20 research outputs found

    A comparative evaluation of the efficacy of manual, magnetostrictive and piezoelectric ultrasonic instruments: an in vitro profilometric and SEM study

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    OBJECTIVES: The debridement of diseased root surface is usually performed by mechanical scaling and root planing using manual and power driven instruments. Many new designs in ultrasonic powered scaling tips have been developed. However, their effectiveness as compared to manual curettes has always been debatable. Thus, the objective of this in vitro study was to comparatively evaluate the efficacy of manual, magnetostrictive and piezoelectric ultrasonic instrumentation on periodontally involved extracted teeth using profilometer and scanning electron microscope (SEM). MATERIAL AND METHODS: 30 periodontally involved extracted human teeth were divided into 3 groups. The teeth were instrumented with hand and ultrasonic instruments resembling clinical application. In Group A all teeth were scaled with a new universal hand curette (Hu Friedy Gracey After Five Vision curette; Hu Friedy, Chicago, USA). In Group B Cavitron(TM) FSI - SLI(TM) ultrasonic device with focused spray slimline inserts (Dentsply International Inc., York, PA, USA) were used. In Group C teeth were scaled with an EMS piezoelectric ultrasonic device with prototype modified PS inserts. The surfaces were analyzed by a Precision profilometer to measure the surface roughness (Ra value in µm) consecutively before and after the instrumentation. The samples were examined under SEM at magnifications ranging from 17x to 300x and 600x. RESULTS: The mean Ra values (µm) before and after instrumentation in all the three groups A, B and C were tabulated. After statistically analyzing the data, no significant difference was observed in the three experimental groups. Though there was a decrease in the percentage reduction of Ra values consecutively from group A to C. CONCLUSION: Within the limits of the present study, given that the manual, magnetostrictive and piezoelectric ultrasonic instruments produce the same surface roughness, it can be concluded that their efficacy for creating a biologically compatible surface of periodontally diseased teeth is similar

    Comparative Evaluation of Investigation Testing Methods in Timber Elements considering Moisture Content

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    Wood components in existing buildings suffer from deterioration and damage due to environmental conditions and loading effects. Their preservation strongly depends on the knowledge level of their onsite condition supported by the application of low-intrusive methods of investigation. Estimating the mechanical performance of wood in constructions cannot disregard the evaluation of moisture content. In this paper, 31 wood elements (19 recovered from disassembled buildings and 12 new) underwent a series of non-destructive tests (i.e., ultrasonic and sonic stress wave methods) and semi-destructive tests (i.e., resistance drilling and pin penetration). Red/white firs and pine species constituted the recovered elements; red fir and larch the new ones. The effect of moisture content on the results of low-intrusive methods was estimated by either electric or electromagnetic devices. Destructive tests (in bending and compression) were also carried out on 10 recovered and six new elements, and results were correlated with those of semi-destructive tests

    Análise do arco longitudinal medial em adolescentes usuárias de calçados de salto alto Analysis of the medial longitudinal arch in adolescents users of high heeled shoes

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    O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a influência do calçado de salto alto no arco longitudinal medial (ALM) do pé de adolescentes. Fizeram parte do estudo 82 adolescentes entre 13 e 20 anos, sendo 54 não usuárias (grupo controle - GC) e 28 usuárias (grupo experimental - GE) de calçado de salto alto. Foram obtidas as impressões plantares de ambos os pés para análise do ALM, antes e depois do uso de um calçado de salto alto padronizado por um período de 30 minutos. As impressões plantares foram avaliadas pelo índice de Chippaux-Smirak (ICS) e pelo arco de Cavanagh & Rodgers (ICR). O teste de Shapiro-Wilks foi utilizado para a verificação da normalidade dos dados. Variáveis paramétricas pareadas foram tratadas com o Teste t de Student pareado e as não-paramétricas com o teste de Wilcoxon. As comparações não-pareadas foram realizadas com o teste t de Student para as variáveis paramétricas e o de Mann-Withney para as não-paramétricas, com nível de significância de 0,05. Houve diferença no ALM entre os lados direito e esquerdo apenas no GC antes do uso do calçado. Na comparação entre antes e depois do uso do sapato, notou-se diferença apenas no pé esquerdo do GC pelo ICS. Já entre GC e GE, não houve diferença. Apesar dos resultados não evidenciarem alterações no ALM, deve-se lembrar que esta é uma medida estática, sendo necessários estudos do componente dinâmico e do uso do calçado de salto crônico para correlacionar com os achados deste trabalho.<br>The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of high heeled shoes in foot´s medial longitudinal arch in adolescents. Eighty two female adolescents between 13 and 20 years old participated, being 54 non-users of high heleed shoes (control group - GC) and 28 usuaries (experimental group - GE). The footprints of both feet were collected to analyse the medial longitudinal arch (ALM), before and after 30 minutes using a shoe with heel high given by the examiner, an then evaluated by Chippaux-Smirak index (ICS) and Cavanagh & Rodgers Arch index (ICR). The Shapiro-Wilks test was performed to evaluate data normality. For paired comparisons, paired Student's t-test was used in case of parametric data, and the Wilcoxon test in non-parametric data. In non-paired comparisons was used the Student's t-test and the Mann-Whitney test with a level of significance of 0.05. There was a difference between right and left only in CG before the use of the shoe given by the examiner. Comparing before and after the use of this shoe, a difference was noticed only on left foot in CG by ICS. There wasn't any significative difference between CG and EG. Although the results haven´t shown changes in ALM, it must be remembered this is only a static measure, being necessary studies of the dinamic component and the chronic use of high heeled shoes to correlate with the findings of this work

    Relação entre as palavras eliciadas na Avaliação Fonológica da Criança e as variáveis idade, gênero e gravidade do desvio fonológico Relationship between words elicited in the Children Phonological Assessment and the variables age, gender and severity level of the phonological disorders

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar a relação entre as palavras pertencentes e não pertencentes à Avaliação Fonológica da Criança (AFC) e as variáveis idade, gênero e gravidade do desvio fonológico (DF), e analisar as palavras produzidas e as palavras substituídas com maior frequência na AFC. MÉTODOS: Fizeram parte do estudo 45 crianças com DF, de ambos os gêneros, com idades entre 4 anos e 7 anos e 11 meses. O corpus de fala foi composto por 6463 palavras, que foram divididas em palavras pertencentes ou não à AFC. A amostra foi dividida quanto à faixa etária, à gravidade do desvio fonológico e ao gênero. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: Houve maior produção de palavras não pertencentes à AFC e relação significativa entre a palavra pertencer ou não ao AFC quanto à faixa etária, gênero e gravidade do DF. As palavras-alvo enunciadas com maior frequência foram equivalentes a nomes de objetos do dia a dia da criança, ao contrário das substituições, que foram mais frequentes quando a palavra-alvo correspondia a objetos não conhecidos visualmente pelas crianças. CONCLUSÃO: A produção de palavras pertencentes à AFC é influenciada pela idade, gênero e gravidade do DF. É fundamental que nas palavras selecionadas para uma avaliação fonológica sejam consideradas tais variáveis, bem como, aspectos regionais, classe gramatical de substantivo, e o repertório da criança.<br>PURPOSE: To verify the relationship between words belonging and not belonging to the Children Phonological Assessment (CPA) and the variables age, gender, and severity level of phonological disorders (PD), and to analyze the most frequently produced and substituted words in the CPA. METHODS: Participants were 45 children with PD of both genders, aged between 4 years and 7 years and 11 months. The speech corpus was composed of 6463 words, divided into belonging and not belonging in the CPA. The sample was divided according to age, gender and severity level of the PD. Data were statistically analyzed. RESULTS: There was greater production of words not belonging in the CPA, and significant relationship between belonging or not belonging in the CPA according to age, gender, and severity level of PD. The target-words produced more frequently were those referring to names of objects belonging to the daily routine of children, unlike substitutions, which were more frequent when the target-word corresponded to objects visually unknown to the children. CONCLUSION: The production of the words belonging in the CPA is influenced by age, gender and severity level of phonological disorders. It is essential that the words selected for a phonological assessment consider these variables, as well as regional aspects, grammatical class of noun, and the child's repertory