2 research outputs found

    Factors and improvments for success in crop production : a survey conducted in the County of Södermanland

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    I det hĂ€r arbetet har det gjorts en övergripande undersökning om vilka framgĂ„ngsfaktorer och förbĂ€ttringsĂ„tgĂ€rder, som har störst betydelse för lantbrukare i Södermanland. Studien grundar sig pĂ„ fyra frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som berör olika Ă„tgĂ€rder inom vĂ€xtodling och ifrĂ„gasĂ€tter deras betydelse i vĂ€xtodlingsproduktion. MĂ„let med studien Ă€r att presentera förbĂ€ttringsĂ„tgĂ€rder som leder till framgĂ„ng inom vĂ€xtodling som gĂ„r att styrka genom litteraturstudien samt svar frĂ„n en enkĂ€tundersökning. Studien Ă€r avgrĂ€nsad till faktorer som enbart berör högre skörd och geografiskt enbart till Södermanland. Litteraturstudien innehĂ„ller fakta om nĂ„gra vanligt förekommande faktorer, som behövs för att ge hög avkastning. De faktorer som beskrivs Ă€r organisk gödsel, drĂ€nering och kalkning och vad dessa har för effekt i marken och vĂ€xtodlingen. Till enkĂ€tundersökningen valdes 20 lantbrukare ut som över telefon blev tillfrĂ„gade om att fĂ„ delta i undersökningen. Nitton lantbrukare tackade ja och fick enkĂ€ten utskickad pĂ„ mail för att fylla i svar och sedan returnera. Tretton enkĂ€tsvar kom in som sammanstĂ€llts och presenteras i resultatdelen. Diskussionen jĂ€mför fakta frĂ„n litteraturstudien med svaren frĂ„n lantbrukarna. I diskussionen har följande frĂ„gor behandlats: ‱ Är tillförsel av organiska gödselmedel en viktig framgĂ„ngsfaktor för att nĂ„ högre avkastning? ‱ Är markförbĂ€ttrande Ă„tgĂ€rder i form av kalkning viktigt för att kunna skapa bra odlingsförhĂ„llanden och bygga upp högre skörd frĂ„n grunden? ‱ Kan markavvattning ses som en grundlĂ€ggande faktor för att nĂ„ framgĂ„ng inom vĂ€xtodling? ‱ Vilka framgĂ„ngsfaktorer anser lantbrukare i Södermanland vara viktigast? Resultatet frĂ„n enkĂ€tundersökningen i jĂ€mförelse med de Ă„tgĂ€rder som presenteras i litteraturstudien visar pĂ„ stor betydelse av struktur- och markförbĂ€ttrande Ă„tgĂ€rder i vĂ€xtodlingen. Lantbrukare i Södermanland bör tillföra organisk gödsel i större utstrĂ€ckning för att bibehĂ„lla mullhalt och bördighet i jorden. Kalkning bör genomföras regelbundet för att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla rĂ€tt pH-vĂ€rde. DrĂ€nering i form av tĂ€ckdikning bör lĂ€ggas för att vĂ€rna om markstrukturen i de styva lerjordarna. Slutsatsen blir dĂ€rför att struktur- och markförbĂ€ttrande förbĂ€ttringsĂ„tgĂ€rder Ă€r de absolut viktigaste faktorerna för att nĂ„ framgĂ„ng inom vĂ€xtodling i Södermanland.In this project, an overall survey has been made focusing on which success factors and improvement measures that are important in Södermanland. The study is based on four questions concerning different crop cultivation measures and questioning their importance in crop production. The aim of the study is to present improvement measures that lead to success in crop production that can be strengthened through the literature study as well as answers from a survey. The study is limited to factors that concern increased yield and geographically only to Södermanland.. The study describes what effect organic fertilizers, drainage and liming have in soil and plant cultivation. For the survey, 20 farmers were selected and asked over the phone to participate in the survey. Nineteen farmers said yes and received the questionnaire on mail to fill in replies and then return. Thirteen questionnaire replies came in as compiled and presented in the result section. The discussion compares the facts from the literature study with the answers from the farmers. In the discussion the following issues have been addressed: ‱ Is the supply of organic fertilizers an important success factor in achieving higher harvest? ‱ Are soil enhancing measures in the form of liming important in order to create good cultivation conditions and improve yields? ‱ Can land drainage be seen as a fundamental factor in achieving success in plant breeding? ‱ What success factors do farmers in Södermanland consider to be most important? The results of the survey as compared to the measures presented in the literature study show great importance for structural and soil enhancement measures in plant cultivation. Farmers in Södermanland should supply organic fertilizers to a greater extent to maintain the organic content and fertility in the soil. Liming should be carried out regularly to maintain the correct pH. Drainage in the form of a subsoil drainage should be added to protect the soil structure of the heavy clay soils. The conclusion therefore is that structural and soil improvement measures are the most important factors for achieving success in plant cultivation in Södermanland

    Thermal Stability of the HfNbTiVZr High-Entropy Alloy

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    The multicomponent alloy HfNbTiVZr has been described as a single-phase high-entropy alloy (HEA) in the literature, although some authors have reported that additional phases can form during annealing. The thermal stability of this alloy has therefore been investigated with a combination of experimental annealing studies and thermodynamic calculations using the CALPHAD approach. The thermodynamic calculations show that a single-phase HEA is stable above about 830 °C. At lower temperatures, the most stable state is a phase mixture of bcc, hcp, and a cubic C15 Laves phase. Annealing experiments followed by quenching confirm the results from thermodynamic calculations with the exception of the Laves phase structure, which was identified as a hexagonal C14 type instead of the cubic C15 type. Limitations of the applied CALPHAD thermodynamic description of the system could be an explanation for this discrepancy. As-synthesized HfNbTiVZr alloys prepared by arc-melting form a single-phase bcc HEA at room temperature. In situ annealing studies of this alloy show that additional phases start to form above 600 °C. This indicates that the observed HEA is metastable at room temperature and stabilized by a slow kinetics during cooling. X-ray diffraction analyses using different cooling rates and annealing times show that the phase transformations in this HEA are slow and that completely different phase compositions can be obtained depending on the annealing procedure. In addition, it has been shown that the sample preparation method (mortar grinding, heat treatment, etc.) has a significant influence on the collected diffraction patterns and therefore on the phase identification and analysis