10 research outputs found

    A real world analysis of COVID-19 impact on hospitalizations in older adults with chronic conditions from an Italian region

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    Healthcare delivery reorganization during the COVID-19 emergency may have had a significant impact on access to care for older adults with chronic conditions. We investigated such impact among all adults with chronic conditions aged ≄ 65 years, identified through the electronic health databases of two local health agencies—ATS Brianza and ATS Bergamo—from the Lombardy region, Italy. We considered hospitalizations for 2020 compared to the average 2017–2019 and quantified differences using rate ratios (RRs). Overall, in 2017–2019 there were a mean of 374,855 older adults with ≄ 1 chronic condition per year in the two ATS and 405,371 in 2020. Hospitalizations significantly decreased from 84,624 (225.8/1000) in 2017–2019 to 78,345 (193.3/1000) in 2020 (RR 0.86). Declines were reported in individuals with many chronic conditions and for most Major Diagnostic Categories, except for diseases of the respiratory system. The strongest reductions were observed in hospitalizations for individuals with active tumours, particularly for surgical ones. Hospitalization rates increased in individuals with diabetes, likely due to COVID-19-related diseases. Although determinants of the decrease in demand and supply for care among chronic older adults are to be further explored, this raises awareness on their impacts on chronic patients’ health in the medium and long run

    Worldwide trends in population-based survival for children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with leukaemia, by subtype, during 2000–14 (CONCORD-3) : analysis of individual data from 258 cancer registries in 61 countries

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    Background Leukaemias comprise a heterogenous group of haematological malignancies. In CONCORD-3, we analysed data for children (aged 0–14 years) and adults (aged 15–99 years) diagnosed with a haematological malignancy during 2000–14 in 61 countries. Here, we aimed to examine worldwide trends in survival from leukaemia, by age and morphology, in young patients (aged 0–24 years). Methods We analysed data from 258 population-based cancer registries in 61 countries participating in CONCORD-3 that submitted data on patients diagnosed with leukaemia. We grouped patients by age as children (0–14 years), adolescents (15–19 years), and young adults (20–24 years). We categorised leukaemia subtypes according to the International Classification of Childhood Cancer (ICCC-3), updated with International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, third edition (ICD-O-3) codes. We estimated 5-year net survival by age and morphology, with 95% CIs, using the non-parametric Pohar-Perme estimator. To control for background mortality, we used life tables by country or region, single year of age, single calendar year and sex, and, where possible, by race or ethnicity. All-age survival estimates were standardised to the marginal distribution of young people with leukaemia included in the analysis. Findings 164563 young people were included in this analysis: 121328 (73·7%) children, 22963 (14·0%) adolescents, and 20272 (12·3%) young adults. In 2010–14, the most common subtypes were lymphoid leukaemia (28205 [68·2%] patients) and acute myeloid leukaemia (7863 [19·0%] patients). Age-standardised 5-year net survival in children, adolescents, and young adults for all leukaemias combined during 2010–14 varied widely, ranging from 46% in Mexico to more than 85% in Canada, Cyprus, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, and Australia. Individuals with lymphoid leukaemia had better age-standardised survival (from 43% in Ecuador to ≄80% in parts of Europe, North America, Oceania, and Asia) than those with acute myeloid leukaemia (from 32% in Peru to ≄70% in most high-income countries in Europe, North America, and Oceania). Throughout 2000–14, survival from all leukaemias combined remained consistently higher for children than adolescents and young adults, and minimal improvement was seen for adolescents and young adults in most countries. Interpretation This study offers the first worldwide picture of population-based survival from leukaemia in children, adolescents, and young adults. Adolescents and young adults diagnosed with leukaemia continue to have lower survival than children. Trends in survival from leukaemia for adolescents and young adults are important indicators of the quality of cancer management in this age group.peer-reviewe

    Global survival trends for brain tumors, by histology: analysis of individual records for 556,237 adults diagnosed in 59 countries during 2000–2014 (CONCORD-3)

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    Background: Survival is a key metric of the effectiveness of a health system in managing cancer. We set out to provide a comprehensive examination of worldwide variation and trends in survival from brain tumors in adults, by histology. Methods: We analyzed individual data for adults (15–99 years) diagnosed with a brain tumor (ICD-O-3 topography code C71) during 2000–2014, regardless of tumor behavior. Data underwent a 3-phase quality control as part of CONCORD-3. We estimated net survival for 11 histology groups, using the unbiased nonparametric Pohar Perme estimator. Results: The study included 556,237 adults. In 2010–2014, the global range in age-standardized 5-year net survival for the most common sub-types was broad: in the range 20%–38% for diffuse and anaplastic astrocytoma, from 4% to 17% for glioblastoma, and between 32% and 69% for oligodendroglioma. For patients with glioblastoma, the largest gains in survival occurred between 2000–2004 and 2005–2009. These improvements were more noticeable among adults diagnosed aged 40–70 years than among younger adults. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this study provides the largest account to date of global trends in population-based survival for brain tumors by histology in adults. We have highlighted remarkable gains in 5-year survival from glioblastoma since 2005, providing large-scale empirical evidence on the uptake of chemoradiation at population level. Worldwide, survival improvements have been extensive, but some countries still lag behind. Our findings may help clinicians involved in national and international tumor pathway boards to promote initiatives aimed at more extensive implementation of clinical guidelines

    Cancer incidence and mortality trends from 2003 to 2014 in Italy

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    Objective: To evaluate short-term (2003–2014) cancer incidence and mortality trends in Italy. Methods: Italian Cancer Registries data, available in the AIRTUM database, from 17 out of 20 regions were used. The number of incident cases and deaths were estimated for those registries and those years with incomplete information. Age-standardized rates, overall and stratified by geographic area, region, sex, cancer site, and major age group, were computed. Time trends were expressed as annual percent change of rates. Results: In Italy, among males, incidence rates for all cancers showed during 2003–2014, a significant decrease (−0.9%/ year), with stronger reductions in the northwest (−1.3%/year) and northeast (−2.0%/year since 2006) than in central (−0.7%/year) and southern (−0.4%/year) areas. Among females, a weak but significant overall reduction was detected (−0.1%/year), with a stronger decrease in the northwest (−0.5%/year). Incidence increased among women in the south (0.3%/year) of Italy. Mortality decreased in both sexes (−1.0%/year among males and −0.5%/year among females), but not in the south, where rates had a stable tendency. Conclusions: Incidence among males decreased, supported by trends for prostate, lung, colorectal, and urinary bladder cancers; among females the. The overall cancer incidence trend was stable, or even decreasing, in the northern and central areas and increasing in the southern areas, due to lung, thyroid, and melanoma rising trends. Study results provided information on the outcomes, in terms of cancer incidence and mortality, of primary and secondary prevention measures employed by regional health systems

    Confronto fra registri specializzati e registri tumori di popolazione: i risultati del progetto ReNaM-AIRTUM = A comparative analysis between regional mesothelioma registries and cancer registries: results of the ReNaM-AIRTUM project

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    OBIETTIVI: stimare il livello di concordanza e le stime di incidenza dei casi di mesotelioma, rilevati da registri indipendenti, i registri regionali dei mesoteliomi (COR) e i registri tumori di popolazione (RT), al fine di contribuire all’armonizzazione delle modalitĂ  di identificazione e codifica dei casi. SETTING E PARTECIPANTI: i casi di mesotelioma registrati da 19 RT italiani e da 9 su 19 COR. Alcuni COR non hanno potuto aderire per l’assenza di RT accreditati nell’area oggetto dello studio. PRiNCIPALI MISURE DI OUTCOME: si Ăš proceduto al calcolo della concordanza sui positivi per i casi codificati come mesotelioma. La statistica k di Cohen Ăš stata utilizzata per stimare il grado di concordanza fra morfologia di mesotelioma maligno con istotipo specificato (ICD-O-3 da 90513 a 90533) e con istotipo non altrimenti specificato (NAS) (ICD-O-3 90503); inoltre Ăš stato calcolato l’Odds Ratio per valutare la direzione della discordanza di questa codifica. La stima dell’incidenza per entrambi i registri Ăš stata effettuata calcolando tassi di incidenza standardizzati utilizzando come standard la popolazione europea e si Ăš valutata l’eventuale differenza dei tassi. E’ stato effettuato anche un confronto fra le date di incidenza. RISULTATI: il risultato della concordanza sui positivi ha mostrato in generale valori di concordanza alti (>80%), specialmente nelle aree dove lo scambio di dati Ăš prassi periodica. Solo per poche aree sono emersi risultati di concordanza piĂč bassi. La concordanza fra morfologia di mesotelioma con istotipo, specificato e non, ha mostrato un range abbastanza ampio (k da -0,06 a 0,65) e un valore piĂč basso rispetto al calcolo della concordanza sui positivi. Lo studio ha fatto emergere differenti modalitĂ  nell’individuazione della data di incidenza e nella codifica della morfologia, mostrando che i COR sono in grado di attribuire piĂč frequentemente una morfologia con istotipo specificato rispetto ai RT. I tassi standardizzati sono risultati maggiori per i RT quando calcolati per i soli casi definiti «certi» dal ReNaM, considerando, invece, l’insieme di casi ReNaM «certi, probabili e possibili» il valore dei tassi Ăš risultato superiore per i COR. CONCLUSIONE: questo progetto di collaborazione tra AIRTUM e ReNaM ha permesso di individuare differenze nelle stime di incidenza del mesotelioma maligno prodotte da registri tumori diversi. Tali differenze erano riconducibili, per alcune aree, a una difficoltĂ  nel reperire informazioni utili alla definizione dei casi di mesotelioma. Lo studio ha permesso, inoltre, di consolidare i confronti esistenti e di creare, a livello locale, un’attivitĂ  di scambio dati tra RT e COR. E’ stato possibile, infine, approntare una prima riflessione comune tra i registri coinvolti per individuare un percorso che si auspica possa portare alla realizzazione di linee guida comuni e alla formazione degli operatori deputati alla codifica. Parole chiave: mesotelioma, registri tumori, concordanz

    Global survival trends for brain tumors, by histology: Analysis of individual records for 67,776 children diagnosed in 61 countries during 2000–2014 (CONCORD-3): ntroduction: Tumors of the central nervous system are among the leading causes of cancer-related death in children. Population-based cancer survival reflects the overall effectiveness of a health care system in managing cancer. Inequity in access to care world-wide may result in survival disparities.Methods: We considered children (0-14 years) diagnosed with a brain tumor during 2000-2014, regardless of tumor behavior. Data underwent a rigorous, three-phase quality control as part of CONCORD-3. We implemented a revised version of the International Classification of Childhood Cancer (third edition) to control for under-registration of non-malignant astrocytic tumors. We estimated net survival using the unbiased nonparametric Pohar Perme estimator.Results: The study included 67,776 children. We estimated survival for 12 histology groups, each based on relevant ICD-O-3 codes. Age-standardized 5-year net survival for low-grade astrocytoma ranged between 84% and 100% world-wide during 2000-2014. In most countries, 5-year survival was 90% or more during 2000-2004, 2005-2009, and 2010-2014. Global variation in survival for medulloblastoma was much wider, with age-standardized 5-year net survival between 47% and 86% for children diagnosed during 2010-2014.Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this study provides the largest account to date of global trends in population-based survival for brain tumors in children, by histology. We devised an enhanced version of ICCC-3 to account for differences in cancer registration practices world-wide. Our findings may have public health implications, because low-grade glioma is 1 of the 6 index childhood cancers included by WHO in the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer.

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    Abstract Introduction Tumors of the central nervous system are among the leading causes of cancer-related death in children. Population-based cancer survival reflects the overall effectiveness of a health care system in managing cancer. Inequity in access to care world-wide may result in survival disparities. Methods We considered children (0–14 years) diagnosed with a brain tumor during 2000–2014, regardless of tumor behavior. Data underwent a rigorous, three-phase quality control as part of CONCORD-3. We implemented a revised version of the International Classification of Childhood Cancer (third edition) to control for under-registration of non-malignant astrocytic tumors. We estimated net survival using the unbiased nonparametric Pohar Perme estimator. Results The study included 67,776 children. We estimated survival for 12 histology groups, each based on relevant ICD-O-3 codes. Age-standardized 5-year net survival for low-grade astrocytoma ranged between 84% and 100% world-wide during 2000–2014. In most countries, 5-year survival was 90% or more during 2000–2004, 2005–2009, and 2010–2014. Global variation in survival for medulloblastoma was much wider, with age-standardized 5-year net survival between 47% and 86% for children diagnosed during 2010–2014. Conclusions To the best of our knowledge, this study provides the largest account to date of global trends in population-based survival for brain tumors in children, by histology. We devised an enhanced version of ICCC-3 to account for differences in cancer registration practices world-wide. Our findings may have public health implications, because low-grade glioma is 1 of the 6 index childhood cancers included by WHO in the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer

    The histology of brain tumors for 67 331 children and 671 085 adults diagnosed in 60 countries during 2000-2014: a global, population-based study (CONCORD-3)

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    Auteurs : The CONCORD Working GroupInternational audienceBackground: Global variations in survival for brain tumors are very wide when all histological types are considered together. Appraisal of international differences should be informed by the distribution of histology, but little is known beyond Europe and North America.Methods: The source for the analysis was the CONCORD database, a program of global surveillance of cancer survival trends, which includes the tumor records of individual patients from more than 300 population-based cancer registries. We considered all patients aged 0-99 years who were diagnosed with a primary brain tumor during 2000-2014, whether malignant or nonmalignant. We presented the histology distribution of these tumors, for patients diagnosed during 2000-2004, 2005-2009, and 2010-2014.Results: Records were submitted from 60 countries on 5 continents, 67 331 for children and 671 085 for adults. After exclusion of irrelevant morphology codes, the final study population comprised 60 783 children and 602 112 adults. Only 59 of 60 countries covered in CONCORD-3 were included because none of the Mexican records were eligible. We defined 12 histology groups for children, and 11 for adults. In children (0-14 years), the proportion of low-grade astrocytomas ranged between 6% and 50%. Medulloblastoma was the most common subtype in countries where low-grade astrocytoma was less commonly reported. In adults (15-99 years), the proportion of glioblastomas varied between 9% and 69%. International comparisons were made difficult by wide differences in the proportion of tumors with unspecified histology, which accounted for up to 52% of diagnoses in children and up to 65% in adults.Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first account of the global histology distribution of brain tumors, in children and adults. Our findings provide insights into the practices and the quality of cancer registration worldwide