8,464 research outputs found

    Turning noise into signal: learning from the scatter in the Hubble diagram

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    The supernova (SN) Hubble diagram residual contains valuable information on both the present matter power spectrum and its growth history. In this paper we show that this information can be retrieved with precision by combining both peculiar velocity and weak-lensing analysis on the data. To wit, peculiar velocity induces correlations on the nearby SN while lensing induces a non-Gaussian dispersion in faraway objects. We show that both effects have almost orthogonal degeneracies and discuss how they can be extracted simultaneously from the data. We analyze the JLA supernova catalog in a 14-dimensional parameter space, assuming a flexible growth-rate index Îł\gamma. We arrive at the following marginalized constraints: σ8=0.65−0.37+0.23\sigma_8 = 0.65^{+0.23}_{-0.37} and Îł=1.38−0.65+1.7\gamma = 1.38^{+1.7}_{-0.65}. Assuming instead GR as the correct gravitation theory (and thus γ≡0.55\gamma \equiv 0.55), the constraints in σ8\sigma_8 tighten further: σ8=0.40−0.23+0.21\sigma_8 = 0.40^{+0.21}_{-0.23}. We show that these constraints complement well the ones obtained from other datasets and that they could improve substantially with more SNe.Comment: v2: Real data results corrected; forecast for future data added; discussion extended. v3: Improved discussion; matches published version. 8 figs 15 page

    Consequences of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator mutations on inflammatory cells

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    Recent studies in cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane regulator (CFTR) mutations and function have shed light on its involvement in disease progression. The extent of cell and tissue distribution of CFTR facilitates systemic dysfunction of ion transport in patients carrying a mutation in CFTR, however, its incidences as cofounding risk factor to develop other diseases is not well studied. In this review we differentiate the dysfunctions driven by CFTR mutations in cell of the immune system and their role in CF progression and examine the types of medical treatments available to patients up to date.Fil: Grumelli, Sandra. Universidad CatĂłlica de CĂłrdoba; ArgentinaFil: Islan, German Abel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriales; ArgentinaFil: Castro, Guillermo Raul. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriales; Argentin

    Marginalized narratives

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    This issue of CITAR (Journal of Arts Science and Technology) is especially devoted to what we designated as Marginalized Narratives. It is a special issue that collects studies published upon the 5th Colloquium on Narrative, Medium and Cognition, held at the University of Algarve in November 2018, and which was focused on that topic. In line with what the colloquium proposed, the works now published share a broad understanding of the concept of narrative.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El rol de los problemas en la elaboraciĂłn de contenidos escolares de geografĂ­a. Reflexiones desde la reforma educativa en Argentina

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    En geografĂ­a, cada vez mĂĄs se invoca la necesidad de organizar los contenidos escolares en torno a problemas, bĂĄsicamente como una herramienta para otorgar significatividad o relevancia a los contenidos y garantizar, asĂ­, su carĂĄcter innovador. En Argentina, esto es particularmente evidente a partir de la reforma educativa del año 1994, al menos desde los diseños curriculares y otros materiales conexos de las principales jurisdicciones educativas subnacionales. Ahora bien, ÂżquĂ© sentido del tĂ©rmino «problema» se estĂĄ invocando y quĂ© derivaciones presenta?; en tĂ©rminos mĂĄs propositivos: ÂżquĂ© implica la construcciĂłn de contenidos escolares de geografĂ­a en torno a problemas? En primer lugar, se distinguirĂĄn y se analizarĂĄn algunos de los principales sentidos del tĂ©rmino «problema» presentes en la selecciĂłn y/o elaboraciĂłn de contenidos escolares (como referente de un conflicto social, como estrategia didĂĄctica, como organizaciĂłn teĂłrico-conceptual de un tema). En segundo lugar, se indagarĂĄ en las potencialidades de esa Ășltima acepciĂłn para la construcciĂłn de contenidos escolares y se presentarĂĄn algunas herramientas para operacionalizarlos.En geografia, cada vegada mĂ©s s'invoca la necessitat d'organitzar continguts escolars al voltant de problemes, bĂ sicament com una eina per atorgar significativitat o relleu als continguts i garantir-ne, aixĂ­, el carĂ cter innovador. A l'Argentina, aixĂČ Ă©s particularment evident a partir de la reforma educativa de l'any 1994, almenys des dels dissenys curriculars i altres materials connexos de les principals jurisdiccions educatives subnacionals. Ara bĂ©, quin sentit del terme «problema» s'estĂ  invocant i quines derivacions presenta?; en termes mĂ©s propositius: quĂš implica la construcciĂł de continguts escolars de geografia al voltant de problemes? En primer lloc, es distingiran i s'analitzaran en aquest article alguns dels sentits principals del terme «problema» presents en la selecciĂł i/o l'elaboraciĂł de continguts escolars: com a referent d'un conflicte social, com a estratĂšgia didĂ ctica i com a organitzaciĂł teoricoconceptual d'un tema. En segon lloc, s'indagarĂ  en les potencialitats d'aquesta darrera accepciĂł per construir continguts escolars i es presentaran algunes eines per operacionalitzar-los.En GĂ©ographie, chaque fois plus on invoque le besoin d'organiser les contenus scolaires autour de problĂšmes, comme un outil pour remarquer l'importance des contenus et garantir, ainsi, son caractĂšre innovateur. En Argentine ceci est particuliĂšrement Ă©vident Ă  partir de la RĂ©forme Éducative de l'annĂ©e 1994, au moins depuis les crĂ©ations curriculaires et d'autres matĂ©riels connexes des principales juridictions Ă©ducatives subnationales. Mais, Ă  quel sens du terme «problĂšme» se raconte et quelles dĂ©rivations est-ce qu'il prĂ©sente?; dans des termes plus prĂ©positifs: qu'est-ce qui implique la construction de contenus scolaires de GĂ©ographie autour de problĂšmes? En premier lieu, cet article distingue et analyse quelques-uns des principales connotations du terme «problĂšme» prĂ©sents dans la sĂ©lection et/ou Ă©laboration de contenus scolaires: comme rĂ©fĂ©rent d'un conflit social, comme stratĂ©gie didactique, comme organisation thĂ©orique-conceptuel d'un sujet. En deuxiĂšme lieu, on Ă©tudie les potentialitĂ©s de cette derniĂšre acception en relation Ă  la construction de contenus scolaires et se prĂ©sentent quelques outils pour l'obtenir.The need to organize school contents around specific problems is increasingly invoked in Geography. Problems are considered a useful tool to give relevance to contents and therefore reassure its innovative character. This is particularly evident in Argentine since the Educational Reform of 1994, at least in what concerns curriculums design and other associated materials of the subnational educative jurisdictions. What's sense is given to the concept «problem» in these texts and which are the consequences of the uses of these meanings? From a more propositive view, what do imply the constructions of schools contents in Geography around problems? First, we will distinguish and analyse some of the main meanings of the concept «problem » that are presented in the selection and/or elaboration of school contents, either as a reference of a social conflict, as a learning strategy or as a theoretical and conceptual organization of a subject. Second, we analyse the potential uses of the third meaning in the construction of school contents and we present some tools that help to make these uses operative

    Algunos aspectos socio-culturales, didĂĄcticos y matemĂĄticos al abordarla conceptualizaciĂłn de la medida

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    Mostraremos, desde una mirada socio-cultural, didĂĄctica y matemĂĄtica, algunos aspectos que intervienen en la conceptualizaciĂłn de la medida y que podrĂ­an contribuir a enriquecer la fundamentaciĂłn de procesos y desarrollo de competencias al abordar la medida en la escuela

    Economics of the Firm and Economic Growth. An hybrid theoretical framework of analysis

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    The characterization of individual firms is an essential step toward the study of the behaviour of industries and other more aggregated units of economics, and so to the analysis of economic growth processes. Hence, the main goal of this study is to achieve a critical discussion around the conceptualisation of the firm and its role in the dynamical process of economic growth. The approach to the main topic starts with the construction of a theoretical matrix of the economics of the firm, opening with the two major traditions of institutionalist thought in economics, and evolving then towards some considerations around the contractual and the evolutionary approaches. Another important theoretical stream that deals with organizations in economic and sociological terms also appears, the population ecology approach. After this overview, it is developed a cross-exam of distinct theoretical perspectives and the identification of possible flaws of the neoclassical theory. This confrontation, which goes throughout many imperative and controversial issues within economics such as the nature of the firm and the cognitive capacities of economic agents, results in a systematisation about the impact of this discussion on economic growth. The conclusions appear as crucial to develop further research aiming the construction of economic growth models based on a microeconomics that is closer to the reality of firms.Firm; Economic Growth; Institutionalism; Evolutionary theory; Contractual Theory; Ecology Population Theory.

    Modern sandy contourites: conceptual and economic implications

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    Bottom currents are common sedimentary and oceanographic processes in deep-marine settings that affect continental margins worldwide. Contourites are defined as sediments deposited or substantially reworked by the persistent action of bottom currents. Despite numerous efforts to differentiate between contourites and other deep-water deposits in cores, reliable diagnostic criteria are still lacking. This Thesis presents a multidisciplinary study based on grain size and geochemistry of sedimentary facies —reinforced by micro- and ichnofacies— in the Gulf of Cadiz Contourite Depositional System, in the upper continental slope of the Mozambican margin and the eastern flank of the Corsica Trough. Discrimination criteria are put forth for hemipelagites, silty contourites, sandy contourites, bottom current reworked sands, fine-grained turbidites, hyperpycnites and debrites in sediment cores. The stacked vertical variability of these deposits evidences that the contourite drifts, contourite channels and contourite terraces were influenced by the interrelation of hemipelagic, gravitational and bottom current induced depositional processes. The interrelation of sedimentary processes is tied to intermittency in bottom current velocity, observed at different scales. In the Gulf of Cadiz, the intermittency is a consequence of precession-driven changes related to Mediterranean climate variability, punctuated by millennial-scale variability. In the Corsica contourite depositional system, bioclastic sands would have been transported to the slope during sea level lowstands, probably during isolated episodes of reworking and transport of sediments from the shelf. In contrast, the Mozambique contourite terrace occupies shallower locations and lies directly offshore the Zambezi delta, meaning it was continuously supplied from the adjacent continent and shelf and by along-slope currents, especially during sea level highstands. At bed scale, the variability in ichnodiversity, abundance and distribution of bioturbation is linked to intermittent interactions between bottom currents and sediment supply, hence different environmental conditions for tracemakers. Such intermittency reflects brief changes in hydrodynamic conditions during its deposition: shorter-term (centennial) yet higher accumulation rates, lower bioturbation rates, and flow variability. This new model could therefore provide support for basic sedimentological interpretation and petroleum exploration strategies

    "2Âș Ciclo de seminĂĄrios em biopatologia"- o sucesso da iniciativa

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    O II Ciclo de SeminĂĄrios em Biopatologia, realizado na Universidade Fernando Pessoa, entre os dias 9 de Janeiro e 12 de Março de 2008, teve por objectivo continuar a dar a conhecer as mĂșltiplas vertentes da Investigação CientĂ­fica desenvolvida em Portugal, nomeadamente em ĂĄreas como cĂ©lulas estaminais, cancro, doenças infecciosas, entre outras. The 2nd series of Seminars in Biopathology occurred in Universidade Fernando Pessoa, between January 9th and 12th of March, and the objective was to present the multiple approaches of the scientific research in Portugal in areas like stem cells, cancer, infectious disease and others

    La experiencia organizacional vivida por la ONG Luz y Vida durante el periodo 2010-2014 en el municipio de Dosquebradas

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    Esta tesis fue realizada con el fin de reconstruir la experiencia organizacional vivida por la ONG LUZ Y VIDA en el periodo 2010- 2014 permitiendo desarrollar las categorĂ­as fundamentales de una ONG, observamos describimos y conocimos mediante el mĂ©todo exploratorio la creaciĂłn de la ONG, todo el funcionamiento y todas las estrategias implementadas por la fundaciĂłn para la inclusiĂłn de la comunidad en los aspectos socio-econĂłmicos del municipio de Dosquebradas, la investigaciĂłn realizada fue satisfactoria nos permitiĂł encontrar falencias y virtudes de la fundaciĂłn. AdemĂĄs de encontrar posibles alternativas para el fortalecimiento de esta organizaciĂłn identificamos la falta de apoyo e interĂ©s por parte de las entidades gubernamentales, ya que la fundaciĂłn presta un servicio a la comunidad, esta requiere de apoyos econĂłmicos, de formaciĂłn en diferentes ĂĄreas. Realizaron actividades con tres grupos poblacionales que van dirigidas a tres grupos poblacionales como son los niños ,madres cabeza de hogar y adultos mayores, en los cuales se contribuyĂł a la prevenciĂłn de la violencia, drogas y delincuencia comĂșn, caracterĂ­sticas propias de estos sectores menos favorecidos, con pocas oportunidades laborales, acadĂ©micas
