363 research outputs found

    Does Increasing Model Resolution Improve the Real-Time Forecasts of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones?

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    In this study, the general impact of high-resolution moving nesting domains on tropical cyclone (TC) intensity and track forecasts was verified, for a total of 107 forecast cases of 33 TCs, using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The experiment, with a coarse resolution of 12 km, could not significantly capture the intensification process, especially for maximum intensities (>60 m s(-1)). The intense TCs were better predicted by experiments using a moving nesting domain with a horizontal resolution of 4 km. The forecast errors for maximum wind speed and minimum sea-level pressure decreased in the experiment with higher resolution; the forecast of lifetime maximum intensity was improved. For the track forecast, the experiment with a coarser resolution tended to simulate TC tracks deviating rightward to the TC motions in the best-track data; this erroneous deflection was reduced in the experiment with a higher resolution. In particular, the track forecast in the experiment with a higher resolution improved more frequently for intense TCs that were generally distributed at relatively lower latitudes among the test cases. The sensitivity of the track forecast to the model resolution was relatively significant for lower-latitude TCs. On the other hand, the track forecasts of TCs moving to the mid-latitudes, which were primarily influenced by large-scale features, were not sensitive to the resolution

    Inaccuracy of Density Functional Theory Calculations for Dihydrogen Binding Energetics onto Ca Cation Centers

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    We investigate the mechanism of dihydrogen adsorption onto Ca cation centers, which has been the significant focus of recent research for hydrogen storage. We particularly concentrate on reliability of commonly used density-functional theories, in comparison with correlated wave function theories. It is shown that, irrespective of the chosen exchange-correlation potentials, density-functional theories result in unphysical binding of H2 molecules onto Ca1+ system. This suggests that several previous publications could contain a serious overestimation of storage capacity at least in part of their results.open262

    Effects of topography and sea surface temperature anomalies on heavy rainfall induced by Typhoon Chaba in 2016

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    Typhoon Chaba made landfall on the Korean Peninsula in the fall of 2016, resulting in record-breaking rainfall in southeastern Korea. In particular, the Ulsan metropolitan region experienced the most severe floods due to heavy rainfall of 319 mm for just 3 h. The heavy rainfall was possibly associated with the mountainous southeastern Korea topography and the warm sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly in the East China Sea. In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used to investigate the effects of topography and SST anomalies through high-resolution numerical experiments. Simulation using original topography showed more rainfall on the windward and less on the leeward slope compared to the experiment with reduced topography around Ulsan. The moist flow in the typhoon was raised by orographic uplift, enhancing precipitation on the windward side and summits of the mountains. The orographically induced updraft extended to the mid-troposphere and contributed to the upward vertical moisture flux associated with rainfall. Therefore, the mountainous topography around Ulsan affected the local change in rainfall induced by the simulated typhoon. In addition, SST on the track of the typhoon controlled storm intensity and caused extreme precipitation changes. The experiment using the original SST in the East China Sea simulated less decayed typhoons and produced more precipitation compared to the experiment wherein the positive SST anomaly in the East China Sea was removed. The warm SST anomaly hindered the weakening of the typhoon moving northward to the mid-latitudes. At landfall, the stronger typhoon contained more water vapor, transported more moisture inland, and generated increased precipitation

    Wire-Guided Endoscopic Snare Retrieval of Proximally Migrated Pancreatic Stents after Endoscopic Papillectomy for Ampullary Adenoma

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    With the increasing use of pancreatic duct (PD) stents after endoscopic papillectomy (EP), complications such as proximal migration of the stent have become increasingly prevalent. A PD stent that migrates within a nondilated PD may be difficult to remove endoscopically. We performed endoscopic retrieval of proximally migrated PD stents after EP in 5 patients. Endoscopic retrieval was performed immediately after EP in one patient, the next day in 3 patients, and 2 weeks later in one patient. Wire-guided endoscopic retrieval was attempted in 4 patients, and the migrated stents were removed successfully in these 4 patients. No significant procedure-related complications occurred, other than mild pancreatitis in a single patient. In one patient, endoscopic retrieval performed immediately after EP failed when using the conventional method, and the migrated stent was removed using a minisnare without a guidewire the next day; this patient developed severe pancreatitis. Wire-guided endoscopic snare retrieval seems to be a safe and effective method for removing proximally migrated PD stents after EP

    A Study Using a Monte Carlo Method of the Optimal Configuration of a Distribution Network in Terms of Power Loss Sensing

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    Recently there have been many studies of power systems with a focus on “New and Renewable Energy” as part of “New Growth Engine Industry” promoted by the Korean government. “New And Renewable Energy”—especially focused on wind energy, solar energy and fuel cells that will replace conventional fossil fuels—is a part of the Power-IT Sector which is the basis of the SmartGrid. A SmartGrid is a form of highly-efficient intelligent electricity network that allows interactivity (two-way communications) between suppliers and consumers by utilizing information technology in electricity production, transmission, distribution and consumption. The New and Renewable Energy Program has been driven with a goal to develop and spread through intensive studies, by public or private institutions, new and renewable energy which, unlike conventional systems, have been operated through connections with various kinds of distributed power generation systems. Considerable research on smart grids has been pursued in the United States and Europe. In the United States, a variety of research activities on the smart power grid have been conducted within EPRI’s IntelliGrid research program. The European Union (EU), which represents Europe’s Smart Grid policy, has focused on an expansion of distributed generation (decentralized generation) and power trade between countries with improved environmental protection. Thus, there is current emphasis on a need for studies that assesses the economic efficiency of such distributed generation systems. In this paper, based on the cost of distributed power generation capacity, calculations of the best profits obtainable were made by a Monte Carlo simulation. Monte Carlo simulations that rely on repeated random sampling to compute their results take into account the cost of electricity production, daily loads and the cost of sales and generate a result faster than mathematical computations. In addition, we have suggested the optimal design, which considers the distribution loss associated with power distribution systems focus on sensing aspect and distributed power generation

    Inadvertent discogram during transforaminal epidural injection in patients with lumbar disc herniation -A report of 2 cases-

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    The transforaminal epidural injection (TFEI) has been preferred in many cases because it can deliver the injected dose of medication closer to the nerve root and better facilitate ventral epidural flow compared to other methods. However, in patients with deformities not demonstrated on fluoroscopic imaging, the needle may enter unwanted locations. We treated two cases of intradiscal injection of contrast dye, during the TFEI, in patients with lumbar disc herniation