25 research outputs found

    PKSB1740-517: An ALMA view of the cold gas feeding a distant interacting young radio galaxy

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    Cold neutral gas is a key ingredient for growing the stellar and central black hole mass in galaxies throughout cosmic history. We have used the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) to detect a rare example of redshifted 12^{12}CO(2-1) absorption in PKS B1740-517, a young (t1.6×103t \sim 1.6 \times 10^{3} yr) and luminous (L5GHz6.6×1043L_{\rm 5 GHz} \sim 6.6 \times 10^{43} erg s1^{-1} ) radio galaxy at z=0.44z = 0.44 that is undergoing a tidal interaction with at least one lower-mass companion. The coincident HI 21-cm and molecular absorption have very similar line profiles and reveal a reservoir of cold gas (Mgas107108M_{\rm gas} \sim 10^{7} - 10^{8} M_{\odot}), likely distributed in a disc or ring within a few kiloparsecs of the nucleus. A separate HI component is kinematically distinct and has a very narrow line width (ΔvFWHM5\Delta{v}_{\rm FWHM} \lesssim 5 km s1^{-1}), consistent with a single diffuse cloud of cold (Tk100T_{\rm k} \sim 100 K) atomic gas. The 12^{12}CO(2-1) absorption is not associated with this component, which suggests that the cloud is either much smaller than 100 pc along our sight-line and/or located in low-metallicity gas that was possibly tidally stripped from the companion. We argue that the gas reservoir in PKS B1740-517 may have accreted onto the host galaxy \sim50 Myr before the young radio AGN was triggered, but has only recently reached the nucleus. This is consistent with the paradigm that powerful luminous radio galaxies are triggered by minor mergers and interactions with low-mass satellites and represent a brief, possibly recurrent, active phase in the life cycle of massive early type galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The relationship between the morphology and kinematics of galaxies and its dependence on dark matter halo structure in EAGLE

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    We investigate the connection between the morphology and internal kinematics of the stellar component of central galaxies with mass M>109.5MM_\star > {10}^{9.5} {\rm M}_\odot in the EAGLE simulations. We compare several kinematic diagnostics commonly used to describe simulated galaxies, and find good consistency between them. We model the structure of galaxies as ellipsoids and quantify their morphology via the ratios of their principal axes, finding that kinematic diagnostics enable a superior differentiation of blue star-forming and red quiescent galaxies than morphological definitions. Flattened oblate galaxies exhibit greater rotational support than their spheroidal counterparts, but there is significant scatter in the relationship between morphological and kinematical diagnostics, such that kinematically-similar galaxies can exhibit a broad range of morphologies. The scatter in the relationship between the flattening and the ratio of the rotation and dispersion velocities (v/σv/\sigma) correlates strongly with the anisotropy of the stellar velocity dispersion: at fixed v/σv/\sigma, flatter galaxies exhibit greater dispersion in the plane defined by the intermediate and major axes than along the minor axis, indicating that the morphology of simulated galaxies is influenced significantly by the structure of their velocity dispersion. The simulations reveal that this anisotropy correlates with the intrinsic morphology of the galaxy's inner dark matter halo, i.e. the halo's morphology that emerges in the absence of dissipative baryonic physics. This implies the existence of a causal relationship between the morphologies of galaxies and that of their host dark matter haloes

    Molecular hydrogen abundances of galaxies in the EAGLE simulations

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    We investigate the abundance of galactic molecular hydrogen (H2_2) in the "Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environments" (EAGLE) cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. We assign H2_2 masses to gas particles in the simulations in post-processing using two different prescriptions that depend on the local dust-to-gas ratio and the interstellar radiation field. Both result in H2_2 galaxy mass functions that agree well with observations in the local and high-redshift Universe. The simulations reproduce the observed scaling relations between the mass of H2_2 and the stellar mass, star formation rate and stellar surface density. Towards high edshifts, galaxies in the simulations display larger H2_2 mass fractions, and correspondingly lower H2_2 depletion timescales, also in good agreement with observations. The comoving mass density of H2_2 in units of the critical density, ΩH2\Omega_{\rm H_2}, peaks at z1.21.5z\approx 1.2-1.5, later than the predicted peak of the cosmic star formation rate activity, at z2z\approx 2. This difference stems from the decrease in gas metallicity and increase in interstellar radiation field with redshift, both of which hamper H2_2 formation. We find that the cosmic H2_2 budget is dominated by galaxies with MH2>109MM_{\rm H_2}>10^9\,\rm M_{\odot}, star formation rates >10Myr1>10\,\rm M_{\odot}\,\rm yr^{-1} and stellar masses Mstellar>1010MM_{\rm stellar}>10^{10}\,\rm M_{\odot}, which are readily observable in the optical and near-IR. The match between the H2_2 properties of galaxies that emerge in the simulations and observations is remarkable, particularly since H2_2 observations were not used to adjust parameters in EAGLE

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): A forensic SED reconstruction of the cosmic star-formation history and metallicity evolution by galaxy type

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    We apply the spectral energy distribution-fitting code ProSpect to multiwavelength imaging for \sim7,000 galaxies from the GAMA survey at z<0.06z<0.06, in order to extract their star-formation histories. We combine a parametric description of the star formation history with a closed-box evolution of metallicity where the present-day gas-phase metallicity of the galaxy is a free parameter. We show with this approach that we are able to recover the observationally-determined cosmic star formation history (CSFH), an indication that stars are being formed in the correct epoch of the Universe, on average, for the manner in which we are conducting SED fitting. We also show the contribution to the CSFH of galaxies of different present-day visual morphologies, and stellar masses. This analysis suggests that half of the mass in present-day elliptical galaxies was in place 11 Gyr ago, whereas in other morphological types the stellar mass formed later, up to 6 Gyr ago for present-day irregular galaxies. Similarly, the most massive galaxies in our sample were shown to have formed half their stellar mass by 10.5 Gyr ago, whereas the least massive galaxies formed half their stellar mass as late as 4 Gyr ago (the well-known effect of "galaxy downsizing"). Finally, our metallicity approach allows us to follow the average evolution in gas-phase metallicity for populations of galaxies, and extract the evolution of the cosmic metal mass density in stars and in gas, producing results in broad agreement with observations of metal densities in the Universe

    Galaxies in the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulation and in the Durham and Munich semi-analytical models

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    We compare global predictions from the eagle hydrodynamical simulation, and two semi-analytic (SA) models of galaxy formation, l-galaxies and galform. All three models include the key physical processes for the formation and evolution of galaxies and their parameters are calibrated against a small number of observables at z ≈ 0. The two SA models have been applied to merger trees constructed from the eagle dark matter only simulation. We find that at z ≤ 2, both the galaxy stellar mass functions for stellar masses M* 109.5 M⊙ differ in some instances by an order of magnitude, while the stellar mass–size relation in eagle is a factor of ≈2 tighter than for the two SA models. Our results suggest the need for a revision of how SA models treat the effect of baryonic self-gravity on the underlying dark matter. The treatment of gas flows in the models needs to be revised based on detailed comparison with observations to understand in particular the evolution of the stellar mass–metallicity relation

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The absence of stellar mass segregation in galaxy groups and consistent predictions from GALFORM and EAGLE simulations

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    We investigate the contentious issue of the presence, or lack thereof, of satellites mass segregation in galaxy groups using the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey, the GALFORM semi-analytic and the EAGLE cosmological hydrodynamical simulation catalogues of galaxy groups. We select groups with halo mass 12log(Mhalo/h1M)<14.512 \leqslant \log(M_{\text{halo}}/h^{-1}M_\odot) <14.5 and redshift z0.32z \leqslant 0.32 and probe the radial distribution of stellar mass out to twice the group virial radius. All the samples are carefully constructed to be complete in stellar mass at each redshift range and efforts are made to regularise the analysis for all the data. Our study shows negligible mass segregation in galaxy group environments with absolute gradients of 0.08\lesssim0.08 dex and also shows a lack of any redshift evolution. Moreover, we find that our results at least for the GAMA data are robust to different halo mass and group centre estimates. Furthermore, the EAGLE data allows us to probe much fainter luminosities (rr-band magnitude of 22) as well as investigate the three-dimensional spatial distribution with intrinsic halo properties, beyond what the current observational data can offer. In both cases we find that the fainter EAGLE data show a very mild spatial mass segregation at z0.22z \leqslant 0.22, which is again not apparent at higher redshift. Interestingly, our results are in contrast to some earlier findings using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We investigate the source of the disagreement and suggest that subtle differences between the group finding algorithms could be the root cause

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: The role of disc fading and progenitor bias in kinematic transitions

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    We use comparisons between the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral Field Spectrograph (SAMI) Galaxy Survey and equilibrium galaxy models to infer the importance of disc fading in the transition of spirals into lenticular (S0) galaxies. The local S0 population has both higher photometric concentration and lower stellar spin than spiral galaxies of comparable mass and we test whether this separation can be accounted for by passive aging alone. We construct a suite of dynamically self-consistent galaxy models, with a bulge, disc, and halo using the galactics code. The dispersion-dominated bulge is given a uniformly old stellar population, while the disc is given a current star formation rate putting it on the main sequence, followed by sudden instantaneous quenching. We then generate mock observables (r-band images, stellar velocity, and dispersion maps) as a function of time since quenching for a range of bulge/total (B/T) mass ratios. The disc fading leads to a decline in measured spin as the bulge contribution becomes more dominant, and also leads to increased concentration. However, the quantitative changes observed after 5 Gyr of disc fading cannot account for all of the observed difference. We see similar results if we instead subdivide our SAMI Galaxy Survey sample by star formation (relative to the main sequence). We use EAGLE simulations to also take into account progenitor bias, using size evolution to infer quenching time. The EAGLE simulations suggest that the progenitors of current passive galaxies typically have slightly higher spin than present day star-forming disc galaxies of the same mass. As a result, progenitor bias moves the data further from the disc fading model scenario, implying that intrinsic dynamical evolution must be important in the transition from star-forming discs to passive discs

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): M-star-R-e relations of z=0 bulges, discs and spheroids

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    We perform automated bulge + disc decomposition on a sample of ~7500 galaxies from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey in the redshift range of 0.002<z<0.06 using SIGMA, a wrapper around GALFIT3. To achieve robust profile measurements we use a novel approach of repeatedly fitting the galaxies, varying the input parameters to sample a large fraction of the input parameter space. Using this method we reduce the catastrophic failure rate significantly and verify the confidence in the fit independently of \chi^2 Additionally, using the median of the final fitting values and the 16^{th}$ and 84^{th} percentile produces more realistic error estimates than those provided by GALFIT, which are known to be underestimated. We use the results of our decompositions to analyse the stellar mass - half-light radius relations of bulges, discs and spheroids. We further investigate the association of components with a parent disc or elliptical relation to provide definite z=0 disc and spheroid M-star-R-e} relations. We conclude by comparing our local disc and spheroid M-star-R-e} to simulated data from EAGLE and high redshift data from CANDELS-UDS. We show the potential of using the mass-size relation to study galaxy evolution in both cases but caution that for a fair comparison all data sets need to be processed and analysed in the same manner