1,856 research outputs found

    A new journal... on spindle cells

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    Welcome to Clinical Sarcoma Research a new open access, online medical journal providing a forum for clinical knowledge on rare solid cancers - sarcomas. We believe there is a vacuum, which this effort may hope to fill at least in part. Indeed, we ought to share first-hand medical experience and clinically meaningful translational ideas much more within the sarcoma community worldwide. This journal is intended to be one of the many tools we need for this purpose

    Computing Matveev's complexity via crystallization theory: the orientable case

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    By means of a slight modification of the notion of GM-complexity introduced in [Casali, M.R., Topol. Its Appl., 144: 201-209, 2004], the present paper performs a graph-theoretical approach to the computation of (Matveev's) complexity for closed orientable 3-manifolds. In particular, the existing crystallization catalogue C-28 available in [Lins, S., Knots and Everything 5, World Scientific, Singapore, 1995] is used to obtain upper bounds for the complexity of closed orientable 3-manifolds triangulated by at most 28 tetrahedra. The experimental results actually coincide with the exact values of complexity, for all but three elements. Moreover, in the case of at most 26 tetrahedra, the exact value of the complexity is shown to be always directly computable via crystallization theory

    A Contracting, Turbulent, Starless Core in the Serpens Cluster

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    We present combined single-dish and interferometric CS(2--1) and N2H+(1--0) observations of a compact core in the NW region of the Serpens molecular cloud. The core is starless according to observations from optical to millimeter wavelengths and its lines have turbulent widths and ``infall asymmetry''. Line profile modeling indicates supersonic inward motions v_in>0.34 km/s over an extended region L>12000AU. The high infall speed and large extent exceeds the predictions of most thermal ambipolar diffusion models and points to a more dynamical process for core formation. A short (dynamic) timescale, ~1e5 yr=L/v_in, is also suggested by the low N2H+ abundance ~1e-10.Comment: 11 pages including 2 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Near-Infrared Adaptive Optics Imaging of the Central Regions of Nearby Sc Galaxies: I. M33

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    Near-infrared images obtained with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) Adaptive Optics Bonnette (AOB) are used to investigate the stellar content within 18 arcsec of the center of the Local Group spiral galaxy M33. AGB stars with near-infrared spectral-energy distributions similar to those of giants in the solar neighborhood and Baade's Window are detected over most of the field. The bolometric luminosity function (LF) of these stars has a discontinuity near M_{bol} = -5.25, and comparisons with evolutionary tracks suggest that most of the AGB stars formed in a burst of star formation 1 - 3 Gyr in the past. The images are also used to investigate the integrated near-infrared photometric properties of the nucleus and the central light concentration. The nucleus is bluer than the central light concentration, in agreement with previous studies at visible wavelengths. The CO index of the central light concentration 0.5 arcsec from the galaxy center is 0.05, which corresponds to [Fe/H] = -1.2 for simple stellar systems. Hence, the central light concentration could not have formed from the chemically-enriched material that dominates the present-day inner disk of M33.Comment: 23 pages of text + 11 figures; to appear in A

    A closer look at the X-ray transient XTE J1908+094: identification of two new near-infrared candidate counterparts

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    We had reported in Chaty, Mignani, Israel (2002) on the near-infrared (NIR) identification of a possible counterpart to the black hole candidate XTE J1908+094 obtained with the ESO/NTT. Here, we present new, follow-up, CFHT adaptive optics observations of the XTE J1908+094 field, which resolved the previously proposed counterpart in two objects separated by about 0.8". Assuming that both objects are potential candidate counterparts, we derive that the binary system is a low-mass system with a companion star which could be either an intermediate/late type (A-K) main sequence star at a distance of 3-10 kpc, or a late-type (>>K) main sequence star at a distance of 1-3 kpc. However, we show that the brighter of the two objects (J ~ 20.1, H ~ 18.7, K' ~ 17.8) is more likely to be the real counterpart of the X-ray source. Its position is more compatible with our astrometric solution, and colours and magnitudes of the other object are not consistent with the lower limit of 3 kpc derived independently from the peak bolometric flux of XTE J1908+094. Further multi-wavelength observations of both candidate counterparts are crucial in order to solve the pending identification.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Maternally inherited cardiomyopathy: clinical and molecula characterization of a large kindred harboring the A4300G point mutation in mtDNA

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical and molecular features of a large family with maternally inherited cardiomyopathy (MICM). BACKGROUND: Recently, several mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (mtDNA) point mutations have been associated with MICM. However, the distinctive clinical and morphologic features of MICM are not fully appreciated. This is partially due to the small size of the reported pedigrees, often lacking detailed clinical and laboratory information. METHODS: Clinical and genetic analysis of the family was carried out. RESULTS: Echocardiography showed mostly symmetrical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in 10 family members. The illness had an unfavorable course. Progressive heart failure occurred in three subjects, who eventually died; one individual underwent heart transplantation. Electrocardiographic or echocardiographic signs of cardiac hypertrophy in the absence of significant clinical complaints were observed in five subjects. Neurologic examination was normal. The mutation was detected in blood from all available subjects. Abundance of mutated molecules ranged between 13% and 100% of total mtDNA genomes. The severity of the disease could not be foreseen by the proportion of mutation in blood. CONCLUSIONS: This report contributes a better description of the clinical aspects of MICM and provides important clues to distinguish it from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. We suggest that mtDNA mutations, particularly in the transfer ribonucleic acid for isoleucin, should be systematically searched in patients with MICM. The identification of an underlying maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA defect in familial cases of cardiomyopathy may considerably influence the management and genetic counseling of affected patients
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