78 research outputs found

    The difference between breeding for nutrient use efficiency and for nutrient stress tolerance

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    This study aimed to verify the relationship between breeding for tolerance to low levels of soil nutrients and for nutrient use efficiency in tropical maize. Fifteen inbred lines were evaluated in two greenhouse experiments under contrasting levels of N and P. The relationship between nutritional efficiency and tolerance to nutritional stress was estimated by the Spearman ranking correlation between the genotypes for the traits related to N and P use efficiency and phenotypic plasticity indices. The lack of relationship between the traits, in magnitude as well as significance, indicates that these characters are controlled by different gene groups. Consequently, simultaneous selection for both nutrient use efficiency and tolerance to nutritional stress is possible, if the mechanisms that confer efficiency and tolerance are not competitive

    Arthroscopic treatment for chronic lateral epicondylitis

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    AbstractObjectiveTo report the clinical and functional results from arthroscopic release of the short radial extensor of the carpus (SREC) in patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis that was refractory to conservative treatment.MethodsOver the period from January 2012 to November 2013, 15 patients underwent arthroscopic treatment. The surgical technique used was the one described by Romeo and Cohen, based on anatomical studies on cadavers. The inclusion criteria were that the patients needed to present lateral epicondylitis and that conservative treatment (analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents, corticoid infiltration or physiotherapy) had failed over a period of more than six months. The patients were evaluated based on the elbow functional score of the Mayo Clinic, Nirschl's staging system and a visual analog scale (VAS) for pain.ResultsA total of 15 patients (9 men and 6 women) were included. The mean Mayo elbow functional score after the operation was 95 (ranging from 90 to 100). The pain VAS improved from a mean of 9.2 before the operation to 0.64 after the operation. On Nirschl's scale, the patients presented an improvement from a mean of 6.5 before the operation to approximately one. There were significant differences from before to after the surgery for the three functional scores used (p<0.01). No correlations were observed using the Spearman test between the results and age, gender, length of time with symptoms before the operation or injury mechanism (p>0.05).ConclusionArthroscopic treatment for lateral epicondylitis was shown to be a safe and effective therapeutic option when appropriately indicated and performed, in refractory cases of chronic lateral epicondylitis. It also allowed excellent viewing of the joint space for diagnosing and treating associated pathological conditions, with a minimally invasive procedure

    Arthroscopic treatment of synovial osteochondromatosis of the elbow. Case report and literature review

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    AbstractSynovial osteochondromatosis is a benign proliferative disorder with metaplasia of the synovial membrane that affects the fibroblasts of the synovial joints, tendons and bursae. In literature, there are few descriptions of synovial osteochondromatosis of the elbow. The objective of this article was to report a case of synovial osteochondromatosis of the elbow in a patient aged 32, basketball athlete, in which surgical treatment was chosen because of the pain and functional limitation and stage of disease with multiple loose bodies. Patient 32, male, presented with pain and limitation of motion of the elbow. The range of passive motion was 100° of flexion and 30° extension. The range of active motion was 40–90°. Magnetic resonance observed many loose bodies mainly in the posterior compartment in the olecranon fossa plus some chondral lesions in the capitellum. The arthroscopic treatment was chosen with two anteriors portals (medial and lateral) and two posterior portals (standard posterior and posterolateral) for easing loose bodies and osteoplasty of the olecranon fossa. The visual analog scale pain was 9–3 and its arc of active motion was 110° to −20° of flexion and extension. On a scale of performance from Mayo Clinic patients was 65 points preoperatively to 90 postoperatively with 9 months follow-up and the patient was satisfied with the treatment outcome. Arthroscopic treatment of synovial osteochondromatosis of the elbow is an effective and safe therapeutic management with low morbidity and early return to activities

    Efeito da aplicação de piraclostrobina no crescimento inicial de café arábica em diferentes disponibilidades hídricas

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    The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of pyraclostrobin on the initial growth of Coffea arabica L. plants submitted or not to water deficit, using the total dry matter (MST), aerial part matter (MSPA), root matter (MSR), foliar area (AF), height and diameter, further on of the efficiency in the use of yield water (EUAp) in plants grown at 100 (-DH, without water deficit) and 30% (+DH, with water deficit) of available water in the substrate. According to the results, it was verified that the application of pyraclostrobin in plants submitted to -DH, mainly in the highest concentration (1.4 g/L), favored the increase of MST, MSPA, MSR, leaf area, height, diameter and EUAp. Under water deficit (+DH), plant growth was not favored by the application of pyraclostrobin, independently of the concentration used, evidencing the need for adequate water control as a management strategy for production.Objetivou-se com este estudo investigar o efeito da piraclostrobina no crescimento inicial de plantas de Coffea arabica L. submetidas ou não ao déficit hídrico, utilizando para isso, a avaliação das características da matéria seca total (MST), da parte aérea (MSPA) e da raiz (MSR), área foliar (AF), altura e diâmetro do coleto, além da eficiência no uso da água de produtividade (EUAp) em plantas cultivadas a 100 (-DH, sem déficit hídrico) e 30% (+DH, com déficit hídrico) de água disponível no substrato. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, foi verificado que a aplicação de piraclostrobina nas plantas submetidas a -DH, principalmente na maior concentração (1,4 g/L), favoreceu o incremento da MST, da MSPA, da MSR, da área foliar, altura, diâmetro do coleto e da EUAp. Sob déficit hídrico (+DH), o crescimento das plantas não foi beneficiado pela aplicação de piraclostrobina, independente da concentração utilizada, evidenciando a necessidade do controle de água adequado como estratégia de manejo para a produção

    Microclima e crescimento vegetativo do café conilon consorciado com bananeiras

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    Intercropping Conilon coffee (Coffea canephora) and banana (Musa sp.), has been widely used among farmers. The objective of this work was characterize the existing microclimate in intercropping Conilon coffee and banana and its effects in vegetative growth. The coffee was planted at a spacing of 3.5 x 1.2 m, intercropped with banana subgroup Terra, spacing 10.5 x 1.5 m, planted on the east-west direction. It was used a completely randomized statistical design, with three treatments and four replicates, divided according to the distance between the banana plants and coffee plantation. Measurements included the irradiance, temperature and relative humidity of air, evaluated in February (summer) and June (winter). Regarding the coffee plant, were evaluated the leaf mineral concentration, internodes length of plagiotropic and orthotropic branches, leaf area and estimate of leaf chlorophyll (a, b and total) contents, both in summer and winter. The shading of banana decreased the incidence of radiation and temperature in the coffee trees throughout the day, especially in those plants closer to the banana trees and, particularly, during the summer. The shading promoted by banana was not sufficient to promote morphological changes in the coffee. However, the contents of P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, decreased mainly in the plants located 1.75 m from the banana plant, whereas the values of chlorophyll b and total were higher in coffee plants located near the banana plants in the winter.O consórcio de café Conilon (Coffea canephora) com bananeira (Musa sp.), vem sendo muito utilizado entre os agricultores. Objetivou-se caracterizar o microclima existente num sistema de consórcio de café Conilon com bananeira e seus efeitos no crescimento do cafeeiro. O café foi plantado com espaçamento de 3,5 x 1,2 m, consorciado com banana subgrupo Terra, com espaçamento 10,5 x 1,5 m, plantados no sentido Leste-Oeste. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e quatro repetições, sendo os tratamentos divididos de acordo com a distância entre as bananeiras e a lavoura cafeeira. As avaliações climáticas incluíram a irradiância, temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, em fevereiro (verão) e junho (inverno). Em relação ao cafeeiro, avaliaram-se a concentração de nutrientes foliares, o comprimento dos internódios dos ramos plagiotrópicos e ortotrópicos, área foliar e estimação do teor de clorofilas (a e b e total) dos cafeeiros, no verão e no inverno. A bananeira diminuiu a incidência de radiação e temperatura, ao longo do dia, nos cafeeiros, especialmente naqueles situados mais próximos às bananeiras e, em particular, no período de verão. O sombreamento promovido pela bananeira não foi suficiente para promover alterações morfológicas no cafeeiro. Contudo, os teores foliares de P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, diminuíram principalmente nas plantas situadas a 1,75 m da bananeira. Os valores de clorofila b e total, foram maiores nos cafeeiros situados próximos às bananeiras, no período de inverno

    Functional analysis of the relative growth rate, chemical composition, construction and maintenance costs, and the payback time of Coffea arabica L. leaves in response to light and water availability

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    In this study, the combined effects of light and water availability on the functional relationships of the relative growth rate (RGR), leaf chemical composition, construction and maintenance costs, and benefits in terms of payback time for Coffea arabica are presented. Coffee plants were grown for 8 months in 100% or 15% full sunlight and then a four-month water shortage was implemented. Plants grown under full sunlight were also transferred to shade and vice versa. Overall, most of the traits assessed were much more responsive to the availability of light than to the water supply. Larger construction costs (12%), primarily associated with elevated phenol and alkaloid pools, were found under full sunlight. There was a positive correlation between these compounds and the RGR, the mass-based net carbon assimilation rate and the carbon isotope composition ratio, which, in turn, correlated negatively with the specific leaf area. The payback time was remarkably lower in the sun than in shade leaves and increased greatly in water-deprived plants. The differences in maintenance costs among the treatments were narrow, with no significant impact on the RGR, and there was no apparent trade-off in resource allocation between growth and defence. The current irradiance during leaf bud formation affected both the specific leaf area and leaf physiology upon transferring the plants from low to high light and vice versa. In summary, sun-grown plants fixed more carbon for growth and secondary metabolism, with the net effect of an increased RGR

    Prevalência da síndrome de Burnout em estudantes de medicina da Universidade Vila Velha (UVV) / Prevalence of Burnout syndrome in medicine students at Vila Velha University (UVV)

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência da Síndrome de Burnout entre os alunos de medicina da Universidade Vila Velhos (UVV) do 1º ao 8º períodos em 2018 relacionando com aspectos sociodemográficos. METODOLOGIA: Estudo observacional transversal quantitativo realizado com alunos selecionados aleatoriamente e que concordaram com os termos de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Para avaliação da síndrome de Burnout foi utilizada a MBI-SS (Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey). O ponto de corte foi o escore médio maior que 4 para Exaustão Emocional e Descrença e abaixo de 2 para Eficácia Profissional. RESULTADOS: O questionário foi respondido adequadamente por 334 alunos. A análise do MBI destacou que 63,7% dos alunos apresentaram alto nível de exaustão emocional, nível médio de descrença em 12,5% e baixa eficácia estudantil em 8,3%. A prevalência da Síndrome de Burnout foi de 3,3% e ocorreu principalmente em: homens (63,6%), sedentários (81,8%), do 5º ao 8º período (54,4%). CONCLUSÕES: Observa-se um alto risco de desenvolvimento da Síndrome de Burnout, sendo a dimensão “exaustão emocional” a que mais contribui. Portanto, investir em estratégias específicas de prevenção e tratamento é o caminho para enfrentar situações estressantes, bem como para alcançar a efetividade e a satisfação laboral antes mesmo de ingressarem no mercado de trabalho

    Impact of intercropping on the photosynthetic activity of coffee

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    Conducting studies that assist in the evaluation of agroecosystems is essential for advancing biodiverse and sustainable agriculture. This study aimed to assess the impact of intercropping on the photosynthetic activity of Arabica coffee plants. The experiment was conducted in the municipality of Alegre, Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Three coffee cropping systems were studied: Arabica coffee monoculture; Arabica coffee intercropped with Nanicon variety banana; and Arabica coffee intercropped with Nanicon variety banana and Juçara palm. The Arabica coffee variety used was Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44, planted in 1991, with a spacing of 3.0 m between rows and 2.0 m between holes, accommodating two plants per hole. In 2010, coffee trees underwent mid-height pruning (low-cutting pruning), and the Nanicon bananas were planted between rows with a spacing of 5.0 x 3.0 m. Three years later, palm seedlings were planted in the same rows as the banana plants, with a spacing of 5 x 3 m. Five experimental units were randomly selected for each cropping system. The evaluated variables included chlorophyll indexes (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, and chlorophyll a/b ratio) and gas exchange parameters (net CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, transpiration, intrinsic water use efficiency, instantaneous water use efficiency, and carboxylation efficiency). Regarding chlorophyll indexes, differences were observed only in chlorophyll b, with monoculture coffee displaying the highest values. In terms of gas exchange, intercropped coffee exhibited lower values of intrinsic and instantaneous water use efficiency, and higher values of stomatal conductance and transpiration. The highest net assimilation rate values were observed in coffee with banana intercropping, while the highest water use efficiency was found in coffee in monoculture. In summary, monoculture coffee showed the highest values for most of the variables related to photosynthetic activity, followed by Arabica coffee intercropped with banana, which stood out for achieving the highest net assimilation rate