4 research outputs found

    Relationship between the most proximal His bundle and the morphology of intracavitary pressure curves.

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    A precise localization of the most proximal His bundle (HB) is useful both for diagnostic and for therapeutic purposes, allowing the modification of atrioventricular (AV) nodal conduction. For selective diagnosis a bipolar lead is utilized; for therapy, a unipolar lead. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between the most proximal HB and the morphology of intracavitary pressure curves. In 15 patients (aged 64 +/- 10 years), both bipolar and unipolar H-V intervals were continuously recorded while gradually withdrawing the catheter, which detected the pressure at its tip, from the right ventricle to the atrium. The longest bipolar H-V was 55.5 +/- 13 ms and the shortest 44.5 +/- 11 ms (P less than 0.001); the longest unipolar H-V was 56.5 +/- 14 ms and the shortest 46.2 +/- 11 ms (P less than 0.001). During unipolar recording, H deflection was present in all patients at the same time as ventricular, transvalvular and atrial pressure curves; during bipolar recording, the H electrogram was not present in only one patient concomitantly with the atrial curve. During bipolar recording, the atrial H-V interval was greater than transvalvular H-V in nine patients (mean differences: 6 +/- 2 ms) and they were equal in five; with unipolar recording the atrial H-V interval was greater than transvalvular H-V in 13 patients (mean difference: 8 +/- 6 ms) and they were equal in two. In all patients, the H wave amplitude diminished from the transvalvular area to the atrial one.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

    Ectopic thymoma simulating a pericardial cyst: case report.

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    We present a case of a 53 year old man with a thymoma near the pericardium, a rare ectopic localisation of thymoma. A round radiodensity found at the right cardiophrenic angle was initially suspected at the echocardiography to be a pericardial cyst. The diagnosis of thymoma was made only after histopathological examination of the surgically re-sected lesion

    Impact of Covid-19 on surgical activities and personnel: lessons for the future

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    Covid-19 pandemic has impacted professional, economic and social activities. In the surgical field, it has brought changes to operating activities, the organization of workforces, the protection measures for patients and personnel against possible intraoperative transmissions as well as training young surgeons. This study intends to assess the extent of this impact in our institution

    Association of mechanical bowel preparation with oral antibiotics and anastomotic leak following left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi-centre, prospective audit.

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: , (2018), Association of mechanical bowel preparation with oral antibiotics and anastomotic leak following left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi‐centre, prospective audit. Colorectal Dis, 20: 15-32. doi:10.1111/codi.14362, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14362. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsINTRODUCTION: The optimal bowel preparation strategy to minimise the risk of anastomotic leak is yet to be determined. This study aimed to determine whether oral antibiotics combined with mechanical bowel preparation (MBP+Abx) was associated with a reduced risk of anastomotic leak when compared to mechanical bowel preparation alone (MBP) or no bowel preparation (NBP). METHODS: A pre-planned analysis of the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) 2017 Left Sided Colorectal Resection audit was performed. Patients undergoing elective left sided colonic or rectal resection with primary anastomosis between 1 January 2017 and 15 March 2017 by any operative approach were included. The primary outcome measure was anastomotic leak. RESULTS: Of 3676 patients across 343 centres in 47 countries, 618 (16.8%) received MBP+ABx, 1945 MBP (52.9%) and 1099 patients NBP (29.9%). Patients undergoing MBP+ABx had the lowest overall rate of anastomotic leak (6.1%, 9.2%, 8.7% respectively) in unadjusted analysis. After case-mix adjustment using a mixed-effects multivariable regression model, MBP+Abx was associated with a lower risk of anastomotic leak (OR 0.52, 0.30-0.92, P = 0.02) but MBP was not (OR 0.92, 0.63-1.36, P = 0.69) compared to NBP. CONCLUSION: This non-randomised study adds 'real-world', contemporaneous, and prospective evidence of the beneficial effects of combined mechanical bowel preparation and oral antibiotics in the prevention of anastomotic leak following left sided colorectal resection across diverse settings. We have also demonstrated limited uptake of this strategy in current international colorectal practice