74 research outputs found

    Ideações e tentativas de suicídio em adolescentes com práticas sexuais hetero e homoeróticas

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    Esta pesquisa, que teve como população-alvo adolescentes com idade entre 12 e 20 anos, residentes em três municípios do interior Paulista, buscou conhecer as associações entre orientação sexual e ideações e tentativas de suicídio. Corroborando com as pesquisas internacionais, evidenciou-se que os não heterossexuais têm mais chances de pensarem e tentarem suicídio, comparativamente aos heterossexuais. Todavia, encontrou-se que, dentre o grupo de adolescentes que se assumiram não heterossexuais, os que estão mais vulneráveis são aqueles que se autodefiniram bissexuais e "outros", os quais constituem o grupo de pessoas menos assumidas, dentre os não heterossexuais. Do mesmo modo, constatou-se que os respondentes apresentam diversas opiniões e valores homofóbicos, sexistas e heterocentrados, o que revela ser o espaço escolar, onde se encontram esses jovens não heterossexuais, bastante carregado de posicionamentos discursivos discriminatórios. Conclui-se que a questão do suicídio é uma problemática de saúde pública e que a população de jovens não heterossexuais necessita de abordagens específicas para a prevenção e de atenção relativas a essa conduta.This survey, which had as the target population adolescents aged between 12 and 20 years living in three municipalities in São Paulo, sought to investigate the associations between sexual orientation and ideation and suicide attempts. Confirming international research findings, it is showed that non-heterosexuals are more likely to attempt and think about suicide, compared to heterosexuals. However, we found that among the group of teenagers who assumed to be non-heterosexuals, the most vulnerable are those who define themselves as bisexual and "other", which constitute the group of people less assumed, among non-heterosexuals. Similarly, it was found that the respondents have different homophobic, sexist and heterocentric opinions and values, which turn out to be the school environment, where these young non-heterosexual study, loaded with enough discriminatory discursive positions. We conclude that the issue of suicide is a public health problem and that the population of young non-heterosexual needs specific approaches for prevention and care in respect to this conduct

    Tutor Attitudes Toward Tutoring Creative Writers in Writing Centers

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    This study concerns itself with tutor attitudes toward tutoring creative writers in writing centers. In it, I look at these attitudes and compare tutor definitions of creative writing, tutor comfort with tutoring writers, and tutor training. Tutors attitudes toward their training and their beliefs about what training to tutor creative writers should entail tell a great deal about the privileging of creative writing and creative writers in writing centers. This study is an important first step in considering that privileging, its source, and its effects. For the study, tutors completed an online survey. They were not asked for any identifying information, and online software allowing the tracking of IP addresses and email addresses was disabled so that no identifying information could be collected. It is my hope that this study will aid the writing center field in reconsidering the ways in which writing center theory and practice meet, and in constructing a better way to bring ideals and practice together. Because writing center tutors are in a unique position as frontline practitioners and reader/writers of writing center theory, understanding their attitudes is an important step towards lessening the gap between our ideals and our realities

    Eye Malformations in Children with Heavy Alcohol Exposure in Utero

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    Objective: To determine whether children who do not develop fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) despite heavy alcohol exposure are at risk for eye abnormalities. Study design: We screened 9628 pregnant women and identified 101 women who were drinking \u3e 2 oz of absolute alcohol per day and 101 nondrinking control women. We followed 43 exposed and 55 control offspring between age 4 and 9 years, performing masked standardized ophthalomologic examinations. Results: The groups did not differ in their rates of impaired visual acuity, refractory errors, ptosis, epicanthal folds, or short palpebral fissures. Biomicroscopy examination was normal in all exposed subjects; cataracts were detected in 2 control subjects (4%) but in no exposed subjects. Arterial tortuosity was seen in 7 exposed subjects (16%) and in 8 control subjects (15%). Optic nerve hypoplasia was not detected in any subject. Conclusions: Previous research has found that children with FAS have a high incidence of serious ophthalmologic defects; our data indicate that the risk is limited to children with FAS and does not extend to children exposed to high levels of alcohol prenatally who do not develop FAS. Eye examinations are unlikely to clarify the diagnosis in children suspected of having alcohol-related damage