875 research outputs found

    Super Five Brane Hamiltonian and the Chiral Degrees of Freedom

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    We construct the Hamiltonian of the super five brane in terms of its physical degrees of freedom. It does not depend on the inverse of the induced metric. Consequently, some singular configurations are physically admissible, implying an interpretation of the theory as a multiparticle one. The symmetries of the theory are analyzed from the canonical point of view in terms of the first and second class constraints. In particular it is shown how the chiral sector may be canonically reduced to its physical degrees of freedom.Comment: 16 pages, typos correcte


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    El presente trabajo es un caso del servicio Gineco-obstetricia del Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meóz de Cúcuta (HUEM), donde se realizó el proceso de valoración, diagnóstico y plan de atención de enfermería con una puérpera de 42 años de edad que ingresó al servicio de urgencias (sala de partos) en estado de embarazo de 36 semanas por FUR concordante con historia de hipertensión gestacional, mediante una metodología de estudio de caso, de tipo cualitativo observacional descriptiva-narrativo con el que se obtuvo información objetiva acerca de la forma como se aplican las etapas del proceso de enfermería en la práctica formativa del programa de Enfermería de la Universidad de Pamplona. Se utilizaron varias técnicas de recolección de datos: entrevista, valoración objetiva y subjetiva e instrumentos como la inspección, medición, percusión, palpación y auscultación, APGAR familiar, familiograma, eco mapa y diferentes escalas que nos otorgo como resultados, la forma en que la madre define y percibe los acontecimientos está determinada por un núcleo del sí mismo relativamente estable, adquirido a través de la socialización a lo largo de su vida. Las percepciones sobre su hijo y otras respuestas referentes a su maternidad están influidas además de la socialización, por las características innatas de su personalidad y por su nivel evolutivo concluyendo así que el proceso de enfermería permite brindar atención integral al individuo y colectivo en desequilibrios de salud reales o potenciales y los diagnósticos orientan sobre las alteraciones de los individuos abordados con autonomía desde nuestro propio criterio

    Pseudogap Formation in the Symmetric Anderson Lattice Model

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    We present self-consistent calculations for the self-energy and magnetic susceptibility of the 2D and 3D symmetric Anderson lattice Hamiltonian, in the fluctuation exchange approximation. At high temperatures, strong f-electron scattering leads to broad quasiparticle spectral functions, a reduced quasiparticle band gap, and a metallic density of states. As the temperature is lowered, the spectral functions narrow and a pseudogap forms at the characteristic temperature TxT_x at which the width of the quasiparticle spectral function at the gap edge is comparable to the renormalized activation energy. For T<<TxT << T_x , the pseudogap is approximately equal to the hybridization gap in the bare band structure. The opening of the pseudogap is clearly apparent in both the spin susceptibility and the compressibility.Comment: RevTeX - 14 pages and 7 figures (available on request), NRL-JA-6690-94-002

    Octonion Quantum Chromodynamics

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    Starting with the usual definitions of octonions, an attempt has been made to establish the relations between octonion basis elements and Gell-Mann \lambda matrices of SU(3)symmetry on comparing the multiplication tables for Gell-Mann \lambda matrices of SU(3)symmetry and octonion basis elements. Consequently, the quantum chromo dynamics (QCD) has been reformulated and it is shown that the theory of strong interactions could be explained better in terms of non-associative octonion algebra. Further, the octonion automorphism group SU(3) has been suitably handled with split basis of octonion algebra showing that the SU(3)_{C}gauge theory of colored quarks carries two real gauge fields which are responsible for the existence of two gauge potentials respectively associated with electric charge and magnetic monopole and supports well the idea that the colored quarks are dyons

    Professionalism, Golf Coaching and a Master of Science Degree: A commentary

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    As a point of reference I congratulate Simon Jenkins on tackling the issue of professionalism in coaching. As he points out coaching is not a profession, but this does not mean that coaching would not benefit from going through a professionalization process. As things stand I find that the stimulus article unpacks some critically important issues of professionalism, broadly within the context of golf coaching. However, I am not sure enough is made of understanding what professional (golf) coaching actually is nor how the development of a professional golf coach can be facilitated by a Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.). I will focus my commentary on these two issues

    Superextendons with a modified measure

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    For superstrings, the consequences of replacing the measure of integration γd2x\sqrt{-\gamma}d^2 x in the Polyakov's action by Φd2x\Phi d^2 x where Φ\Phi is a density built out of degrees of freedom independent of the metric γab\gamma_{ab} defined in the string are studied. As in Siegel reformulation of the Green Schwarz formalism the Wess-Zumino term is the square of supersymmetric currents. As opposed to the Siegel case, the compensating fields needed for this do not enter into the action just as in a total derivative. They instead play a crucial role to make up a consistent dynamics. The string tension appears as an integration constant of the equations of motion. The generalization to higher dimensional extended objects is also studied using in this case the Bergshoeff and Sezgin formalism with the associated additional fields, which again are dynamically relevant unlike the standard formulation. Also unlike the standard formulation, there is no need of a cosmological term on the world brane.Comment: typos corrected, references adde