19 research outputs found

    Tobacco use and household expenditures on food, education, and healthcare in low- and middle-income countries: a multilevel analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The majority of one billion smokers worldwide live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and the highest proportion of smokers in most of these countries belong to the lower socioeconomic groups. This study aimed to investigate the associations between tobacco use within households and expenditures on food, education, and healthcare in LMICs. METHODS: Using data from the World Health Survey, this cross-sectional study included a sample of 53,625 adult males aged <60 years from 40 LMICs. Multilevel, mixed-effects linear regression was used to determine the association between current tobacco use status of the main income provider (daily; occasional; no use) and three categories of (logged) household expenditures: food, education, and healthcare; controlling for age, level of education, household wealth quintile, marital status, urban–rural setting, country-level income group, and region. RESULTS: In the preferred random-slope models that controlled for covariates, daily tobacco use was associated with lower household expenditures on education and healthcare by 8.0 % (95 % confidence interval: −12.8 to –3.2 %) and 5.5 % (−10.7 to –0.3 %), respectively. The association between tobacco use and food expenditure was inconsistent across models. CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco use in LMICs may have a negative influence on investment in human capital development. Addressing the tobacco use problem in LMICs could benefit not only the health and economic well-being of smokers and their immediate families but also long-run economic development at a societal level

    Immigration and the school system

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    This paper presents a tractable model to study the effect of immigration on host countries’ school system and student outcomes. In our model, education quality and student outcomes are determined endogenously by the interaction of parents, schools and policy-makers deciding educational resources. Immigration decisions are based on economic factors, immigration policy, as well as on “parental motivation” (parents’ concerns about their children education achievement). The model yields results that are consistent with central empirical regularities of the school effects of immigration: (1) there is a negative effect of immigrant pupils on native students; (2) the increasing shares of immigrant students are associated with the decline of school resources and quality; (3) the school performance of immigrant children is positively associated with immigration costs; and (4) school achievement increases in parental motivation and those immigrant children with highly motivated parents tend to outperform native children. Importantly, our analysis clarifies under which conditions these empirical regularities take place and emphasizes that the effect of immigration on native pupils is mediated by the way the school system reacts to changes in class composition

    Neuroprotection by pharmacologic blockade of the GAPDH death cascade

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    Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) participates in a cell death cascade wherein a variety of stimuli activate nitric oxide (NO) synthases with NO nitrosylating GAPDH, conferring on it the ability to bind to Siah, an E3-ubiquitin-ligase, whose nuclear localization signal enables the GAPDH/Siah protein complex to translocate to the nucleus where degradation of Siah targets elicits cell death. R-(−)-Deprenyl (deprenyl) ameliorates the progression of disability in early Parkinson’s disease and also has neuroprotective actions. We show that deprenyl and a related agent, TCH346, in subnanomolar concentrations, prevent S-nitrosylation of GAPDH, the binding of GAPDH to Siah, and nuclear translocation of GAPDH. In mice treated with the dopamine neuronal toxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), low doses of deprenyl prevent binding of GAPDH and Siah1 in the dopamine-enriched corpus striatum