195 research outputs found

    Theories of developmental dyslexia: Insights from a multiple case study of dyslexic adults

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    A multiple case study was conducted in order to assess three leading theories of developmental dyslexia: the phonological, the magnocellular (auditory and visual) and the cerebellar theories. Sixteen dyslexic and 16 control university students were administered a full battery of psychometric, phonological, auditory, visual and cerebellar tests. Individual data reveal that all 16 dyslexics suffer from a phonological deficit, 10 from an auditory deficit, 4 from a motor deficit, and 2 from a visual magnocellular deficit. Results suggest that a phonological deficit can appear in the absence of any other sensory or motor disorder, and is sufficient to cause a literacy impairment, as demonstrated by 5 of the dyslexics. Auditory disorders, when present, aggravate the phonological deficit, hence the literacy impairment. However, auditory deficits cannot be characterised simply as rapid auditory processing problems, as would be predicted by the magnocellular theory. Nor are they restricted to speech. Contrary to the cerebellar theory, we find little support for the notion that motor impairments, when found, have a cerebellar origin, or reflect an automaticity deficit. Overall, the present data support the phonological theory of dyslexia, while acknowledging the presence of additional sensory and motor disorders in certain individuals

    Assessment of electrophoresis and electroosmosis in construction materials: effect of enhancing electrolytes and heavy metals contamination

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    Electrokinetic effects are those that take place by application of an electric field to porous materials, with the zeta potential as the key parameter. Specifically, in the case of contaminated construction materials, the generation of an electroosmotic flux, with the corresponding dragging due to water transport, is a crucial mechanism to succeed in the treatment of decontamination. Therefore, it is of great interest trying to optimize the treatment by the addition of specific electrolytes enhancing the electrokinetic phenomena. Most of the data of zeta potential found in literature for construction materials are based in micro-electrophoresis measurements, which are quite far of the real conditions of application of the remediation treatments. In this paper, electrophoretic and electroosmotic experiments, with monolithic and powdered material respectively, have been carried out for mortar, brick and granite clean and contaminated with Cs, Sr, Co, Cd, Cu and Pb. The electrolytes tested have been distilled water (DW), Na2–EDTA, oxalic acid, acetic acid and citric acid. The zeta potential values have been determined through the two different techniques and the results compared and critically analysed

    Efecto de la aplicación de campos eléctricos sobre las interacciones entre los iones cloruro y la matriz de cemento

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    La determinación de coeficientes de difusión de los iones cloruro a través del hormigón precisa en muchas ocasiones de la aplicación de campos eléctricos con el fin de obtener resultados en plazos razonables de tiempo. Sin embargo, esta aceleración del transporte podría modificar las complejas interacciones que tienen lugar entre los iones cloruro y la matriz de cemento, haciendo que los coeficientes obtenidos mediante ensayos de migración no fueran representativos de condiciones de difusión natural. Este aspecto se aborda en el presente trabajo mediante la realización de ensayos de migración de cloruros en estado estacionario y no estacionario, así como de difusión natural de cloruros y oxígeno en estado estacionario. Como resultado, se ha podido establecer que cuando el transporte se produce por migración, hasta un campo aplicado de 10.5 V/cm, ésta tiene lugar a través de poros del mismo tamaño que por los que se lleva a cabo la difusión natural, produciéndose una interacción más débil del adsorbato con el sustrato que en difusión natural, lo que debe tenerse en cuenta a la hora de diseñar los ensayos de migración para la determinación de los coeficientes de difusión de cloruros en estado no estacionario.&nbsp

    Potenciación de la respuesta inmune humoral sistémica en ratas lactantes por el ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA)

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    Cis-9, trans-11 (c9, t11) and trans-10, cis-12 (t10, c12) are the predominating molecules in the positional and geometrical isomers mixture termed CLA. Although CLA has shown positive effects on human health and seems to be associated with immunomodulatory activities, its effect in the developing immune system has not been studied. Thus, the present study was designed to establish the effect of CLA supplementation during gestation and/or lactation on humoral immune response, i.e. by analysing sera Ig levels during the suckling period. Wistar rats were allocated to four groups (A, B, C and W) on day 7 of pregnancy. From day 7 and throughout the study period group C and W gestating mothers were fed standard pellet chow. Group A and B dams were fed 10 g CLA (80% cis-9, trans-11, 20% trans-10, cis-12; Lipid Nutrition B. V. Wormerveer, The Netherlands)/kg pellet chow during gestation. Moreover, group A mothers were also fed the CLA-supplemented chow until the litters were 21 d old, the end of suckling period. Group B and C litters received the CLA mixture of isomers by daily oral administration while their respective dams were fed standard pellet chow during lactation. In all cases litters were equalised to ten rats per lactating mother. Pups from each experimental group were killed at the end of the second week of life (day 14) and at the end of the suckling period (day 21), and blood samples were collected. Serum IgA, IgG and IgM levels were quantified by the ELISA sandwich technique. ANOVA and post hoc comparisons (LSD test) were performed. Differences were considered to be significant at P<0.05. Animals receiving CLA passively from their mothers (group A) during gestation and the suckling period exhibited the highest concentrations of IgG and IgM at 14 d old (P<0.05; see Table). At the end of suckling period the serum IgG concentration in this group was also increased, up to three times more than in the other groups (P<0.05). Those animals supplemented with CLA only during suckling period (group C) showed no difference in relation to those receiving no supplement. Thus, these results demonstrate that CLA supplementation during gestation and lactation promotes systemic humoral immune response

    Changes in plasma fatty acid composition are associated with improvements in obesity and related metabolic disorders: A therapeutic approach to overweight adolescents

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    Background & aims: In recent years, obesity has reached alarming levels among children and adolescents. The study of plasma fatty acid (FA) composition, as a reflection of diet, and its associations with other parameters, that are closely linked to obesity and the cardiometabolic profile, may be useful for setting nutritional goals for obesity treatment and prevention. This study explored the relationship between plasma FA levels and body fat and cardiometabolic risk markers, in overweight adolescents. Methods: A multidisciplinary weight loss program was followed by 127 overweight and obese adolescents aged 12-17 years old. Plasma FA composition, anthropometric indicators of adiposity and biochemical parameters were analyzed at baseline, two months (the end of the intensive intervention phase) and six months (the end of the extensive phase). Results: While saturated fatty acid (SFA) and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) levels decreased significantly during the intervention, monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and n-3 PUFA showed the opposite trend. The decrease in SFA C14:0 was associated with a reduction in total and LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and insulin. The increase in MUFAs, especially C18:1n-9, was related to a reduction in weight, fat mass, fat mass index and glucose. Regarding PUFAs, changes in the n-3 series were not associated with any of the parameters studied, whereas the reduction in n-6 PUFA5 was directly related to weight, fat mass, total and HDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein Al, glucose and insulin, and inversely associated with diastolic blood pressure. The adolescents with greater weight loss presented significant changes in MUFAs, n-6 PUFA5 and C14:0. Conclusions: Modifications in plasma FA composition were associated with adiposity reduction and cardiometabolic profile improvement in an anti-obesity program aimed at adolescents. The changes observed in FA composition were related to the success of the treatment, since the individuals most affected by these variations were those who presented the greatest weight loss

    Measuring hearing in wild beluga whales

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in "The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II," edited by Arthur N. Popper, Anthony Hawkins, 729-735. New York, NY: Springer, 2016. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2981-8_88.We measured the hearing abilities of seven wild beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) during a collection-and-release experiment in Bristol Bay, AK, USA. Here we summarize the methods and initial data from one animal, discussing the implications of this experiment. Audiograms were collected from 4-150 kHz. The animal with the lowest threshold heard best at 80 kHz and demonstrated overall good hearing from 22-110 kHz. The robustness of the methodology and data suggest AEP audiograms can be incorporated into future collection-and-release health assessments. Such methods may provide high-quality results for multiple animals facilitating population-level audiograms and hearing measures in new species.Project funding and field support provided by Georgia Aquarium and the National Marine Mammal Laboratory of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (NMML/AFSC). Field work also supported by National Marine Fisheries Service Alaska Regional Office (NMFS AKR), WHOI Arctic Research Initiative, WHOI Ocean Life Institute, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bristol Bay Native Association, Alaska SeaLife Center, Shedd Aquarium and Mystic Aquarium. Audiogram analyses were funded by the Office of Naval Research award number N000141210203 (from Michael Weise)

    Relation between plasma antioxidant vitamin levels, adiposity and cardio-metabolic profile in adolescents: Effects of a multidisciplinary obesity programme

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    Background & aims In vivo and in vitro evidence suggests that antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids may be key factors in the treatment and prevention of obesity and obesity-associated disorders. Hence, the objective of the present study was to determine the relationship between plasma lipid-soluble antioxidant vitamin and carotenoid levels and adiposity and cardio-metabolic risk markers in overweight and obese adolescents participating in a multidisciplinary weight loss programme. Methods A therapeutic programme was conducted with 103 adolescents aged 12–17 years old and diagnosed with overweight or obesity. Plasma concentrations of a-tocopherol, retinol, ß-carotene and lycopene, anthropometric indicators of general and central adiposity, blood pressure and biochemical parameters were analysed at baseline and at 2 and 6 months of treatment. Results Lipid-corrected retinol (P < 0.05), ß-carotene (P = 0.001) and a-tocopherol (P < 0.001) plasma levels increased significantly, whereas lipid-corrected lycopene levels remained unaltered during the treatment. Anthropometric indicators of adiposity (P < 0.001), blood pressure (P < 0.01) and biochemical parameters (P < 0.05) decreased significantly, whereas fat free mass increased significantly (P < 0.001). These clinical and biochemical improvements were related to changes in plasma lipid-corrected antioxidant vitamin and carotenoid levels. The adolescents who experienced the greatest weight loss also showed the largest decrease in anthropometric indicators of adiposity and biochemical parameters and the highest increase in fat free mass. Weight loss in these adolescents was related to an increase in plasma levels of lipid-corrected a-tocopherol (P = 0.001), ß-carotene (P = 0.034) and lycopene (P = 0.019). Conclusions Plasma lipid-soluble antioxidant vitamin and carotenoid levels are associated with reduced adiposity, greater weight loss and an improved cardio-metabolic profile in overweight and obese adolescents

    Activities to promote critical information management over Internet in pharmacy students

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    Con el fin de promover la adquisición de habilidades y destrezas que permitan al estudiante de Farmacia desarrollar una actitud activa y crítica frente a la información disponible en Internet, así como saber seleccionar las fuentes de información de Internet adecuadas para su formación, se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de innovación docente (2008PID-UB/115) cuyo objetivo final es fomentar la gestión crítica de la información. Para ello se han diseñado una serie de ejercicios integrados en una actividad basada en casos clínicos, que forma parte de la evaluación continuada de la asignatura de Fisiopatología de la Licenciatura de Farmacia (UB). Se ha evaluado el proyecto a través de las calificaciones obtenidas en las actividades y las encuestas de opinión de un total de 379 estudiantes. Los resultados evidencian que la mayoría de estudiantes (90%) valoran muy positivamente las actividades planteadas, considerando que favorecen su aprendizaje y formación personal, y les aportan criterios útiles y provechosos para el análisis y selección de información biomédica a través de Internet. Por último, cabe destacar que el proyecto planteado ha demostrado ser aplicable a un grupo numeroso de estudiantes de Grado y constituye una estrategia válida para fomentar competencias transversales relacionadas con la gestión de la información, de gran relevancia para el futuro profesional farmacéutico.It has been carried out an educational innovation project (2008PID-UB/115) whose ultimate goal was to promote critical management information. Its specific objectives were to promote the acquisition of skills and abilities to allow the student of Pharmacy, on the one hand, to develop active and critical attitude towards the information available on Internet and, on the other hand, to select the Internet information sources suitable for their formation. For these purposes, we set up some activities based on a clinical case as a part of the continuous assessment of the subject of Pathophysiology of the Bachelor of Pharmacy (UB). The project was assessed by the scores on the activities and the opinion surveys of a total of 379 students. The results show that most students (90%) highly value the activities planned and they consider that these kinds of activities promoted their learning and their professional training. The students also state that the exercises provided them useful and helpful criteria for the analysis and selection of biomedical information over Internet. Finally, it is noteworthy that the proposed project has proved to be applicable to a large group of undergraduate students. Moreover, it is a valid strategy to promote cross-curricular competencies related to management of information, which is of great relevance for the future pharmacist.Este estudio ha sido subvencionado por la Universidad de Barcelona (Proyecto de Innovación Docente 2008PID-UB/115)