2,353 research outputs found

    Production Support Flight Control Computers: Research Capability for F/A-18 Aircraft at Dryden Flight Research Center

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    NASA Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC) is working with the United States Navy to complete ground testing and initiate flight testing of a modified set of F/A-18 flight control computers. The Production Support Flight Control Computers (PSFCC) can give any fleet F/A-18 airplane an in-flight, pilot-selectable research control law capability. NASA DFRC can efficiently flight test the PSFCC for the following four reasons: (1) Six F/A-18 chase aircraft are available which could be used with the PSFCC; (2) An F/A-18 processor-in-the-loop simulation exists for validation testing; (3) The expertise has been developed in programming the research processor in the PSFCC; and (4) A well-defined process has been established for clearing flight control research projects for flight. This report presents a functional description of the PSFCC. Descriptions of the NASA DFRC facilities, PSFCC verification and validation process, and planned PSFCC projects are also provided

    Observation of a possible superflare on Proxima Centauri

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    We report the observation on UT 2017 July 1 of an unusually powerful flare detected in near-infrared continuum photometry of Proxima Centauri. During a campaign monitoring the star for possible exoplanet transits, we identified an increase in Sloan i' flux leading to an observed peak at BJD 2457935.996 that was at least 10 per cent over pre-flare flux in this band. It was followed by a two-component rapid decline in the first 100 s that became a slower exponential decay with time constant of 1350 s. A smaller flare event 1300 s after the first added an incremental peak flux increase of 1 per cent of pre-flare flux. Since the onset of the flare was not fully time resolved at a cadence of 62 s, its actual peak value is unknown but greater than the time average over a single exposure of 20 s. The i' band is representative of broad optical and near-IR continuum flux over which the integrated energy of the flare is 100 times the stellar luminosity. This meets the criteria that established the concept of superflares on similar stars. The resulting implied ultraviolet flux and space weather could have had an extreme effect on the atmospheres of planets within the star's otherwise habitable zone

    Fishes of Rock Creek, Sharp County, Arkansas

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    A survey of the fishes of Rock Creek in north central Arkansas was made on 9-10 November, 1978, and 15-16 March, 1979. Field collections were made using a minnow seine and backpack shocker. The creek system was inhabited by 28 species of fish representing eight families. Fish collections were typical of a small Ozark stream. The most abundant species were: Campostoma oligolepis Hubbs and Greene, largescale stoneroller; Notropis telescopus (Cope), telescope shiner; Notropis zonatus (Putnam), bleeding shiner; Moxostoma duquesnei (Lesueur), black redhorse; Etheostoma blennioides Rafinesque, greenside darter; Etheostoma caeruleum Storer, rainbow darter; Etheostoma euzonum (Hubbs and Black), Arkansas saddled darter; Etheostoma spectabile (Agassiz), orangethroat darter; and Cottus bairdi Girard, mottled sculpin. Lampetra aepyptera (Abbott), least brook lamprey, represented an extension of the previously known range of this species in the state

    The NASA landing gear test airplane

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    A tire and landing gear test facility has been developed and incorporated into a Convair 990 aircraft. The system can simulate tire vertical load profiles to 250,000 lb, sideslip angles to 15 degrees, and wheel braking on actual runways. Onboard computers control the preprogrammed test profiles through a feedback loop and also record three axis loads, tire slip angle, and tire condition. The aircraft to date has provided tire force and wear data for the Shuttle Orbiter tire on three different runways and at east and west coast landing sites. This report discusses the role of this facility in complementing existing ground tire and landing gear test facilities, and how this facility can simultaneously simulate the vertical load, tire slip, velocity, and surface for an entire aircraft landing. A description is given of the aircraft as well as the test system. An example of a typical test sequence is presented. Data collection and reduction from this facility are discussed, as well as accuracies of calculated parameters. Validation of the facility through ground and flight tests is presented. Tests to date have shown that this facility can operate at remote sites and gather complete data sets of load, slip, and velocity on actual runway surfaces. The ground and flight tests have led to a successful validation of this test facility

    A Model for Space Shuttle Orbiter Tire Side Forces Based on NASA Landing Systems Research Aircraft Test Results

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    Forces generated by the Space Shuttle orbiter tire under varying vertical load, slip angle, speed, and surface conditions were measured using the Landing System Research Aircraft (LSRA). Resulting data were used to calculate a mathematical model for predicting tire forces in orbiter simulations. Tire side and drag forces experienced by an orbiter tire are cataloged as a function of vertical load and slip angle. The mathematical model is compared to existing tire force models for the Space Shuttle orbiter. This report describes the LSRA and a typical test sequence. Testing methods, data reduction, and error analysis are presented. The LSRA testing was conducted on concrete and lakebed runways at the Edwards Air Force Flight Test Center and on concrete runways at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC). Wet runway tire force tests were performed on test strips made at the KSC using different surfacing techniques. Data were corrected for ply steer forces and conicity

    The first ever anti-football painting: A consideration of the soccer match in John Singer Sargent’s "Gassed"

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    The paper presents a discussion of Gassed, a large oil painting by John Singer Sargent displayed at the Imperial War Museum in London. Completed in 1919, Gassed is the major achievement from Sargent’s commission as an official war artist at the appointment of the British War Memorials Committee during the latter period of World War I. Prominent in the painting is a group of soldiers, blinded by a mustard gas attack, being lead to a casualty clearing station tent. In the distant background of the painting, another group of soldiers can be seen kitted out in football attire playing a match. The significance of this football imagery is our point of enquiry. As our title suggests, some recent interpretations regard the painting as offering critical reflection, from the time, about the symbolic links between sport and war. However, while the painting may certainly be left open to this type of viewer interpretation, archival and secondary resource material research does not support such a critical intention by the artist. Yet, nor is there evidence that Sargent’s intention was the projection of war-heroism. Rather, Sargent’s endeavour to faithfully represent what he observed allows Gassed to be regarded as a visual record of routine activity behind the lines and of football as an aspect of the daily life of British soldiers during the Great War

    Multi-application controls: Robust nonlinear multivariable aerospace controls applications

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    This viewgraph presentation describes the general methodology used to apply Honywell's Multi-Application Control (MACH) and the specific application to the F-18 High Angle-of-Attack Research Vehicle (HARV) including piloted simulation handling qualities evaluation. The general steps include insertion of modeling data for geometry and mass properties, aerodynamics, propulsion data and assumptions, requirements and specifications, e.g. definition of control variables, handling qualities, stability margins and statements for bandwidth, control power, priorities, position and rate limits. The specific steps include choice of independent variables for least squares fits to aerodynamic and propulsion data, modifications to the management of the controls with regard to integrator windup and actuation limiting and priorities, e.g. pitch priority over roll, and command limiting to prevent departures and/or undesirable inertial coupling or inability to recover to a stable trim condition. The HARV control problem is characterized by significant nonlinearities and multivariable interactions in the low speed, high angle-of-attack, high angular rate flight regime. Systematic approaches to the control of vehicle motions modeled with coupled nonlinear equations of motion have been developed. This paper will discuss the dynamic inversion approach which explicity accounts for nonlinearities in the control design. Multiple control effectors (including aerodynamic control surfaces and thrust vectoring control) and sensors are used to control the motions of the vehicles in several degrees-of-freedom. Several maneuvers will be used to illustrate performance of MACH in the high angle-of-attack flight regime. Analytical methods for assessing the robust performance of the multivariable control system in the presence of math modeling uncertainty, disturbances, and commands have reached a high level of maturity. The structured singular value (mu) frequency response methodology is presented as a method for analyzing robust performance and the mu-synthesis method will be presented as a method for synthesizing a robust control system. The paper concludes with the author's expectations regarding future applications of robust nonlinear multivariable controls

    Mapping of the Insomnia Severity Index and other sleep measures to EuroQol EQ-5D health state utilities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study sought to map the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) and symptom variables onto the EQ-5D.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional survey was conducted among adult US residents with self-reported sleep problems. Respondents provided demographic, comorbidity, and sleep-related information and had completed the ISI and the EQ-5D profile. Respondents were classified into ISI categories indicating no, threshold, moderate, or severe insomnia. Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to map the ISI's 7 items (Model I), summary scores (Model II), clinical categories (Model III), and insomnia symptoms (Model IV), onto the EQ-5D. We used 50% of the sample for estimation and 50% for prediction. Prediction accuracy was assessed by mean squared errors (MSEs) and mean absolute errors (MAEs).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean (standard deviation) sleep duration for respondents (N = 2,842) was 7.8 (1.9) hours, and mean ISI score was 14.1 (4.8). Mean predicted EQ-5D utility was 0.765 (0.08) from Models I-III, which overlapped with observed utilities 0.765 (0.18). Predicted utility using insomnia symptoms was higher (0.771(0.07)). Based on Model I, predicted utilities increased linearly with improving ISI (0.493 if ISI = 28 vs. 1.00 if ISI = 0, p < 0.01). From Model II, each unit decrease in ISI summary score was associated with a 0.022 (p < 0.001) increase in utility. Predicted utilities were 0.868, 0.809, 0.722, and 0.579, respectively, for the 4 clinical categories, suggesting that lower utility was related to greater insomnia severity. The symptom model (Model IV) indicated a concave sleep-duration function of the EQ-5D; thus, utilities diminished after an optimal amount of sleep. The MSEs/MAEs were substantially lower when predicting EQ-5D > 0.40, and results were comparable in all models.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Findings suggest that mapping relationships between the EQ-5D and insomnia measures could be established. These relationships may be used to estimate insomnia-related treatment effects on health state utilities.</p