59 research outputs found
System transportu wiadomości (MTS) w systemach obsługi wiadomości (MHS) stosowanych w EDI
System obsługi wiadomości MHS (zgodny z zaleceniami CCITT
serii X.400) jest bardzo przydatny, ze względu na jego globalny
charakter, jako system komunikacyjny dla realizacji koncepcji EDI
o zasięgu światowym. W referacie przedstawiony zostal abstrakcyjny
model systemu elektronicznej wymiany danych (EDIMS)
w systemach obsługi wiadomości (MHS) z uwzględnieniem systemu
transportu wiadomości (MTS). Omówiona została rola systemu
MTS w systemach MHS.Message Handling System MHS (in accordance with CCITT
Recommendations of X.400 series) is very useful, because of its
global nature, as communication system for realization of EDI
concept on world-wide scale. Abstract Model of Electronic Data
Interchange Messaging System (EDIMS) in Message Handling
Systems (MHS) including Message Transfer System (MTS) was
presented in this paper. The role of MTS system in MHS systems
was discussed.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk
Architecture as the art of creating human-friendly places
The public space of a city plays a special role in the life of every human being, as it meets basic and at the same time most important needs related to safety and comfort of life. It is a combination of an idea and a technique, which for centuries has reflected the changes taking place in people's social and cultural life. While the city is a multi-layered structure with a clearly separated private and public zone, creating mutual relations between the buildings. Camillo Sitte saw the city urban spaces as a work of art, które should be designed in such a way that the inhabitants feel safe and happy, as it is not just a show-off of technical skill, but an artistic undertaking. [1] The art of designing architecture does not exist for itself, but is created for the target audience. It provides a harmony that satisfies human needs and guarantees survival. It is an important factor influencing the development of an individual through the organization of a social living space. Urban spaces are primarily people and their needs that change over time. The first part of the article is devoted to the role of public spaces and the idea of the city as a work of art. The second part, in turn, is an attempt to define architecture as a kind of fine arts, taking into account the role it plays in the social life of Lublin's residents. The article is an attempts to emphasize the importance of architecture in designing a human-friendly environment as an art design that meets social expectations with the use of selected examples urban space of the city of Lublin
Red mason bee (Osmia bicornis) thermal preferences for nest sites and their effects on offspring survival
Ectotherms usually require a narrow range of thermal conditions for development; thus, parentalselection of oviposition sites is crucial. In a field experiment, we investigated female solitary red mason bee (Osmiabicornis) preferences for potential nest site temperatures and their effects on offspring development. The resultsshowed that bees detected and avoided nest sites with high temperatures (28) and often chose cooler (24) orambient temperatures (average 18-20). This is a protective behaviour because offspring survival decreases withincreasing nest temperature, mostly due to mortality at the egg stage. Elevated temperatures also led to weight loss inadult bees. However, hot nest temperatures appeared to deter adults or kill parasite larvae, as the highest numbers ofparasites were observed in unheated nests. We concluded that choosing the proper temperature for nests is animportant element in bee life strategies, especially in warming environments
Do rebel workers in the honeybee Apis mellifera avoid worker policing?
A recent study showed that worker larvae fed in a queenless colony develop into another female
polyphenic form - rebel workers. The rebel workers are more queen-like than normal workers because they have
higher reproductive potential revealed by more ovarioles in their ovaries. However, it was unclear whether eggs laid
by rebel workers avoided worker policing. Worker-laid eggs are normally eaten by other workers in a queenright
colony. The aim of this study was to compare the survival of three classes of eggs, namely, those laid by normal
workers, rebel workers, and the queen. All eggs were tested in queenright colonies. We expected that rebel workers
would avoid policing by laying more queen-like eggs. Contrary to our expectations, eggs laid by rebel workers were
eaten by other workers, as were eggs laid by normal workers, and only a few worker-laid eggs (both normal and
rebel) survived for more than 3 h. Therefore, in a queenright colony, eggs laid by rebel workers do not avoid
Improving Object Detection Quality in Football Through Super-Resolution Techniques
This study explores the potential of super-resolution techniques in enhancing
object detection accuracy in football. Given the sport's fast-paced nature and
the critical importance of precise object (e.g. ball, player) tracking for both
analysis and broadcasting, super-resolution could offer significant
improvements. We investigate how advanced image processing through
super-resolution impacts the accuracy and reliability of object detection
algorithms in processing football match footage.
Our methodology involved applying state-of-the-art super-resolution
techniques to a diverse set of football match videos from SoccerNet, followed
by object detection using Faster R-CNN. The performance of these algorithms,
both with and without super-resolution enhancement, was rigorously evaluated in
terms of detection accuracy.
The results indicate a marked improvement in object detection accuracy when
super-resolution preprocessing is applied. The improvement of object detection
through the integration of super-resolution techniques yields significant
benefits, especially for low-resolution scenarios, with a notable 12\% increase
in mean Average Precision (mAP) at an IoU (Intersection over Union) range of
0.50:0.95 for 320x240 size images when increasing the resolution fourfold using
RLFN. As the dimensions increase, the magnitude of improvement becomes more
subdued; however, a discernible improvement in the quality of detection is
consistently evident. Additionally, we discuss the implications of these
findings for real-time sports analytics, player tracking, and the overall
viewing experience. The study contributes to the growing field of sports
technology by demonstrating the practical benefits and limitations of
integrating super-resolution techniques in football analytics and broadcasting
Light and electron microscopic studies of the Harderian gland in Bilgorajska goose (Anser anser)
The Harderian gland (HG) in birds is the dominant orbital gland, which plays an important role in immunological response. Tissue sections taken from adult females of Bilgorajska goose were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Azan, PAS, AB pH 2.5, AF and HDI. Based on the histological structure the HG in Bilgorajska geese had compound tubular structure with multiple lobules and two types of epithelial cells lining the tubules. Epithelial cells in the central part of the lobes were dark in color and contained serous fluid, while in the deeper layers, epithelial cells were lightly coloured and contained mucous fluid. Histochemical studies showed the presence of neutral mucopolysaccharides and carboxylated acid mucopolysaccharides in the secretory cells. The small number of single plasma cells were present in HDI staining below the basement membrane of the secondary and primary ducts, near the crypts of the main duct. TEM study demonstrated that plasma cells had a large nucleus with condensed heterochromatin and were rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum. The knowledge of gland’s structure, and above all an analysis of the immune system components may affect clinical practice and properly conducted immunization of birds
Music preferences and disordered functioning in adolescence
Muzyka pełni istotną rolę w życiu każdego, szczególnie młodego człowieka. Okres adolescencji to czas istotnych zmian rozwojowych, kształtowania się tożsamości i osobowości, któremu szczególnie intensywnie towarzyszy muzyka. Celem pracy jest przegląd światowych badań dotyczących związków pomiędzy funkcjonowaniem młodzieży a preferowanymi gatunkami muzycznymi. Wyniki te wskazują jednoznacznie na istnienie istotnych relacji pomiędzy słuchaniem określonych rodzajów muzyki a prawidłowym bądź zaburzonym zachowaniem młodzieży. Społecznie niepokojący jest fakt, że większa liczba badań wskazuje na silne związki negatywnych zachowań ujawnianych przez adolescentów z niektórymi gatunkami muzycznymi (szczególnie rapu i metalu). Wśród pozytywnych aspektów muzyki podkreśla się natomiast jej rolę w poznawaniu siebie, budowaniu tożsamości i poczuciu przynależności, jak również w poprawie ogólnego zdrowia psychicznego nastolatków. Brakuje jednak badań, które opisują zależność przyczynowo-skutkową omawianych relacji. Jest to obszar istotny do eksploracji, gdyż znajomość związku poszczególnych gatunków muzyki z określonymi zaburzeniami u nastolatków umożliwia specjalistom podjęcie trafnych i efektywnych działań zarówno profilaktycznych, jak i interwencyjnych.Music plays an important role in everyone’s life, especially the one of a young man. Adolescence is a time of significant developmental changes, identity and personality formation, that are especially intensely accompanied by music.The aim of this article is to review global studies on the relationship between the functioning of adolescents and preferred music genres. The results clearly indicate significant correlations between listening to certain types of music and normal or disordered behavior of young people. Disturbing from the social perspective is the fact that a large number of studies point to strong relationships between negative/inappropriate behaviors of adolescents and certain music genres (especially rap and metal). Among the positive aspects of music one emphasizes its role in getting to know oneself, building a sense of identity and belonging, as well as improving the overall mental health of adolescents. Still, there are no studies that describe the cause — effect relationship between the aforementioned factors. This is an important area to explore, as the knowledge of the relationship between various music genres and specific disorders in adolescents enables specialists to take accurate and effective measures, both preventive and intervention
New multimedia and telematic tools for asynchronous distance learning, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2002, nr 1
New tools of modern education, connected mainly with Internet, are described in the paper. Their characteristics, principles of application were discussed in succession. Evaluation trail of their usefulness was done. Possibilities of carrying on laboratory experiments and distance designing were described. Probe to foresee directions of further development of Internet tools in the educational process was done
Model of e-book for distance-learning courses, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2001, nr 2
Structure of electronic book, prepared as auxiliary materials of courses for specialists in the field of telecommunications and informatics, will be described. Assumptions undertaken and their grounds will be presented. Model of a single lecture, way of a control of student progress and technique of movement through the course content will be described
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