33 research outputs found
The Impact of Health Status and Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenditures on Annuity Valuation
This paper describes how differences in health status at retirement can influence the decision to purchase a life annuity. We extend previous research on annuitization decisions by incorporating the effect of health differentials via differences in survival throughout the latter portion of life. Next, we consider how precautionary savings motivated by uncertain out-of-pocket medical expenses influence annuitization decisions. Our results show that annuities become less attractive to people facing uncertain medical expenses. While full annuitization would still be optimal if annuity markets were truly complete and both life- and health-contingent, lacking this, annuity equivalent wealth values are much lower for those in poor health, as compared to persons in good health.
The number of centenarians in Brazil: Indirect estimates based on death certificates
The Brazilian population is rapidly aging. As a result, the number of centenarians has grown steadily, about 77 per cent between 1991 and 2000. Although expected, the increasing number of centenarians may be exaggerated by data quality issues. We compare the recorded centenarian population in the 1991 census with indirect estimates based on the extinct generation method. We find three times more people in the census than according to the indirect estimates. Uncertainty about the true size of old-age populations has important implications in data-deficient countries, particularly in the estimation of adult mortality.age misreporting, Brazil, centenarians, longevity, mortality
The Impact of Health Status and Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenditures on Annuity Valuation
This article describes how differences in health status at retirement can influence the decision to purchase a life annuity. We extend previous research on annuitization decisions by incorporating the effect of health differentials via differences in survival throughout the latter portion of life. Next, we consider how precautionary savings motivated by uncertain out-of-pocket medical expenses influence annuitization decisions. Our results show that annuities become less attractive to people facing uncertain medical expenses. While full annuitization would still be optimal if annuity markets were truly complete and both life- and health-contingent, lacking this, annuity equivalent wealth values are much lower for those in poor health, as compared to persons in good health
Tendencias en la fecundidad de cohortes: propuesta de innovación en la forma de análisis del método P/F de Brass
Se reinterpreta la serie Pi/Fi, centrando la atención en el comportamiento de las cohortes,
a fin de comparar la fecundidad de diferentes poblaciones y épocas y determinar, a partir
de los datos del perÃodo, las variaciones que experimentaron las cohortes, exponiendo asÃ
el proceso de transición de la fecundidad. Se utilizan datos censales de 1970 y 1980, y
se identifican y analizan las cohortes de entre 1935 y 1970 (Brasil y diez macrorregiones,
sectores urbano y rural). La fecundidad de cohorte ya habÃa estado bajando en las
macrorregiones de RÃo de Janeiro, São Paulo y Extremo Sur desde la década de 1930. En las
áreas urbanas, la caÃda se detectó en las de Centro-Oeste, Este, RÃo de Janeiro, São Paulo,
Paraná y Extremo Sur. Un hallazgo importante y ausente en la literatura sobre este inicio de
la caÃda de la fecundidad de cohorte es que se registra tanto en partes de la macrorregión
de Nordeste Central —a menudo considerada de fecundidad alta y constante— como en
los sectores rurales de las macrorregiones de RÃo de Janeiro, São Paulo y el Extremo Sur
The first 80 days of the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Belo Horizonte : from containment to reopening.
Este artigo examina o contexto e as implica??es da pandemia por Covid-19 na cidade de Belo Horizonte (BH) nos primeiros 80 dias da doen?a. Utilizamos um recorte anal?tico descritivo para mensurar a evolu??o dos casos, o excesso de ?bitos, a taxa de transmissibilidade do v?rus e a press?o da doen?a sobre o sistema de sa?de de BH e regi?o, atrav?s da taxa de ocupa??o hospitalar nos leitos p?blicos. Al?m disso, identificamos as principais pol?ticas de conten??o adotadas pelas autoridades locais, bem como as implica??es da redu??o do distanciamento social. Nossos resultados demonstram que o Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS), bem gerido, ? fundamental para o enfrentamento da pandemia e a mitiga??o de suas consequ?ncias para a popula??o. O processo de flexibiliza??o que se inicia tem imposto novos desafios que requerer?o monitoramento atento das autoridades e da sociedade.The paper examines the implications of Co vid-19 pandemic for the city of Belo Horizonte (BH), during the fi rst 80 days of the disease. We use a descriptive-analytical approach to estimate the growth of Covid-19 cases over time, the excess of deaths, the virus? rate of transmissibility, and the consequent burden on the municipal the health system, measured by the rate of occupancy of public hospital beds. Also, we identify the main containment policies adopted by local authorities, and the implications of reopen ing measures and the following reduction of social distancing. Our fi ndings reveal that a well-managed Unifi ed Health System (SUS) is paramount to effectively tackle the pan demic and its consequences for the population. The reopening process has imposed new challenges that will require close monitoring by the authorities and by the Society
Demographic transition: Opportunities and challenges to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Latin America and the Caribbean
The region of Latin American and Caribbean has witnessed rapid demographic, social, economic and political transformations in the last 50 years. Despite the reduction in poverty, the progress made in the provision of essential services to the population and the improvements in education, health and gender equality, many problems remain. In particular, levels of both inter- and intragenerational inequality are high. Also, in most cases, the demographic transition has outpaced societies’ ability to create conditions for sustainable development.
Well-being measures vary by age, gender and other demographic dimensions. Therefore, progress towards attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is inextricably linked to population trends, hence societies should adopt policies that anticipate population dynamics if they want to make the most of the opportunities and respond to the new challenges presented by the demographic transition. Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is also susceptible to how families, governments and the market distribute resources within and between age groups. In the light of these far-reaching demographic changes, adjustments may need to be made to programmes to allocate resource over the life cycle, in order to ultimately address inequality levels and ensure the successful implementation of sustainable development.Introduction .-- I. Objectives and limitations .-- II. The demographic transition in the Latin America and Caribbean region .-- III. The generational economy and National Transfer Accounts (NTAs). .-- IV. The Sustainable Development Goals: associations with demographic and National Transfer Account measures .-- V. Overview, challenges and recommendations .-- VI. Final recommendations