557 research outputs found

    An overview of the developments of the European Common Fisheries Policy regarding sustainable development and its regionalisation in Portugal and the Autonomous Regions

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    The European integration is not only a continental, but also a maritime integration, with the development of a maritime market including its maritime resources like fisheries. The development of the Common Fisheries Policy, in the European Union, has been marked by a few peculiar principles and tension among Member States. These developments have also been challenged by the developments of International Law, especially the Law of the Seas Convention, as well as the increasing attention given to a sustainable development and the need for maritime environmental development. The latest years have also been marked by a need for decentralization and regionalisation of the Common Fisheries Policy. The Iberian nations, especially Portugal, are a distinctive case with the rather difficult Common Fisheries Policy Integration. In spite of that, its singularity regarding its maritime presence and autonomic decentralized model give new potential for a new management and development of a decentralized Common Fisheries Policy, as well as a new possibility for sustainable development. In this paper, we analyse the development of the European Common Fisheries Policy as well as its role and interaction with International Law and the new concerns regarding sustainability of fishing stocks and its new management approach and needs for regionalisation. We also analyse its repercussions on Portugal and the potential offered by its own maritime and territorial peculiarities with its archipelagos and their own qualities and aptitude for a sustainable integration of the Common Fisheries Policy

    The European response to the COVID-19 crisis at the regional level and its effects on the shaping of the new European Cohesion Policy

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    This paper focuses on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and its repercussions on the EU’s Cohesion Policy. We will analyse the regional and territorial problems created by the COVID-19 crisis and the influences it had on the new developments of the Cohesion Policy. The evolution of the Cohesion Policy will be addressed, particularly the development of conditionality. The developments on the European Multiannual Financial Framework and the regional policy following the recent developments of the European response to the COVID-19 crisis and the new role of Regions will also be examined. The aim of the paper is to identify and characterise the effects of the pandemic on the European Regions and its repercussions for the development of the new Cohesion Policy and its governance model. The need for a more flexible Cohesion Policy and the opportunities afforded to the Regions and the evolution of the European Union Multilevel Governance Framework, that come from the recent developments on the proposed European Recovery Plan are also reflecte

    The cyberpolitical space of the European Union: an overview of e-Government, e-Democracy and interoperability in the European space and its citizenship

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    e-Government and e-Democracy, in the latest decades, with the recent fast-paced developments of information and communication technologies, have been regarded as new mechanisms to enrich the democratic culture and link institutions to its citizens. The European Union is a peculiar case with its own idiosyncratic form of citizenship. In this paper, we analyse the progresses of e-Democracy in the European Union and its developments through interoperability projects, as well as its challenges with the uprising, in the latest years, of many problems that came from the use of these technologies. We argue that a promotion of the European citizenship is necessary in the development of a European Union cyberspace

    Já agora, não se pode exterminá-los?: sobre a representação dos professores em manuais escolares de português

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - PCSH/C/CED/868/95

    The Portuguese language area in secondary education curriculum : contemporary processes of reconfiguration

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    In Portugal, the last decade has been characterised by important reforms in the educational system particularly of secondary education. The Portuguese Language Area, comprising different subjects, was submitted to deep changes concerning its aims, content, methodologies, and assessment. In this paper, it is my purpose to analyse some of those changes, focusing on their underlying principles, their main features and their impact both in the pedagogic field and in the public sphere. I consider firstly the political and educational circumstances in which the reconfiguration of the Portuguese Language Area in secondary education took place. Then, I proceed to describe the main features of the official pedagogic discourse that gives expression to such reconfiguration through an examination of the Portuguese Language Syllabus. After that, school textbooks are focused on, in order to understand how they interpret the official discourse and how they conceive pedagogic practice. Subsequently, as a means to capture continuities and discrepancies between pedagogic and public spheres, the analysis deals with a corpus of texts from the media that give voice to positions concerning the teaching of Portuguese. In the last section, according to the analysis previously developed, I discuss the tensions that lie across the Portuguese Language Area and that will probably regulate the directions of its development.(undefined

    Ser estudante no ensino superior: as respostas institucionais à diversidade de públicos

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    Textos selecionados a partir de comunicações apresentadas no 2º Seminário “Ser Estudante no Ensino Superior: As respostas institucionais à diversidade de públicos”, realizado pelo ObservatoriUM - Observatório dos Percursos Académicos dos Estudantes da UMinho (Campus de Gualtar, 9 de setembro de 2016).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Priority 1 : increasing attainment levels to provide the graduates and researchers Europe needs

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    A versão completa das recomendações do "Compostela Group of Universities" encontra-se disponível em: http://www.emma-project.eu/uploads/Documents/documents/EMMA Publication.pd

    Disparidades regionais: tipologias espaciais na Europa do Sul

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    O progressivo aprofundamento da integração europeia tem privilegiado fundamentalmente as dimensões económica e política. Contudo, a construção de um espaço comunitário sucessivamente alargado a novos Estados-membros tem permitido destacar disparidades regionais, que tendo vindo a agravar-se, devem levar a actuações que conduzam a uma maior coesão económica e social. Dentro de um espaço com características muito heterogéneas existem territórios que, por motivos históricos, políticos, sociais e económicos apresentam processos de desenvolvimento semelhantes, sendo as realidades actuais muito díspares, resultado da aplicação de políticas internas diferenciadas. Através da observação e do estudo de diversos relatórios de desenvolvimento da União Europeia e de alguns indicadores económicos, verifica-se que os países da Europa do Sul apresentam evoluções e características semelhantes, embora com diacronismos diferentes. A teoria neoclássica que tem servido de modelo a alguns estudos da União Europeia assenta, essencialmente, em indicadores económicos directamente vocacionados para a medição do crescimento económico. Porém, tais estudos deverão ser sempre complementados com outro tipo de indicadores das mais variadas ordens, nomeadamente demográficos e sociais. Só desta forma poderemos obter uma visão ajustada da realidade. Um estudo de disparidades regionais, como pretende ser o presente, não poderá ser apenas uma explicação meramente quantitativa e descritiva dos fenómenos, deverá estabelecer padrões de comparação espacial entre os territórios em análise. O instrumento metodológico utilizado foi, atendendo a este contexto, a análise multivariada de forma a permitir agrupar um conjunto de variáveis correlacionadas entre si e, desta forma, estruturar um quadro interpretativo da realidade, resultante da agregação das variáveis iniciais. Assim, através de um conjunto de variáveis (factores) podemos aferir o grau de desenvolvimento de cada região (NUT II) da área em análise e conhecer os indicadores que são responsáveis pela situação apresentada, quer em termos positivos, quer negativos. Este será, então, o ponto de partida para uma análise classificatória, onde os indivíduos, entendidos como unidades territoriais, ficarão agrupados em classes, de acordo com as suas semelhanças, observáveis através do anterior estudo das variáveis. Estas classes devem ser coerentes entre si e distinguir-se o mais possível umas das outras. Após esta análise, é também nosso propósito verificar se as disparidades têm ou não relevância no contexto português, utilizando um conjunto de variáveis para o nível espacial NUT III para a Região Centro