonometric phase operators and makes it possible to study arrays of small superconducting granules, pores filled with superfluid helium, or Josephson junctions in which the average number of particles n0n_0 (effective bosons, He atoms, and so on) is small, and the standard approach employing the phase operator and the particle number operator as conjugate ones is inapplicable. There is a large difference in the phase diagrams between arrays of macroscopic and mesoscopic objects for n0<5n_0 < 5 and U<JU<J (UU is the characteristic interaction energy of the particle per granule and JJ is the Josephson coupling constant). Reentrant superconductivity phenomena are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    OGLE-2015-BLG-0051/KMT-2015-BLG-0048Lb: a Giant Planet Orbiting a Low-mass Bulge Star Discovered by High-cadence Microlensing Surveys

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    We report the discovery of an extrasolar planet detected from the combined data of a microlensing event OGLE-2015-BLG-0051/KMT-2015-BLG-0048 acquired by two microlensing surveys. Despite that the short planetary signal occurred in the very early Bulge season during which the lensing event could be seen for just about an hour, the signal was continuously and densely covered. From the Bayesian analysis using models of the mass function, matter and velocity distributions combined with the information of the angular Einstein radius, it is found that the host of the planet is located in the Galactic bulge. The planet has a mass 0.720.07+0.65 MJ0.72_{-0.07}^{+0.65}\ M_{\rm J} and it is orbiting a low-mass M-dwarf host with a projected separation d=0.73±0.08d_\perp=0.73 \pm 0.08 AU. The discovery of the planet demonstrates the capability of the current high-cadence microlensing lensing surveys in detecting and characterizing planets.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    General approaches for shear-correcting coordinate transformations in Bragg coherent diffraction imaging: Part 2

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    X-ray Bragg coherent diffraction imaging has been demonstrated as a powerful three-dimensional (3D) microscopy approach for the investigation of sub-micrometer-scale crystalline particles. It is based on the measurement of a series of coherent diffraction intensity patterns that are numerically inverted to retrieve an image of the spatial distribution of relative phase and amplitude of the Bragg structure factor of the scatterer. This 3D information, which is collected through an angular rotation of the sample, is necessarily obtained in a non-orthogonal frame in Fourier space that must be eventually reconciled. To deal with this, the currently favored approach (detailed in Part I) is to perform the entire inversion in conjugate non-orthogonal real and Fourier space frames, and to transform the 3D sample image into an orthogonal frame as a post-processing step for result analysis. In this article, a direct follow-up of Part I, we demonstrate two different transformation strategies that enable the entire inversion procedure of the measured data set to be performed in an orthogonal frame. The new approaches described here build mathematical and numerical frameworks that apply to the cases of evenly and non-evenly sampled data along the direction of sample rotation (the rocking curve). The value of these methods is that they rely on and incorporate significantly more information about the experimental geometry into the design of the phase retrieval Fourier transformation than the strategy presented in Part I. Two important outcomes are 1) that the resulting sample image is correctly interpreted in a shear-free frame, and 2) physically realistic constraints of BCDI phase retrieval that are difficult to implement with current methods are easily incorporated. Computing scripts are also given to aid readers in the implementation of the proposed formalisms

    OGLE-2017-BLG-1522: A giant planet around a brown dwarf located in the Galactic bulge

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    We report the discovery of a giant planet in the OGLE-2017-BLG-1522 microlensing event. The planetary perturbations were clearly identified by high-cadence survey experiments despite the relatively short event timescale of tE7.5t_{\rm E} \sim 7.5 days. The Einstein radius is unusually small, θE=0.065\theta_{\rm E} = 0.065\,mas, implying that the lens system either has very low mass or lies much closer to the microlensed source than the Sun, or both. A Bayesian analysis yields component masses (Mhost,Mplanet)=(4625+79,0.750.40+1.26) MJ(M_{\rm host}, M_{\rm planet})=(46_{-25}^{+79}, 0.75_{-0.40}^{+1.26})~M_{\rm J} and source-lens distance DLS=0.990.54+0.91 kpcD_{\rm LS} = 0.99_{-0.54}^{+0.91}~{\rm kpc}, implying that this is a brown-dwarf/Jupiter system that probably lies in the Galactic bulge, a location that is also consistent with the relatively low lens-source relative proper motion μ=3.2±0.5 mas yr1\mu = 3.2 \pm 0.5~{\rm mas}~{\rm yr^{-1}}. The projected companion-host separation is 0.590.11+0.12 AU0.59_{-0.11}^{+0.12}~{\rm AU}, indicating that the planet is placed beyond the snow line of the host, i.e., asl0.12 AUa_{sl} \sim 0.12~{\rm AU}. Planet formation scenarios combined with the small companion-host mass ratio q0.016q \sim 0.016 and separation suggest that the companion could be the first discovery of a giant planet that formed in a protoplanetary disk around a brown dwarf host.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure