11,777 research outputs found

    An Unexpected Association in a Patient with Heart Failure Presenting a Surgical Challenge

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    Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most common form of congenital heart disease and frequently leads to premature valvular dysfunction. BAV is associated with aortic wall abnormalities and a high prevalence of ascending aorta dilatation and coarctation of the aorta (CoA). Consequently, in patients with BAV a careful assessment of the valve, and also of the aortic root and the ascending aorta, should be performed. The most feared complication is aortic dissection, however, the actual incidence of this complication is low. We report the case of a 58-year-old man who presented with New York Heart Association class III heart failure. The work-up revealed BAV with severe stenosis and severe compromise of left ventricle systolic function. In addition, CoA in the isthmus region, and type B dissection of the aorta were diagnosed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influência de lâminas de irrigação na concentração da maturação de frutos de tomateiro.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de lâminas de irrigação sob o tamanho de frutos, na cultura do tomateiro para processamento industrial no municipio de Morrinhos-GO.Trabalho 26

    Chemical and sensorial characterization of tropical syrah wines produced at different altitudes in northeast of the Brazil.

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    Over the years, viticulture has expanded to new regions outside the temperate zones, such as Northeast Brazil, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Venezuela, characterized by the production of tropical wines. It is important for the productive sector to comprehend the effects of grapevine interaction with the characteristics of each new region on wines composition. In this study, the composition of wines of Syrah from two regions with different altitudes in Northeast Brazil were analyzed by different methodologies to characterize chemical compounds as sugar, acids, minerals, phenolics (anthocyanins, flavonols, stilbenes and condensed tannins) and the sensory profile. The wines of the Bahia region (1100 m of altitude) obtained high concentrations for chemical parameters related to color, monomeric anthocyanins, stilbenes and monomeric and oligomeric tannins. Wines of the low altitude region, Pernambuco (350 m of altitude) were characterized by higher concentrations of flavonols (kaempferol, isorhamnetin, quercetin and rutin) and polymerized tannins. The chemical composition of wines from the two studied regions was influenced by altitude. A trend towards higher concentrations in most for phenolic compounds analyzed was observed in wines from the higher altitude region during the two years of study. Regarding the sensory profile, fruity, floral, herbaceous and empyreumatic attributes aromatic obtained highest scores in wines of the 350 m altitude region, the other attributes were dependent on the year of harvest

    Estudo da partição de massa seca e da diferenciação das celulas meristemáticas para formação da inflorescência em bananeira.

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    A banana é a segunda fruta mais consumida no Brasil, perdendo apenas para a laranja. O Brasil vem destacando-se no cenário mundial como o quarto maior produtor da fruta em 2007, segundo dados da FAO (2009), com produção em torno de 7,0 milhões de toneladas em uma área cultivada de 513 mil ha (Agrianual, 2008). Um dos grandes problemas da bananicultura mundial encontra-se relacionado ao manejo e problemas fitossanitários, como a Sigatoka-negra, considerada atualmente a principal doença da cultura. Para tanto programas de melhoramento da bananeira se destacam por selecionar novos genótipos, resistentes à doença e que apresentem boas características agronômicas (Silva et al., 1998, 2000). O conhecimento do ciclo fenológico, da partição de massa seca e atividades de diferenciação de células meristemáticas para formação da inflorescência é de grande valor quando adotadas por melhoristas, visto que se trata de informações a respeito da fisiologia da planta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a partição de massa seca e conhecer o exato local e momento da diferenciação do meristema para a formação da inflorescência.pdf 227