1,424 research outputs found

    A satellite-based low-level stratus detection in Spain

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXXIII Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XIV Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Oviedo, del 7 al 9 de abril de 2014

    The effectiveness of a training programme in everyday cognition in healthy older adults: a randomised controlled trial

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    Everyday cognition is the application of basic cognitive skills and knowledge of the specific cognitive domain for the resolution of problems that are integrated within the instrumental domains of functioning. The main objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of a Training Programme in Everyday Cognition in order to improve the levels of everyday cognition and global cognitive performance in older adults. Methods A randomised controlled trial of two groups. The sample was composed of healthy older adults. The intervention of the experimental group consisted of an Everyday Cognition Training Programme, and the intervention of the control group consisted of a Conventional Cognitive Training Programme. The Rapid Assessment of Cognitive Functions test (ERFC) and the Everyday Cognition Battery test (ECB) were used to assess the intervention. Results Total sample (n = 237) composed of 44 men and 223 women, with a mean age of 73.45 years. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) were evidenced between the control group and the experimental group in both the ECB and ERFC; in the final evaluation of the study and in the follow-up. Conclusion The use of a Daily Cognition Training Programme presents greater benefits in terms of both global cognitive performance and everyday cognition than the use of a Conventional Cognitive Training Programme in elderly adults

    La alfabetización en Educación Infantil como práctica social en zonas en riesgo de exclusión social

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    La alfabetización en espacios urbanos en los que concurren situaciones estructurales de pobreza y marginación social requiere de un conocimiento profundo de las prácticas y eventos que tienen lugar en dichos espacios. Esta investigación describe los eventos alfabetizadores y su valor social en los dominios hogar, escuela, barrio y otras comunidades. Se ha desarrollado según un enfoque etnográfico colaborativo con un diseño de estudio de casos múltiples, representados por tres centros de Educación Infantil de la provincia de Sevilla. La recogida de información se ha realizado mediante entrevistas, observación participante, documentos, fotografías y vídeos, y ha concluido con la construcción de mapping. El análisis crítico del discurso y la perspectiva aportada por los Nuevos Estudios de Literacidad (NEL) han servido de referente para el análisis de la información recogida. Los resultados muestran que el desarrollo de la alfabetización puede ser explicado a partir del modo en que se interiorizan los valores sociales de la lectura y la escritura. El valor concedido a la alfabetización en diferentes dominios se convertirá en un factor clave de la escolarización y en un referente del contenido del discurso y de los modos y medios elegidos para comunicarlo.Literacy in urban spaces where there are structural and social risks requires a thorough knowledge of the practices and events that take place in these spaces. The research carried out aims to describe the literacy events and its social value in home domain, school, neighbourhood and other communities. The research has been developed according to a collaborative ethnographic approach with a multiple case study design. The cases are represented by three Pre-school schools of the province of Seville. The collection of information has been done through interviews, participant observation, written documents, photographs, and videos, and has concluded with the construction of mapping. The critical analysis of the discourse and the theoretical perspective provided by the New Literacy Studies (NLS) have been used to analyse the information collected. The results of this study show that the development of literacy can be explained by the way in which each of the children interferes with the social values of reading and writing. The value accorded to literacy at home, in school, in the neighbourhood and in other communities becomes a key factor in their schooling and, in the medium term, in a reference of the content of their discourse and the ways and means chose to communicate it

    Assessment of atmospheric air pollution in Himalaya through simultaneous determination of oxidation PAHs products using lichens as bioindicators

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    The method has implied the DSASE extraction with toluene as solvent; the SPE as clean-up step using NH2 cartridge and GC-MS ion trap system was used as detection method in chemical ionization mode. The final concentrations were around 7.694 to 0.833 &mu;g g-1 for oxoPAHs and 1.627 to 0.332 &mu;g g-1 for nitroPAH

    Water supply in the genesis of the city: the conventual models of Seville and Malaga

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    El abastecimiento de agua, al igual que otros servicios utilitarios de las ciudades, constituye una parte fundamental de su desarrollo y crecimiento. Por ello, conocer y valorar los orígenes de estas infraestructuras permite descubrir ciertas dinámicas heredadas en la ciudad contemporánea. Las ciudades de Sevilla y Málaga constituyen dos claros —aunque dispares— ejemplos de organización de la ciudad conventual andaluza. Por este motivo, el análisis en paralelo de su evolución en el transcurso de los siglos xviii y xix, nos permite comprender cómo sus estructuras de abastecimiento circulan en paralelo a la estructura de poder de la ciudad. Dichas tramas desvelan claves acerca de cuáles fueron los motivos y patrones que determinaron su crecimiento. Esta visión de la ciudad histórica, desde sus redes y nodos infraestructurales pone en valor espacios ahora anónimos que, sin embargo, gozaron de gran importancia, valor útil, simbólico y social tiempo atrás.Water supply, like other utilitarian services in cities, is a fundamental part of their development and growth. Therefore, knowing and assessing the origin of these infrastructures allows us to discover certain inherited dynamics of the contemporary city. The cities of Seville and Malaga are two clear –though different– examples of the arrangement of the Andalusian conventual city. Thus, the parallel analysis of their evolution, throughout the 18th and 19th Centuries, lets us understand how their supply networks circulate in parallel with the power structure of the city. These structures reveal keys on the reasons and patterns that determined growth in both cities. The perspective of the historical city viewed from its networks and infrastructural nodes, gives value to spaces that had great significance, with useful, symbolic and social importance during the past, but are anonymous at present time
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