18 research outputs found

    The spectrum of ATM missense variants and their contribution to contralateral breast cancer

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    Heterozygous carriers of ATM mutations are at increased risk of breast cancer. In this case-control study, we evaluated the significance of germline ATM missense variants to the risk of contralateral breast cancer (CBC). We have determined the spectrum and frequency of ATM missense variants in 443 breast cancer patients diagnosed before age 50, including 247 patients who subsequently developed CBC. Twenty-one per cent of the women with unilateral breast cancer and 17% of the women with CBC had at least one ATM germline missense variant, indicating no significant difference in variant frequency between these two groups. We have found that carriers of an ATM missense mutation, who were treated with radiotherapy for the first breast tumour, developed their second tumour on average in a 92-month interval compared to a 136-month mean interval for those CBC patients who neither received RT nor carried a germline variant, (p = 0.029). Our results indicate that the presence of ATM variants does not have a major impact on the overall risk of CBC. However, the combination of RT and (certain) ATM missense variants seems to accelerate tumour development

    First international workshop of the ATM and cancer risk group (4-5 December 2019).

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    The first International Workshop of the ATM and Cancer Risk group focusing on the role of Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM) gene in cancer was held on December 4 and 5, 2019 at Institut Curie in Paris, France. It was motivated by the fact that germline ATM pathogenic variants have been found to be associated with different cancer types. However, due to the lack of precise age-, sex-, and site-specific risk estimates, no consensus on management guidelines for variant carriers exists, and the clinical utility of ATM variant testing is uncertain. The meeting brought together epidemiologists, geneticists, biologists and clinicians to review current knowledge and on-going challenges related to ATM and cancer risk. This report summarizes the meeting sessions content that covered the latest results in family-based and population-based studies, the importance of accurate variant classification, the effect of radiation exposures for ATM variant carriers, and the characteristics of ATM-deficient tumors. The report concludes that ATM variant carriers outside of the context of Ataxia-Telangiectasia may benefit from effective cancer risk management and therapeutic strategies and that efforts to set up large-scale studies in the international framework to achieve this goal are necessary

    Linkage disequilibrium pattern of the ATM gene in breast cancer patients and controls; association of SNPs and haplotypes to radio-sensitivity and post-lumpectomy local recurrence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ATM protein is activated as a result of ionizing radiation, and genetic variants of the <it>ATM </it>gene may therefore affect the level of radiation-induced damage. Individuals heterozygous for <it>ATM </it>mutations have been reported to have an increased risk of malignancy, especially breast cancer.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Norwegian breast cancer patients (272) treated with radiation (252 of which were evaluated for radiation-induced adverse side effects), 95 Norwegian women with no known history of cancer and 95 American breast cancer patients treated with radiation (44 of which developed ipsilateral breast tumour recurrence, IBTR) were screened for sequence variations in all exons of the <it>ATM </it>gene as well as known intronic variants by denaturating high performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC) followed by sequencing to determine the nature of the variant.</p> <p>Results and Conclusion</p> <p>A total of 56 variants were identified in the three materials combined. A borderline significant association with breast cancer risk was found for the 1229 T>C (Val>Ala) substitution in exon 11 (P-value 0.055) between the Norwegian controls and breast cancer patients as well as a borderline significant difference in haplotype distribution (P-value 0.06). Adverse side effects, such as: development of costal fractures and telangiectasias, subcutaneous and lung fibrosis, pleural thickening and atrophy were evaluated in the Norwegian patients. Significant associations were found for several of the identified variants such as rs1800058 (Leu > Phe) where a decrease in minor allele frequency was found with increasing level of adverse side effects for the clinical end-points pleural thickening and lung fibrosis, thus giving a protective effect. Overall our results indicate a role for variation in the <it>ATM </it>gene both for risk of developing breast cancer, and in radiation induced adverse side effects. No association could be found between risk of developing ipsilateral breast tumour recurrence and any of the sequence variants found in the American patient material.</p

    ATM variants and cancer risk in breast cancer patients from Southern Finland

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    BACKGROUND: Individuals heterozygous for germline ATM mutations have been reported to have an increased risk for breast cancer but the role for ATM genetic variants for breast cancer risk has remained unclear. Recently, a common ATM variant, ATMivs38 -8T>C in cis with the ATMex39 5557G>A (D1853N) variant, was suggested to associate with bilateral breast cancer among familial breast cancer patients from Northern Finland. We have here evaluated the 5557G>A and ivs38-8T>C variants in an extensive case-control association analysis. We also aimed to investigate whether there are other ATM mutations or variants contributing to breast cancer risk in our population. METHODS: Two common ATM variants, 5557G>A and ivs38-8T>C, previously suggested to associate with bilateral breast cancer, were genotyped in an extensive set of 786 familial and 884 unselected breast cancer cases as well as 708 healthy controls. We also screened the entire coding region and exon-intron boundaries of the ATM gene in 47 familial breast cancer patients and constructed haplotypes of the patients. The identified variants were also evaluated for increased breast cancer risk among additional breast cancer cases and controls. RESULTS: Neither of the two common variants, 5557G>A and ivs38-8T>C, nor any haplotype containing them, was significantly associated with breast cancer risk, bilateral breast cancer or multiple primary cancers in any of the patient groups or subgoups. Three rare missense alterations and one intronic change were each found in only one patient of over 250 familial patients studied and not among controls. The fourth missense alteration studied further was found with closely similar frequencies in over 600 familial cases and controls. CONCLUSION: Altogether, our results suggest very minor effect, if any, of ATM genetic variants on familial breast cancer in Southern Finland. Our results do not support association of the 5557G>A or ivs38-8T>C variant with increased breast cancer risk or with bilateral breast cancer

    Ataxia-telangiectasia genes and breast cancer risk in a French family study

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    Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is a rare autosomal recessive early childhood disorder, characterized by progressive neuronal degeneration, immunological deficiency, radiosensitivity and an increased risk of cancer caused in most cases by mutations in the AT-mutated gene (ATM). Epidemiological studies on AT families have shown that AT heterozygous women have an increased risk of developing breast cancer (BC). The ATM protein plays a central role in the recognition and repair of DNA double-strand breaks and the subsequent activation of cell-cycle checkpoints. Whilst AT is a rare disease, 0-5-1 % of the general population are estimated to be AT mutation carriers, thus any increases in the risks of cancer associated with ATM carrier status are of public health relevance. The main results of our published studies on the risk of BC in 34 French AT families according to heterozygote status, type of ATM mutation and exogenous factors are summarized here. The risk of BC was higher in ATM heterozygous (HetATM) women and did not differ significantly according to the type of ATM mutation (missense vs truncating) carried by the AT family members but appeared associated with the position of some truncating mutations in certain binding domains of the ATM protein. The effect of exogenous factors, such as reproductive life factors and exposure to ionizing radiation, on the risk of BC according to ATM heterozygote status was assessed. There was no evidence for interaction (except for age at first full-term pregnancy). These findings does not appear to justify a separate screening program from that already available to other women with a first-degree relative affected by BC, as their risks have similar amplitude. Chest X-rays did not appear to be a risk factor for BC in our study population. More powerful studies, using data sets pooled from international sources are being set up to confirm these observations

    Realizzazione di amplificatori in fibra attiva per seconda finestra

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    p. 609-616Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Biblioteca Centrale / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Democrazia e verit\ue0. Tra degenerazione e rigenerazione

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    Il titolo di questo volume dichiara programmaticamente una questione e una pro- spettiva di indagine. I testi si snodano attraverso considerazioni sui \u201climiti\u201d deli- neati nella carta costituzionale, esplorazioni ricostruttive delle vicende relative al rapporto tra Chiesa e democrazia, approfondimenti sul contributo di fondazione che deriva dal paradigma dialogico, discussioni sull\u2019apporto del personalismo, te- matizzazioni del nesso tra popolo e sovranit\ue0, affondi teoretici circa il rapporto tra democrazia e verit\ue0, per scandagliarne anche i risvolti nell\u2019ambito del diritto e dell\u2019economia, la comunicazione, l\u2019etica, la relazione con s\ue9 e con gli altri. Proponendo cos\uec differenti percorsi d\u2019indagine che declinano aspetti molteplici in prospettiva teoretica ma anche storica e con riferimento alla prassi, e riprendendo rilevanti paradigmi con cui confrontarsi criticamente, il volume si offre come un contributo prezioso all\u2019urgenza di una riflessione radicale sulla democrazia