2,752 research outputs found

    Quantum wideband traveling-wave analysis of a degenerate parametric amplifier

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    We develop a wideband traveling-wave formalism for analyzing quantum mechanically a degenerate parametric amplifier. The formalism is based on spatial differential equations-spatial Langevin equations-that propagate temporal Fourier components of the field operators through the nonlinear medium. In addition to the parametric nonlinearity, the Langevin equations include absorption and associated fluctuations, dispersion (phase mismatching), and pump quantum fluctuations. We analyze the dominant effects of phase mismatching and pump quantum fluctuations on the squeezing produced by a degenerate parametric amplifier

    Theoretical frameworks for testing relativistic gravity. 5: Post-Newtonian limit of Rosen's theory

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    The post-Newtonian limit of Rosen's theory of gravity is evaluated and is shown to be identical to that of general relativity, except for the PPN parameter alpha sub 2, which is related to the difference in propagation speeds for gravitational and electromagnetic waves. Both the value of alpha sub 2 and the value of the Newtonian gravitational constant depend on the present cosmological structure of the Universe. If the cosmological structure has a specific but presumably special form, the Newtonian gravitational constant assumes its current value, alpha sub 2 is zero, the post-Newtonian limit of Rosen's theory is identical to that of general relativity--and standard solar system experiments cannot distinguish between the two theories

    Relative intensity squeezing by four-wave mixing with loss: an analytic model and experimental diagnostic

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    Four-wave mixing near resonance in an atomic vapor can produce relative intensity squeezed light suitable for precision measurements beyond the shot-noise limit. We develop an analytic distributed gain/loss model to describe the competition of mixing and absorption through the non-linear medium. Using a novel matrix calculus, we present closed-form expressions for the degree of relative intensity squeezing produced by this system. We use these theoretical results to analyze experimentally measured squeezing from a 85^{85}Rb vapor and demonstrate the analytic model's utility as an experimental diagnostic.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    A two-step MaxLik-MaxEnt strategy to infer photon distribution from on/off measurement at low quantum efficiency

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    A method based on Maximum-Entropy (ME) principle to infer photon distribution from on/off measurements performed with few and low values of quantum efficiency is addressed. The method consists of two steps: at first some moments of the photon distribution are retrieved from on/off statistics using Maximum-Likelihood estimation, then ME principle is applied to infer the quantum state and, in turn, the photon distribution. Results from simulated experiments on coherent and number states are presented.Comment: 4 figures, to appear in EPJ

    Equivalent efficiency of a simulated photon-number detector

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    Homodyne detection is considered as a way to improve the efficiency of communication near the single-photon level. The current lack of commercially available {\it infrared} photon-number detectors significantly reduces the mutual information accessible in such a communication channel. We consider simulating direct detection via homodyne detection. We find that our particular simulated direct detection strategy could provide limited improvement in the classical information transfer. However, we argue that homodyne detectors (and a polynomial number of linear optical elements) cannot simulate photocounters arbitrarily well, since otherwise the exponential gap between quantum and classical computers would vanish.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum discord and the power of one qubit

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    We use quantum discord to characterize the correlations present in the quantum computational model DQC1, introduced by Knill and Laflamme [Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5672 (1998)]. The model involves a collection of qubits in the completely mixed state coupled to a single control qubit that has nonzero purity. The initial state, operations, and measurements in the model all point to a natural bipartite split between the control qubit and the mixed ones. Although there is no entanglement between these two parts, we show that the quantum discord across this split is nonzero for typical instances of the DQC1 ciruit. Nonzero values of discord indicate the presence of nonclassical correlations. We propose quantum discord as figure of merit for characterizing the resources present in this computational model.Comment: 4 Pages, 1 Figur

    New Photodetection Method Using Unbalanced Sidebands for Squeezed Quantum Noise in Gravitational Wave Interferometer

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    Homodyne detection is one of the ways to circumvent the standard quantum limit for a gravitational wave detector. In this paper it will be shown that the same quantum-non-demolition effect using homodyne detection can be realized by heterodyne detection with unbalanced RF sidebands. Furthermore, a broadband quantum-non-demolition readout scheme can also be realized by the unbalanced sideband detection.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
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