149 research outputs found

    The relationship between Centaurs and Jupiter Family Comets with implications for K-Pg-type impacts

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    Centaurs - icy bodies orbiting beyond Jupiter and interior to Neptune - are believed to be dynamically related to Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs), which have aphelia near Jupiter's orbit and perihelia in the inner Solar system. Previous dynamical simulations have recreated the Centaur/JFC conversion, but the mechanism behind that process remains poorly described. We have performed a numerical simulation of Centaur analogues that recreates this process, generating a data set detailing over 2.6 million close planet/planetesimal interactions. We explore scenarios stored within that data base and, from those, describe the mechanism by which Centaur objects are converted into JFCs. Because many JFCs have perihelia in the terrestrial planet region, and since Centaurs are constantly resupplied from the Scattered Disc, the JFCs are an ever- present impact threat

    Core cracking and hydrothermal circulation can profoundly affect Ceres' geophysical evolution

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    Observations and models of Ceres suggest that its evolution was shaped by interactions between liquid water and silicate rock. Hydrothermal processes in a heated core require both fractured rock and liquid. Using a new core cracking model coupled to a thermal evolution code, we find volumes of fractured rock always large enough for significant interaction to occur. Therefore, liquid persistence is key. It is favored by antifreezes such as ammonia, by silicate dehydration which releases liquid, and by hydrothermal circulation itself, which enhances heat transport into the hydrosphere. The effect of heating from silicate hydration seems minor. Hydrothermal circulation can profoundly affect Ceres' evolution: it prevents core dehydration via “temperature resets,” core cooling events lasting ∌50 Myr during which Ceres' interior temperature profile becomes very shallow and its hydrosphere is largely liquid. Whether Ceres has experienced such extensive hydrothermalism may be determined through examination of its present-day structure. A large, fully hydrated core (radius 420 km) would suggest that extensive hydrothermal circulation prevented core dehydration. A small, dry core (radius 350 km) suggests early dehydration from short-lived radionuclides, with shallow hydrothermalism at best. Intermediate structures with a partially dehydrated core seem ambiguous, compatible both with late partial dehydration without hydrothermal circulation, and with early dehydration with extensive hydrothermal circulation. Thus, gravity measurements by the Dawn orbiter, whose arrival at Ceres is imminent, could help discriminate between scenarios for Ceres' evolution

    Dawn arrives at Ceres: Exploration of a small, volatile-rich world

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    On 6 March 2015, Dawn arrived at Ceres to find a dark, desiccated surface punctuated by small, bright areas. Parts of Ceres’ surface are heavily cratered, but the largest expected craters are absent. Ceres appears gravitationally relaxed at only the longest wavelengths, implying a mechanically strong lithosphere with a weaker deep interior. Ceres’ dry exterior displays hydroxylated silicates, including ammoniated clays of endogenous origin. The possibility of abundant volatiles at depth is supported by geomorphologic features such as flat crater floors with pits, lobate flows of materials, and a singular mountain that appears to be an extrusive cryovolcanic dome. On one occasion, Ceres temporarily interacted with the solar wind, producing a bow shock accelerating electrons to energies of tens of kilovolts

    Tidal Response of Mars Constrained From Laboratory-Based Viscoelastic Dissipation Models and Geophysical Data

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    We employ laboratory-based grain-size- and temperature-sensitive rheological models to 16 describe the viscoelastic behavior of terrestrial bodies with focus on Mars. Shear modulus 17 reduction and attenuation related to viscoelastic relaxation occur as a result of diffusion- 18 and dislocation-related creep and grain-boundary processes. We consider five rheological 19 models, including extended Burgers, Andrade, Sundberg-Cooper, a power-law approxima- 20 tion, and Maxwell, and determine Martian tidal response. However, the question of which 21 model provides the most appropriate description of dissipation in planetary bodies, re- 22 mains an open issue. To examine this, crust and mantle models (density and elasticity) are 23 computed self-consistently through phase equilibrium calculations as a function of pres- 24 sure, temperature, and bulk composition, whereas core properties are based on an Fe-FeS 25 parameterisation. We assess the compatibility of the viscoelastic models by inverting the 26 available geophysical data for Mars (tidal response and mean density and moment of in- 27 ertia) for temperature, elastic, and attenuation structure. Our results show that although 28 all viscoelastic models are consistent with data, their predictions for the tidal response at 29 other periods and harmonic degrees are distinct. The results also show that Maxwell is 30 only capable of fitting data for unrealistically low viscosities. Our approach can be used 31 quantitatively to distinguish between the viscoelastic models from seismic and/or tidal ob- 32 servations that will allow for improved constraints on interior structure (e.g., with InSight). 33 Finally, the methodology presented here is generally formulated and applicable to other so- 34 lar and extra-solar system bodies where the study of tidal dissipation presents an important 35 means for determining interior structure

    The varied sources of faculae-forming brines in Ceres’ Occator crater emplaced via hydrothermal brine effusion

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    Before acquiring highest-resolution data of Ceres, questions remained about the emplacement mechanism and source of Occator crater's bright faculae. Here we report that brine effusion emplaced the faculae in a brine-limited, impact-induced hydrothermal system. Impact-derived fracturing enabled brines to reach the surface. The central faculae, Cerealia and Pasola Facula, postdate the central pit, and were primarily sourced from an impact-induced melt chamber, with some contribution from a deeper, pre-existing brine reservoir. Vinalia Faculae, in the crater floor, were sourced from the laterally extensive deep reservoir only. Vinalia Faculae are comparatively thinner and display greater ballistic emplacement than the central faculae because the deep reservoir brines took a longer path to the surface and contained more gas than the shallower impact-induced melt chamber brines. Impact-derived fractures providing conduits, and mixing of impact-induced melt with deeper endogenic brines, could also allow oceanic material to reach the surfaces of other large icy bodies. The second extended phase of the Dawn mission provided high resolution observations of Occator crater of the dwarf planet Ceres. Here, the authors show that the central faculae were sourced in an impact-induced melt chamber, with a contribution from the deep brine reservoir, while the Vinalia Faculae were sourced by the deep brine reservoir alone

    Dawn arrives at Ceres: Exploration of a small, volatile-rich world

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    On 6 March 2015, Dawn arrived at Ceres to find a dark, desiccated surface punctuated by small, bright areas. Parts of Ceres’ surface are heavily cratered, but the largest expected craters are absent. Ceres appears gravitationally relaxed at only the longest wavelengths, implying a mechanically strong lithosphere with a weaker deep interior. Ceres’ dry exterior displays hydroxylated silicates, including ammoniated clays of endogenous origin. The possibility of abundant volatiles at depth is supported by geomorphologic features such as flat crater floors with pits, lobate flows of materials, and a singular mountain that appears to be an extrusive cryovolcanic dome. On one occasion, Ceres temporarily interacted with the solar wind, producing a bow shock accelerating electrons to energies of tens of kilovolts

    NASA Planetary Mission Concept Study: Assessing: Dwarf Planet Ceres' past and Present Habitability Potential

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    The Dawn mission revolutionized our understanding of Ceres during the same decade that has also witnessed the rise of ocean worlds as a research and exploration focus. We will report progress on the Planetary Mission Concept Study (PMCS) on the future exploration of Ceres under the New Frontiers or Flagship program that was selected for NASA funding in October 2019. At the time this writing, the study was just kicked off, hence this abstract reports the study plan as presented in the proposal

    Effect of core--mantle and tidal torques on Mercury's spin axis orientation

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    The rotational evolution of Mercury's mantle and its core under conservative and dissipative torques is important for understanding the planet's spin state. Dissipation results from tides and viscous, magnetic and topographic core--mantle interactions. The dissipative core--mantle torques take the system to an equilibrium state wherein both spins are fixed in the frame precessing with the orbit, and in which the mantle and core are differentially rotating. This equilibrium exhibits a mantle spin axis that is offset from the Cassini state by larger amounts for weaker core--mantle coupling for all three dissipative core--mantle coupling mechanisms, and the spin axis of the core is separated farther from that of the mantle, leading to larger differential rotation. The relatively strong core--mantle coupling necessary to bring the mantle spin axis to its observed position close to the Cassini state is not obtained by any of the three dissipative core--mantle coupling mechanisms. For a hydrostatic ellipsoidal core--mantle boundary, pressure coupling dominates the dissipative effects on the mantle and core positions, and dissipation together with pressure coupling brings the mantle spin solidly to the Cassini state. The core spin goes to a position displaced from that of the mantle by about 3.55 arcmin nearly in the plane containing the Cassini state. With the maximum viscosity considered of Μ∌15.0 cm2/s\nu\sim 15.0\,{\rm cm^2/s} if the coupling is by the circulation through an Ekman boundary layer or Μ∌8.75×105 cm2/s\nu\sim 8.75\times 10^5\,{\rm cm^2/s} for purely viscous coupling, the core spin lags the precessing Cassini plane by 23 arcsec, whereas the mantle spin lags by only 0.055 arcsec. Larger, non hydrostatic values of the CMB ellipticity also result in the mantle spin at the Cassini state, but the core spin is moved closer to the mantle spin.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figure

    Extensive water ice within Ceres’ aqueously altered regolith: Evidence from nuclear spectroscopy

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    The surface elemental composition of dwarf planet Ceres constrains its regolith ice content, aqueous alteration processes, and interior evolution. Using nuclear spectroscopy data acquired by NASA’s Dawn mission, we determined the concentrations of H, Fe, and K on Ceres. The data show that surface materials were processed by the action of water within the interior. The non-icy portion of Ceres’ C-bearing regolith contains similar amounts of H to aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrites, but less Fe. This allows for the possibility that Ceres experienced modest ice-rock fractionation, resulting in differences between surface and bulk composition. At mid-to-high latitudes, the regolith contains high concentrations of H, consistent with broad expanses of water ice, confirming theoretical predictions that ice can survive for billions of years just beneath the surface
