20 research outputs found
Deeper Down the Rabbit-Hole: Unfolding the Dynamics of Imagination Acts
Estudiem les din脿miques dels actes d'imaginaci贸 des d'un punt de vista filos貌fic, formal i aplicat. Partim de tres teories que identifiquen els mecanismes involucrats en els actes d'imaginaci贸 i mostrem que comparteixen una estructura semblant. Definim la l貌gica dels escenaris imaginaris, en qu猫 creem una capa per als actes d'imaginaci贸 sobre una l貌gica epist猫mica per a un sol agent. Tot analitzant les propietats de la l貌gica, veiem que la manera com els mons imaginaris es desenvolupen est脿 massa simplificada. Una an脿lisi m茅s profunda porta a la definici贸 d驴una nova teoria especialment dissenyada per a les din脿miques dels actes d'imaginaci贸: el marc com煤 per als actes d'imaginaci贸 i el rombe de la imaginaci贸. Partint d'aquesta nova teoria, definim la l貌gica dels actes d'imaginaci贸, en qu猫 introdu茂m quatre algorismes diferents que comporten una representaci贸 molt m茅s modular de la imaginaci贸. Finalment, presentem la implementaci贸 del prototip d'un programa inform脿tic que captura els algorismes definits en la l貌gica anterior.Estudiamos las din谩micas de los actos de imaginaci贸n desde un punto de vista filos贸fico, formal y aplicado. Partimos de tres teor铆as que identifican los mecanismos involucrados en los actos de imaginaci贸n y mostramos que comparten una estructura similar. Definimos la l贸gica de los escenarios imaginarios, en la que creamos una capa para actos de imaginaci贸n partiendo de una l贸gica epist茅mica para un solo agente. Al discutir las propiedades de la l贸gica, vemos que el modo en que los mundos imaginarios se desarrollan est谩 demasiado simplificado. Un an谩lisis m谩s profundo nos lleva a la definici贸n de una nueva teor铆a especialmente dise帽ada para las din谩micas de los actos de imaginaci贸n: el marco com煤n para actos de imaginaci贸n y el rombo de la imaginaci贸n. Partiendo de esta nueva teor铆a, definimos la l贸gica de los actos de imaginaci贸n, en la que introducimos cuatro algoritmos distintos que conllevan una representaci贸n mucho m谩s modular de la imaginaci贸n. Finalmente, presentamos la implementaci贸n del prototipo de un programa inform谩tico que captura los algoritmos definidos en la l贸gica anterior.We study the dynamics of imagination acts at a philosophical, formal and applied level. Our research is based on three theories that identify the mechanisms involved in imagination acts and show how all of them share a similar structure. We define the Logic of Imaginary Scenarios, in which we create a layer for imagination acts upon a single-agent epistemic logic. While discussing the properties of logic, we note that the way in which imaginary worlds are developed is oversimplified. A deeper analysis leads to the definition of a new theory especially suited for the dynamics of imagination acts, called the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, and the Rhombus of Imagination. With this new theory at hand, we define the Logic of Imagination Acts, in which we introduce four different algorithms that allow for a much more modular account of imagination. Finally, we provide an implementation of a computer programme prototype that captures the algorithms defined by our latter logic
The Good, the Bad and the Robot: Projecting Attitudes into A.I.
Artificial intelligent (AI) systems making autonomous decisions are present in many areas of our everyday lives. Ideally, and in order to facilitate the integration of these systems into our society, citizens should avoid thinking neither that AI resembles those rogue systems often found in fictional works, nor that it has an intrinsic understanding of human well-being, as both cases would draw a biased picture of what AI actually is. This position paper argues, through some examples, how the terminology used in certain articles aimed for the general public often depict AI as one of those two aforementioned images, which attribute intentions and moral values that those systems do not have and which could, in turn, have a detrimental effect on the way the general public understand (and are willing to accept) those systems into our everyday lives
Desenvolupament d'un joc per torns parametritzable amb possibilitat multijugador i I.A.
Curs 2007-2008Els jocs s贸n una de les ind煤stries de software m茅s gran del m贸n de la inform脿tica. Des dels primers jocs en blanc i negre que simulaven raquetes i una pilota, fins avui en dia, en que el desenvolupament d鈥檜n joc porta darrere un equip de professionals tant o m茅s gran que el major dels projectes inform脿tics del m贸n de les ind煤stries, els jocs han evolucionat m茅s que la majoria de programes.
La possibilitat d鈥檈laborar un joc 茅s, a part d鈥檜na proposta temptadora (ja que difereix enormement de qualsevol pr脿ctica feta durant la carrera), un repte de caire personal per alg煤 que sempre ha estat en contacte amb videojocs i que, despr茅s d鈥檃dquirir una s猫rie de coneixements indispensables, s鈥檋a proposat d鈥檌ntentar desenvolupar-ne un des de l鈥檃rrel. L鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檃quest treball 茅s doncs aix貌, aprendre com neix un joc partint de res, i veure totes les complicacions que
sorgeixen a l鈥檋ora de desenvolupar-lo.
Els resultats delt projecte mostren generosament el gran nombre de problemes que sorgeixen en un proc茅s com aquest, per貌 com a conclusions importants cal destacar la satisfacci贸 envers els resultats obtinguts, aix铆 com els coneixements que s鈥檋an guanyat mitjan莽ant el desenvolupament del programa.Videogame is one of the greatest software industries in the world of computer science. From the first black and white games that simulated rackets and a ball, until nowadays, where the development of a game needs a team of professionals as big or even bigger than the biggest of the computer projects in the industry world, videogames have evolved more than the majority of programs.
The chance of elaborating a game is not only a very temptative proposal (because it hugely differs from any work done during the degree), but also a personal challenge for someone that has always been in touch with this kind of games and who, after acquiring a bunch of absolutely indispensable concepts, has decided trying to develop a game from the root. This is the goal of this work, to learn how a game is created from nothing, and to face all the complications that appear while developing it.
The results of the project show widely the big amount of problems that appear during a process such as this, but concluding I must highlight the satisfaction of what I have achieved, as well as the knowledge acquired through the development of the program.Director/a: Jaume Vila Serra i Antoni Suri帽ach Albared
Categorizing Morality Systems Through the Lens of Fallout
Morality systems in computer role-playing games (CRPGs) are a characteristic feature of the genre. Although there is plenty of literature studying how players relate to moral choices, only a few studies analyze or compare how specific games represent the player's moral persona. This paper studies how morality systems have been modeled in the Fallout series to keep track of the player's moral profile, categorizing the different techniques used in those systems. A special emphasis is put on how in-game actions affect the PC's moral alignment, as well as how non-player characters (NPCs) react to that beyond the game's scripted narrative. The goal is to provide guidelines that would lead to the development of more comprehensive and detailed morality systems, and where the player could immerse in a virtual world where the NPCs would act more as individual agents, with less reliance on explicitly scripted scenarios
From Games to Moral Agents: Towards a Model for Moral Actions
In order to be successfully integrated in our society, artificial moral agents need to know not only how to act in a moral scenario, but also how to identify the scenario first as being morally-relevant. This work looks at certain complex video games as simulations of artificial societies and studies the way in which morally-qualifiable actions are identified and assessed in them. Then, this analysis is used to distill a general formal model for moral actions aimed to be used as a first step towards identifying morally-qualifiable actions in the field of artificial morality. After discussing which elements are represented in this model, and how they are enhanced with respect to those already existing in the analyzed games, this work points out to some caveats that those games fail to address, and which would need to be tackled properly by artificial moral systems
The Logic of Imagination Acts
Imagination has received a great deal of attention in different fields such as psychology, philosophy and the cognitive sciences, in which some works provide a detailed account of the mechanisms involved in the creation and elaboration of imaginary worlds. Although imagination has also been formalized using different logical systems, none of them captures those dynamic mechanisms. In this work, we take inspiration from the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, that identifies the different processes involved in the creation of imaginary worlds, and we use it to define a dynamic formal system called the Logic of Imagination Acts. We build our logic by using a possible-worlds semantics, together with a new set of static and dynamic modal operators. The role of the new dynamic operators is to call different algorithms that encode how the formal model is expanded in order to capture the different mechanisms involved in the creation and development of imaginary worlds. We provide the definitions of the language, the semantics and the algorithms, together with an example that shows how the model is expanded. By the end, we discuss some interesting features of our system, and we point out to possible lines of future work
A Common Frame for Formal Imagination
In this paper, we review three influential theories of imagination in order to understand how the dynamics of imagination acts could be modeled using formal languages. While reviewing them, we notice that they are not detailed enough to account for all the mechanisms involved in creating and developing imaginary worlds. We claim those theories could be further refined into what we call the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, which defines a framework that can be used to study the dynamics of imagination using formal languages, and we support our claim by showing how the framework allows to model certain imagination acts step by step. Then, we introduce the Rhombus of Imagination, which is a visual tool that can be used in conjunction with our framework to study the procedural structure of different kinds of imagination acts and identify their dynamic properties
The Logic of Imaginary Scenarios
Imagining is something we use everyday in our lives, and in a wide variety of ways. In spite of the amount of works devoted to its study from both psychology and philosophy, there are only a few formal systems capable of modeling it; besides, almost all of those systems are static, in the sense that their models are initially predefined, and they fail to capture the dynamic process behind the creation of new imaginary scenarios. In this work, we review some influential theories of imagination and use their insights to distill an algorithm describing such process. Then, we use this algorithm to define a dynamic logical system built upon on a single-agent epistemic logic that provides the necessary tools to capture how the agent voluntarily creates new imaginary worlds; in other words, our system allows the model to be expanded dynamically at any time as a result of the agent performing an act of imagination. Furthermore, we provide an axiomatization and prove that the system is sound and complete
Deeper Down the Rabbit-Hole: Unfolding the Dynamics of Imagination Acts
Estudiem les din脿miques dels actes d'imaginaci贸 des d'un punt de vista filos貌fic, formal i aplicat. Partim de tres teories que identifiquen els mecanismes involucrats en els actes d'imaginaci贸 i mostrem que comparteixen una estructura semblant. Definim la l貌gica dels escenaris imaginaris, en qu猫 creem una capa per als actes d'imaginaci贸 sobre una l貌gica epist猫mica per a un sol agent. Tot analitzant les propietats de la l貌gica, veiem que la manera com els mons imaginaris es desenvolupen est脿 massa simplificada. Una an脿lisi m茅s profunda porta a la definici贸 d驴una nova teoria especialment dissenyada per a les din脿miques dels actes d'imaginaci贸: el marc com煤 per als actes d'imaginaci贸 i el rombe de la imaginaci贸. Partint d'aquesta nova teoria, definim la l貌gica dels actes d'imaginaci贸, en qu猫 introdu茂m quatre algorismes diferents que comporten una representaci贸 molt m茅s modular de la imaginaci贸. Finalment, presentem la implementaci贸 del prototip d'un programa inform脿tic que captura els algorismes definits en la l貌gica anterior.Estudiamos las din谩micas de los actos de imaginaci贸n desde un punto de vista filos贸fico, formal y aplicado. Partimos de tres teor铆as que identifican los mecanismos involucrados en los actos de imaginaci贸n y mostramos que comparten una estructura similar. Definimos la l贸gica de los escenarios imaginarios, en la que creamos una capa para actos de imaginaci贸n partiendo de una l贸gica epist茅mica para un solo agente. Al discutir las propiedades de la l贸gica, vemos que el modo en que los mundos imaginarios se desarrollan est谩 demasiado simplificado. Un an谩lisis m谩s profundo nos lleva a la definici贸n de una nueva teor铆a especialmente dise帽ada para las din谩micas de los actos de imaginaci贸n: el marco com煤n para actos de imaginaci贸n y el rombo de la imaginaci贸n. Partiendo de esta nueva teor铆a, definimos la l贸gica de los actos de imaginaci贸n, en la que introducimos cuatro algoritmos distintos que conllevan una representaci贸n mucho m谩s modular de la imaginaci贸n. Finalmente, presentamos la implementaci贸n del prototipo de un programa inform谩tico que captura los algoritmos definidos en la l贸gica anterior.We study the dynamics of imagination acts at a philosophical, formal and applied level. Our research is based on three theories that identify the mechanisms involved in imagination acts and show how all of them share a similar structure. We define the Logic of Imaginary Scenarios, in which we create a layer for imagination acts upon a single-agent epistemic logic. While discussing the properties of logic, we note that the way in which imaginary worlds are developed is oversimplified. A deeper analysis leads to the definition of a new theory especially suited for the dynamics of imagination acts, called the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, and the Rhombus of Imagination. With this new theory at hand, we define the Logic of Imagination Acts, in which we introduce four different algorithms that allow for a much more modular account of imagination. Finally, we provide an implementation of a computer programme prototype that captures the algorithms defined by our latter logic
Deeper Down the Rabbit-Hole: Unfolding the Dynamics of Imagination Acts
Estudiem les din脿miques dels actes d'imaginaci贸 des d'un punt de vista filos貌fic, formal i aplicat. Partim de tres teories que identifiquen els mecanismes involucrats en els actes d'imaginaci贸 i mostrem que comparteixen una estructura semblant. Definim la l貌gica dels escenaris imaginaris, en qu猫 creem una capa per als actes d'imaginaci贸 sobre una l貌gica epist猫mica per a un sol agent. Tot analitzant les propietats de la l貌gica, veiem que la manera com els mons imaginaris es desenvolupen est脿 massa simplificada. Una an脿lisi m茅s profunda porta a la definici贸 d驴una nova teoria especialment dissenyada per a les din脿miques dels actes d'imaginaci贸: el marc com煤 per als actes d'imaginaci贸 i el rombe de la imaginaci贸. Partint d'aquesta nova teoria, definim la l貌gica dels actes d'imaginaci贸, en qu猫 introdu茂m quatre algorismes diferents que comporten una representaci贸 molt m茅s modular de la imaginaci贸. Finalment, presentem la implementaci贸 del prototip d'un programa inform脿tic que captura els algorismes definits en la l貌gica anterior.Estudiamos las din谩micas de los actos de imaginaci贸n desde un punto de vista filos贸fico, formal y aplicado. Partimos de tres teor铆as que identifican los mecanismos involucrados en los actos de imaginaci贸n y mostramos que comparten una estructura similar. Definimos la l贸gica de los escenarios imaginarios, en la que creamos una capa para actos de imaginaci贸n partiendo de una l贸gica epist茅mica para un solo agente. Al discutir las propiedades de la l贸gica, vemos que el modo en que los mundos imaginarios se desarrollan est谩 demasiado simplificado. Un an谩lisis m谩s profundo nos lleva a la definici贸n de una nueva teor铆a especialmente dise帽ada para las din谩micas de los actos de imaginaci贸n: el marco com煤n para actos de imaginaci贸n y el rombo de la imaginaci贸n. Partiendo de esta nueva teor铆a, definimos la l贸gica de los actos de imaginaci贸n, en la que introducimos cuatro algoritmos distintos que conllevan una representaci贸n mucho m谩s modular de la imaginaci贸n. Finalmente, presentamos la implementaci贸n del prototipo de un programa inform谩tico que captura los algoritmos definidos en la l贸gica anterior.We study the dynamics of imagination acts at a philosophical, formal and applied level. Our research is based on three theories that identify the mechanisms involved in imagination acts and show how all of them share a similar structure. We define the Logic of Imaginary Scenarios, in which we create a layer for imagination acts upon a single-agent epistemic logic. While discussing the properties of logic, we note that the way in which imaginary worlds are developed is oversimplified. A deeper analysis leads to the definition of a new theory especially suited for the dynamics of imagination acts, called the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, and the Rhombus of Imagination. With this new theory at hand, we define the Logic of Imagination Acts, in which we introduce four different algorithms that allow for a much more modular account of imagination. Finally, we provide an implementation of a computer programme prototype that captures the algorithms defined by our latter logic