28 research outputs found

    ITS2 para la identificación de Califóridos (Diptera: Calliphoridae) de importancia forense en Colombia

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    La entomología forense es una disciplina que utiliza insectos para obtener información útil en la determinación del intervalo postmortem (IPM). Las moscas de la familia Calliphoridae son muy utilizadas en entomología forense, sin embargo, su identificación a nivel de especie puede dificultarse cuando el individuo se encuentra incompleto o en estadio inmaduro. En el presente trabajo, se evaluó el potencial de la región ITS2 del genoma nuclear para la identificación de especies de Calliphoridae en Colombia utilizando tres aproximaciones: comparando distancias genéticas utilizando la metodología de códigos de barra, haciendo una reconstrucción filogenética, y con enzimas de restricción (PCR-RFLPs). Se secuenciaron un total de 520 pb en 44 individuos pertenecientes a 16 especies. Se calcularon los valores de distancia intraespecífica e interespecíficas utilizando el modelo K2P. Los valores de distancia intraespecífica oscilaron entre 0 y 0,252 %, mientras que las distancias interespecíficas fluctuaron entre 3,6 y 18,9 %, evidenciándose que esta técnica puede ser utilizada como código de barras genético en la identificación de especies de la familia Calliphoridae. Tanto en los análisis de Neighbour-Joining como en los análisis bayesianos el 90 % de los géneros presentan una monofilia sustentada en probabilidad posterior de 0,89 a 1. En todos los casos la especie Blepharicnema splendens agrupa con el género Lucilia. Con base en las secuencias obtenidas se utilizó la aplicación NEBCutter para identificar cuatro enzimas de restricción las cuales se probaron en el laboratorio y se comprobó su utilidad para la identificación rápida de especies de Calliphoridae en Colombia.Forensic entomology is a discipline that uses insects to obtain useful information for the determination of the postmortem interval (PMI). Flies of the family Calliphoridae are extensively used for this purpose, however, the identification of these flies can be difficult when the individual is not an adult or when it is incomplete. In the present work, we tested the utility of the ITS2 region of the nuclear genome for the identification of Calliphoridae species in Colombia using three approaches: comparing genetic distances using the barcoding methodology, with a phylogenetic reconstruction, and with PCR-RFLPs. We sequenced 520 bp in 44 individuals belonging to 16 species of califorids. Intraspecific and interspecific distance values were calculated using the K2P model. The intraspecific distance values ranged between 0 and 0.252 %, while the interspecific distance values ranged between 3.6 and 18.9 %, indicating that this gene can be used as a genetic barcode for the identification of species of the Calliphoridae family. Both the Neighbour-Joining and Bayesian analyses recovered 90 % of the genera as monophyletic, with pp values between 0.89 and 1. Blepharicnema splendens was always recovered within the Lucilia genera. Based on the obtained sequences we used the NEBCutter application to identify four restriction enzymes that cut in a differential way and generated useful patterns for the identification of the species. The enzymes were successfully tested and confirmed the utility of this technique as a fast way to identify species of Calliphoridae in Colombia

    Códigos de barras genéticos en una especie de Paramacrobiotus (Tardigrada: Parachela) en Santa Marta, Colombia

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    Because of the great number of species and troubles with their morphological identification, many current taxonomic studies in tardigrades are based on the use of genetic and molecular techniques. In Colombia, studies focused in this discipline are needed to be able to complement the morphological information; consequently, seven COI gene sequences were analyzed in the genus of tardigrade Paramacrobiotus at the lower basin of the Manzanares River, in Santa Marta, and were compared with the sequences of the same genus present in the GenBank database through an analysis of specific divergence and neighbor-joining (NJ). The sequences obtained in the study showed a clear differentiation of the GenBank sequences, while at the same time showed a low intraspecific distance, obtaining a DNA barcoding for a single species. The differences obtained in comparison with the morphological analyses reflect the effectiveness of molecular techniques such as barcoding, emphasizing the importance of integration of molecular techniques to taxonomic studies on tardigrades.Debido a la gran cantidad de especies y a las dificultades en su identificación morfológica, muchos estudios taxonómicos actuales de tardígrados se basan en el uso de técnicas genéticas y moleculares. En Colombia son necesarios estudios enfocados en esta disciplina que permitan complementar la información morfológica; por consiguiente se analizaron siete secuencias del gen COI en el género de tardígrado Paramacrobiotus de la cuenca baja del río Manzanares, en Santa Marta, y se compararon con las secuencias del mismo género presentes en la base de datos de GenBank a través de un análisis de divergencia específica y análisis de vecino más cercano (NJ). Las secuencias obtenidas en el estudio mostraron una clara diferenciación de las secuencias de GenBank y una baja distancia intraespecífica, obteniéndose el código de barras genético correspondiente a una sola especie. Las diferencias de los resultados con el análisis morfológico reflejan la eficacia de técnicas moleculares como los códigos de barras y evidencian la importancia de la integración de técnicas moleculares a los estudios taxonómicos de los tardígrados

    Phylogenetic relationships of the Amblyomma cajennense complex (Acari: Ixodidae) at mitogenomic resolution

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    The genus Amblyomma is the third most diverse in the number of species within the Ixodidae, with practically half of its species distributed in the Americas, though there are also species occurring in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Within the genus, there are several species complexes with veterinary and public health importance. The Amblyomma cajennense complex, in the Americas, is represented by six species with a wide distribution, from Texas to northern Argentina. We combined two sequencing techniques to generate complete mitogenomes of species belonging to the Amblyomma cajennense complex: genome skimming and long-range PCRs sequencing methods. Thus, we generated seven new mitochondrial genomes for all species of the Amblyomma cajennense complex, except for Amblyomma interandinum. Genetic distances between the mitogenomes corroborate the clear differentiation between the five species of the Amblyomma cajennense complex. The phylogenetic relationships of these species had previously been evaluated by combining partial nuclear and mitochondrial genes and here these relationships are corroborated with a more robust framework of data, which demonstrates that the conjunction of mitochondrial and nuclear partial genes can resolve close relationships when entire genes or genomes are unavailable. The gene order, structure, composition, and length are stable across these mitogenomes, and they share the general characteristics of Metastriata. Future studies should increase the number of available mitogenomes for this genus, especially for those species from the Indo-Pacific region and Africa, by means of a better understanding of their relationships and evolutionary process.EEA RafaelaFil: Cotes-Perdomo, Andrea P. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva; EspañaFil: Cotes-Perdomo, Andrea P. University of South-Eastern. Faculty of Technology. Natural Sciences and Environmental Health Department. Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences; NoruegaFil: Nava, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Nava, Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Nava, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Instituto de Investigación de la Cadena Láctea (IDICAL); ArgentinaFil: Castro, Lyda R. Universidad del Magdalena. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas. Grupo de investigación Evolución, Sistemática y Ecología Molecular (GIESEMOL); ColombiaFil: Rivera-Paéz, Fredy A. Universidad de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas. Grupo de Investigación en Genética, Biodiversidad y Manejo de Ecosistemas (GEBIOME); ColombiaFil: Cortés-Vecino, Jesús A. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia. Grupo de Investigación Parasitología Veterinaria; ColombiaFil: Uribe, Juan E. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC). Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiv; EspañaFil: Uribe, Juan E. Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of Natural History. Invertebrate Zoology Department; Estados Unido

    Molecular characterization of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Colombian rainforest

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    A few studies have carried out the taxonomic and molecular characterization of sylvatic mosquito species in Latin America, where some species have been incriminated as vectors for arboviruses and parasites transmission. The present study reports the molecular characterization of mosquito species in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a natural ecosystem in the Northern coast of Colombia. Manual capture methods were used to collect mosquitoes, and the specimens were identified via classical taxonomy. The COI marker was used for species confirmation, and phylogenetic analysis was performed using the neighbor-joining method, with the Kimura-2-Parameters model. Aedes serratus , Psorophora ferox , Johnbelkinia ulopus , Sabethes chloropterus , Sabethes cyaneus , Wyeomyia aporonoma , Wyeomyia pseudopecten , Wyeomyia ulocoma and Wyeomyia luteoventralis were identified. We assessed the genetic variability of mosquitoes in this area and phylogenetic reconstructions allowed the identification at the species level. Classical and molecular taxonomy demonstrated to be useful and complementary when morphological characteristics are not well preserved, or the taxonomic group is not represented in public molecular databases

    Neural stem cells express melatonin receptors and neurotrophic factors: colocalization of the MT(1 )receptor with neuronal and glial markers

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    BACKGROUND: In order to optimize the potential benefits of neural stem cell (NSC) transplantation for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders, it is necessary to understand their biological characteristics. Although neurotrophin transduction strategies are promising, alternative approaches such as the modulation of intrinsic neurotrophin expression by NSCs, could also be beneficial. Therefore, utilizing the C17.2 neural stem cell line, we have examined the expression of selected neurotrophic factors under different in vitro conditions. In view of recent evidence suggesting a role for the pineal hormone melatonin in vertebrate development, it was also of interest to determine whether its G protein-coupled MT(1 )and MT(2 )receptors are expressed in NSCs. RESULTS: RT-PCR analysis revealed robust expression of glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) in undifferentiated cells maintained for two days in culture. After one week, differentiating cells continued to exhibit high expression of BDNF and NGF, but GDNF expression was lower or absent, depending on the culture conditions utilized. Melatonin MT(1 )receptor mRNA was detected in NSCs maintained for two days in culture, but the MT(2 )receptor was not seen. An immature MT(1 )receptor of about 30 kDa was detected by western blotting in NSCs cultured for two days, whereas a mature receptor of about 40 – 45 kDa was present in cells maintained for longer periods. Immunocytochemical studies demonstrated that the MT(1 )receptor is expressed in both neural (β-tubulin III positive) and glial (GFAP positive) progenitor cells. An examination of the effects of melatonin on neurotrophin expression revealed that low physiological concentrations of this hormone caused a significant induction of GDNF mRNA expression in NSCs following treatment for 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS: The phenotypic characteristics of C17.2 cells suggest that they are a heterogeneous population of NSCs including both neural and glial progenitors, as observed under the cell culture conditions used in this study. These NSCs have an intrinsic ability to express neurotrophic factors, with an apparent suppression of GDNF expression after several days in culture. The detection of melatonin receptors in neural stem/progenitor cells suggests involvement of this pleiotropic hormone in mammalian neurodevelopment. Moreover, the ability of melatonin to induce GDNF expression in C17.2 cells supports a functional role for the MT(1 )receptor expressed in these NSCs. In view of the potency of GDNF in promoting the survival of dopaminergic neurons, these novel findings have implications for the utilization of melatonin in neuroprotective strategies, especially in Parkinson's disease

    ITS2 para la identificación de Califóridos (Diptera: Calliphoridae) de importancia forense en Colombia

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    La entomología forense es una disciplina que utiliza insectos para obtener información útil en la determinación del intervalo postmortem (IPM). Las moscas de la familia Calliphoridae son muy utilizadas en entomología forense, sin embargo, su identificación a nivel de especie puede dificultarse cuando el individuo se encuentra incompleto o en estadio inmaduro. En el presente trabajo, se evaluó el potencial de la región ITS2 del genoma nuclear para la identificación de especies de Calliphoridae en Colombia utilizando tres aproximaciones: comparando distancias genéticas utilizando la metodología de códigos de barra, haciendo una reconstrucción filogenética, y con enzimas de restricción (PCR-RFLPs). Se secuenciaron un total de 520 pb en 44 individuos pertenecientes a 16 especies. Se calcularon los valores de distancia intraespecífica e interespecíficas utilizando el modelo K2P. Los valores de distancia intraespecífica oscilaron entre 0 y 0,252 %, mientras que las distancias interespecíficas fluctuaron entre 3,6 y 18,9 %, evidenciándose que esta técnica puede ser utilizada como código de barras genético en la identificación de especies de la familia Calliphoridae. Tanto en los análisis de Neighbour-Joining como en los análisis bayesianos el 90 % de los géneros presentan una monofilia sustentada en probabilidad posterior de 0,89 a 1. En todos los casos la especie Blepharicnema splendens agrupa con el género Lucilia. Con base en las secuencias obtenidas se utilizó la aplicación NEBCutter para identificar cuatro enzimas de restricción las cuales se probaron en el laboratorio y se comprobó su utilidad para la identificación rápida de especies de Calliphoridae en Colombia

    Hemogregarine and Rickettsial infection in ticks of toads from northeastern Colombia

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    The toads Rhinella spp. are in constant contact with humans and domestic animals and are commonly parasitized by ticks, which are also potential vectors of pathogenic microorganisms, such as apicomplexans and rickettsia. However, little is known about microorganisms associated with toad ticks. In this work, we molecularly evaluated the presence of Rickettsia spp. and hemogregarines in ticks of Rhinella horribilis and R. humboldti in the Colombian Caribbean, finding two different species of Rickettsia: the colombianensi strain and one close to R. bellii. In the case of hemogregarines, since only 18S gene sequences are available, it is difficult to define species and place them correctly in a phylogeny, but most of our samples show a 99% identity with Hemolivia stellata, while others identical to each other seem to form another clade within this genre. All collected ticks were identified as Amblyomma dissimile, representing the first time that H. stellata was recorded in this tick. The prevalence of both microorganisms was very high, which makes it necessary to generate robust phylogenies to clarify their taxonomic diversity and to correctly define their ecological role and pathogenicity, which should be taken into account in amphibian conservation plans and veterinary medicine. Keywords: Amblyomma dissimile, Rhinella spp., Hemolivia spp., Amphibian hos