52 research outputs found

    Optical properties of metal nanoparticles with arbitrary shapes

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    We have studied the optical properties of metallic nanoparticles with arbitrary shape. We performed theoretical calculations of the absorption, extinction and scattering efficiencies, which can be directly compared with experiments, using the Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA). In this work, the main features in the optical spectra have been investigated depending of the geometry and size of the nanoparticles. The origin of the optical spectra are discussed in terms of the size, shape and material properties of each nanoparticle, showing that a nanoparticle can be distinguish by its optical signature.Comment: 19 pages + 8 figure

    Circular dichroism simulated spectra of chiral gold nanoclusters: A dipole approximation

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    Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of chiral bare and thiol-passivated gold nanoclusters have been calculated within the dipole approximation. The calculated CD spectra show features that allow us to distinguish between clusters with different indexes of chirality. The main factor responsible of the differences in the CD lineshapes is the distribution of interatomic distances that characterize the chiral cluster geometry. These results provide theoretical support for the quantification of chirality and its measurement, using the CD lineshapes of chiral metal nanoclusters.Comment: 3 pages + 4 figure

    The role of geometry on dispersive forces

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    The role of geometry on dispersive forces is investigated by calculating the energy between different spheroidal particles and planar surfaces, both with arbitrary dielectric properties. The energy is obtained in the non-retarded limit using a spectral representation formalism and calculating the interaction between the surface plasmons of the two macroscopic bodies. The energy is a power-law function of the separation of the bodies, where the exponent value depends on the geometrical parameters of the system, like the separation distance between bodies, and the aspect ratio among minor and major axes of the spheroid.Comment: Presneted at QFEXT05, Barcelona 2005. Submitted to J. Phys.

    Controlled Anisotropic Deformation of Ag Nanoparticles by Si Ion Irradiation

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    The shape and alignment of silver nanoparticles embedded in a glass matrix is controlled using silicon ion irradiation. Symmetric silver nanoparticles are transformed into anisotropic particles whose larger axis is along the ion beam. Upon irradiation, the surface plasmon resonance of symmetric particles splits into two resonances whose separation depends on the fluence of the ion irradiation. Simulations of the optical absorbance show that the anisotropy is caused by the deformation and alignment of the nanoparticles, and that both properties are controlled with the irradiation fluence.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (October 14, 2005

    Excitons in twisted AA' hexagonal boron nitride bilayers

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    The twisted hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) bilayer has demonstrated exceptional properties, particularly the existence of electronic flat bands without needing a magic angle, suggesting strong excitonic effects. Therefore, a systematic approach is presented to study the excitonic properties of twisted AA' hBN using the Bethe-Salpeter equation based on single-particle tight-binding wave functions. These are provided by a one-particle Hamiltonian that is parameterized to describe the main features of {\it ab initio} calculations. The Bethe-Salpeter equation is then solved in the so-called excitonic transition representation, which significantly reduces the problem dimensionality by exploiting the system's symmetries. Consequently, the excitonic energies and the excitonic wave functions are obtained from the direct diagonalization of the effective two-particle Hamiltonian of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. We have studied rotation angles as low as 7.347.34^{\circ}. The model allows the study of commensurate and incommensurate moir\'e patterns at much lower computational cost than the {\it ab initio} version of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Here, using the model and effective screening of the Keldysh type, we could obtain the absorption spectra and characterize the excitonic properties of twisted hBN bilayers for different rotation angles, demonstrating how this property affects the excitonic energies and localizations of their wavefunctions.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figure