16 research outputs found

    The clinical value of avidity test in the management of serologic rubella infection: A case report

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    Yirmi sekiz yaşında gebe hastanın ilk başvurusunda ve gebeliğin 11, 13, 30 ve 36. haftalarında rubella IgM ve IgG testleri pozitif çıktı. Rubella avidite testinin yüksek titreli değer göstermesi üzerine hastanın gebeliği takibe alınarak sağlıklı bir bebek doğurması sağlandı. Rubella enfeksiyonu asemptomatik olabilir ve re-enfeksiyon da subklinik seyir gösterebilir. Rubella antikor titrelerinin tüm gebelik boyunca seyri dikkate alındığında tanıya varmak kolaydır. Kritik nokta hastanın ilk gelişindeki sonuçlarına göre hastalığın durumunu ayırt ederek karar verebilmektir. Avidite testi, bu tip sonuçlar alındığında hasta yönetiminde bize yol gösterecektir.A 28-year-old pregnant woman presented with positive rubella IgM and IgG antibodies at initial admission and at the 11th, 13th, 30th and 36th weeks of gestation. Rubella avidity test revealed high titers and the patient was followed-up to ensure birth of a healthy infant. Rubella infection may be asymptomatic and re-infection may demonstrate a subclinical course. It is easy to make the diagnosis of rubella by following the antibody titers during pregnancy. The critical point in such patients is to differentiate the condition of disease at admission and decide accordingly. Avidity test may be a useful method for the management of such patients

    Effects of an Exhaust System Equipped with a Thermoelectric Generator on Combustion, Performance, Emissions, and Energy Recovery in a Diesel Engine Using Biodiesel

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    The predominance of petroleum-based fuels is lessened by the preference for biodiesel as an alternative. However, one of the adverse effects arising from the use of biodiesel is the formation of waste heat. The novel aspect of this study proposes a sustainable solution that will decelerate global warming by recovering waste heat through a new exhaust design equipped with thermoelectric generators. The study obtained test fuels by blending vegetable-derived biodiesel in five different volumetric ratios (0, 10%, 20%, 50%, and 100%). The experiments were carried out at three different constant engine speeds (1000, 1250, and 1500 RPM) and five different engine loads (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) on a single-cylinder diesel engine. At the end of the experiment, the combustion characteristics, engine performance, exhaust emissions, waste heat values, and electrical energy gained from the thermoelectric system of biodiesel blend fuels compared to diesel were evaluated. Specific fuel consumption, effective efficiency, exhaust gas temperatures, exhaust emissions, and electrical power generation with TEG in the diesel engine were evaluated, focusing on the different biodiesel blend ratios, engine load, and engine speeds

    Diagnosis and Management of Plasenta Previa Percreata: Case Report

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    Plasenta perkreata, sezaryen ile doğum ve diğer uterin girişimlerdeki artış ile beraber olarak son yıllarda daha yaygın görülür hale gelmiştir. Gebelik esnasındaki doğru tanının çok büyük önemi vardır. Doğru yönetilen hastalarda morbidite ve mortalite oranları daha düşüktür. Bu olgu sunumunda perinatoloji kliniğimize yönlendirilen bir plasenta perkreata olgusunun yönetimini sunmaktayız.Placenta percreata becomes more common in the recent years with the increase of cesarean section and other uterine interventions. Diagnosis during pregnancy is very important. Patients with correct management have lower rates of morbidity and mortality. In this case we describe the management of a patient with placenta percreta that was referred to our perinatology clinic

    Single Dose Methotrexate in Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy: Review of 32 Case

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of single dose intramuscular methotrexate in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy.Material and Methods: 32 patients who matched the inclusion criteria were enrolled. Success of treatment was defined as a resolution of ectopic pregnancy without performing surgical intervention. The cases in whom the treatment was successful and those that were not were compared for β-hCG values and clinical features.Results: β-hCG at diagnosis averaged 1293.9 mIU/ml. Of the 32 patients who received methotrexate, 26 were successfully treated. 23 patients (71.8%) received a single dose of methotrexate, 3 patients (9.3%) received an additional dose of methotrexate, 6 patients (18.7%) who had failed methotrexate required surgery for cure. The success rate of single-dose methotrexate was 79.3%. Conclusion: Our study shows that single dose systemic methotrexate treatment can be used as an option in unruptured pregnancies

    Evaluation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Women with Uterine Leimyoma: Is There a Link with Atherosclerosis?

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    Objective: Both uterine leimyoma (UL) and cardiovascular disease are public health problems affecting women at different age ranges. Smoking, obesity, and hypertension have been shown to be associated with UL in different random studies. However cardiovascular risk factors have not been evaluated systematically in patients with UL. Accordingly, we aimed to evaluate the cardiovascular risk factors and their relation with the presence of UL.Material and Methods: One hundred and eighty nine patients with the pathological diagnosis of UL and one hundred and eighty nine age matched control subjects without UL were retrospectively included in the study from our data base of the pathology and gynecology departments. Controls were patients with intact uteri who had visited the same physicians for a routine checkup that included a pelvic examination and uterine sonogram and without mention of physical findings consistent with UL. The following clinical and demographic parameters were recorded; age, sex, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hypercholesterolemia. Current cigarette smoking was defined as active smoking within the past 12 months. Results: Comparison of cardiovascular risk factors between with and without UL revealed that the presence of hypertension (80 (42.3%) vs 53 (28%) p=0.004) diabetes mellitus (33 (17.4%) vs. 16 (8.4%) p=0.009), smoking (31 (16.4%) vs. 11 (5.8%) p=0.001), were significantly higher in patients with UL than in control subjects. The mean-age and presence of hyperlipidemia were comparable between the two groups. Logistic regression analysis revealed an independent and positive association of UL with the presence of hypertension (odds ratio 2.02 CI: 1.25-3.27 p=0.004), diabetes mellitus (odds ratio 2.43 CI: 1.23-4.79 p=0.010), and smoking status (odds ratio 3.46 CI: 1.65-7.22 p=0.001).Conclusion: We have shown that major cardiovascular risk factors namely, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and smoking are significantly and independently associated with UL. Our findings highlight the possible association of UL with atherosclerosis