527 research outputs found

    Muro : el arte entendido como un espacio para reconfigurar la ordenación sensible de la Ciudad de Córdoba

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    El presente Trabajo Final trata de poner en cuestión las divisiones empíricas y conceptuales que se trazan en la ciudad de córdoba mediante el trazado de nuevos tejidos urbanos a través de la realización de un montaje objetual llamado MURO. A partir de una sumatoria de materialidades, se plantea la producción artística como un trabajo de montaje en el que se mezclan cosas, objetos, texturas y materiales que podemos ligar a distintas clases sociales. Es la presentación sinóptica de objetos heterogéneos uno al lado del otro completamente distintos u opuestos, pero puestos a significar en el mismo contexto. El objetivo de la obra es tratar de entender la relación que existe entre estos módulos, que no es el nexo de lo similar, sino la conexión secreta entre varias imágenes que nos plantean realidades distintas. Es una herramienta que va más allá de lo visual. Es un montaje donde se unen tiempos, situaciones, posibilidades, materiales, mundos, realidades de distintas extracciones sociales. Es un shock. Por eso se trata de un proceso de trabajo donde se van sumando una imagen tras otra y donde el ordenamiento no es azaroso, ya que si cambia se otorga un significado distinto a la convivencia de objetos que se platea. Cada uno pertenece a un mundo de posibilidades distinta ligado a la ubicación estructural dentro de la conformación social de Córdoba, estas se presentan en extremos opuestos del conglomerado social, una coexistencia de presencias de distinto origen puestas a significar en el mismo muro. Una narrativa de lo cotidiano. Es, pues, la desigualdad misma la que se vuelve visible en el montaje de imágenes. Invitando al espectador a observar y pensar cómo convertir tal visibilidad en un potencial facilitador de conciencia social que nos impulse a buscar el modo de cambiar la forma en que vivimos: un recurso para observar el entorno, para poder manejar esas diferencias y la crítica política, desmontándola para imaginar modelos alternativos. Al momento de hablar de la obra, creí importante relatar porqué el desarrollo de esta búsqueda me llevo a realizar cambios en las decisiones artísticas respecto a mi producción personal. Dentro del mismo al articular mi pintura con el concepto de habitus de la sociología empecé a interesarme más en lo que los materiales me devolvían que en su representación. La autonomía plástica de los materiales que se ira apreciando en este proceso, posibilita el entendimiento de como ese desarrollo paulatino de la manipulación sensible y expresiva, de la forma, la textura, el color, el material, la técnica y las connotaciones sociales de cada uno, son las constantes en todas las configuraciones que se despliegan desde aquel inicio figurativo que tuvo este trabajo hasta su versión definitiva dentro del arte objetual , advirtiendo cómo esos medios expresivos son determinados por la organización compositiva que potencia la propuesta mediante la puesta en dialogo de opuestos.Cerutti, Daniel Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes. Departamento de Artes Visuales

    A Flux Rope Network and Particle Acceleration in Three Dimensional Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection

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    We investigate guide-field magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration in relativistic pair plasmas with three-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of a kinetic-scale current sheet in a periodic geometry at low magnetizations. The tearing instability is the dominant mode in the current sheet for all guide field strengths, while the linear kink mode is less important even without guide field. Oblique modes seem to be suppressed entirely. In its nonlinear evolution, the reconnection layer develops a network of interconnected and interacting magnetic flux ropes. As smaller flux ropes merge into larger ones, the reconnection layer evolves toward a three-dimensional, disordered state in which the resulting flux rope segments contain magnetic substructure on plasma skin depth scales. Embedded in the flux ropes, we detect spatially and temporally intermittent sites of dissipation reflected in peaks in the parallel electric field. Magnetic dissipation and particle acceleration persist until the end of the simulations, with simulations with higher magnetization and lower guide field strength exhibiting greater and faster energy conversion and particle energization. At the end of our largest simulation, the particle energy spectrum attains a tail extending to high Lorentz factors that is best modeled with a combination of two additional thermal components. We confirm that the primary energization mechanism is acceleration by the electric field in the X-line region. We discuss the implications of our results for macroscopic reconnection sites, and which of our results may be expected to hold in systems with higher magnetizations.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Brief Embryonic Strychnine Exposure in Zebrafish Causes Long-Term Adult Behavioral Impairment with Indications of Embyronic Synaptic Changes

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    Zebrafish provide a powerful model of the impacts of embryonic toxicant exposure on neural development that may result in long-term behavioral dysfunction. In this study, zebrafish embryos were treated with 1.5mM strychnine for short embryonic time windows to induce transient changes in inhibitory neural signaling, and were subsequently raised in untreated water until adulthood. PCR analysis showed indications that strychnine exposure altered expression of some genes related to glycinergic, GABAergic and glutamatergic neuronal synapses during embryonic development. In adulthood, treated fish showed significant changes in swimming speed and tank diving behavior compared to controls. Taken together, these data show that a short embryonic exposure to a neurotoxicant can alter development of neural synapses and lead to changes in adult behavior

    Text annotation using textual semantic similarity and term-frequency (Twitter)

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    Researchers on social-media understandably assert that the contributions social media has made on various sectors is massive. Business development managers today have directed a huge amount of effort in strategizing efficient collaboration with both customers and other organizations using social-media. Despite the visible impact social media has made, a lot of digitally shared information is yet to be revealed. Gradually twitter has become the main hub for many Information system researchers, because tweets can freely be accessible in real-time by any one. Motivated by earlier studies where IS researchers addressed big-data analysis and management by employing content analysis techniques, this paper proposes a novel approach to perform unsupervised classification of the tweets into different labels. It introduces a unique algorithm that uses semantic similarity between texts, Term-frequency and a determinant threshold to perform content analysis. The goal of this approach is to extract relevant features from a tweet thus reducing dimension and preparing training datasets that would be used to build classifiers

    Criação de uma animação a partir da percepção de gênero para crianças

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    A definição de gênero é uma construção social, sendo que comportamentos precoces ligados à classificação de gênero são influenciados pelo contexto social em que a criança está inserida já nos primeiros anos de vida. Nesse contexto, o desenho é considerado como algo natural e espontâneo que a criança realiza, sendo visto como algo construído socialmente e, uma vez que a criança é um ser social em sua origem, toda sua produção é igualmente composta a partir das interações sociais. A partir das manifestações das crianças por meio de desenhos, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa com 52 alunos da quinta série do ensino fundamental para compreender como as crianças percebem a identidade de gênero. Os resultados são consoantes com o que a sociedade predetermina como padrão. Os meninos preferiram usar camiseta, jaqueta e boné e as meninas vestido. Contudo, a escolha de cores e brinquedos favoritos não teve uma identificação ao que a sociedade tem como padrão. No entanto, a escolha de cores e brinquedos favoritos não teve uma identificação ao que a sociedade tem como padrão de cor e brinquedos de meninas ou de meninos. A partir disso, foi desenvolvida uma animação que conta a história de Olívia, personagem inserida em um mundo onde menino usa somente azul e menina usa somente rosa

    Energy deposition studies for the Upgrade II of LHCb at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

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    The Upgrade II of the LHCb experiment is proposed to be installed during the CERN Long Shutdown 4, aiming to operate LHCb at 1.5x1034cm2s110^{34}cm^{-2}s^{-1} that is 75 times its design luminosity and reaching an integrated luminosity of about 400fb1400 fb^{-1} by the end of the High Luminosity LHC era. This increase of the data sample at LHCb is an unprecedented opportunity for heavy flavour physics measurements. A first upgrade of LHCb, completed in 2022, has already implemented important changes of the LHCb detector and, for the Upgrade II, further detector improvements are being considered. Such a luminosity increase will have an impact not only on the LHCb detector but also on the LHC magnets, cryogenics and electronic equipment placed in the IR8. In fact, the LHCb experiment was conceived to work at a much lower luminosity than ATLAS and CMS, implying minor requirements for protection of the LHC elements from the collision debris and therefore a different layout around the interaction point. The luminosity target proposed for the Upgrade II requires to review the layout of the entire insertion region in order to ensure safe operation of the LHC magnets and to mitigate the risk of failure of the electronic devices. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the implications of the Upgrade II of LHCb in the experimental cavern and in the tunnel with a focus on the LHCb detector, electronic devices and accelerator magnets

    Role of gut microbiota in infectious and inflammatory diseases

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    Thousands of microorganisms compose the human gut microbiota, fighting pathogens in infectious diseases and inhibiting or inducing inflammation in different immunological contexts. The gut microbiome is a dynamic and complex ecosystem that helps in the proliferation, growth, and differentiation of epithelial and immune cells to maintain intestinal homeostasis. Disorders that cause alteration of this microbiota lead to an imbalance in the host’s immune regulation. Growing evidence supports that the gut microbial community is associated with the development and progression of different infectious and inflammatory diseases. Therefore, understanding the interaction between intestinal microbiota and the modulation of the host’s immune system is fundamental to understanding the mechanisms involved in different pathologies, as well as for the search of new treatments. Here we review the main gut bacteria capable of impacting the immune response in different pathologies and we discuss the mechanisms by which this interaction between the immune system and the microbiota can alter disease outcomes

    Reproducible research and GIScience: an evaluation using AGILE conference papers

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    The demand for reproducible research is on the rise in disciplines concerned with data analysis and computational methods. Therefore, we reviewed current recommendations for reproducible research and translated them into criteria for assessing the reproducibility of articles in the field of geographic information science (GIScience). Using this criteria, we assessed a sample of GIScience studies from the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE) conference series, and we collected feedback about the assessment from the study authors. Results from the author feedback indicate that although authors support the concept of performing reproducible research, the incentives for doing this in practice are too small. Therefore, we propose concrete actions for individual researchers and the GIScience conference series to improve transparency and reproducibility. For example, to support researchers in producing reproducible work, the GIScience conference series could offer awards and paper badges, provide author guidelines for computational research, and publish articles in Open Access formats