140 research outputs found

    Funções Executivas e Satisfação com a Vida

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    Objectivos: Sabe-se que com a idade há declínio das funções executivas e que este declínio tem um impacto enorme no normal processo de envelhecimento. Relativamente à satisfação com a vida, a literatura não se demonstra consensual na relação desta com a idade. Sabendo que com o envelhecimento ocorrem alterações ao nível das funções executivas, pretendemos caracterizar a população idosa no que respeita à prevalência de défice executivo e da satisfação/insatisfação. É também nosso objectivo analisar a relação entre as funções executivas e a satisfação com a vida. Método: Para avaliar a presença ou ausência de défice executivo foi utilizada a Bateria de Avaliação Frontal (FAB) e para avaliar a satisfação com a vida utilizou-se a Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). No total, 487 pessoas responderam aos dois instrumentos, dos quais 76,6% do sexo feminino e 23,4% do sexo masculino. A idade média da nossa amostra é de 80,6 anos (DP = ± 6,65). Resultados: O estudo da correlação entre o défice executivo e a satisfação com a vida, não demonstrou ser significativo. Contudo, verificámos que 72,1% da nossa amostra apresenta défice das funções executivas dos quais 55,9% se encontram insatisfeitos. Conclusão: Embora não tenhamos encontrado associação entre as duas variáveis estudadas, concluímos existir a necessidade de replicar os achados numa população que não se encontre sob resposta social, de forma a verificar se o factor institucionalização contribuiu para os resultados verificados. / Objectives: It is known that with age there are a decline in the executive functions and that they have an important function on the normal aging process. In what concerns to life satisfaction, the literature it‟s not consensual, in the relation between age and satisfaction. Knowing that the aging process results in modifications in the executive functions we want to discriminate the prevalence of executive deficit and satisfaction/insatisfaction. We also pretend to analyze the relation between variables. Method: To assess the existence or not of executive deficit we used the Frontal Battery Assessment (FAB) and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) to evaluate the life satisfaction. 487 persons answered to both instruments. 76,6% female and 23,4% man with a mean age of 80.6 years (SD= 6.65). Results: Although there was no significant correlations between executive deficit and life satisfaction, 72,1% presents deficit in executive functions, 55,9% of them are unsatisfied. Conclusion: Although we have find no associations between the two studied variables , we assume the importance of replicate the study to a population who is not under social response, so that we can understand if the institutionalization has contributed to our findings

    How the population’s perceptions influence their behaviours regarding the consumption of fibre rich foods

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    The association between dietary fibre, health benefits and healthy food has been studied in recent years. The food industry, to accompany the strong interest shown by consumers, has placed at their disposal new products, rich in dietary fibre. In order to meet this huge interest and demand for these products, this work was elaborated, which had as main objective to evaluate the degree of knowledge of the Portuguese population about fibre and its effects on health, as well as evaluating the their consumption habits in respect of fibres. To achieve this goal an inquiry was carried out by questionnaire to 182 adults. The most relevant results indicate that only 13% of the inquired eat two meals a day with vegetables and/or salads and 9% eat at least 3 pieces of fruit. Whole grains are never consumed by 41% and 18% do so at least once a week. The vast majority (90%) of respondents have the notion that fibre intake contributes to the prevention and treatment of diseases. With this work it was concluded that respondents‘ knowledge about dietary fibre is insufficient, and that although they give great importance to their role in treatment and prevention of diseases, the level of intake is too low

    Conhecimento da População Portuguesa sobre Fibras Alimentares

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    As fibras têm sido objecto de estudo nas últimas décadas e um dos temas frequentemente abordado é a relação entre fibra alimentar e os benefícios para a saúde. Este trabalho pretendeu fazer uma análise estatística do conhecimento da população portuguesa relativa às fibras alimentares. Foi realizado um inquérito por questionário entre Abril e Junho de 2011 a uma amostra de 182 indivíduos. Foram abordados temas como hábitos de consumo, conhecimento sobre fibras, meios de divulgação e informação, rotulagem dos alimentos, relação entre fibras e saúde, entre outros. Alguns dos resultados obtidos indicam que aproximadamente 70% dos inquiridos possui idade entre 18 e 40 anos, ensino universitário e vive no meio urbano. Os resultados mais relevantes indicam que por dia apenas 13% dos inquiridos comem duas refeições com legumes e/ou saladas e 9% come no mínimo 3 peças de fruta. Os cereais integrais nunca são consumidos por 41% e apenas 18% o fazem pelo menos uma vez por semana. Cerca de 35% dos inquiridos sabem qual a origem das fibras e aproximadamente 70% afirma que existe maior quantidade de fibras nas leguminosas, fruta com casca e nos alimentos integrais. A consulta dos rótulos dos alimentos revela interesse por parte de 80% dos inquiridos, sendo que, do total de respostas, apenas 10% consulta sempre o rótulo. O teor de fibras que o alimento possui não é do interesse de 43% dos inquiridos tendo em conta que esta informação nunca é consultada ou então isso é feito raramente. Um valor semelhante (39%) refere que a quantidade de fibras não é tida em conta aquando da escolha dos alimentos. A grande maioria (90%) dos inquiridos tem a noção de que a ingestão de fibras contribui para a prevenção e tratamento de doenças. Das várias doenças referidas no inquérito, as mais citadas foram a prisão de ventre (86%), obesidade (80%), doenças cardiovasculares e colesterol (7 %) e o cancro do intestino (69%). Relativamente aos meios de divulgação e informação sobre fibras alimentares, a escola (44%) e a televisão (41%) foram considerados os meios de divulgação mais adequados para incentivar o consumo, mas, na realidade, são os centros de saúde e hospitais (25%) que têm mais informação disponível. Com a realização deste trabalho foi possível concluir que o conhecimento dos inquiridos acerca de fibras alimentares é insuficiente, e que apesar de lhes ser atribuída grande importância no tratamento e prevenção de doenças, o nível de ingestão é muito baixo

    Periodontite apical e fatores de risco associados: estudo transversal

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    Objectives: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate an association between the prevalence of root-filled teeth (RFT) or apical periodontitis (AP) and some systemic conditions or smoking habits in an adult Portuguese population. Methods: Medical histories, including age, gender, presence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus (DM), allergies, smoking status, and endodontic treatment data of 421 patients (10,540 teeth) were recorded. The prevalence of root filled teeth and the periapical status were assessed through panoramic radiographies. Periapical status was classified according to the Periapical index and AP was defined as PAI-score ≥3. Statistic analysis was performed with PASW Statistics 20.0 using qui-square tests, odds-ratio and confidence intervals (95%). Results: The overall prevalence of AP and RFT was 2.2% and 4.2%, respectively. RFT increased the possibility of having AP (p< 0.0001). Men's group showed a higher percentage of teeth with AP (p< 0.0001), less RFT (p = 0.05) and more residual roots (2.3%). Smoking increased the probability of having AP (p = 0.002) and RFT (p = 0.045). A positive correlation was observed between RFT and DM (p = 0.040). No statistically significant difference was found between AP and CVD, DM or allergies neither between RTF and CVD or allergies. Conclusions: The higher prevalence of AP and/or RFT in smoker subjects and in diabetic patients can suggest a relationship between oral and systemic health. More epidemiological studies are required before definitive conclusions can be made.Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo transversal foi investigar a associação entre a prevalência de dentes com tratamento endodôntico (RFT) ou periodontite apical (AP) e algumas condições sistémicas ou hábitos tabágicos numa população adulta portuguesa. Métodos: Histórias médicas, incluindo idade, género, presença de doenças cardiovasculares (CVD), diabetes mellitus, alergias e hábitos tabágicos, e registos dos tratamentos endodônticos de 421 pacientes (10.540 dentes) foram recolhidos. A prevalência de dentes com tratamento endodôntico e status apical foram avaliados através de radiografias panorâmicas. O status apical foi classificado de acordo com o índice periapical e a AP definida para valores PAI≥3. A análise estatística foi realizada através do PASW Statistics 20.0 utilizando os testes chi-quadrado, valores odds-ratio e intervalos confiança (95%). Resultados: A prevalência da AP e RFT foi de 2,2% e 4,2%, respectivamente. RFT aumentou a possibilidade de ter AP (p<0,0001). Os homens revelaram uma maior percentagem de dentes com AP (p<0,0001), menos RFT (p=0,05) e mais raízes residuais (2,3%). Fumar aumentou a probabilidade de ter AP (p=0,002) e RFT (p=0,045). Uma relação positiva foi observada entre RFT e DM (p = 0,040). Não se encontraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre AP e CVD, DM ou alergias nem entre RTF e CVD ou alergias. Conclusões: Uma maior percentagem de AP e/ou RFT nos fumadores e nos pacientes com diabetes sugere uma relação entre a saúde oral e sistémica. Mais estudos epidemiológicos são necessários antes de se fazerem conclusões definitivas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Apical periodontitis and related risk factors: cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate an association between the prevalence of root-filled teeth (RFT) or apical periodontitis (AP) and some systemic conditions or smoking habits in an adult Portuguese population. Methods: Medical histories, including age, gender, presence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus (DM), allergies, smoking status, and endodontic treatment data of 421 patients (10,540 teeth) were recorded. The prevalence of root filled teeth and the periapical status were assessed through panoramic radiographies. Periapical status was classified according to the Periapical index and AP was defined as PAI-score ≥3. Statistic analysis was performed with PASW Statistics 20.0 using qui-square tests, odds-ratio and confidence intervals (95%). Results: The overall prevalence of AP and RFT was 2.2% and 4.2%, respectively. RFT increased the possibility of having AP (p < 0.0001). Men’s group showed a higher percentage of teeth with AP (p < 0.0001), less RFT (p = 0.05) and more residual roots (2.3%). Smoking increased the probability of having AP (p = 0.002) and RFT (p = 0.045). A positive correlation was observed between RFT and DM (p = 0.040). No statistically significant difference was found between AP and CVD, DM or allergies neither between RTF and CVD or allergies. Conclusions: The higher prevalence of AP and/or RFT in smoker subjects and in diabetic patients can suggest a relationship between oral and systemic health. More epidemiological studies are required before definitive conclusions can be made.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação do comportamento mecânico de um solo reforçado com fibras em carregamento estático e cíclico, de muito pequenas a grandes deformações

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    A utilização de fibras como solução de reforço de solos é reconhecida actualmente como uma técnica eficaz na melhoria das características de resistência e rigidez. Ao longo dos anos, os estudos realizados permitiram compreender a relação solo/fibras na melhoria do comportamento mecânico para gamas de deformação próximas da rotura. Porém, tem sido dispensada pouca atenção no que diz respeito à avaliação do comportamento mecânico e à determinação da rigidez no âmbito das muito pequenas deformações. Assim, este estudo visa identificar a influência de diferentes percentagens de fibras, bem como do uso de malhas de fibras orientadas, na resposta mecânica de um solo reforçado com fibras, numa gama variada de deformações. Para o efeito, foram realizados ensaios de compressão uniaxial e cíclica num solo residual granítico reforçado com fibras, com medições da velocidade das ondas sísmicas com recurso a bender elements e acelerómetros. Foi ainda realizado um estudo comparativo entre o uso de fibras orientadas aleatoriamente e em malha quadrada entre 0⁰ e 90⁰.The use of fibres for soil reinforcement is currently recognised as an effective technique in the improvement of the strength and stiffness properties of soils. Along the years, several studies have focused on the soil/fiber ratio for the improvement of the mechanical behavior of the soil for large strains, near failure. However, little attention has been given to the assessment of the mechanical behaviour and stiffness of the reinforced soil at very small strains. This paper aims to address this issue, by investigating the influence of different fiber percentages, as well as the use of oriented fiber meshes on the mechanical response of the reinforced soil for a wide range of strains. For this purpose, uniaxial static and cyclic compression tests were performed on a granitic residual soil, reinforced with fibers, together with measurements of seismic wave velocities by means of bender elements and accelerometers. A comparative study was also performed between randomly oriented fibers and square 0º to 90º oriented fiber meshes.Os autores gostariam de agradecer o apoio dado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) através do projeto de investigação WaveSoil (PTDC/ECM/122751/2010) do projeto FCOMOP-01-0124-FEDER020365 no âmbito da qual este trabalho foi desenvolvido

    Odontometrics analysis from a commingled archaeological human population related to 1755 Lisbon’s earthquake

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    Introduction: The variation observed when studying odontometrics has immensely contributed over time to the investigation of hominid evolution and the population groups’ diversity, according to their geographic distribution. The present study consists in the evaluation of odontometrics belonging to commingled human remains found in Academia das Ciências de Lisboa from the 1755 Lisbon’s Earthquake. Aims: The first purpose is to comprehend if the odontometrics obtained in this study’s sample fit its time and region, through the comparison of other populations in different locations. The second one is focused on the analysis of odontometrics’ evolution through time, in the same region. Materials and methods: The whole sample of 1479 teeth was weighed in two different types of electronic scales and measured, using a digital caliper, through three diameters: mesiodistal (MD), buccopalatine (BP) and crown height (CH). Results: The average values of mesiodistal and buccopalatine diameter of upper incisors are respectively, 8.200 mm and 7.021 mm for the central incisor, and 6.296 mm and 6.209 mm for the lateral. The upper canine has an average value of mesiodistal diameter of 7.435 mm and an average value of buccopalatine diameter of 8.016 mm. The measurements revealed a high concentration of observations with values close to the median and few observations with distant values (very few outliers). Conclusion: Odontometrics obtained in Lisboa’s sample are within the expected standards for that epoch. Plus, the results captured in recent studies reveal MD and BP diameters values slightly high

    A semiautomated microfluidic platform for real-time investigation of nanoparticles' cellular uptake and cancer cells' tracking

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    Aims: develop a platform composed of labeled dendrimer nanoparticles and a microfluidic device for real-time monitoring of cancer cells fate. Materials and Methods: The physicochemical and biological characterization of the developed Carboxymethyl-chitosan/poly(amidoamine) (CMCht/PAMAM) dendrimer nanoparticles were performed using TEM, AFM, Zeta Sizer, DSC and cytotoxicity screening. Cancer cell lines derived from different tumor types, including HeLa (Cervical Carcinoma), HCT-116 (Colon Carcinoma) and U87MG (Glioblastoma), were exposed to different concentrations of CMCht/PAMAM dendrimer nanoparticles over a period of 3 days (MTS/DNA). Results: Nanoparticles were successfully modified with an average size of 50 nm. Internalization levels go from 87% to 100% in static and from 95% to 100% in dynamic conditions. Viability levels range from 95% to 100% in static and from 90% to 100% in dynamic conditions, being HCT the most sensitive to the presence of the NP. Conclusions: the results show different responses to the presence of 0.5 mg.mL-1 dendrimer nanoparticles when comparing static to dynamic conditions, with a tendency towards higher sensitivity when subjected to confinement. This work demonstrated that the proposed microfluidic-based platform allows real-time cell monitoring, which, upon more studies, namely the assessment of the drug release effect, could be used for cancer theranostics.FR Maia acknowledges ERC-2012-ADG 20120216–321266 (ComplexiTE) for her Postdoc scholarship. JM Oliveira thanks Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for his distinction attributed under the FCT Investigator program (IF/00423/2012). BM Costa also thanks Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/SAU-GMG/113795/2009 and IF/00601/2012 to BM Costa), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (BM Costa) and Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (BM Costa). MR Carvalho also thanks the funding through the LA ICVS/3Bs project (UID/Multi/50026/2013). The authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio