91 research outputs found

    Incidencia del análisis financiero en el manejo de las provisiones para la cartera de crédito de financiera APRECIA durante el I semestre 2016

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    Dentro del mundo empresarial especialmente en un mercado financiero inestable como lo es en la mayoría de los países en vías de desarrollo, el proceso de investigación es indispensable para el surgimiento de nuevas temáticas que son objeto de estudio, debido a que permiten conocer la situación económica de las instituciones como también los resultados que se pueden obtener ya sea a mediano o a largo plazo, para determinar la clientela potencial y disminuir el riesgo crediticio y operativo debiéndose valorar la relación que existirá entre la institución y los clientes.Por lo tanto haciendo uso de las técnicas de investigación se decide investigar como incide el análisis financiero en el manejo de las provisiones para la cartera de crédito de financiera APRECIA durante el primer semestre 2016, debido a que esta institución no cuenta con un área de finanzas ni tampoco con una persona encargada de realizar análisis financiero por lo tanto con este estudio se quiere crear un elemento más para la recolección y análisis de datos de clientes que estén orientados a la productividad, potencialidad, sustento y estatus económico.Esta investigación será de provecho para el funcionamiento de la institución de la cual el principal giro es el otorgamiento de créditos el cual genera la liquidez de la financiera, por lo tanto esto ayuda en gran manera ya que tanto el gerente de crédito y contador podrán realizar análisis financiero y provisionar la cartera mediante la recolección de datos de cada cliente y por lo tanto tendrán la certeza de poder medir el riesgo crediticio y el rendimiento de manera rápida y eficaz. Aunque es difícil lograr transparencia cuando no existe consenso sobre los indicadores como son la medición de desempeño y las prácticas de cumplimiento del manejo y flujo de la información los cuales deben ser denominados y calculados para medir la situación financiera, el riesgo y el rendimiento aumenta en gran escala

    Incidencia del análisis financiero en el manejo de las provisiones para la cartera de crédito de financiera APRECIA durante el primer semestre 2016

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    El trabajo Investigativo elaborado en la financiera APRECIA se ejecutó con el propósito de determinar la incidencia del análisis financiero en el manejo de las provisiones para la cartera de crédito de la financiera APRECIA durante el primer semestre 2016. Según el problema de investigación y los objetivos propuestos el enfoque es cualitativo. En la investigación se plantearon los métodos teóricos y empíricos los cuales permitieron reunir toda la información necesaria para la realización de dicho trabajo como son guías de observación, entrevistas y guías de revisión documental los que facilitaron el proceso. Los resultados de esta investigación permitieron definir las debilidades que tiene financiera APRECIA en cuanto al manejo de las provisiones

    Collective religiosity and the gender gap in attitudes towards economic redistribution in 86 countries, 1990-2008

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    What is the relationship between gender and the demand for redistribution? Because, on average, women face more economic deprivation than men, in many countries women favor redistribution more than men. However, this is not the case in a number of other countries, where women do not support redistribution more than men. To explain this cross-national paradox, we stress the role of collective religiosity. In many religions, theological principles both militate against public policies designed to redistribute income, and also promote traditionally gendered patterns of work and family involvement. Hence, we hypothesize that, in those countries where religion remains influential either through closer church-state ties or an intensely religious population, men and women should differ less in their attitudes towards redistribution. Drawing upon the World Values Survey, we estimate three-level regression models that test our religiosity-based approach and two alternative explanations in 86 countries and 175 country-years. The results are consistent with our hypothesis. Moreover, in further support of our theoretical approach, societal religiosity undermines pro-redistribution preferences more among women than men. Our findings suggest that collective religiosity matters more to the gender gap in redistributive attitudes than traditional political and labor force factors. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This project was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CSO2011-29346)

    Pleiotrophin as a central nervous system neuromodulator, evidences from the hippocampus

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    Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a secreted growth factor, and also a cytokine, associated with the extracellular matrix, which has recently starting to attract attention as a significant neuromodulator with multiple neuronal functions during development. PTN is expressed in several tissues, where its signals are generally related with cell proliferation, growth, and differentiation by acting through different receptors. In Central Nervous System (CNS), PTN exerts post-developmental neurotrophic and -protective effects, and additionally has been involved in neurodegenerative diseases and neural disorders. Studies in Drosophila shed light on some aspects of the different levels of regulatory control of PTN invertebrate homologs. Specifically in hippocampus, recent evidence from PTN Knock-out (KO) mice involves PTN functioning in learning and memory. In this paper, we summarize, discuss, and contrast the most recent advances and results that lead to proposing a PTN as a neuromodulatory molecule in the CNS, particularly in hippocampus

    The Role of the miR-17-92 Cluster in Autophagy and Atherosclerosis Supports Its Link to Lysosomal Storage Diseases

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    Establishing the role of non-coding RNA (ncRNA), especially microRNAs (miRNAs), in the regulation of cell function constitutes a current research challenge. Two to six miRNAs can act in clusters; particularly, the miR-17-92 family, composed of miR-17, miR-18a, miR-19a, miR-20a, miR-19b-1, and miR-92a is well-characterized. This cluster functions during embryonic development in cell differentiation, growth, development, and morphogenesis and is an established oncogenic cluster. However, its role in the regulation of cellular metabolism, mainly in lipid metabolism and autophagy, has received less attention. Here, we argue that the miR-17-92 cluster is highly relevant for these two processes, and thus, could be involved in the study of pathologies derived from lysosomal deficiencies. Lysosomes are related to both processes, as they control cholesterol flux and regulate autophagy. Accordingly, we compiled, analyzed, and discussed current evidence that highlights the cluster's fundamental role in regulating cellular energetic metabolism (mainly lipid and cholesterol flux) and atherosclerosis, as well as its critical participation in autophagy regulation. Because these processes are closely related to lysosomes, we also provide experimental data from the literature to support our proposal that the miR-17-92 cluster could be involved in the pathogenesis and effects of lysosomal storage diseases (LSD)

    Análise de alguns indicadores bibliométricos da Revista Información Científica da Universidade Médica de Guantánamo

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    Introduction: bibliometrics is used to evaluate scientific areas, and is a reliable and universal method to measure the productivity of a sector. In the same way, it determines that bibliometric studies are increasingly required and used, a fact that is generalized in scientifically developed countries. Objective: to evaluate the scientific activity and the information production of the Scientific Information Magazine during the year 2011. Method: a bibliometric and descriptive study was carried out of the articles published in the RIC of the medical university of Guantánamo during the year 2011, through the network, between January 15 and February 5, 2012. The 149 articles published in the aforementioned period were reviewed from the network. The variables studied were: type of documents, sex, number of authors per article, municipalities and institutions where the research was carried out, number of bibliographic references used and degree of update. Results: the original articles were the most published, with a predominance of female authors and group authorship of four and five researchers per article. Guantanamo is the municipality that contributed most with jobs; the Medical University and the Provincial Teaching General Hospital are the institutions with the greatest contribution. There was a predominance in the use of updated bibliographical references, which reinforces the credibility, validity and scientific rigor of this Guantanamera magazine. Conclusions: the RIC in its 18 years of existence has been able to consolidate. The novel elements contributed by this study, which had not been investigated until now, are valuable data for the information policy of the institution and ensure that the official organ of health professionals in Guantanamo gain in prestige and quality.Introducción: la bibliometría se utiliza para evaluar áreas científicas, y resulta un método confiable y universal para medir la productividad de un sector. De la misma manera, determina que los estudios bibliométricos sean cada vez más requeridos y utilizados, hecho que se generaliza en los países científicamente con mayor desarrollo. Objetivo: evaluar la actividad científica y la producción de información de la Revista Información Científica durante el año 2011. Método: se realizó un estudio bibliométrico y descriptivo, de los artículos publicados en la RIC de la universidad médica de Guantánamo durante el año 2011, a través de la red, entre el 15 de enero y el 5 de febrero de 2012. Se revisaron desde la red los 149 artículos publicados en el período mencionado. Las variables estudiadas fueron: tipo de documentos, sexo, número de autores por artículos, municipios e instituciones donde se realizaron las investigaciones, cantidad de referencias bibliográficas utilizadas y grado de actualización. Resultados: los artículos originales fueron los más publicados, con predominio de autores del sexo femenino y autoría grupal de cuatro y cinco investigadores por artículo. Guantánamo es el municipio que más contribuyó con trabajos; la Universidad Médica y el Hospital General Docente provincial son las instituciones de mayor aporte. Hubo predominio en el uso de las referencias bibliográficas actualizadas, lo que refuerza la credibilidad, validez y rigor científico de esta revista guantanamera. Conclusiones: la RIC en sus 18 años de existencia ha sabido consolidarse. Los elementos novedosos aportados por este estudio, y que no habían sido investigados hasta ahora, constituyen datos valiosos para la política de información de la institución y lograr que el órgano oficial de los profesionales de la salud en Guantánamo gane en prestigio y calidad.Introdução: a bibliometria é usada para avaliar áreas científicas e é um método confiável e universal para medir a produtividade de um setor. Da mesma forma, determina que os estudos bibliométricos sejam cada vez mais necessários e utilizados, fato generalizado nos países cientificamente desenvolvidos. Objetivo: avaliar a atividade científica e a produção de informação da revista Scientific Information durante o ano de 2011. Método: foi realizado um estudo bibliométrico e descritivo dos artigos publicados na RIC da universidade médica de Guantánamo durante o ano de 2011, através da rede, entre 15 de janeiro e 5 de fevereiro de 2012. Os 149 artigos publicados no período supracitado foram revisados da rede. As variáveis estudadas foram: tipo de documentos, sexo, número de autores por artigo, municípios e instituições onde a pesquisa foi realizada, número de referências bibliográficas utilizadas e grau de atualização. Resultados: os artigos originais foram os mais publicados, com predominância de autores femininos e autoria de grupo de quatro e cinco pesquisadores por artigo. Guantánamo é o município que mais contribuiu com empregos; a Universidade Médica e o Hospital Geral Provincial de Ensino são as instituições com maior contribuição. Houve predomínio no uso de referências bibliográficas atualizadas, o que reforça a credibilidade, validade e rigor científico desta revista Guantanamera. Conclusões: o RIC em seus 18 anos de existência conseguiu consolidar. Os elementos novos contribuídos por este estudo, que não haviam sido investigados até agora, são dados valiosos para a política de informação da instituição e garantem que o órgão oficial dos profissionais de saúde em Guantánamo ganhe em prestígio e qualidade

    Analgesia interpleural con Morfina y Bupivacaína en el neumotórax

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    Introduction:interpleural block offers postoperative analgesia with significant results in surgical interventions. Objective:to evaluate the benefits of interpleural block with 0.5 % Bupivacaine and Morphine by means of interpleural catheter in patients operated on pneumothorax pain relief. Method:an observational, analytical study of cases and controls was carried out in patients undergoing emergency surgery for pneumothorax at Abel Santamaria Cuadrado general teaching hospital, from January to October 2018. The patients were randomized 1:1 (20 cases / 20 controls). Results:a predominance of patients over 65 years of age was found. Pulmonary emphysema predominated (40 % in the case group / 50 % in the controls). ASA II patients predominated. No significant variations were found in the hemodynamic parameters or their association with the type of analgesia (p> 0,05). It was found that the quality of analgesia evaluated and the type of analgesia applied showed a significant relationship (p = 0,0001). In the case group, nausea (0,5 %) and hypotension (0,5 %) predominated; and in controls the tachycardia (75 %). Conclusions:the administration of Bupivacaine and Morphine using interpleural catheter in patients operated on pneumothorax presented good results with few complications, stable hemodynamic parameters and satisfactory postoperative analgesia.Introducción:el bloqueo interpleural ofrece una analgesia posoperatoria con resultados significativos en las intervenciones quirúrgicas.Objetivo: evaluar los beneficios del bloqueo interpleural con Bupivacaina al 0.5% y morfina por catéter Interpleural en pacientes intervenidos por neumotórax para el alivio del dolor.Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico de casos y controles, en pacientes intervenidos de urgencia por neumotórax en el Hospital Provincial “Abel Santamaría Cuadrado”, desde enero y hasta octubre de 2018. Los pacientes fueron tomados de forma aleatoria simple 1:1 (20 casos /20 controles). Resultando:Se encontró un predominio de pacientes mayores de 65 años de edad. Predominó como comorbilidad el enfisema pulmonar (40 % en el grupo casos/ 50 % en los controles). Predominaron los pacientes ASA II. No se encontraron variaciones significativas en los parámetros hemodinámicos ni su asociación con el tipo de analgesia (p>0,05). Se encontró que la calidad de la analgesia evaluada y el tipo de analgesia empleada mostraron una relación significativa (p=0,0001). En el grupo casos predominaron las náuseas (0,5 %) y la hipotensión (0,5 %); y en los controles la taquicardia (75 %).Conclusiones:la administración de Bupivacaina y morfina por catéter Interpleural en pacientes intervenidos por neumotórax se encuentran buenos resultados al presentarse pocas complicaciones, mantenerse estables los parámetros hemodinámicos y obtenerse una analgesia posoperatoria satisfactori

    Cognitive Decline and BPSD Are Concomitant with Autophagic and Synaptic Deficits Associated with G9a Alterations in Aged SAMP8 Mice

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    Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are presented in 95% of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) patients and are also associated with neurotrophin deficits. The molecular mechanisms leading to age-related diseases are still unclear; however, emerging evidence has suggested that epigenetic modulation is a key pathophysiological basis of ageing and neurodegeneration. In particular, it has been suggested that G9a methyltransferase and its repressive histone mark (H3K9me2) are important in shaping learning and memory by modulating autophagic activity and synaptic plasticity. This work deepens our understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms underlying the loss of cognitive function and BPSD in AD. For this purpose, several tasks were performed to evaluate the parameters of sociability (three-chamber test), aggressiveness (resident intruder), anxiety (elevated plus maze and open field) and memory (novel object recognition test) in mice, followed by the evaluation of epigenetic, autophagy and synaptic plasticity markers at the molecular level. The behavioural alterations presented by senescence-accelerated mice prone 8 (SAMP8) of 12 months of age compared with their senescence-accelerated mouse resistant mice (SAMR1), the healthy control strain was accompanied by age-related cognitive deficits and alterations in epigenetic markers. Increased levels of G9a are concomitant to the dysregulation of the JNK pathway in aged SAMP8, driving a failure in autophagosome formation. Furthermore, lower expression of the genes involved in the memory-consolidation process modulated by ERK was observed in the aged male SAMP8 model, suggesting the implication of G9a. In any case, two of the most important neurotrophins, namely brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) and neurotrophin-3 (NT3), were found to be reduced, along with a decrease in the levels of dendritic branching and spine density presented by SAMP8 mice. Thus, the present study characterizes and provides information regarding the non-cognitive and cognitive states, as well as molecular alterations, in aged SAMP8, demonstrating the AD-like symptoms presented by this model. In any case, our results indicate that higher levels of G9a are associated with autophagic deficits and alterations in synaptic plasticity, which could further explain the BPSD and cognitive decline exhibited by the model

    The impact of type 2 immunity and allergic diseases in atherosclerosis.

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    Allergic diseases are allergen-induced immunological disorders characterized by the development of type 2 immunity and IgE responses. The prevalence of allergic diseases has been on the rise alike cardiovascular disease (CVD), which affects arteries of different organs such as the heart, the kidney and the brain. The underlying cause of CVD is often atherosclerosis, a disease distinguished by endothelial dysfunction, fibrofatty material accumulation in the intima of the artery wall, smooth muscle cell proliferation, and Th1 inflammation. The opposed T-cell identity of allergy and atherosclerosis implies an atheroprotective role for Th2 cells by counteracting Th1 responses. Yet, the clinical association between allergic disease and CVD argues against it. Within, we review different phases of allergic pathology, basic immunological mechanisms of atherosclerosis and the clinical association between allergic diseases (particularly asthma, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and food allergy) and CVD. Then, we discuss putative atherogenic mechanisms of type 2 immunity and allergic inflammation including acute allergic reactions (IgE, IgG1, mast cells, macrophages and allergic mediators such as vasoactive components, growth factors and those derived from the complement, contact and coagulation systems) and late phase inflammation (Th2 cells, eosinophils, type 2 innate-like lymphoid cells, alarmins, IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13 and IL-17).Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, Grant/Award Number: CEX2020-001041- S; Pro CNIC Foundation; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant/ Award Number: PID2019-110369RB- I00; European Commission, Grant/Award Number: ERC-CoG 819775 and H2020-HEALTH 945118; Spanish Ministry of Universities; Ayudas Margarita Salas para la Formación de Jóvenes Doctores—Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Grant/ Award Number: CA1/RSUE/2021–00577; Formación de Profesorado Universitario, Grant/Award Number: FPU16/03953; Sociedad Española de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica (SEAIC), Grant/ Award Number: BECA20A9; New Frontiers in Research Fund, Grant/ Award Number: NFRFE-2019- 00083; The Nutricia Research Foundation, Grant/Award Number: NRF-2021- 13; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Number: PI21/00158, PI21/01126, CP20/00043, PI18/01467, PI19/00044, RD16/0006/0015 and RD21/0002/0008; Severo Ochoa Program, Grant/Award Number: AEI/SEV-2017- 0712S

    Temporal Integrative Analysis of mRNA and microRNAs Expression Profiles and Epigenetic Alterations in Female SAMP8, a Model of Age-Related Cognitive Decline

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    A growing body of research shows that epigenetic mechanisms are critically involved in normal and pathological aging. The Senescence-Accelerated Mouse Prone 8 (SAMP8) can be considered a useful tool to better understand the dynamics of the global epigenetic landscape during the aging process since its phenotype is not fully explained by genetic factors. Here we investigated dysfunctional age-related transcriptional profiles and epigenetic programming enzymes in the hippocampus of 2- and 9-month-old SAMP8 female mice using the Senescent-Accelerated Resistant 1 (SAMR1) mouse strain as control. SAMP8 mice presented 1,062 genes dysregulated at 2 months of age, and 1,033 genes at 9 months, with 92 genes concurrently dysregulated at both ages compared to age-matched SAMR1. SAMP8 mice showed a significant decrease in global DNA methylation (5-mC) at 2 months while hydroxymethylation (5-hmC) levels were increased in SAMP8 mice at 2 and 9 months of age compared to SAMR1. These changes were accompanied by changes in the expression of several enzymes that regulate 5-mC and methylcytosine oxidation. Acetylated H3 and H4 histone levels were significantly diminished in SAMP8 mice at 2-month-old compared to SAMR1 and altered Histone DeACetylase (HDACs) profiles were detected in both young and old SAMP8 mice. We analyzed 84 different mouse miRNAs known to be altered in neurological diseases or involved in neuronal development. Compared with SAMR1, SAMP8 mice showed 28 and 17 miRNAs differentially expressed at 2 and 9 months of age, respectively; 6 of these miRNAs overlapped at both ages. We used several bioinformatic approaches to integrate our data in mRNA:miRNA regulatory networks and functional predictions for young and aged animals. In sum, our study reveals interplay between epigenetic mechanisms and gene networks that seems to be relevant for the progression toward a pathological aging and provides several potential markers and therapeutic candidates for Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and age-related cognitive impairment