1 research outputs found

    Dise帽o de la base documental para la implementaci贸n del Sistema de Gesti贸n de Calidad del Instituto T茅cnico Colombiano INTEC Cartago Valle con base en la Norma T茅cnica Colombiana 5555:2011

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza el dise帽o de la documentaci贸n bajo la NTC5555:2011, desarrollada para el Instituto INTEC del Municipio de Cartago Valle. El trabajo inicia con la realizaci贸n del diagn贸stico lo que nos permiti贸 evidenciar cual era el cumplimiento de requisitos de la Norma frente a lo existente. De esta manera se dio inicio a identificar los procesos del Instituto, de all铆 sale entonces la representaci贸n gr谩fica del mapa de procesos, caracterizaciones y procedimientos. Se generaron procesos sugeridos por esta Norma T茅cnica Colombiana, adem谩s de los procedimientos obligatorios y los formatos necesarios. Un resultado muy importante en este trabajo fue el manual de calidad y todos sus componentes, se estableci贸 claramente la pol铆tica y objetivos de calidad. Se promueve conforme a la Norma la adopci贸n de un enfoque basado en procesos.In the present work, new design documentation is being realized under the NTC5555: 2011, developed for the Institute Cartago INTEC Valley Township. The work begins with a diagnostic study which allowed us to show which was the fulfillment of requirements compared to the existing standard. For this reason, the identification of the processes of the Institute was commenced. From there comes a graphical map that represents the processes and procedures of characterizations. Suggested processes were generated by the Colombian Norma T茅cnica, in addition to the mandatory procedures and necessary formats. A very important result in this work was the quality of the manual and all its components. On top of this, it was clearly establish the policy and quality of the objectives. Promoting under the Rule of adoption that is focused on a base for the procedures. An advantage of the process approach is the ongoing control that it provides over the ties between the individual processes within a system of processes, as well as their combination and interaction. Top management of the Institute since August decided to implement the entire documented system and is participating actively in trainings offered by the Ministry of National Education in partnership with consultancy firms in the field of quality, looking for short-term certification. Necessary recommendations were made so the System of Gesti贸n of Quality is constantly creating opportunities to improve services and not just a commitment of the institution seeking certification which is not the main goal or purpose of the System of Gesti贸n of Quality