218 research outputs found

    Ash Spring

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    Bell\u27s Vireo

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    Waking to an Ocean on Fire

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    MIDOP: Macroseismic Intensity Data Online Publisher

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    Within the Networking Activity 4 (NA4) "Distributed Archive of Historical Earthquake Data" of the EU NERIES project, a massive quantity of macroseismic data related to earthquakes of the past centuries is being published online. The NA4 working team is composed of many researchers coming from five European National Institutions. The retrieved data range from year 1000 to year 1900 and cover all of Europe. The presented tool "MIDOP" is being specifically developed for intuitive online publication of macroseismic maps of historical earthquakes

    Online tools facilities for historical earthquake data investigation

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    SVG can be an easy and effective solution in the historical earthquake data investigation when it comes to a very specific need not achievable using general purpose software. With a basic knowledge of web languages (HTML, Javascript and PHP) and commonly available server side software (Apache and not spatially-aware MySql) we succeded creating an interactive web-mapping tool for macroseismic data and a time-saver gazetteer management tool

    Impacto de los programas de aceleración en startups de Argentina y América Latina: un análisis empírico

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    Trabajo final (Licenciatura en Economía) -- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Escuela de Graduados, 2023.Fil: Cassera, Delfina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.La expansión del fenómeno de las startups a nivel global se ha acentuado en los últimos años, esto fue posible por la aparición de diversas instituciones que conforman el ecosistema emprendedor y brindan diversos tipos de apoyo, entre ellas las aceleradoras de negocios. En América Latina, se ha observado el surgimiento de aceleradoras que buscan impulsar el desarrollo de startups, aunque a un ritmo más moderado. Sin embargo, una característica distintiva de la región es la escasa disponibilidad de bibliografía y literatura académica que aborde de manera sistemática el impacto de las aceleradoras en el desempeño de los emprendimientos de etapa inicial respecto a obtener ventas, aumentar el empleo y recaudar fondos externos. Esta carencia se traduce también en la falta de fuentes de datos completas, lo que complica la búsqueda de información detallada sobre estos temas. Por estas razones, y considerando que el desarrollo del ecosistema emprendedor está siendo de interés para la sociedad económica global, el propósito de este trabajo es proveer un diagnóstico y análisis de la influencia de las aceleradoras para las startups de Argentina y Latinoamérica. La estructura del trabajo se desarrollará de la siguiente manera: en primer lugar, se proporcionará una visión general de las aceleradoras, abarcando la breve historia de su surgimiento, la definición de las aceleradoras y las distintas etapas de un programa de aceleración. En segundo lugar, se presentarán los resultados obtenidos a partir de un análisis descriptivo de los programas de aceleración de negocios en América Latina, con especial atención en los programas de Argentina. Además, se procederá a realizar una caracterización detallada de las startups que participan en dichos programas de aceleración. De este modo, se brindará una visión amplia de las características fundamentales que definen a las startups que integran el ecosistema en Argentina, estableciendo comparaciones pertinentes con el resto de la región. En última instancia, se utilizan distintos modelos econométricos con el objetivo de evaluar el impacto de los programas de aceleración en el desempeño de las startups de América Latina, centrándonos especialmente en aspectos claves como las ventas, el empleo y la captación de fondos externos por parte de las startups que participan en estos procesos.Fil: Cassera, Delfina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina

    Niñez y devenir-animal

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    Jesus Carrasco with Intemperie (outdoor) (2014) puts at the center of the contemporary spanish narrative a child who is crossed by an order in which violence and vulnerability prevail over his body and whose only way is escape. Escaping acts as a break in the order imposed for the establishment of new ones, and in that process the child is the one to make to live (Foucault). In turn, the make-live is linked to the becoming-animal, which, following the biopolitical thesis of Gabriel Giorgi (2014), acts as (dis) figuration in the child-body and as a configuration of new ways of life. In the following article, I propose to inquire into the way in which this development occurs, and consequently, how his life is reconfigured.Jesús Carrasco con Intemperie (2014) pone en el centro de la narrativa española contemporánea a un niño que se encuentra atravesado por un orden en el que impera la violencia y la vulneración sobre su cuerpo y cuya única salida es la fuga. El escape actúa como rompimiento del orden impuesto para el establecimiento de otros nuevos y en ese proceso el niño es quien se debe hacer vivir (cf. Foucault). A su vez, el hacer-vivir se encuentra ligado al devenir-animal que, siguiendo la tesis biopolítica de Gabriel Giorgi (2014), actúa como (des)figuración en el cuerpo-niño y como configuración de nuevos modos de vida. En el siguiente artículo, propongo indagar de qué manera dicho devenir se presenta, y en consecuencia, cómo se reconfigura su vida

    Las Garantías Individuales

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    Si analizamos detenida y mesuradamente la vida, los actos, las aspiraciones las inquietudes del hombre, podre mas observar con facilidad que todo ello gira alrededor de un solo fin, de un solo propósito, tan constante como insaciable, superarse as mismo, obtener una permanente isatis facción subjetiva que tal vez brinde la felicidad anhelada

    Concomitant endoscopic radiofrequency ablation and laparoscopic reflux operative results in more effective and efficient treatment of Barrett esophagus

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    BACKGROUND: Barrett esophagus (BE) caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease can lead to esophageal cancer. The success of endoscopic treatments with BE eradication depends on esophageal anatomy and post-treatment acid exposure. STUDY DESIGN: Between January 2008 and December 2009, 10 patients were selected for combination treatment of BE using laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery and endoscopic radiofrequency ablation. Retrospective review of preoperative, procedural, and postoperative data was performed. RESULTS: Seven study patients had a pathologic diagnosis of nondysplastic BE and 3 patients had a diagnosis of low-grade dysplasia. Average length of BE lesions was 6.4 ± 4.8 cm. Procedure time averaged 154.4 ± 46.4 minutes. At the time of surgery, the mean number of ablations performed was 4.39 ± 1.99. Six patients were noted to have major hiatal hernias requiring reduction. Five patients (80%) had 100% resolution of their BE at their first postoperative endoscopy. The remaining 3 patients had a ≥50% resolution and underwent subsequent endoscopic ablation. Symptomatic results revealed that 4 patients had substantial dysphagia to solids and other symptoms were minimal. Two patients were noted to have complications related to the ablative treatments. One stricture and 1 perforation were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation of BE at the time of laparoscopic fundoplication is feasible and can effectively treat BE lesions. A single combined treatment can result in fewer overall procedures performed to obtain BE eradication

    From macroseismic intensity data to the earthquake parameters

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    Two tools have been developed within the European Archive of Historical EArthquake Data (AHEAD) in order to process and analyse roughly 270.000 Macroseismic Intensity Data-points (MDPs) related to circa 7000 earthquakes European-wise and spanning more than a 1000 years.The first addressed task was to investigate interactively on a map such data, to better evaluate the quality and differences between datasets describing the same earthquake. A tool called MIDOP (Macroseismic Data Online Publisher) has been created: by simply choosing a list of earthquakes and their corresponding MDPs, a complete self-sustained website can be created, ready to be published on the web. It offers an intuitive control panel for maps and tables customisation and it offers the possibility to generate places seismic histories. No external data-sources are required while presenting maps and the resulting websites can be browsed also locally. A series of problems related to the AHEAD environment have been taken into account while designing the tool: 1) macroseismic intensity data standardisation of formats among European institutions, 2) support the growth of locally developed macroseismic data-centres and 3) help publishing the earthquake data on the web with a specifically designed web-mapping tool.The second task to be addressed was to process such amount of MDPs in order to obtain earthquake parameters (epicentral location and magnitude) according to available and published methods. Three parameterization methods were identified: Boxer, Bakun & Wentworth and MEEP, each coming with its Windows pre-compiled line command executable. The tool, called “Parametrizator”, is able to batch process the input MDPs and present the result on maps using MIDOP