74 research outputs found


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    This study focused on the lived experiences of children with incarcerated mothers, how they cope with their present situation, and the insights they can share with other children who are going through the same experiences they have. This study used the qualitative phenomenological method of research to explore in-depth the experiences, coping strategies, and personal insights which can be shared by the participants. The research study purposely identified seven individuals from ages 15-21, for the in-depth interview who are all residents of the Municipality of Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur. The results show that the children-participants struggled so much in their daily endeavors as they felt the impact of living without their mother. They were forced to deal with worries, sadness, and even quitting from studies and going into vicious life. However, amidst everything they were able to cope and continue to live as they turned adversities to optimism, uphold mental health, and strengthened their faith in God. Faith in God, prevent prayers, optimism and resiliency were the coping strategies employed by the participants with some efforts to look for alternative sources of income to augment the family’s income and do better in their studies. The insights shared by participants are to remain positive always, to keep a strong faith in God, and always bear in mind that there is always light and hope after the pain and sorrow.  Article visualizations

    Neighborhood Influences on Perceived Social Support Among Parents: Findings from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods

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    Background: Social support is frequently linked to positive parenting behavior. Similarly, studies increasingly show a link between neighborhood residential environment and positive parenting behavior. However, less is known about how the residential environment influences parental social support. To address this gap, we examine the relationship between neighborhood concentrated disadvantage and collective efficacy and the level and change in parental caregiver perceptions of non-familial social support. Methodology/Principal Findings: The data for this study came from three data sources, the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN) Study's Longitudinal Cohort Survey of caregivers and their offspring, a Community Survey of adult residents in these same neighborhoods and the 1990 Census. Social support is measured at Wave 1 and Wave 3 and neighborhood characteristics are measured at Wave 1. Multilevel linear regression models are fit. The results show that neighborhood collective efficacy is a significant (β\beta = .04; SE = .02; p = .03), predictor of the positive change in perceived social support over a 7 year period, however, not of the level of social support, adjusting for key compositional variables and neighborhood concentrated disadvantage. In contrast concentrated neighborhood disadvantage is not a significant predictor of either the level or change in social support. Conclusion: Our finding suggests that neighborhood collective efficacy may be important for inducing the perception of support from friends in parental caregivers over time

    Parents’ Promotion of Psychological Autonomy, Psychological Control, and Mexican–American Adolescents’ Adjustment

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    Mexican–American adolescents are at an elevated risk for adjustment difficulties. In an effort to identify parenting practices that can affect the adjustment of Mexican–American youth, the current study examined parents’ promotion of psychological autonomy and parents’ psychological control as perceived by Mexican–American early adolescents, and explored their associations with adolescents’ adjustment in the context of acculturation. In 5th grade, 134 (54.5% female) Mexican–American adolescents reported on their acculturation level and the parenting practices of their mothers and fathers. In 5th and 7th grade, adolescents also reported on their depressive symptoms, number of delinquent friends, and self-worth. Perceptions of promotion of psychological autonomy and of psychological control were positively correlated. However, perceptions of more promotion of psychological autonomy and of less psychological control predicted fewer depressive symptoms 2 years later. Perceptions of more promotion of psychological autonomy also predicted fewer delinquent friends two years later. Finally, perceptions of more promotion of psychological autonomy predicted higher self-worth only among less acculturated adolescents. The study underscores the roles that promotion of psychological autonomy and psychological control may play in Mexican–American children’s well-being during early adolescence

    CSP y Bases de Datos Restrictivas

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    Las Bases de Datos Restrictivas se originaron ante la necesidad de representar de forma más compacta y modular datos de gran tamaño. De esta forma, y como medio para tratar datos continuos como es el caso de los espacio-temporales, se opto por tratar la información como restricciones almacenadas en una base de datos. Gracias a esta forma de tratar las restricciones, se facilita la construcción y el modelado de problemas de satisfacción de restricciones (CSP) y su posterior resolución. En este artículo, se realiza un recorrido por las distintas razones, metodologías y herramientas que han ayudado al desarrollo de las Bases de Datos Restrictivas. Junto a dicho estudio, se lleva a cabo un análisis de sus deficiencias y de los posibles aspectos a mejorar. Para aumentar la habilidad en la construcción de modelos, y ayudando a la resolución de problemas de satisfacción de restricciones (CSP), se ofrece una arquitectura de implementación modular, con las ventajas que eso conlleva. Para finalizar, se presenta un ejemplo que aclara las razones que han movido al desarrollo de nuestra propuesta

    CSP aplicados a la diagnosis basada en modelos

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    En las ultimas décadas, parte de la comunidad cientíifica ha dedicado sus esfuerzos al desarrollo de una metodologia para la diagnosis de sistemas desde el campo de la Inteligencia Artificial. Dicha metodologia se denomina diagnosis basada en modelos, y cubre un amplio abanico de posibilidades. Se parte de un modelo explicito del sistema a diagnosticar y a partir de el se razona sobre la identificacion de los subsistemas que generan fallos, utilizando para ello los valores de las entradas proporcionadas y las salidas captadas del sistema. En cualquier proceso de produccion o desarrollo es importante tener un control sobre los fallos en componentes o procesos. La diagnosis permite controlar estas irregularidades, lo que conlleva a los sistemas que la incorporan una mayor seguridad y reduccion de costos. Algunos modelos utilizados en ingenieria se han basado en la programacion logica con restricciones (CLP) para obtener la diagnosis de un sistema. En este articulo proponemos la metodologia necesaria para poder plantear la diagnosis de un sistema como un problema de satisfaccion de restricciones (CSP). De esta forma, sera posible incorporar al proceso de generacion de la diagnosis de un sistema, los avances y optimizaciones que se han alcanzado en el campo de la busqueda de soluciones para problemas CSP. Plantear un problema de diagnosis de esta forma abre tambien la posibilidad de aplicar la diagnosis a otros campos, como por ejemplo la diagnosis del software. La diagnosis del software permite identificar y localizar el origen de los errores de un desarrollo software. Un programa tendría un error si no existe concordancia entre los resultados especificados como correctos y los resultados observados tras la ejecución

    Sensibilización ambiental con TIC: App “Ubica un primate”

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    Abstract Constant threats and conflicts that affect primates in urban environments put their populations in decline. The situation is aggravated by the lack of knowledge of the community about the fauna and flora that they coexist with. Aiming to increase the knowledge and awareness of the people from Villavicencio on the importance and distribution of primates in urban ecosystems, a free mobile application (app) was developed. Initially, 140 semi-structured interviews were conducted with residents of each area of Villavicencio where primates were observed (n=28). As a result, a distribution map of diurnal primates was created. Identification of the present species was also made. The following species were found: Saimiri sciureus cassiquiarensis, Plecturocebus ornatus, Alouatta seniculus, and Sapajus apella. With distribution, conflicts and threats data, a mobile application was built in the Android system, georeferencing the information available, so the community could be sensitized about the primate species in the city. Socialization of the application was addressed to governmental entities and NGOs of the city, obtaining a positive evaluation by the public. Working with communities on environmental awareness projects that use tools such as ICTs has the potential to transform local socio-cultural dynamics, to promote greater concern about biodiversity, and it is a well-received tool by different groups of people.Resumo As constantes ameaças e conflitos que afetam os primatas em ambientes urbanos colocam suas populações em declínio. Isso é agravado ainda pela falta de conhecimento dos habitantes sobre a fauna e a flora com a qual coexistem. Com o objetivo de aumentar o conhecimento e sensibilizar a população de Villavicencio sobre a importância e distribuição de primatas em ecossistemas urbanos foi desenvolvido um aplicativo móvel (app) gratuito. Inicialmente, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas (n=140) com residentes de cada zona (n=28) da cidade de Villavicencio nas quais se observaram primatas a fim de gerar um mapa da distribuição de primatas diurnos. Também foi feita a identificação das espécies presentes, sendo: Saimiri sciureus cassiquiarensis, Plecturocebus ornatus, Alouatta seniculus e Sapajus apella. Com os dados de distribuição, conflitos e ameaças, foi construído um aplicativo móvel no sistema Android, onde tais dados estão georeferenciados, a fim de sensibilizar a comunidade sobre as espécies de primatas presentes na cidade. A socialização do app foi direcionada para as entidades governamentais e ONGs da cidade, obtendo uma avaliação positiva pelo público. Trabalhar com comunidades em projetos de sensibilização ambiental que utilizam ferramentas como as TICs tem o potencial de transformar a dinâmica sociocultural local, promovendo uma maior preocupação com a biodiversidade, sendo uma ferramenta bem recebida por diferentes grupos da população.Resumen Las constantes amenazas y conflictos que afectan a los primates en ambientes urbanos ponen a sus poblaciones en declive. Esto se agrava por la falta de conocimiento de los habitantes sobre la fauna y la flora con la que coexisten. Con el objetivo de aumentar el conocimiento y sensibilizar a la población de Villavicencio sobre la importancia y distribución de primates en ecosistemas urbanos se desarrolló una aplicación móvil (app) gratuita. Inicialmente, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas (n = 140) con residentes de cada zona (n = 28) de la ciudad de Villavicencio en la que se observaron primates, con el fin de generar un mapa de la distribución de primates diurnos. También se hizo la identificación de las especies presentes, siendo: Saimiri sciureus cassiquiarensis, Plecturocebus ornatus, Alouatta seniculus y Sapajus apella. Con los datos de distribución, conflictos y amenazas, se construyó una aplicación móvil en el sistema Android, donde tales datos están georreferenciados, con el fin de sensibilizar a la comunidad sobre las especies de primates presentes en la ciudad. La socialización de la app fue dirigida a las entidades gubernamentales y ONGs de la ciudad, obteniendo una evaluación positiva por el público. Trabajar con comunidades en proyectos de sensibilización ambiental que utilizan herramientas como las TICs tiene el potencial de transformar la dinámica sociocultural local, promoviendo una mayor preocupación con la biodiversidad y siendo una herramienta bien recibida por diferentes grupos de la población

    Environmental awareness with ICT: App “Ubica un primate”

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    Las constantes amenazas y conflictos que afectan a los primates en ambientes urbanos ponen a sus poblaciones en declive. Esto se agrava por la falta de conocimiento de los habitantes sobre la fauna y la flora con la que coexisten. Con el objetivo de aumentar el conocimiento y sensibilizar a la población de Villavicencio sobre la importancia y distribución de primates en ecosistemas urbanos se desarrolló una aplicación móvil (app) gratuita. Inicialmente, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas (n = 140) con residentes de cada zona (n = 28) de la ciudad de Villavicencio en la que se observaron primates, con el fin de generar un mapa de la distribución de primates diurnos. También se hizo la identificación de las especies presentes, siendo: Saimiri sciureus cassiquiarensis, Plecturocebus ornatus, Alouatta seniculus y Sapajus apella. Con los datos de distribución, conflictos y amenazas, se construyó una aplicación móvil en el sistema Android, donde tales datos están georreferenciados, con el fin de sensibilizar a la comunidad sobre las especies de primates presentes en la ciudad. La socialización de la app fue dirigida a las entidades gubernamentales y ONGs de la ciudad, obteniendo una evaluación positiva por el público. Trabajar con comunidades en proyectos de sensibilización ambiental que utilizan herramientas como las TICs tiene el potencial de transformar la dinámica sociocultural local, promoviendo una mayor preocupación con la biodiversidad y siendo una herramienta bien recibida por diferentes grupos de la población.Constant threats and conflicts that affect primates in urban environments put their populations in decline. The situation is aggravated by the lack of knowledge of the community about the fauna and flora that they coexist with. Aiming to increase the knowledge and awareness of the people from Villavicencio on the importance and distribution of primates in urban ecosystems, a free mobile application (app) was developed. Initially, 140 semi-structured interviews were conducted with residents of each area of Villavicencio where primates were observed (n=28). As a result, a distribution map of diurnal primates was created. Identification of the present species was also made. The following species were found: Saimiri sciureus cassiquiarensis, Plecturocebus ornatus, Alouatta seniculus, and Sapajus apella. With distribution, conflicts and threats data, a mobile application was built in the Android system, georeferencing the information available, so the community could be sensitized about the primate species in the city. Socialization of the application was addressed to governmental entities and NGOs of the city, obtaining a positive evaluation by the public. Working with communities on environmental awareness projects that use tools such as ICTs has the potential to transform local socio-cultural dynamics, to promote greater concern about biodiversity, and it is a well-received tool by different groups of people