10 research outputs found

    Factors Related to Lung Function In Wood Furniture Workers In Oesapa Village, Kelapa Lima Sub District Kupang City

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    Workers of wooden furniture is the workers who are at risk for decreased lung function caused by exposure to wood dust in the working environment. Wood dust will enter the respiratory organs, thereby affecting lung function. Decreased pulmonary function can be seen by the method of Harvard Step Test. This research aims to analyse the relationship between age, working period, nutritional status, smoking habits, long exposure to dust, and use of PPE with lung function in wooden furniture workers in Oesapa Village, Kelapa Lima Sub District, Kupang City. The study was analytic survey with Cross Sectional approach. This research was conducted in the wood furniture industry in Oesapa Vilage, Kelapa Lima District, Kupang City in July 2020. The population in this study was 33 workers of wooden furniture. Data collection is done by questionnaire, weight measurement, height measurement and the Harvard Step Test to determine the level of lung fitness workers. Data analysis technique used is the Chi Square test with level of significance . The results showed that there was a significant relationship between age (0.002), working period (0.023), nutritional status (0.039), and use of PPE (0.016) with lung function in workers of wooden furniture. There is no relationship smoking habits (0.093), long exposureto  dust (0.057) and lung  function in workers of wooden furniture. &nbsp

    Analisis Dinamika Psikologis Korban Kekerasan Dalam Pacaran Dari Perspektif Teori Konflik Galtung

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    This study intends to describe the psychological dynamics by revealing more deeply about the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors experienced by female students who are victims of dating violence. This study uses a qualitative approach in a descriptive form and uses a case study technique. This study uses observation, interview and documentation techniques to understand the attitudes, views, feelings, and behavior of victims in depth. Researchers try to explore the response that appears in victims of dating violence. There were 5 participants in this study, who were obtained through the snowball sampling technique. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that each victim who experiences dating violence has different psychological dynamics, namely actions or real events that occur to participants in the study, as well as an overview of psychological dynamics from the perspective of Galtung's ABC conflict theory which includes Contradiction, Attitude and BehaviorPenelitian ini bermaksud untuk mendeskripsikan dinamika psikologis dengan mengungkap lebih mendalam tentang kondisi perasaan, pikiran, dan perilaku yang dialami oleh mahasiswi yang menjadi korban kekerasan dalam pacaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam bentuk deskriptif dan menggunakan teknik studi kasus. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi untuk memahami sikap, pandangan, perasaan, dan perilaku korban secara mendalam. Peneliti mencoba menggali respon yang muncul pada korban kekerasan dalam pacaran. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 5 orang, yang didapat melalui teknik snowball sampling. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap korban yang mengalami kekerasan dalam berpacaran memiliki dinamika psikologis yang berbeda-beda yakni dari cara menanggapi suatu konflik, penyelesaian terhadap suatu konflik, serta tindakan atau keputusan yang terjadi dalam hubungan. Gambaran dinamika psikologis dari perspektif teori konflik ABC Galtung yang diantaranya adanya keterkaitan antar aspek Contradiction (kontradiksi), Attitude (sikap) dan Behavior (perilaku) dalam menanggapi konflik kekerasan dalam berpacaran

    The Dynamics of Grief in Late Adolescence After Maternal Death in Terms of The Theory of Kübler-Ross

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    Adolescence is a developmental phase between childhood and adulthood. There are many experiences that teenagers get from the surrounding environment. These experiences are in the form of positive experiences or negative experiences that teenagers will receive in different ways. Individuals have different reactions to death events, including adolescents. The event of death can affect the development process, this is because death causes deep sorrow for adolescents. This study aims to examine the dynamics of late adolescent grief after maternal death in terms of the Kübler-Ross theory. According to Kübler-Ross, there are five stages that individuals have when experiencing grief, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Teenagers who experience maternal death will go through the five stages of grief from the Kübler-Ross. The results obtained are that some participants have not yet reached the acceptance stage because they still need time to accept the grief event that occurred. The discussion is expected to provide knowledge regarding the dynamics of late adolescent grief after maternal death in terms of the Kübler-Ross theory

    Edukasi Hipertensi terhadap Pengetahuan, Kepatuhan Minum Obat, dan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien Hipertensi

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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of hypertension education on the level of knowledge, adherence to medication, and blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This research method is Quasi-Experimental, with the design being One-group pre-test and post-test. The results showed that the level of knowledge, adherence to taking medication, and blood pressure were p=0.000 (p<0.05). In conclusion, hypertension education effectively increases knowledge, medication adherence, and blood pressure in hypertensive patients.   Keywords: Education, Hypertension, Medication Compliance, Knowledge, Blood pressure

    Gambaran Faktor Risiko Keluhan Muskuloskeletal pada Pengrajin Tenun Motif Sumba di Desa Rindi, Kabupaten Sumba Timur

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    Musculoskeletal disorders are complaints related to the muscle tissue system caused by certain types of work activities and body postures. Weavers may likely experience the disorders due to the weaving-related activities such as unnatural posture, length of work, and individual characteristic factors. Musculoskeletal complaints can be the initial cause of disability. The purpose of this study was to describe the risk factors for musculoskeletal complaints in weavers in Rindi Village, East Sumba Regency. This type of research is descriptive with an observational research design. A total of 60 female weavers were selected as the research sample. The study showed that the weavers who often experienced serious complaints of MSDs were in the age group ≥ 30 years, with work period more than 4 years, and work duration reached ≥ 8 hours per day. Weavers should adjust the duration of weaving and reduce repetitive movements. Weavers are recommended to take a rest for 30-60 minutes and to work in an ergonomic posture without putting excessive loads on certain parts of the body

    The Application of the HIRARC Method to Stone Cut Workers in Laicici, Kangeli Village, East Sumba Regency

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    The HIRARC (Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control) is a method of identification, hazard analysis, risk control, and the application of controls used to review processes or operations on a system. This type of research was qualitative with an in-depth interview technique, which was then summarized in a transcript and analyzed using a research form and a risk assessment matrix. This research was conducted in Laicici, Kangeli Village, Lewa Tidahu District, East Sumba Regency. Informants in this study were workers at the stone cutting site, as many as six. Determining the informants in this study used a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that each stage of work undertaken to produce a stone ready for use at the Laicici stone cutting site, Kangeli Village, had different dangers and risks. The low-risk level was the risk of falling and hearing loss. The moderate risk was a pain in the lower back and being pinched and crushed by stones. High risk was found in the risk of slipping, fatigue, working time > 8 hours per day, dehydration and heat-related illness, and the risk of eye irritation. The extreme risk was the risk of fatigue caused by working more than 8 hours every day and the risk of injury caused by sharp work tools. Controls that can be carried out to reduce or eliminate the hazards and risks at the stone cutting site for stone cutting workers are substitution, administrative control, engineering control, and the use of self-protective gear

    Analysis of Factors Associated with Work Stress on Teachers of the Asuhan Kasih Special School and the State Special School of Pembina Kupang

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    Abstract. Job stress is a form of a person's response both physically and mentally to a change in his environment that is felt to be disturbing and causes him to be threatened or uncomfortable. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors associated with work stress on teachers of the Asuhan Kasih Special School and the Pembina Kupang State Special School. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling with a sample of 47 subjects. The analysis in this study uses the Chi-Square test and Fisher Probability Exact Test as an alternative test. The results showed that there was a relationship between tenure (pvalue = 0.007), personality type (p-value = 0.002), and workload (p-value = 0.003) with work stress and there was no relationship between gender (p-value = 1000) and age (p-value). = 1000). = 0.379) with work stress on teachers of the Asuhan Kasih Special School and the Pembina State Special School of Kupang. Schools should conduct training in accordance with the responsibilities of each teacher and divide the number of students handled according to applicable regulations

    Description of Energy Adequacy for Workers at PT. Indotec Tiga Putra Kupang City

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    The minimum energy requirement for Indonesian people in the 2019 AKG is 2,100 kcal per person per day, so each person must have a minimum energy intake of 2,100 kcal per day. If the food intake is not sufficient for needs, it can result in disruption of the body's immunity, reduced body weight, reduced physical ability, work slowly and even decreased work productivity. This research aims to determine the description of energy adequacy of workers at PT. Indotec Tiga Putra Kupang City 2022. This type of research is quantitative research using a descriptive approach. This research used a total sampling of 24 workers. The research instruments used were 2x24 hour food recall, 2x24 hour physical activity recall, microtoise and digital scales, food photo books and nutrisurvey applications. The results showed that respondents with light physical activity (83.3%), adequate intake of breakfast (54.2%) and dinner (70.8%), lunch intake (62.5%), morning snack and afternoon (66.7%) which is less. The level of energy adequacy is in the poor category (58.3%). The results of this study also show an average energy expenditure of 3,521.6 kcal and energy income of 2,691.4 kcal. It is recommended that workers consume food sources of energy in sufficient quantities/portions

    Description of Single Mother's Parenting Pattern on The Development of Adolescent Personality in Maulafa Village

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    Family is one of the most important parts of society. In the family all come from. All teachings and habits that will be done in the community are learned in the family. Therefore, in order to function properly in the community of course must start from the family. Life in the family is very important and greatly affects a person in interacting. Various problems that occur in the family that interfere with the wholeness and harmony in the family will make the family have problems. One of them is divorce or in the living death that results in a woman having to perform various roles in her family. Starting from taking care of children, providing a good parenting pattern and also replacing her husband's role as a leader and breadwinner in the family are all taken expertly by the mother. The purpose of this study is to find out the pattern of single mother's foster care towards the reflection of adolescent personality in Maulafa Village. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data retrieval techniques using purposive sampling techniques. So the researchers managed to gather 9 participants (3 participants Single Mother, 3 participants Adolescent children from each Single Mother, and 3 Significant orders from each participant)

    Workers' Perceptions of Occupational Safety and Health at PLTU Bolok Unit II NTT

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    Abstract. Employees' perceptions of occupational health and safety (OHS) in a company are significant in preventing accidents and occupational diseases because perceptions affect workers' behavior. This research aims to know factors that affect workers' perceptions about occupational health and safety. This research is an observational study with a cross-sectional design. This research was done in Bolok Electric Steam Power Plan Unit II East Nusa Tenggara with 95 workers. The data analysis used is simple linear regression analysis with α = 0.05 (5%). Based on the study results, the significance of t and the value of experience (5,329 and 0,000) and knowledge (7,034 and 0,000). It shows that experience and knowledge affect employee's perceptions