4 research outputs found

    La comunicazione della patologia fetale. Il punto di vista della donna, del medico e dell’équipe

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    La comunicazione della patologia fetale riveste una serie di significati con implicazioni psicologiche e sociali importanti che richiedono al medico capacità comunicativa, attitudine alla comprensione della paziente e delle dinamiche istituzionali. La donna: la patologia ostetrica è una crisi dentro la crisi. Nella patologia ostetrica le aspettative di vivere la nuova condizione di madre e di sentirsi più compiutamente famiglia vengono frustrate e tradite. In seguito alla diagnosi di patologia, alla perdita del bambino immaginario può seguire la perdita del bambino reale. Nel caso in cui la coppia decida di proseguire la gravidanza, il sentimento di lutto può prolungarsi per tutta la vita. Il medico: dal momento della prima diagnosi per la donna inizia l’elaborazione del lutto. Anche il medico che comunica la diagnosi vive questo momento con disagio. Inoltre, il medico sente il disagio dell’incertezza: l’incertezza può essere accolta e ascoltata. Raramente in questa situazione è possibile comunicare in modo efficace le informazioni necessarie. È importante comunicare gradualmente e dedicare un secondo incontro alle richieste di spiegazioni. L’équipe: è importante che gli operatori possano condividere questa esperienza all’interno dell’equipe. L’equipe che si occupa di diagnosi prenatale dovrebbe essere composta da persone che hanno scelto liberamente di occuparsi di questo aspetto della medicina. L’equipe diviene un contenitore per le emozioni estreme delle pazienti e degli operatori

    Grajenje skupne dimenzije podeželske krajine: orodja, načela in metode.

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    This research investigates the rural landscape of the lagoon of Venice and its surrounding territory focusing on the forms of exploitation of its natural resources, the transformations that occurred throughout the course of history and the consequent formation of its primary economical sector. New economic sectors, new agricultural policies and other spatial and sectorial drivers transformed the primary sector itself which changed and adapted its productive schemes to the main economic patterns, heavily affecting the former rural asset of the landscape of the lagoon by changing its demographic, economic activities and land use practices. The study carries out a systematic and detailed analysis of all economic, cultural and social features that have interacted and impacted this specific landscape, relying mainly on the comparison of historical and current land-use maps through three different historical spans: 1823-1840 (pre-industrialization phase), 1933-1966 (industrializing process, considered as a determining factor of the transformation of this landscape) and 2013 (present post-industrialized condition). The maps, combined with relative data, are compared with the aid of the Geographical Information System (GIS) computer software. As a result, a set of new maps has been obtained, which point out the historical landscape permanencies, defined through in situ surveys on the territory. A multitude of other archival documents from direct and indirect sources have been examined in order to build up a sound and detailed socio-economic context and the overall historical background. Resources, goods and services provided by the rural landscape and its development are an important part of regional and EU policy instruments and also an essential factor of identity and growth for local communities. The consumption of resources, their availability and maintenance over time and accessibility through property regulations are all factors that shape the common and public dimension of the rural landscape, which represents another study challenge of this work. This study proposes the establishment of the rural park of the lagoon of Venice, through the implementation of the multi-functional role of agriculture, for the fulfilment of two fundamental conditions of the peri-urban rurality: the need of safeguarding the landscape and its significance, by preserving the authenticity and integrity of the rural characters and the dynamism of the primary sector, which is strictly related to the survival of the rural landscape.Delo raziskuje podeželsko krajino beneške lagune in njene okolice s povdarkom na oblikah izkoriščanja naravnih virov in transformacijah, ki so nastale skozi zgodovino ter posledično vplivale na nastanek primarnega gospodarskega sektorja. Novi gospodarski sektorji in kmetijske politike ter druge prostorske in sektorske gonilne sile so preoblikovale tudi sam primarni sektor, ki se je spremenil in prilagodil svojo proizvodnjo novim gospodarskim vzorcem, kar je močno vplivalo na podeželjsko krajino lagune in povzročilo spremembo njene demografske značilnost, ekonomske dejavnosti in prakse uporabe zemljišč. Študija izvaja sistematično in podrobno analizo vseh gospodarskih, kulturnih in družbenih značilnosti, ki so v interakciji vplivali na specifiko pokrajine in temelji na primerjavi zgodovinske in sodobne kartografije uporabe zemljišč zkozi tri različna zgodovinska razpona: 1823-1840 (pre -industrijska faza), 1933-1966 (proces industrializacije, ki se šteje kot odločilni dejavnik preoblikovanja pokrajine) in 2013 (trenutno post-industrijsko stanje). Kartografija in ustrezni podatki so bili analizirani s pomočjo geografskega informacijskega sistema (GIS). Rezultat tega je bila pridobitev novega sklopa kartografij s povdarkom na stalnih oblikah zgodovinskih krajinskih enot, katere so bile nato definirane skozi terenske raziskave na samem območju. Množica drugih arhivskih dokumentov iz neposrednih in posrednih virov, so bili analizirani, zato da se je oblikoval soliden in podroben socialno-ekonomski kontekst in splošno zgodovinsko ozadje. Viri, dobrine in storitve, ki jih zagotavlja podeželska krajina in njen razvoj, so pomemben del regionalnih in evropskih instrumentov politike ter bistven dejavnik identitete in rasti za lokalne skupnosti. Poraba virov, njihova razpoložljivosti in vzdrževanje skozi čas ter dostopnost, katero omogočajo lastninske uredbe, so vsi dejavniki, ki oblikujejo skupno in javno dimenzijo podeželjske krajin, ki predstavlja še en študijski izziv tega dela. Ta študija predlaga ustanovitev podeželjskega parka beneške lagune, z izvajanjem večnamenskega kmetijstva, ki bi tako zadoščal dvem temeljnim pogojem obmestne ruralnosti: potrebo po ohranjanju krajine in njenega pomena, z ohranjanjem autentičnosti in integritete podeželskega značaja in zagotavljanje dinamike primarnega sektorja, ki je tesno povezano s preživetjem podeželske krajine

    The nature of cartilage stippling in chondrodysplasia punctata: histopathological study of Conradi-Hünermann syndrome.

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    The chondrodysplasia punctatas (CDP) are a group of genetic diseases presenting with the common hallmark of epiphyseal calcific deposits. A 21.3 week female fetus with a clinical and molecular diagnosis of X-linked dominant CDP (CDPX2 or Conradi-Hunermann syndrome) has been investigated with particular attention to the morphology of the calcific deposits (stipplings). A variable combination of normal endochondral ossification centers, calcific deposits, and a mixture of these two were observed in the lumbar spine. The calcific deposits were characterized by a growing phase, corresponding to the expansion of calcification, a steady phase, and a resorbing/remodeling phase, when calcification was progressively reduced through different biological mechanisms. The pathological mechanism of cartilage matrix calcification seemed to influence the morphology and the distribution pattern of vessels inside the epiphysis. These findings fit well with the radiographic observations of progressive regression of stippling with advancing age of the child and also give a morphological correlation