10 research outputs found

    Correction to: Does transcranial direct current stimulation improve functional locomotion in people with Parkinson’s disease? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    In the original article [1], we mentioned that some study characteristics of the article by Dagan and colleagues [2] were unavailable. However, we realized that the authors provided the relevant information in their supplementary file. As such, we added participant characteristics (i.e., age = 68.8 ± 6.8, gender = 17 M, 3 F, PD duration = 9.0 ± 5.7, and UPDRS Part III at baseline = Total 39.7 ± 14.6) to Table 1, stimulation parameters (i.e., intensity = 3 mA, duration = 20 min, areas = 3 cm2) to Table 2, and methodological quality assessments (i.e., allocation concealment = 1 and Total score = 9) to Table 3. Based on the new information, we updated Fig. 2 with the corrected selection bias and performance bias results. Finally, we confirmed that these corrections did not change the meta-analytic findings in the original article

    Correction to: Does transcranial direct current stimulation improve functional locomotion in people with Parkinson’s disease? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    In the original article [1], we mentioned that some study characteristics of the article by Dagan and colleagues [2] were unavailable. However, we realized that the authors provided the relevant information in their supplementary file. As such, we added participant characteristics (i.e., age = 68.8 ± 6.8, gender = 17 M, 3 F, PD duration = 9.0 ± 5.7, and UPDRS Part III at baseline = Total 39.7 ± 14.6) to Table 1, stimulation parameters (i.e., intensity = 3 mA, duration = 20 min, areas = 3 cm2) to Table 2, and methodological quality assessments (i.e., allocation concealment = 1 and Total score = 9) to Table 3. Based on the new information, we updated Fig. 2 with the corrected selection bias and performance bias results. Finally, we confirmed that these corrections did not change the meta-analytic findings in the original article

    Emotion and motor preparation: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study of corticospinal motor tract excitability

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    In the present study, we examined whether preparing motor responses under different emotional conditions alters motor evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation delivered to the motor cortex. Analyses revealed three findings: (1) Reaction times were expedited during exposure to unpleasant images, as compared with pleasant and neutral images; (2) force amplitude was greater during exposure to unpleasant images, as compared with pleasant and neutral images; and (3) MEPs were larger while participants viewed unpleasant images, as compared with neutral images. Hence, coupling the preparation of motor responses with the viewing of emotional images led to arousal-driven changes in corticospinal motor tract excitability, whereas movement speed and force production varied as a function of emotional valence. These findings demonstrate that the effects of emotion on the motor system manifest at varying sensitivity levels across behavioral and neurophysiological measures. Moreover, they validate the action readiness component of emotional experience by demonstrating that emotional states influence the execution of future movements but, alone, do not lead to overt movement

    Maximal voluntary isometric elbow flexion force during unilateral versus bilateral contractions in individuals with chronic stroke

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the phenomenon of bilateral deficit in muscular force production observed in healthy subjects and mildly impaired stroke patients also exists in patients with more chronic and greater levels of stroke impairment. Ten patients with chronic hemiparesis resulting from stroke performed unilateral and bilateral maximal voluntary isometric contractions of the elbow flexors. When the total force produced by both arms was compared, 12% less force was produced in the bilateral compared with unilateral condition (p=0.01). However, studying the effect of task conditions on each arm separately revealed a significant decline in nonparetic (p=0.01) but not paretic elbow flexor force in the bilateral compared with unilateral condition. Results suggest that a significant bilateral force deficit exists in the nonparetic but not the paretic arm in individuals with chronic stroke. Bilateral task conditions do not seem to benefit or impair paretic arm maximal isometric force production in individuals with moderate-severity chronic strok

    Análise do rendimento no primeiro serviço em tenistas de competição sob o efeito de um escoamento aerodinâmico induzido

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    O presente estudo analisou as variáveis de produto no serviço de tênis em 12 jogadores experientes, quando constrangidos com um escoamento aerodinâmico induzido (EAI) produzido por um ventilador industrial. Para o cálculo da exatidão do serviço, recorreu-se a uma análise 2D. A velocidade de saída da bola foi medida através de um radar. Os jogadores realizaram 100 serviços à máxima velocidade e para o ponto de interseção da linha central e linha de serviço. Os resultados não evidenciam diferenças estatisticamente significativas na exatidão e precisão entre a condição de controlo e as quatro condições com EAI. Na variável velocidade de serviço verificaram-se diferenças significativas em seis participantes. Na relação entre a velocidade e a exatidão constatou-se a existência de correlações negativas e estatisticamente significativas, nas condições EAI1; EAI3 e EAI aleatório. Os jogadores apresentaram uma menor exatidão e precisão em profundidade e maior na direção do serviço.Este estudio analizó las variables del producto en el servicio de tenis en 12 jugadores expertos, cuando se les aplica un flujo aerodinámico inducido (EAI) mediante un ventilador industrial. Se calculó la precisión del servicio aplicando un análisis 2D. La velocidad de salida de la bola fue medida con un radar. Los sujetos realizaron 100 servicios a máxima velocidad hacia la línea de intersección entre la línea central y de servicio. Los resultados no muestran diferencias significativas en la exactitud y precisión entre la condición de control y las cuatro condiciones con EAI. En la variable de velocidad del servicio se encontraron diferencias significativas en 6 participantes. Se hallaron correlaciones negativas y significativas entre la velocidad y la precisión entre las condiciones EAI1; EAI3 y EAI aleatorio. Los jugadores presentaron una menor exactitud y precisión en profundidad y mayor en la dirección del servicio.This study analysed the product variables on the tennis serve of 12 experienced players, when constrained by an induced streamlined flow (EAI), delivered by an industrial ventilator. In order to obtain the serve accuracy, we use 2D analysis. Moreover, the ball's speed was measured by radar. The players performed 100 services at maximum speed and to the intersection point between the central and the service lines. The results showed no statistically significant changes in accuracy and precision between the control condition and the four EAI conditions. The results also showed prominent statistical changes in the serve speed for 6 among the 12 players. Concerning to the relation between the serve's speed and the accuracy, the results showed the existence of negative significant correlations for the speeds EA1, EAI3 and for random EAI. Lastly, the players' attempts had narrower accuracy and precision in the depth than in the serve direction