548 research outputs found

    Determination of forest road surface roughness by kinect depth imaging

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    Roughness is a dynamic property of the gravel road surface that affects safety, ride comfort as well as vehicle tyre life and maintenance costs. A rapid survey of gravel road condition is fundamental for an effective maintenance planning and definition of the intervention priorities. Different non-contact techniques such as laser scanning, ultrasonic sensors and photogrammetry have recently been proposed to reconstruct three-dimensional topography of road surface and allow extraction of roughness metrics. The application of Microsoft Kinect\u2122 depth camera is proposed and discussed here for collection of 3D data sets from gravel roads, to be implemented in order to allow quantification of surface roughness. The objectives are to: i) verify the applicability of the Kinect sensor for characterization of different forest roads, ii) identify the appropriateness and potential of different roughness parameters and iii) analyse the correlation with vibrations recoded by 3-axis accelerometers installed on different vehicles. The test took advantage of the implementation of the Kinect depth camera for surface roughness determination of 4 different forest gravel roads and one well-maintained asphalt road as reference. Different vehicles (mountain bike, off-road motorcycle, ATV vehicle, 4WD car and compact crossover) were included in the experiment in order to verify the vibration intensity when travelling on different road surface conditions. Correlations between the extracted roughness parameters and vibration levels of the tested vehicles were then verified. Coefficients of determination of between 0.76 and 0.97 were detected between average surface roughness and standard deviation of relative accelerations, with higher values in the case of lighter vehicles

    Surgical approach in patients with hyperparathyroidism in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1: total versus partial parathyroidectomy

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    Usually, primary hyperparathyroidism is the first endocrinopathy to be diagnosed in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, and is also the most common one. The timing of the surgery and strategy in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1/hyperparathyroidism are still under debate. The aims of surgery are to: 1) correct hypercalcemia, thus preventing persistent or recurrent hyperparathyroidism; 2) avoid persistent hypoparathyroidism; and 3) facilitate the surgical treatment of possible recurrences. Currently, two types of surgical approach are indicated: 1) subtotal parathyroidectomy with removal of at least 3-3 K glands; and 2) total parathyroidectomy with grafting of autologous parathyroid tissue. Transcervical thymectomy must be performed with both of these procedures. Unsuccessful surgical treatment of hyperparathyroidism is more frequently observed in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 than in sporadic hyperparathyroidism. The recurrence rate is strongly influenced by: 1) the lack of a pre-operative multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 diagnosis; 2) the surgeon's experience; 3) the timing of surgery; 4) the possibility of performing intra-operative confirmation (histologic examination, rapid parathyroid hormone assay) of the curative potential of the surgical procedure; and, 5) the surgical strategy. Persistent hyperparathyroidism seems to be more frequent after subtotal parathyroidectomy than after total parathyroidectomy with autologous graft of parathyroid tissue. Conversely, recurrent hyperparathyroidism has a similar frequency in the two surgical strategies. To plan further operations, it is very helpful to know all the available data about previous surgery and to undertake accurate identification of the site of recurrence

    Cyclodextrin-based nanosponges as drug carriers

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    Cyclodextrin-based nanosponges, which are proposed as a new nanosized delivery system, are innovative cross-linked cyclodextrin polymers nanostructured within a three-dimensional network. This type of cyclodextrin polymer can form porous insoluble nanoparticles with a crystalline or amorphous structure and spherical shape or swelling properties. The polarity and dimension of the polymer mesh can be easily tuned by varying the type of cross-linker and degree of cross-linking. Nanosponge functionalisation for site-specific targeting can be achieved by conjugating various ligands on their surface. They are a safe and biodegradable material with negligible toxicity on cell cultures and are well-tolerated after injection in mice. Cyclodextrin-based nanosponges can form complexes with different types of lipophilic or hydrophilic molecules. The release of the entrapped molecules can be varied by modifying the structure to achieve prolonged release kinetics or a faster release. The nanosponges could be used to improve the aqueous solubility of poorly water-soluble molecules, protect degradable substances, obtain sustained delivery systems or design innovative drug carriers for nanomedicine

    A methodology for the lightweight design of modern transfer machine tools

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    This paper deals with a modern design approach via finite elements in the definition of the main structural elements (rotary table and working unit) of an innovative family of transfer machine tools. Using the concepts of green design and manufacture, as well as sustainable development thinking, the paper highlights the advantages derived from their application in this specific field (i.e., the clever use of lightweight materials to allow ruling out high-consumption hydraulic pump systems). The design is conceived in a modular way, so that the final solution can cover transfers from four to 15 working stations. Two versions of the machines are examined. The first one has a rotary table with nine divisions, which can be considered as a prototype: this machine has been studied in order to set up the numerical predictive model, then validated by experimental tests. The second one, equipped with a rotary table with 15 divisions, is the biggest of the range: this machine has been entirely designed with the aid of the previously developed numerical model. The loading input forces for the analyses have been evaluated experimentally via drilling operations carried out on a three-axis CNC unit. The definition of the design force made it possible to accurately assess both the rotary table and the working units installed in the machine


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    This work aims at determining the influence of tribological and stiffness characteristics of a bolted joint on the residual shank torque of the screw. Even if it is commonly accepted to consider such a residual torque equal to half the torque at the thread, the literature lacks experimental data about the topic. The residual shank torque combines with the axial preload and the external loads to bring about the overall stress on the screw. Hence, the higher the residual torque, the lower the admissible external load for given size and class of the screw. From there stems the need for an analytical tool allowing the designer to calculate the residual torque as a function of the key parameters of the joint

    Inhibition of the Renin-Angiotensin System in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Critical Look to Single and Dual Blockade

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    The clinical benefits of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) are well established in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients with diabetic and non-diabetic nephropathies. But despite appearance, the magnitude of this effect has been questioned particularly in mild, proteinuric nephropathies. Given that the single agents can achieve only partial and not durable suppression of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), it has been hypothesized that dual blockage with ACE inhibitors and ARBs would be most beneficial in the management of progressive CKD than either agent alone. Available evidence indicates significant anti-proteinuric effect, but long-term data in CKD patients are lacking. Recently, the findings of the ONTARGET trial even questioned the safety of this therapeutic approach. Given that preventing cardiovascular complications is extremely important in CKD and RAS inhibition may be useful in this setting, benefits of RAS blockade must be weighed against its possible adverse effects particularly in elderly patients

    Tractor cabin ergonomics analyses by means of Kinect motion capture technology

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    Kinect is the de facto standard for real-time depth sensing and motion capture cameras. The sensor is here proposed for exploiting body tracking during driving operations. The motion capture system was developed taking advantage of the Microsoft software development kit (SDK), and implemented for real-time monitoring of body movements of a beginner and an expert tractor drivers, on different tracks (straight and with curves) and with different driving conditions (manual and assisted steering). Tests show how analyses can be done not only in terms of absolute movements, but also in terms of relative shifts, allowing for quantification of angular displacements or rotations