1,182 research outputs found

    Glycogen Kinetics of Wistar Rats: Different Exercise Intensities and Tissue Analyzed Influence

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(2): 289-299, 2022. The aim of this study is to verify the influence of the intensity on muscle and hepatic glycogen depletion and recovery kinetics of Wistar rats, submitted to three acute training sessions with equalized loads. 81 male Wistar rats performed an incremental test to determine maximal running speed (MRS) and divided into 4 groups: baseline group (Control; n = 9); low intensity training session (GZ1; n = 24; 48 minutes at 50% of MRS); moderate intensity group (GZ2; n = 24; 32 minutes at 75% of MRS) and high intensity group (GZ3; n = 24; 5x5 minutes and 20 seconds at 90% of MRS). Immediately after the sessions and after 6, 12 and 24 hours, 6 animals from each subgroup were euthanized for glycogen quantification in soleus and EDL muscles and liver. A Two-Way ANOVA and the Fisher\u27s Post-hoc test was used (p \u3c 0.05). Glycogen supercompensation occurred between 6 and 12 hours after exercise in muscle tissue and 24 after exercise in the liver. The muscle and hepatic glycogen depletion and recovery kinetics are not modulated by exercise intensity since the load was equalized, but effects were distinct in different tissues. Hepatic glycogenolysis and muscle glycogen synthesis processes seem to run in parallel

    Massa de matéria seca de raízes e distribuição radicular do capim Florico sob diferentes estratégias de pastejo

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the variations in root dry matter mass (RDM) and the percentage distribution (PD) of the root density of Florico grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) in the 0–40-cm soil layer, when managed under different grazing strategies. Two defoliation frequencies (90 and 95% light interception, as the criterion for allowing animals in the paddock) and two defoliation severities (post-grazing heights of 20 or 30 cm) were assessed. Four seasonal evaluations of the root system were performed between the winter of 2012 and the autumn of 2013, using the monolith and trench excavation technique, collecting 1-dm3 samples from soil surface down to a depth of 40 cm, in four sequential extracts of 10 cm each. Lower RDM values (0.69 g dm-3) were obtained in winter, with the four grazing strategies, whereas higher values were observed in spring (1.64 g dm-3), for the 30-cm post-grazing residue, and in autumn (1.63 g dm-3) for the 20 cm post-grazing residue, regardless of the light interception value. Between 52 and 66% of the RDM density was observed in the 10-cm layer, for all four grazing strategies, in all seasons.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica da massa de matéria seca radicular (MSR) e da distribuição percentual (DP) da densidade radicular do capim Florico (Cynodon nlemfuensis), na camada de 0 a 40 cm de profundidade, sob diferentes estratégias de pastejo. Utilizaram-se duas frequências de desfolha (90 e 95% de interceptação luminosa, como critério para a entrada dos animais em pastejo) e duas severidades de desfolha (20 e 30 cm de resíduo pós-pastejo). Realizaram-se quatro avaliações sazonais no sistema radicular, entre o inverno de 2012 e o outono de 2013, tendo-se utilizado a técnica do monólito com escavação de trincheiras, e retirada de amostras de 1 dm3 da superfície do solo até 40 cm de profundidade, em quatro extratos sequenciais de 10 cm de profundidade cada um. Menores valores de MSR (0.69 g dm-3) foram obtidos no inverno, nas quatro estratégias de pastejo, e os maiores na primavera (1.64 g dm-3), para 30 cm de resíduo pós-pastejo, e no outono (1.63 g dm-3) para 20 cm de resíduo pós-pastejo, independentemente da interceptação luminosa adotada. Entre 52 e 66% da densidade de MSR foi observada na camada de 0–10 cm, nas quatro estratégias de pastejo, em todas as estações do ano

    Desempenho da laranjeira 'Jaffa' em diferentes porta-enxertos para pomares do nordeste Brasileiro

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nine rootstocks on 'Jaffa' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) for its vegetative, productive, and qualitative traits, and for its susceptibility to three pest mites (Eutetranychus banksi, Tetranychus mexicanus and Phyllocoptruta oleivora). The following parameters were evaluated: vegetative growth, yield, physiochemical characteristics of fruit, and density of pest mites. 'Sunki Tropical' mandarin conferred high cumulative yields whereas 'Orlando' tangelo and 'Rugoso Vermelho' lemon imparted bigger fruit with low brix, and less acidity to 'Jaffa'. Indio and 'Riverside' citrandarins induced more acid fruit of smaller sizes, as well as low-cumulated yields and canopy volumes. Also, the 'Cravo Santa Cruz' lime, 'San Diego' citrandarin, and the hybrids HTR-051 and LVK x LCR-010 conferred lower-cumulated yields to 'Jaffa'. The rootstocks did not influence the population levels of the evaluated mites. 'Sunki Tropical' mandarin, 'Cravo Santa Cruz' lime and 'Rugoso Vermelho' lemon stand up as excellent rootstock options for 'Jaffa' sweet orange in the Northeastern Brazil.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de nove porta-enxertos sobre os parâmetros vegetativos, produtivos e qualitativos da laranjeira-doce 'Jaffa' (Citrus sinensis) e sobre a sua suscetibilidade a três ácaros-praga (Eutetranychus banksi, Tetranychus mexicanus e Phyllocoptruta oleivora). Os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados: crescimento vegetativo, produtividade, características fisioquímicas dos frutos e densidade de ácaros-praga. A tangerineira 'Sunki Tropical' conferiu elevada produtividade à laranjeira 'Jaffa', enquanto o tangeleiro 'Orlando' e o limoeiro 'Rugoso Vermelho' induziram frutos maiores, com baixos valores Brix e menos ácidos à laranjeira 'Jaffa'. Os citrandarins 'Indio' e 'Riverside' induziram frutos mais ácidos e de tamanhos menores, assim como baixa produtividade acumulada e menor copa. Adicionalmente, o limoeiro 'Cravo Santa Cruz', o citrandarin 'San Diego' e os híbridos HTR-051 e LVK x LCR–010 conferiram menor produção acumulada à laranjeira 'Jaffa'. Os porta-enxertos não influenciaram os níveis populacionais dos ácaros avaliados. A tangerineira 'Sunki Tropical', o limoeiro 'Cravo Santa Cruz' e o limoeiro 'Rugoso Vermelho' se destacam como excelentes opções de porta-enxertos para a laranjeira 'Jaffa' na região Nordeste do Brasil


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    Este trabalho propõe uma discussão e reflexão acerca da Lei 10.639/03, que traz a obrigatoriedade do ensino de cultura afro-brasileira nos níveis de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio. Para tanto, contextualizamos os fatores históricos relacionados à população negra no Brasil, desde a inferiorização da cultura durante o período de escravidão no Brasil colonial, às consequências sociais materializadas na contemporaneidade em múltiplas vertentes. Em seguida, discutimos a capacidade da educação física escolar, enquanto disciplina do movimento e de construção de valores, na contribuição efetiva da referida Lei, por meio do resgate aos valores culturais deste povo que se constitui a maioria étnica do nosso país e que participou e participa efetivamente da construção da identidade nacional. Para finalizar, apresentaremos uma análise e discussão sobre os conteúdos da cultura afro-brasileira encontrados no Caderno do Aluno do Ensino Fundamental II, disponibilizado pelo governo do Estado de São Paulo. A metodologia adotada segue os pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, visto que suas deduções são procedentes da análise dos materiais didáticos presentes em unidades escolares do Estado de São Paulo

    Structural Characteristics of Porto Rico Stargrass (\u3cem\u3eCynodon nlemfuensis\u3c/em\u3e) Pastures under Different Frequencies and Severities of Defoliation

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    An understanding of the effects of frequency and severity of defoliation on the sward structure of pastures is essential for identifying pasture management strategies that are more efficient in forage usage in tropical environments (Da Silva and Nascimento Jr 2007; Euclides et al. 2010). Some pasture species have not yet been investigated in this way, e.g. cultivars of Cynodon. The potential of this grass in tropical environments suggests that it should be given priority (Pedreira 2010). This study was designed to evaluate the effects of 2 frequencies (90 and 95% light interception) and severities (20 and 30 cm residue) of defoliation on the structural characteristics of Puerto Rico stargrass pasture (Cynodon nlemfuensis) during 3 seasons (fall, winter and spring)


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    O uso indiscriminado de esteroides androgênicos anabolizantes (EAAs), suplementos alimentares (SAs) e termogênicos estão entre os fármacos mais procurados para obter um estereótipo de corpo perfeito. O presente estudo objetivou sinalizar a prevalência do uso de EAAs entre os praticantes de atividade física de academias de Presidente Prudente. Foi criado um questionário semiestruturado, autoaplicável e anônimo para obter os respectivos dados, 120 questionários foram respondidos, no intervalo de 1 semana, onde a frequência das respostas caracterizaram que 76,7% dos entrevistados está fazendo uso de alguma substância ergogênica, 10% relatou uso de esteroides anabolizantes, 22,5% termogênicos e 44,2% suplementos alimentares, com prevalência para o sexo masculino. Esses dados demonstram que os EAA são uma realidade nas academias da cidade de Presidente Prudente/SP. São usados entre pessoas com maior grau de instrução, jovens e do sexo masculino

    Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty in comparison with open mitral valve commissurotomy for mitral stenosis during pregnancy

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    OBJECTIVES We sought to compare the maternal and fetal outcomes of patients with severe mitral stenosis submitted to percutaneous balloon dilation Versus open mitral valve commissurotomy (MVC) during pregnancy.BACKGROUND Heart failure in patients with mitral stenosis complicating pregnancy is a common problem in developing countries. Since 1984, percutaneous dilation of the mitral valve using a balloon catheter has become a therapeutic alternative to open heart surgery. Although the efficacy of percutaneous mitral valve balloon dilation is well established, its results have never before been compared viith the results of commissurotomy during pregnancy.METHODS We compared the clinical and obstetric complications in 45 women who were treated with percutaneous mitral valve balloon dilation (group I, n = 21; from 1990 to 1995) or open MVC (group II, n = 24; from 1985 to 1990) for severe heart failure due to mitral stenosis during pregnancy.RESULTS in our study, percutaneous balloon dilation of the mitral. valve had a success rate of 95% (Gorlin formula) and 90.5% (echocardiographic pressure half-time method), as demonstrated by the final mitral valve area achieved. This improvement was followed by a marked decrease in the mitral valve gradient, left atrial pressure and mean pulmonary artery pressure. Patients in both groups had similar improvements in symptoms. Patients who underwent percutaneous balloon dilation had significantly fewer fetal complications, with a reduction in fetal and neonatal mortality (1 death in group I vs. 8 in group II, p = 0.025).CONCLUSIONS Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty is safe and effective and appears to be preferable for the fetus, compared with open MVC during pregnancy. (J Am Coil Cardiol 2001;37:900-3) (C) 2001 by the American College of Cardiology.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Cardiol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Cardiovasc Surg, São Paulo, BrazilSt Vincents Hosp & Med Ctr, Comprehens Cardiovasc Ctr, New York, NY 10011 USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Cardiol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Cardiovasc Surg, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Efecto de la hormona de crecimiento (hc) y el entrenamiento de fuerza en las propiedades colágenas del tejido óseo femoral

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    The indiscriminate use of anabolic steroids in gyms has been growing in a generalized way, among which, the most common is growth hormone (GH). In the short term GH may potentiate muscle growth, especially when taken in combination with resistance training. However, the effects of this hormone are not yet fully understood in the literature, especially in relation to collagen properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the application of growth hormone (GH) and resistance training (RT) on the collagen properties of femoral bone tissue using Raman Spectroscopy. In this study 40 male rats were randomly distributed into four groups (n=10): control (C), control and GH application (GH), resistance training (T), and resistance training and GH application (GHT). The training consisted of four series of 10 water jumps, performed three times a week, with an overload corresponding to 50 % of body weight and duration of four weeks. GH was applied at a dosage of 0.2 IU/Kg (0.067 mg/kg) to each animal, three times a week, every other day. The animals were euthanized and the right femurs were collected for analysis of bone structure. Raman spectroscopy (RS) was used to observe the following compounds from their respective bands: type I collagen (662 cm(-1)), amide III (1243 cm(-1)), proteins including type I collagen (1278 cm(-1)), woven collagen (1322 cm(-1)), association of collagen, phospholipids, nucleic acid, and phosphate (1330 cm(-1)), and collagen and protein deformation (1448 cm(-1)). The results demonstrated an increase in the collagen properties in all analyzed variables, however, the T group presented a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). It is possible to conclude that isolated physical training was shown to be more efficient than when combined with the application of GH to increase the collagen properties of the femoral bone tissue37414161421sem informação2013/14262-7El uso indiscriminado de anabolizantes en los gimnasios ha aumentado de forma generalizada, entre éstos la hormona de crecimiento (HC) es una de las más utilizadas, y a corto plazo puede potencializar el crecimiento muscular, principalmente cuando es realizado en combinación con el entrenamiento de fuerza. Sin embargo, los efectos de esta hormona aún no están totalmente esclarecidos en la literatura, especialmente en relación a las propiedades colágenas. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la aplicación del HC y entrenamiento de fuerza (E) en las propiedades colágenas del tejido óseo femoral a partir de la utilización de la espectroscopía Raman. Se usaron 40 ratas Wistar distribuidos en cuatro grupos (n=10): control (C), control y aplicación del HC (HCC), entrenamiento de fuerza (E) y entrenamiento de fuerza y aplicación del HC (THC). El entrenamiento fue compuesto por cuatro series de 10 saltos acuáticos, realizados tres veces por semana, con sobrecarga correspondiente a 50 % del peso corporal y duración de cuatro semanas. El HC fue aplicado en una dosificación de 0,2 UI/Kg (0,067 mg/kg) en cada animal, tres veces por semana, en días no consecutivos. Los animales fueran eutanasiados y se retiró el fémur derecho para realización del análisis de la estructura ósea. La espectroscopía Raman (ER) fue utilizada para observar los siguientes compuestos a partir de las respectivas bandas: colágeno tipo I (662 cm-1), amida III (1243 cm1), proteínas, incluido colágeno tipo I (1278 cm-1), colágeno retorcido (1322 cm-1), asociación de colágeno, fosfolípidos, ácidos nucleicos y fosfato (1330 cm-1), deformación de colágeno y proteína (1448 cm-1). Hubo aumento en las propiedades colágenas en todas las variables analizadas, sin embargo, solamente el grupo E demostró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0,05). En conclusión, para el aumento de las propiedades colágenas del tejido óseo femoral, el entrenamiento físico aislado es más eficiente que el entrenamiento combinado con el uso de HCWe would like to thank the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES, for the funding of this work and the Analyzes and Films Laboratory (LabMicro - FAPESP 2013/14262-7) of the Universidade Estadual Paulista - FCT/UNESP for providing the equipment and conducting the analyze


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    Physical exercise is a non-pharmacological alternative to act on the indicators of the metabolic syndrome (MS). Functional resistance training (FRT), recruits a greater number of muscle groups, which can lead to greater energy expenditure. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and the heart rate variability (HRV) in FRT in individuals with MS. The study was a non-randomized clinical trial consisting of 32 subjects who had MS and were divided into functional resistance training group (FRTG) and control group (CG). The HRV was collected with a cardiofrequency meter, the vagal indices were selected and the analysis of BMR was performed by bioimpedance. Correlation was observed for the HF index with BMR only prior to FRT. Therefore, there is no significant correlation between vagal indices and BMR in individuals with MS after performing RFT.O exercício físico é uma alternativa não farmacológica para agir sobre os indicadores da síndrome metabólica (SM). O treinamento resistido funcional (TRF) recruta maior número de grupos musculares o que pode acarretar maior gasto energético. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a correlação entre a taxa metabólica basal (TMB) e a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) no TRF em indivíduos com SM.&nbsp; O estudo foi um ensaio clínico não randomizado, composto de 32 indivíduos com SM que foram divididos em grupo treinamento resistido funcional (GTRF) e grupo controle (GC). A VFC foi coletada com um cardiofrequencímetro sendo selecionados os índices vagais e para a análise da TMB foi utilizado a bioimpedância. Foi observado correlação para o índice HF com a TMB somente antes do TRF. Portanto, não existe correlação significativa entre os índices vagais e a TMB em indivíduos com SM após a realização do TRF

    Use of transesophageal echocardiography during implantation of aortic endoprosthesis (stent). Initial experience

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    OBJECTIVE: To report the role played by transesophageal echocardiography during implantation of self-expanding aortic endoprostheses (stent) at a hemodynamics laboratory. METHODS: Thirteen patients underwent stent implantation in the descending thoracic aorta with the aid of transesophageal echocardiography during the entire procedure. Indications for stenting were as follows: 8 aortic dissections, 2 true aneurysms, 2 penetrating atherosclerotic ulcers, and 1 traumatic pseudoaneurysm. RESULTS: No complications resulting from the use of transesophageal echocardiography were observed. In 12 patients, the initial result was considered appropriate, with total or partial resolution of the major lesion confirmed by a posterior examination. In 1 patient, the procedure was suspended after transesophageal echocardiography and angiography showed that the proximal aortic diameter was inappropriate. Transesophageal echocardiography contributed to clarifying relevant points, such as aortic diameter, anatomic detail of the intimal lesion, and location and size of the communicating orifice. In addition, it facilitated placing the stent in the target lesion, reduced the time of exposure to radiation and the use of contrast medium, and provided rapid identification of intercurrent events, possibly reducing the total duration of the procedure. CONCLUSION: The use of transesophageal echocardiography during placement of aortic stents seems appropriate. The actual advantages of the procedure will be defined in a comparative prospective study.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL