40 research outputs found

    Crossover between liquid-like and gas-like behaviour in CH4 at 400 K

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    We report experimental evidence for a crossover between a liquid-like state and a gas-like state in fluid methane (CH4). This crossover is observed in all of our experiments, up to 397 K temperature; 2.1 times the critical temperature of methane. The crossover has been characterized with both Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction in a number of separate experiments, and confirmed to be reversible. We associate this crossover with the Frenkel line - a recently hypothesized crossover in dynamic properties of fluids extending to arbitrarily high pressure and temperature, dividing the phase diagram into separate regions where the fluid possesses liquid-like and gas-like properties. On the liquid-like side the Raman-active vibration increases in frequency linearly as pressure is increased, as expected due to the repulsive interaction between adjacent molecules. On the gas-like side this competes with the attractive Van der Waal’s potential leading the vibration frequency to decrease as pressure is increased

    A core outcome set for pre‐eclampsia research: an international consensus development study

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    Objective To develop a core outcome set for pre‐eclampsia. Design Consensus development study. Setting International. Population Two hundred and eight‐one healthcare professionals, 41 researchers and 110 patients, representing 56 countries, participated. Methods Modified Delphi method and Modified Nominal Group Technique. Results A long‐list of 116 potential core outcomes was developed by combining the outcomes reported in 79 pre‐eclampsia trials with those derived from thematic analysis of 30 in‐depth interviews of women with lived experience of pre‐eclampsia. Forty‐seven consensus outcomes were identified from the Delphi process following which 14 maternal and eight offspring core outcomes were agreed at the consensus development meeting. Maternal core outcomes: death, eclampsia, stroke, cortical blindness, retinal detachment, pulmonary oedema, acute kidney injury, liver haematoma or rupture, abruption, postpartum haemorrhage, raised liver enzymes, low platelets, admission to intensive care required, and intubation and ventilation. Offspring core outcomes: stillbirth, gestational age at delivery, birthweight, small‐for‐gestational‐age, neonatal mortality, seizures, admission to neonatal unit required and respiratory support. Conclusions The core outcome set for pre‐eclampsia should underpin future randomised trials and systematic reviews. Such implementation should ensure that future research holds the necessary reach and relevance to inform clinical practice, enhance women's care and improve the outcomes of pregnant women and their babies

    Antitumour antibiotics with potent activity against multidrug resistant (MDR) Staphylococcus aureus: a new approach to targeting resistant bacteria.

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    As hospital reports of strains of resistant bacteria are continuing to increase, a new approach is required for the identification of small molecules with antibacterial activity. Natural products that bind covalently to their biological target have been largely unexplored, although in the field of cancer chemotherapy, such molecules have been shown to counter resistance developed through efflux mechanisms. The azinomycins are potent antitumour agents that alkylate DNA and one of the natural products, compound 1, is a mono-alkylator that has been reported to retain potent antitumour activity. All four diastereomers of 1 were synthesized via a route involving late stage introduction of the epoxide stereocentre and separation of the resulting compounds. A non-alkylating analogue and a potential alkylator that cannot intercalate were also made. All four diastereomers are potent antibacterial agents in cell lines containing efflux-based resistance mechanisms. MIC values in the range of 0.25-1.0 microg/ml were observed. Comparison with the antitumour activity of the compounds suggests that the antibacterial activity stems from a similar mechanism of action involving DNA alkylation. As the ultimate molecular target of the azinomycins is unknown, bacterial strains may represent an interesting route for the discovery of the downstream mechanisms affected by DNA alkylation

    A multi-dimensional analysis of pro-glacial landscape change at Sólheimajökull, Southern Iceland

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    Pro-glacial landscapes are some of the most active on Earth. Previous studies of pro-glacial landscape change have often been restricted to considering either sedimentological, geomorphological or topographic parameters in isolation and are often mono-dimensional. This study utilized field surveys and digital elevation model (DEM) analyses to quantify planform, elevation and volumetric pro-glacial landscape change at Sólheimajökull in southern Iceland for multiple time periods spanning from 1960 to 2010. As expected, the most intense geomorphological changes persistently occurred in the ice-proximal area. During 1960 to 1996 the pro-glacial river was relatively stable. However, after 2001 braiding intensity was higher, channel slope shallower and there was a shift from overall incision to aggradation. Attributing these pro-glacial river channel changes to the 1999 jökulhlaup is ambiguous because it coincided with a switch from a period of glacier advance to that of glacier retreat. Furthermore, glacier retreat (of ~40myr-1) coincided with ice-marginal lake development and these two factors have both altered the pro-glacial river channel head elevation. From 2001 to 2010 progressive increase in channel braiding and progressive downstream incision occurred; these together probably reflecting stream power due to increased glacier ablation and reduced sediment supply due to trapping of sediment by the developing ice-marginal lake. Overall, this study highlights rapid spatiotemporal pro-glacial landscape reactions to changes in glacial meltwater runoff regimes, glacier terminus position, sediment supply and episodic events such as jökuhlaups. Recognizing the interplay of these controlling factors on pro-glacial landscapes will be important for understanding the geological record and for landscape stability assessments