78 research outputs found

    El papel de la velocidad oceánica en la variabilidad de la clorofila. Un estudio de modelado en el mar de Alborán

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    In this work we focus on the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean) to relate wind field and ocean velocity variability with chlorophyll a (Chl a) behaviour, using a 2-km resolution, coupled 3D ocean circulation-NPZD model (ROMS). The analysis is done in three steps. First, we split the seasonal and residual contribution for the fields under study. Second, we calculate the corresponding empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) for the seasonal and residual parts. Finally, we relate each pair of variables for both seasonal and residual contribution EOFs. The results reported here allow the links between wind and Chl a to be quantified. We explain these links in terms of the ocean velocity field acting as a driver of Chl a variability. The results show that, although the seasonal part of the Chl a field is modulated by the vertical velocity, the residual component is modulated by the horizontal velocity components. Vertical velocities are responsible, through coastal upwelling, for Chl a bloom enhancement, while horizontal velocities spread coastal Chl a surface blooms off-shore.En este trabajo nos centramos en el mar de Alborán (Mediterráneo Occidental) para relacionar los campos de velocidad del viento y del océano con la variabilidad de la clorofila a (Chl a), utilizando un modelo de circulación 3D-NPZD (ROMS-Fennel) con una resolución de 2 km. El análisis se realiza en tres pasos. En primer lugar, separamos la contribución estacional y el residuo para todos los campos de estudio. En segundo lugar, calculamos las correspondientes funciones ortogonales empíricas (EOFs) para las components estacionales y residuales. Por último, relacionamos cada par de variables para ambos, EOFs estacionales y residuales. Los resultados permiten la cuantificación de las relaciones entre el viento y la clorofila. Explicamos estas relaciones en términos del campo de velocidades del océano que actúa como motor de la variabilidad de la Chl a. Los resultados muestran que, aunque la parte estacional de campo Chl a es modulada por la velocidad vertical, la componente residual es modulada por las componentes de la velocidad horizontal. Las velocidades verticales son responsables, a través de la surgencia costera, de incrementar el valor de la proliferación de Chl a, mientras que las velocidades horizontales extienden estas proliferaciones costeras superficiales a mar abierto

    MPA network design based on graph network theory and emergent properties of larval dispersal

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    Despite the recognised effectiveness of networks of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as a biodiversity conservation instrument, nowadays MPA network design frequently disregards the importance of connectivity patterns. In the case of sedentary marine populations, connectivity stems not only from the stochastic nature of the physical environment that affects early-life stages dispersal, but also from the spawning stock attributes that affect the reproductive output (e.g., passive eggs and larvae) and its survivorship. Early-life stages are virtually impossible to track in the ocean. Therefore, numerical ocean current simulations coupled to egg and larval Lagrangian transport models remain the most common approach for the assessment of marine larval connectivity. Inferred larval connectivity may be different depending on the type of connectivity considered; consequently, the prioritisation of sites for marine populations' conservation might also differ. Here, we introduce a framework for evaluating and designing MPA networks based on the identification of connectivity hotspots using graph theoretic analysis. We use as a case of study a network of open-access areas and MPAs, off Mallorca Island (Spain), and test its effectiveness for the protection of the painted comber Serranus scriba. Outputs from network analysis are used to: (1) identify critical areas for improving overall larval connectivity; (2) assess the impact of species' biological parameters in network connectivity; and (3) explore alternative MPA configurations to improve average network connectivity. Results demonstrate the potential of graph theory to identify non-trivial egg/larval dispersal patterns and emerging collective properties of the MPA network which are relevant for increasing protection efficiency.Comment: 8 figures, 3 tables, 1 Supplementary material (including 4 table; 3 figures and supplementary methods

    Características del rendimiento reproductivo del hermafrodita simultáneo Serranus scriba en el Mediterráneo Occidental (Islas Baleares)

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    We studied multiple individual parameters that affect the reproductive output in the painted comber Serranus scriba, a simultaneous hermaphroditic fish that is widely exploited by recreational fishing in temperate marine coastal regions. Batch fecundity was significantly affected by maternal size, but was not related to maternal age or condition. However, egg quality as estimated by egg dry weight was significantly influenced by the interaction effect of maternal size and age. An empirical assessment demonstrated the existence of a diel spawning pattern based on a daily release of a partial fraction of eggs related to sunset time. Buoyancy varied during the incubation period, but it consistently resulted in positive buoyancy that situated the eggs near the top of the water column. This study represents the first estimation of reproductive output of the simultaneous hermaphrodites S. scriba and also provides a comprehensive study about the potential maternal factors that affect egg production. These results are a crucial step towards ongoing efforts to improve the stock assessment of this species.Se estudiaron varios parámetros individuales que afectan el éxito reproductivo de la especie Serranus scriba, un pez hermafrodita simultáneo que es intensamente explotado por la pesca recreativa en regiones costeras de aguas templadas. La fecundidad parcial está significativamente relacionada con el tamaño de los individuos; pero no se encontró relación con la edad o condición. Sin embargo, la calidad de los huevos (estimada a partir del peso seco) resultó significativamente influenciada por la interacción del tamaño y edad de los individuos. Se demostró empíricamente la existencia de un patrón de desove diario, basado en la puesta diaria de una fracción de los huevos del total con anterioridad a la puesta del sol. La flotabilidad de los huevos varió durante el período de incubación; pero presentando de forma consistente una flotabilidad positiva que sitúa a los huevos liberados cerca de la parte más superficial de la columna de agua. Este estudio representa la primera estimación de los parámetros reproductivos relacionados con la producción de huevos en el hermafrodita simultáneo Serranus scriba. Proporciona además un detallado estudio sobre los posibles factores parentales que afectan a la producción de huevos en esta especie. Estos resultados son un paso fundamental para los esfuerzos en curso para mejorar la evaluación y gestión de las poblaciones de Serranus scriba

    Ocean acidification increases fatty acids levels of larval fish

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    Rising levels of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are acidifying the oceans and producing diverse and important effects on marine ecosystems, including the production of fatty acids (FAs) by primary producers and their transfer through food webs. FAs, particularly essential FAs, are necessary for normal structure and function in animals and influence composition and trophic structure of marine food webs. To test the effect of ocean acidification (OA) on the FA composition of fish, we conducted a replicated experiment in which larvae of the marine fish red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) were reared under a climate change scenario of elevated CO levels (2100 matm) and under current control levels (400 matm). We found significantly higher whole-body levels of FAs, including nine of the 11 essential FAs, and altered relative proportions of FAs in the larvae reared under higher levels of CO. Consequences of this effect of OA could include alterations in performance and survival of fish larvae and transfer of FAs through food webs.CDG was funded by FPI‐INIA-2012, this manuscript was financed by the research project REC2  (grant#CTM2011‐23835). Contribution 1705 of the University of Texas Marine Science InstitutePeer Reviewe

    Diet of larval albacore Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788) off Mallorca Island (NW Mediterranean)

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    These are the first data on the feeding of larval albacore (Thunnus alalunga Bonnaterre, 1788) in the Mediterranean. Specimens were gathered from day-time bongo-hauls conducted over the SW Mallorcan (Balearic Islands) shelf-slope. Ninety eight percent of 101 individuals ranging from 2.65 to 9.4 mm standard length (SL) contained 1 to 15 prey items per gut. Mean number of prey/gut was 3.55 ± 2.19 (SD). A positive correlation was found between larval SL and the number of prey/gut. The analysis of frequency of occurrence (F), numerical frequency (N), weight frequency (W) and the Index of Relative Importance (IRI) showed a dominance of copepodites and nauplii in the smallest size-class. As larvae grew, cladocerans and Calanoida copepodites dominated the diet, and cladocerans and copepodites were important in F, N and W. Piscivory was observed after notochord flexion and was important in terms of W. A positive correlation between mean prey size and both SL and lower jaw length (LJL) was observed. The niche breadth (S) did not vary with LJL, but the raw prey size range did. Larger copepodites, the absence of nauplii and the incorporation of fish larvae and a larger number of cladocerans in the diet accounted for the increase in mean prey size through increased larval size.DIETA DE LAS LARVAS DE ALBACORA THUNNUS ALALUNGA (BONNATERRE, 1788) EN AGUAS DE MALLORCA (MEDITERRÁNEO NW). – Se ofrecen los primeros datos sobre la dieta de las larvas de albacora (Thunnus alalunga Bonaterre, 1788) en el Mediterráneo. Los especímenes se obtuvieron de pescas diurnas con bongo sobre la plataforma-talud al SW de Mallorca (Islas Baleares). El 98% de 101 individuos de entre 2.65 y 9.4 mm de longitud estándar (LE) contuvieron entre 1 y 15 presas por digestivo. La media de presas por larva fue de 3.55 ± 2.19 (DE), existiendo una correlación positiva entre el número de presas en el tubo digestivo y la LS. Los índices de frecuencia de ocurrencia (F), frecuencia numérica (N), frecuencia en peso (W) y el Índice de Importancia Relativa (IRI) mostraron un predominio de copepoditos y nauplius en larvas pequeñas, disminuyendo en importancia a lo largo del crecimiento en detrimento de cladóceros y copepoditos de Calanoida, que fueron importantes en F, N y W. Se observó piscivoría, importante en W, a partir de la flexión de la notocorda. Se detectó una correlación positiva entre el tamaño medio de las presas y tanto la LS como la longitud de la maxila (LJL) de las larvas. La amplitud del nicho alimentario (S) no varió con la LJL, aunque el rango total del tamaño de las presas sí lo hizo. El aumento de talla de los copepoditos, la desaparición progresiva de mauplius y la incorporación de larvas de peces y más cladóceros explica el aumento de la talla media de las presas a lo largo del crecimiento larvario.Versión del editor1,006

    Size dependent predation in piscivorous larval stages of three tuna species

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    The bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is a heavily fished temperate tuna that spawns in the Mediterranean Sea; the area off the Balearic Islands is a key spawning area. Other abundant tunas, including albacore (Thunnus alalunga) and the small bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) spawn in the same area. The three species temporally overlap during the summer spawning period of the adults. Because they are clearly piscivorous already at very early larval stages, we expect strong interactions both in terms of a direct predator–prey relationship and as competitors for food resources. In this study, we focus on understanding the size dependent trophic interactions among the three species at the different developmental larval stages. First, we describe the environmental and biological scenarios where different size stages of the three species co-occur through the application of generalized additive model (GAM) analyses to field data collected during cruise surveys in 2004–2005. We then develop an individual_based model (IBM) to evaluate inter- and intraspecific predation rates considering size structured prey and predator fields in the framework of piscivorous behaviour. The results demonstrate how predation mortality rates influence the spawning location of the three speci

    Predator Avoidance in the European Seabass After Recovery From Short-Term Hypoxia and Different CO2 Conditions

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    Short-term hypoxia that lasts just a few days or even hours is a major threat for the marine ecosystems. The single effect of the human-induced levels of hypoxia and other anthropogenic impacts such as elevated pCO2 can reduce the ability of preys to detect their predators across taxa. Moreover, both processes, hypoxia and elevated pCO2, are expected to co-occur in certain habitats, but the synergic consequences of both processes and the ability of fish to recover remain unknown. To provide empirical evidence to this synergy, we experimentally evaluated the risk-taking behavior in juveniles of the European seabass (Dicentrachus labrax), an important commercial fisheries species after recovering from short-term hypoxia and different pH scenarios. The behavior of seabass juveniles was monitored in an experimental arena before and after the exposure to a simulated predator and contrasted to control fish (BACI design) (current levels of hypoxia and elevated pCO2) using a mechanistic function-valued modeling trait approach. Results revealed that fish recovering from elevated pCO2, alone or combined with hypoxia, presented less avoidance behavior in failing to seek refuge when a simulated predator was present in the arena compared to those exposed to control pCO2 levels. Our results show that recovery from short-term exposure to acidification and hypoxia was not synergistic and suggest that recovery from acidification takes longer than from short-term hypoxia treatment through a potential effect on the sensorial and hence behavioral capacities of fish

    Food determines ephemerous and non-stable gut microbiome communities in juvenile wild and farmed Mediterranean fish

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    Novel insights were provided by contrasting the composition of wild and farmed fish gut microbiomes because the latter had essentially different environmental conditions from those in the wild. This was reflected in the gut microbiome of the wild Sparus aurata and Xyrichtys novacula studied here, which showed highly diverse microbial community structures, dominated by Proteobacteria, mostly related to an aerobic or microaerophilic metabolism, but with some common shared major species, such as Ralstonia sp. On the other hand, farmed non-fasted S. aurata individuals had a microbial structure that mirrored the microbial composition of their food source, which was most likely anaerobic, since several members of the genus Lactobacillus, probably revived from the feed and enriched in the gut, dominated the communities. The most striking observation was that after a short fasting period (86 h), farmed gilthead seabream almost lost their whole gut microbiome, and the resident community associated with the mucosa had a very much reduced diversity that was highly dominated by a single potentially aerobic species Micrococcus sp., closely related to M. flavus. The results pointed to the fact that, at least for the juvenile S. aurata studied, most of the microbes in the gut were transient and highly dependent on the feed source, and that only after fasting for at least 2 days could the resident microbiome in the intestinal mucosa be determined. Since an important role of this transient microbiome in relation to fish metabolism could not be discarded, the methodological approach needs to be well designed in order not to bias the results. The results have important implications for fish gut studies that could explain the diversity and occasional contradictory results published in relation to the stability of marine fish gut microbiomes, and might provide important information for feed formulation in the aquaculture industry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reproductive output traits of the simultaneous hermaphrodite <I>Serranus scriba</I> in the western Mediterranean

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    We studied multiple individual parameters that affect the reproductive output in the painted comber Serranus scriba, a simultaneous hermaphroditic fish that is widely exploited by recreational fishing in temperate marine coastal regions. Batch fecundity was significantly affected by maternal size, but was not related to maternal age or condition. However, egg quality as estimated by egg dry weight was significantly influenced by the interaction effect of maternal size and age. An empirical assessment demonstrated the existence of a diel spawning pattern based on a daily release of a partial fraction of eggs related to sunset time. Buoyancy varied during the incubation period, but it consistently resulted in positive buoyancy that situated the eggs near the top of the water column. This study represents the first estimation of reproductive output of the simultaneous hermaphrodites S. scriba and also provides a comprehensive study about the potential maternal factors that affect egg production. These results are a crucial step towards ongoing efforts to improve the stock assessment of this species.Peer Reviewe