5 research outputs found

    Effects of diosmine-hesperidine on experimental colonic anastomosis

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    Aim: Our goal was to determine the effects of a diosmine-hesperidine combination on wound healing in a rat model of colonic anastomosis. Materials and methods: In this study, 20 Wistar Albino female rats were randomized into four experimental groups containing fi ve rats in each group. A segment of 1 cm of colon was excised 4 cm proximally to the peritoneal refl ection in all rats without carrying out any mechanical or antibacterial bowel preparation. Colonic anastomosis was performed with interrupted, inverting sutures of 6/0 polypropylene. Beginning from the fi rst postoperative day, the rats in Groups II and IV received 100 mg/kg per day of diosmine-hesperidine via orogastic route by 4F fi ne feeding catheter. Results: A signifi cant difference was detected between groups in terms of their hydroxyproline levels (p<0.05); the hydroxyproline level of Group I was signifi cantly lower than that of the other groups while no signifi cant difference was noted between Groups II and III. Conclusion: The administration of diosmine-hesperidine increased the amount of collagen and bursting pressures at the anastomotic site and thus had favorable infl uences on the healing of colonic anastomosis

    Ultrastructural view of a promising anti TNF-alpha agent on hepatic ischaemia reperfusion injury

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    BACKGROUND: Ischemia reperfusion causes injury to the liver cells during transplantation, trauma and emergency surgery. We investigated whether the anti TNF-alpha agent, etanercept, can reduce injury in an animal model of ischemia reperfusion owing to the fact that TNF-alpha plays a critical role in the process of inflammation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty rats were divided into three groups: sham (Group 1), control (Group 2), etanercept (5 mg/kg) treatment (Group 3). Ischemia-reperfusion model was carried out by clamping the hepatic pedicle for 45 min and then reperfusing the liver for 60 min. Etanercept (5 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally 5 min prior to reperfusion. At the end of the procedures, blood and liver tissue samples were obtained for biochemical and histopathological assessment. RESULTS: Control and treatment groups showed significant differences in hepatic function tests, plasma and tissue oxidative stress parameters. Samples in the control group histopathologically showed morphologic abnormalities specific to ischemia reperfusion. Histomorphologic findings in the treatment groups showed similar features as the sham group. CONCLUSIONS: Our evidence suggests that TNF-alpha plays a key role in liver ischemia reperfusion injury and etanercept may provide a novel therapeutic approach for patients undergoing liver surgical procedure

    Fibrin Glue's Intraabdominal Adhesion Creation Potential:Experimental Study

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    AMAÇ: Çalışmamızda abdominal operasyon yapılan sıçanlarda, hemostatik ajan olarak kullanılan Fibrin Glue(Tisseel)'nin operasyon sonrası intraabdominal adezyon oluşturma potansiyelini değerlendirdik.GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMLER: SB Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniği'nde planlanan çalışmada, 30 (otuz) adet Wistar Albino cinsi dişi rat kullanıldı. Ratlar randomize olarak, 10'ar ratdan oluşan 3 gruba ayrıldı. Sham grubuna; laparotomi çekumun dışarı alınması ve yeniden batına gönderilmesi işlemi uygulandı.Kontrol grubuna; çekal abrazyon karşı peritondan 1x1 cm eksizyon işlemi, Fibrin Glue grubuna ise; çekal abrazyon karşı peritondan 1x1 cm eksizyon ve çekum üzerine Figrin Glue uygulaması yapıldı. Postoperatif 21. Günde ratlar yüksek doz anestezik verilerek sakrifiye edildi. Laparotomi esnasında adezyon skorlaması; yaygınlık, görünüm ve uygulanan kuvvete karşı direncin temel alındığı adezyon skorlaması; gruplar hakkında bilgisi olmayan bir cerrahi ekip tarafından; yaygınlığın, görünümün ve uygulanan kuvvete karşı direncin temel olarak alındığı bir yöntemle yapıldı. Periton ve çekumdan alınan doku örnekleri histopatolojik incelemeye gönderildi.BULGULAR: Adezyon skoru değerlendirmesinde, tüm gruplar Kruskal -Wallis Testi ile genel karşılaştırıldığında; Sham, Kontrol ve Fibrin Glue grupları arasında istatistiksel anlamlı fark bulundu (p 0.003). Mann-Whitney Testi ile yapılan ikili karşılaştırmalarda; Sham ve Kontrol grupları arasında istatistiksel anlamlı fark olduğu (p 0.013), Sham ve Fibrin Glue grupları arasında da anlamlı fark olduğu görüldü (p 0.001). Ancak Kontrol ve Fibrin Glue grupları arasında anlamlı istatistiksel fark bulunmadı (p0.05). Fibrin Glue grubunun adezyon skor ortalaması, Kontrol grubundan daha yüksek idi. Histopatolojik değerlendirme sonuçları için tüm gruplar Kruskal-Wallis Testi ile genel karşılaştırıldığında; Sham, Kontrol ve Fibrin Glue grupları arasında inflamasyon ve fibrozis açısından anlamlı fark olduğu (Fibrozis için p0.001, inflamasyon için p0.014) tespit edildi. Mann-Whitney Testi ile ikili grup karşılaştırılmalarında; Sham ve Kontrol grubu arasında anlamlı fark görüldü (inflamasyon için p0.022, fibrozis için p0.001), Sham ve Fibrin Glue grupları arasında da anlamlı fark görüldü( inflamasyon için p0.006, fibrozis için p0.002). Kontrol ve Fibrin Glue grupları arasında anlamlı fark yoktu (p0.05). Ancak, Fibrin Glue grubundaki inflamasyon ve fibrozis skor ortalamaları Kontrol grubundaki değerlerden daha yüksek idi. SONUÇ: Fibrin Glue (Tisseel)'nun intraabdominal yapışıklık oluşturma potansiyeli deneysel olarak değerlendirilmiş, makroskobik ve mikroskobik olarak yapılan karşılaştırmalarda; Sham, Kontrol grubu ve Fibrin Glue (Tisseel) grupları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. Ancak, insanlardaki abdominal cerrahilerde olası adezyon potansiyelinin değerlendirilebilmesi için denek sayısının fazla olduğu daha kapsamlı çalışmalara ihtiyaç olduğu kanaatindeyiz.OBJECTIVE: In our study, we evaluated the potential of intraabdominal adhesion of fibrin glue (Tisseel), which is used as a hemostatic agent in rats undergoing abdominal surgery.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty (30) female Wistar Albino rats were used in the study which was planned at the General Surgery Clinic of the Ankara Training and Research Hospital. The rats were randomly divided into 3 groups, each consisting of 10 rats. Sham group: Laparotomy withdrawal of the graft and resuscitation was performed. Control group: 1x1 cm excision process from cecal abrasion counterperiton. Fibrin Glue group; cecal abrasion 1x1 cm excision from the peritoneum and Fibrin Glue were applied on the cecum. On postoperative day 21, the rats were sacrificed by high dose anesthetic. Adhesion scoring during laparotomy; the prevalence, appearance, and resistance to applied force are based on adhesion scoring; by a surgical team without information about the groups; the appearance, and the resistance against the applied perspiration were used as a basis. Tissue specimens taken from the peritoneum and cecum were sent to a histopathological examination.RESULTS: When all groups were compared with the Kruskal-Wallis test in evaluating the adhesion score. There was statistically significant difference between sham, control and fibrin glue groups (p 0.003). In the binary comparisons made with the Mann-Whitney Test; There was a statistically significant difference between sham and control groups (p 0.013), and there was also a significant difference between sham and fibrin glue groups (p 0.001). However, there was no statistically significant difference between Control and Fibrin Glue groups (p> 0.05). The adhesion score average of the fibrin glue group was higher than the control group. When all groups were compared with Kruskal-Wallis test for histopathological evaluation results; There was a significant difference between the sham, control and fibrin glue groups in terms of inflammation and fibrosis (p 0.001 for fibrosis, p 0.014 for inflammation). Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the two groups; There was a significant difference between sham and control group (p 0.022 for inflammation, p 0.001 for fibrosis) and a significant difference between sham and fibrin glue groups (p 0.006 for inflammation and p 0.002 for fibrosis). There was no significant difference between control and fibrin glue groups (p> 0.05). However, the mean scores of inflammation and fibrosis in the fibrin glue group were higher than those in the Control group.CONCLUSION: Fibrin glue (Tisseel) has been experimentally evaluated in terms of the potential for intraabdominal adhesion formation, macroscopically and microscopically, There was a statistically significant difference between sham, control group and fibrin glue (Tisseel) groups. However, we believe that there is a need for more extensive studies to assess the potential adhesion of abdominal surgeons in humans

    The Effect of Calcium Dobesilate on Liver Damage in Experimental Obstructive Jaundice

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    Purpose/Aim of the study: Inflammation and oxidative stress are two significant factors affecting the degree of liver damage in obstructive jaundice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of calcium dobesilate (CaDob), an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drug, on damage to liver caused by experimental obstructive jaundice. Materials and Methods: 30 rats in total were randomly placed into three groups, each group consisting of 10 rats. The sham group (Group 1) only received solely laparotomy. In the control group (Group 2), ligation was applied to the biliary tract and no treatment was implemented. In the CaDob group (Group 3), following ligation of the biliary tract, 100 mg/kg/day CaDob was implemented via an orogastric tube for a 10–day period. Liver tissue and blood samples were taken for histopathological and biochemical examination. Results: The CaDob group had significantly lower test values for serum liver functions when compared to the control group. Statistically lower levels of tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) and fluorescent oxidation products (FOP) were detected in the CaDob group, and the CaDob group had significantly higher levels of sulfydryl (SH) than the control group. Histopathological scores in the CaDob group were found out to be statistically less than the scores the control group received (p < 0.05). Conclusions: CaDob treatment repaired the histpatological changes induced by bile duct ligation. The hepatoprotective effects of CaDob can be associated with its antioxidant properties of the drug