2 research outputs found

    Percorsi di diritto comparato

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    The book Percorsi di diritto comparato (Paths of Comparative Law) is based on the papers delivered in 2020 as part of the course of the Comparative Law curriculum of the Doctorate School of Comparative, Private, Civil Procedure and Business Law at the University of Milan. The volume consists of twelve essays, which aim to offer a cross-section of some of the topics that animate the comparative law reflections, addressing issues of great topicality in the doctrinal debate, national and international.illustratorL’opera collettanea Percorsi di diritto comparato prende le mosse dagli interventi tenuti nel 2020 nell’ambito del corso del curriculum di Diritto Comparato della scuola di Dottorato di Diritto Comparato, Privato, Processuale Civile e dell’Impresa dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. Il volume si compone di dodici saggi, che vogliono offrire uno spaccato di alcuni dei temi che animano le riflessioni giuscomparatistiche, affrontando questioni di grande attualità nel dibattito dottrinale, nazionale ed internazionale

    The Ethical Consumer and Codes of Ethics in the Fashion Industry

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    Sustainability is a central challenge of the fashion industry. In an era where Internet and social networks allow information to spread quickly, more consumers are familiar with the call for “ethical fashion” as disasters such as Rana Plaza resound worldwide. However, consumers interested in buying “ethical” clothing could have a hard time orienting themselves amongst the abundance of brands claiming to be ethical on the market. Consumers might make purchasing decisions based on their knowledge of a brand. In this context, it is imaginable that corporate social responsibility (CSR) communications, including codes of ethics, could constitute one way a consumer can learn more about a company’s values. These codes may serve a variety of purposes—they are undoubtedly one of the ways a brand communicates its commitment to ethical principles. Indeed, by analyzing the codes of ethics of some of the industry’s well-known brands, it is evident that they primarily focus on employment and workers’ rights (including equality and discrimination issues), labor safety standards, bribery and anti-corruption, counterfeiting and unfair business practices, as well as respect for (and sometimes improvement of) the environment. A company’s code of ethics is also a powerful tool for improving brand image by adopting a code that responds to the issues that consumers care about. It is therefore necessary to distinguish between companies that are truly ethical and those that merely appear so. In order to protect consumer confidence in such documents, a fil rouge across legal systems may be found (although the specific characteristics may vary greatly) in the laws that protect consumers from misleading advertising