4,022 research outputs found

    Estado mexicano publica "Cómo cruzar la frontera". Fox News

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    Los Ángeles- Críticos de la inmigración ilegal declaran que las fronteras de Estados Unidos siempre han sido fácil de cruzar, y ahora un estado mexicano trata de hacerlo más fácil que nunca. El estado de Yucatán ha publicado un nuevo manual de 87 páginas que instruye a la gente como cruzar la frontera de Estado Unidos ilegalmente. La guía, que viene acompañada de un DVD, contiene una sección de cómo solicitar una visa cumpliendo todos los requisitos, pero las restantes 50 páginas están llenas de instrucciones acerca de cómo introducirse con salvedad a los Estados Unidos y después mezclarse entre la población. "Necesitan cesar y desistir, de hecho, volver a una posición de aliado de los Estados Unidos en lugar de un adversario" dijo J.D. Hayworth, representante de Arizona

    Limitado por lo políticamente correcto.

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    He comenzado a sentirme limitado por tanta correctividad política que se nos ha impuesto tanto por el ala derecha como la izquierda. Ambas partes constantemente intentan infringir nuestra libertad diciéndonos que podemos o no podemos, decir o hacer. Me estoy hartando de esto. A continuación algunos ejemplos acerca de lo que están tratando de imponernos

    Intra-regional strategies and interregional dynamics: A study of pottery production in prehispanic Colima, Mexico (550-1000 CE)

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    This research evaluates the degree of political integration in Colima during the Late Classic/Epiclassic period (550-1000 CE) and the historical depth of three 16th-century regional polities through an examination of the political strategies embedded in pottery technology. Pottery samples covering three regional polities (Provincia del Colimotl, Valle de Tecomán, Provincia de Tepetitango) and corresponding to four geographical micro-regions (Colima Valley, Salado River basin, Tecomán coastal plain, western coast) were analysed. In this research, polities are conceptualised as webs of authoritative relationships, which are created and contested by political strategies. Pottery produced in the same polity should therefore be in the same network of authoritative relationships. Political strategies are uncovered by identifying the technological patterns, material and socio-technological constraints of production, sourcing-distribution patterns, organisation of production, and social contexts of the consumption of pottery. Compositional and fabric variability was assessed through the archaeometric characterisation of 215 pottery samples from 17 different sites distributed throughout the research area. The statistical analysis of the geochemical results revealed 10 compositional groups; an eleventh group was identified through petrographic analysis. Pottery and raw clay (14 samples) compositional data, together with the analysis of distribution patterns and the local geology, permitted the identification of the location (at the micro-regional level or less) of clay sources for seven of the compositional groups. The room left for technological choices/styles was determined through reconstruction of the pottery production sequence within its contextual factors. The results indicate that pottery production was not centralised, even at the micro-regional level. Potters from the four geographical micro-regions used different clay sources to produce both distinctive wares and some shared types. However, with the probable exception of the Colima Valley, at least a couple clay sources were simultaneously exploited in each micro-region. In some instances, this reflects product specialisation; in others, it indicates production of the same pottery types by competing workshops. Though the two geographical micro-regions in the Provincia del Colimotl did not escape the micro-regional pattern of the use of local resources and manufacture of distinctive wares, they do offer the only example of pottery-related, deliberate economic interdependence in this study. The pottery was produced by independent specialists who made use of distribution networks restricted to the limits of each polity. However, the red-on-cream jars made in the Salado River basin were widely distributed throughout all of the regional polities. It is argued that these jars were obtained at the Salado River basin during communal feasts that involved the consumption of pulque. The results indicate the historical depth of the known 16th-centruy regional polities. Despite providing evidence for close interregional interactions and shared ideological beliefs and social practices within the whole Colima region, pottery analysis offers no solid proof that Colima functioned as a single polity during the Late Classic/Epiclassic period.CONACY

    Alterated Identities in Brazil: From the Samba Culture to the Sertanejo Culture

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    Cultural references regarding Brazilianness have generally been associated with samba, carnival, colors, and an aesthetic compendium typical of a pre-modernity recreated in cities like Rio de Janeiro or Salvador. A foreign observer would like to see in these lands references that would transport him to Antônio Carlos Jobim’s “The Girl from Ipanema” song or to identity traits that would indicate a ‘tropical Brazil’ related to people dancing in the rhythm of samba and bossa nova, and Copacabana beach. However, many socio-cultural changes progressively impacted the consumption of musical and aesthetic styles among Brazilians. Changes concerning musical styles’ preferences led to significant cultural changes that would modify the notion of Brazilianness imaginary in the first decades of the 21st century. The present paper addresses this eventual cultural and aesthetic references change, showing with decisive force what has been called ‘sertanejo culture’ in Brazil. Keywords: Brazilian culture; Cultural identity; Samba culture; Sertanejo culture; Musical styles. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/12-18-04 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Experimental estimation of soil profiles through spatial phases analysis of surface waves

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    The proposed techniques in recent years for the analysis of superficial waves with multiple transducers have been focused in the identification of different types of waves in the ground. The multistation tests avoid the ambiguous phase unwrapping procedure required to obtain experimental dispersion curves for the SASW technique. However, the soil profiles with stiffness inversion in depth involve the contribution of higher modes, and the inversion process through "apparent" or "effective" dispersion curves presents difficulties since these contributions depend of the transducers layout. The technique proposed herein is based on the test simulation through an updating model with low computational cost and good accuracy that include all propagation modes. Two actual test cases performed with only six transducers shows the advantages of a new objective function called "spatial phase dispersion" whose experimental determination does not require subjective interventions by the analyst. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.Fil: Ceballos, Marcelo Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Prato, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Departamento de Estructuras; Argentin

    Procedentes de varias cuevas situadas en la Subbética cordobesa

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    Estudiamos una serie de cerámicas procedentes de las cuevas de los Murciélagos (Zuheros), de el Muerto (Carcabuey) y Negra (Rute), provincia de Córdoba, que muestran la presencia de un cordón interior perforado situado inmediatamente debajo del labio y, en determinados casos, representaciones de «oculados». Tanto la forma de las vasijas, la tipología de sus asas y las decoraciones no simbólicas, apuntan hacia una adjudicación neolítica. La presencia de temas simbólicos conlleva nuevos planteamientos sobre el tema oculado en el Arte Esquemático andaluz.study a group of pottery fragments found at the caves of «Murciélagos» (Zuheros), «el Muerto» (Carcabuey) and «Negra» (Rute), in the province of Córdoba. All of them show an internal perforated cord just under the rim. Sometimes this feature is combined with «ocular» representations in the neck of the vessels. Their forms, tipology of handles and non-simbolic decoration, lead us to consider them as Neolithic. The analisys of these Neolithic simbolical potteries opens new perspectives about ocular theme in Andalousian Schematic Art