85 research outputs found

    A spatial panel wage curve for Spain

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    Most empirical studies on the Spanish wage curve have ignored the possible spatial interaction effects between the regions. This paper reconsiders the Spanish wage curve using more recent data than previous studies and taking into account the role of regional spillovers. From a methodological perspective, we apply the two-step procedure proposed by Bell et al (2000) to estimate a dynamic wage curve with spatial spillovers. In a first stage, we use microdata from the Spanish Social Security Records (Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales) to obtain composition-corrected wages that are used in a second stage to estimate a wage curve over the period 2000-2010 allowing for spatial effects of unemployment across regions. Opposite to previous studies, we find that the wage equation is highly autoregressive and that regional spillovers are relevant to explain the relationship between unemployment and wages in the Spanish provinces

    Assistência de Enfermagem por Ciclos de Vida

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    A história da criança, em todo o mundo, tem sido marcada por episódios muito tristes de abandono, mortalidade infantil em níveis elevados, negligência nos cuidados por parte da família e pelo Estado. Comparando os dias atuais com os séculos passados, percebem-se as grandes mudanças ocorridas em relação às políticas públicas de saúde direcionadas à criança. Apesar de tantas mudanças, alguns agravos, como a desnutrição infantil, a diarreia e as infecções respiratórias agudas continuam sendo motivo constante de consultas nas Unidades de Saúde da Família. Sabe-se que, nas ações voltadas à saúde da criança, o enfermeiro tem papel fundamental no desenvolvimento de atividades educativas em saúde com pais, professores e cuidadores, mas é na consulta de enfermagem que se cria a oportunidade de prescrever cuidados que podem contribuir para a promoção, proteção e recuperação da saúde das crianças de sua área de abrangência. Embora seja uma atribuição indelegável a outros profissionais, a realização da consulta de enfermagem ainda é um grande desafi o para os profi ssionais enfermeiros e depende de muitos fatores, sobretudo de seu empenho em proporcionar o melhor de si para sua comunidade. O objetivo deste módulo é proporcionar ao enfermeiro a atualização de conhecimentos e de habilidades que possibilitem conhecer a realidade da criança e de sua família e, dessa forma, propor ações de enfermagem adequadas e específicas às crianças e famílias sob sua responsabilidade.MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDEUna-SU

    The KISS principle in Software-Defined Networking: An architecture for Keeping It Simple and Secure

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    Security is an increasingly fundamental requirement in Software-Defined Networking (SDN). However, the pace of adoption of secure mechanisms has been slow, which we estimate to be a consequence of the performance overhead of traditional solutions and of the complexity of the support infrastructure required. As a first step to addressing these problems, we propose a modular secure SDN control plane communications architecture, KISS, with innovative solutions in the context of key distribution and secure channel support. A comparative analysis of the performance impact of essential security primitives guided our selection of basic primitives for KISS. We further propose iDVV, the integrated device verification value, a deterministic but indistinguishable-from-random secret code generation protocol, allowing the local but synchronized generation/verification of keys at both ends of the channel, even on a per-message basis. iDVV is expected to give an important contribution both to the robustness and simplification of the authentication and secure communication problems in SDN. We show that our solution, while offering the same security properties, outperforms reference alternatives, with performance improvements up to 30% over OpenSSL, and improvement in robustness based on a code footprint one order of magnitude smaller. Finally, we also prove and test randomness of the proposed algorithms

    The KISS principle in Software-Defined Networking: An architecture for Keeping It Simple and Secure

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    Security is an increasingly fundamental requirement in Software-Defined Networking (SDN). However, the pace of adoption of secure mechanisms has been slow, which we estimate to be a consequence of the performance overhead of traditional solutions and of the complexity of the support infrastructure required. As a first step to addressing these problems, we propose a modular secure SDN control plane communications architecture, KISS, with innovative solutions in the context of key distribution and secure channel support. A comparative analysis of the performance impact of essential security primitives guided our selection of basic primitives for KISS. We further propose iDVV, the integrated device verification value, a deterministic but indistinguishable-from-random secret code generation protocol, allowing the local but synchronized generation/verification of keys at both ends of the channel, even on a per-message basis. iDVV is expected to give an important contribution both to the robustness and simplification of the authentication and secure communication problems in SDN. We show that our solution, while offering the same security properties, outperforms reference alternatives, with performance improvements up to 30% over OpenSSL, and improvement in robustness based on a code footprint one order of magnitude smaller. Finally, we also prove and test randomness of the proposed algorithms


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    Crude glycerol (CG) is an abundantly available and cheap by-product from biodiesel production. Value-added applications for CG are highly wanted by industry and several processes such as the use of CG for enhanced oil recovery have been proposed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sulfide production of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) indigenous to oil reservoirs using CG as substrate. The samples of CG were obtained from a biodiesel production plant, processing castor beans, soybeans, cotton, and waste oils and fats. Growth tests were performed in Postgate medium, with different types and concentrations of CG, and a mixed inoculum of SRB isolated from the produced water of a mature oil well of Bahia (Brazil). The experiment was monitored by measuring the concentration of sulfide using a colorimetric method. The results showed that SRB grew and produced more than 250 ppm sulfide at CG concentrations of 2%. However, at CG concentrations of 3% or higher, the biogenic production of sulfide was reduced. The study demonstrates that CG will likely stimulate SRB in oil fields, whenever CG is present at lower concentrations. Maintaining CG concentrations inhibitive to SRB will not certainly be achievable throughout oil reservoirs. Dosing CG to oil fields may lead to problems associated with souring in longer terms. The utilization of CG by SRB could in turn be interesting for other biotechnological processes, e.g. metal recovery processes based on precipitation with biologically formed sulfide. </span

    Effectiveness and long-term retention of anti-tumour necrosis factor treatment in juvenile and adult patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: data from Reuma.pt

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    Methods. We prospectively collected patient and disease characteristics from patients with JIA who started biological therapy. Adverse events were collected during the follow-up period. Predictors of response at 1 year and drug retention rates were assessed at 4 years of treatment for the first biologic agent.Results. A total of 812 JIA patients [65% females, mean age at JIA onset 6.9 years (s.d. 4.7)], 227 received biologic therapy; 205 patients (90.3%) were treated with an anti-TNF as the first biologic. All the parameters used to evaluate disease activity, namely number of active joints, ESR and Childhood HAQ/HAQ, decreased significantly at 6 months and 1 year of treatment. The mean reduction in Juvenile Disease Activity Score 10 (JADAS10) after 1 year of treatment was 10.4 (s.d. 7.4). According to the definition of improvement using the JADAS10 score, 83.3% respond to biologic therapy after 1 year. Fourteen patients discontinued biologic therapies due to adverse events. Retention rates were 92.9% at 1 year, 85.5% at 2 years, 78.4% at 3 years and 68.1% at 4 years of treatment. Among all JIA subtypes, only concomitant therapy with corticosteroids was found to be univariately associated with withdrawal of biologic treatment (P = 0.016).Conclusion. Biologic therapies seem effective and safe in patients with JIA. In addition, the retention rates for the first biologic agent are high throughout 4 years

    A DERL3-associated defect in the degradation of SLC2A1 mediates the Warburg effect

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    Cancer cells possess aberrant proteomes that can arise by the disruption of genes involved in physiological protein degradation. Here we demonstrate the presence of promoter CpG island hypermethylation-linked inactivation of DERL3 (Derlin-3), a key gene in the endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation pathway, in human tumours. The restoration of in vitro and in vivo DERL3 activity highlights the tumour suppressor features of the gene. Using the stable isotopic labelling of amino acids in cell culture workflow for differential proteome analysis, we identify SLC2A1 (glucose transporter 1, GLUT1) as a downstream target of DERL3. Most importantly, SLC2A1 overexpression mediated by DERL3 epigenetic loss contributes to the Warburg effect in the studied cells and pinpoints a subset of human tumours with greater vulnerability to drugs targeting glycolysis.Seventh Framework Programme (European Commission) (Grant HEALTH-F5-2010-258236-SYSCOL)Seventh Framework Programme (European Commission) (Grant HEALTH-F2-2011-259015-COLTHERES)Cellex FoundationOlga Torres FoundationEuropean Research Council (EPINORC Project Grant Agreement 268626)Spain. Ministerio de Economia y Competividad (MINECO Project SAF2011-22803)Institute of Health Carlos III (RTICC Grant RD12/0036/0039