83 research outputs found
Uyghurs In Xinjiang. The malaise grows.
International audienceAfter September 11th 2001, the Chinese regime strove to include its repression of Uyghur opposition within the international dynamic of thestruggle against Islamic terrorist networks
Andrée Feillard ed., L’Islam en Asie, du Caucase à la Chine
This collection sets out to show that Asian Islam is not peripheral, as is often supposed. Relying on their own specialist knowledge, each author gives a general picture of the historical spread of Islam in their particular area: in Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia for Stéphane Dudoignon; the Indian subcontinent for Aminah Mohammad-Arif; South-East Asia for Andrée Feillard; and China for Elisabeth Allès. They then analyse the current situation, with particular reference to such topics a..
Jérôme Doyon, Négocier la place de l'islam chinois. Les associations islamiques de Nankin à l'ère des réformes,
Cet ouvrage est issu du travail de recherche mené par Jérôme Doyon dans le cadre de son mémoire de fin de master. Ce jeune chercheur menant aujourd’hui une thèse de doctorat en science politique a su conduire habilement une série de terrains durant le printemps 2011 au sein de la municipalité de Nankin. L’auteur a choisi de s’intéresser au rôle, au fonctionnement et aux interactions des branches locales de l’Association islamique de Chine (AIC) à Nankin (AIN) et au Jiangsu (AIJ). Il est part..
Jérôme Doyon, Négocier la place de l'islam chinois. Les associations islamiques de Nankin à l'ère des réformes (Negotiating the Place of Chinese Islam: Islamic Associations in Nanjing during the Reform Era)
This book is the result of research conducted by Jérôme Doyon for his Master’s thesis. The young scholar, currently pursuing his doctorate, carried out expert field work in early 2011 in Nanjing municipality. The author chose to focus on the role, functioning, and interactions of local branches of the Islamic Association of China (IAC) in Nanjing (IAN) and Jiangsu (IAJ). He starts off with the observation that the Chinese state’s control over its Muslim populations operates in the special co..
Michael Dillon, Xinjiang―China’s Muslim Far North West
A combination of a massive process of demographic colonisation and a policy for the development of the western region of China (xibu dakaifa), the stabilisation of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is a principal target of China’s security policy. Yet, the ins and outs of this thorny problem are still largely unrecognised, mainly for lack of research. Michael Dillon, who has paid several visits to China’s north west and travelled throughout the Uyghur diaspora, has earned himself great me..
Michael Dillon, Xinjiang-China’s Muslim Far North West
Couplée à un processus massif de colonisation démographique et au projet de développement économique du Grand Ouest (xibu dakaifa), la stabilisation de la région autonome des Ouïghours du Xinjiang est un objectif majeur de la politique sécuritaire chinoise. Pourtant, les tenants et les aboutissants de ce problème épineux pour Pékin restent largement méconnus, en raison notamment du manque d’études sur la question. Michael Dillon qui a effectué plusieurs séjours dans le nord-ouest de la Chine ..
The Uyghurs in Xinjiang – The Malaise Grows
Over the past twenty years, the unrest in Xinjiang has intensified and Uyghur nationalist feeling has strengthened. This study aims to throw light on the causes of the current rise of Uyghur nationalism and the forms it has taken. We shall draw attention to the determining effect of a socio-political context driven by colonial logics in order to explain how the nationalist ideology has been reinforced, with its aim of restoring to the Uyghurs—or more generally to the Turkic-speaking populatio..
Michael Dillon, Xinjiang―China’s Muslim Far North West
A combination of a massive process of demographic colonisation and a policy for the development of the western region of China (xibu dakaifa), the stabilisation of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is a principal target of China’s security policy. Yet, the ins and outs of this thorny problem are still largely unrecognised, mainly for lack of research. Michael Dillon, who has paid several visits to China’s north west and travelled throughout the Uyghur diaspora, has earned himself great me..
S. Frederick Starr (Ă©d.), Xinjiang. China's Muslim Borderland
Cet ouvrage est le produit d’un programme de recherche lancé par l’East West Center (Washington) en 1998. Il rassemble les contributions de 16 spécialistes. Les plus jeunes ont profité de la relative ouverture de la région aux cours des deux dernières décennies pour y conduire des recherches de longue durée. Ils en sont revenus avec une connaissance du terrain et une maîtrise linguistique qui ont régénéré la recherche sur le Xinjiang. Le caractère novateur de cet ouvrage et sa rigueur sont la..
S. Frederick Starr (ed.), Xinjiang. China's Muslim Borderland
This book is the result of a research programme launched by the East West Center in Washington in 1998. It brings together contributions from 16 specialists. The younger of them have taken advantage of the relative opening up of the region over the last twenty years to carry out long-term research. They have returned with a knowledge of the field and linguistic skills that have regenerated research on Xinjiang. The groundbreaking and rigorous characteristics of this book are largely due to th..
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