453 research outputs found

    The Economic Impact of Connecticut's Information Technology Industry

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    information technology, economic impact, Tornqvist index

    Mekaniseringsspørgsmaalet i Landbruget.

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    Mekaniseringsspørgsmaalet i Landbruget

    Understanding fear of opportunism in global prize-based science contests: Evidence for gender and age differences

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    Global prize-based science contests have great potential for tapping into diverse knowledge on a global scale and overcoming important scientific challenges. A necessary step for knowledge to be utilized in these contests is for that knowledge to be disclosed. Knowledge disclosure, however, is paradoxical in nature: in order for the value of knowledge to be assessed, inventors must disclose their knowledge, but then the person who receives that knowledge does so at no cost and may use it opportunistically. This risk of potential opportunistic behavior in turn makes the inventor fearful of disclosing knowledge, and this is a major psychological barrier to knowledge disclosure. In this project, we investigated this fear of opportunism in global prize-based science contests by surveying 630 contest participants in the InnoCentive online platform for science contests. We found that participants in these science contests experience fear of opportunism to varying degrees, and that women and older participants have significantly less fear of disclosing their scientific knowledge. Our findings highlight the importance of taking differences in such fears into account when designing global prize-based contests so that the potential of the contests for reaching solutions to important and challenging problems can be used more effectively

    Connecting the Dots: Responses of Coastal Ecosystems to Changing Nutrient Concentrations

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    Empirical relationships between phytoplankton biomass and nutrient concentrations established across a wide range of different ecosystems constitute fundamental quantitative tools for predicting effects of nutrient management plans. Nutrient management plans based on such relationships, mostly established over trends of increasing rather than decreasing nutrient concentrations, assume full reversibility of coastal eutrophication. Monitoring data from 28 ecosystems located in four well-studied regions were analyzed to study the generality of chlorophyll a versus nutrient relationships and their applicability for ecosystem management. We demonstrate significant differences across regions as well as between specific coastal ecosystems within regions in the response of chlorophyll a to changing nitrogen concentrations. We also show that the chlorophyll a versus nitrogen relationships over time constitute convoluted trajectories rather than simple unique relationships. The ratio of chlorophyll a to total nitrogen almost doubled over the last 30-40 years across all regions. The uniformity of these trends, or shifting baselines, suggest they may result from large-scale changes, possibly associated with global climate change and increasing human stress on coastal ecosystems. Ecosystem management must, therefore, develop adaptation strategies to face shifting baselines and maintain ecosystem services at a sustainable level rather than striving to restore an ecosystem state of the past. © 2011 American Chemical Society.This research is a contribution to the Thresholds Integrated Project (contract FP6-003933-2) and WISER (contract FP7-226273), funded by the European Commission.Peer Reviewe

    Superparamagnetic colloids in viscous fluids

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    The influence of a magnetic field on the aggregation process of superparamagnetic colloids has been well known on short time for a few decades. However, the influence of important parameters, such as viscosity of the liquid, has received only little attention. Moreover, the equilibrium state reached after a long time is still challenging on some aspects. Indeed, recent experimental measurements show deviations from pure analytical models in extreme conditions. Furthermore, current simulations would require several years of computing time to reach equilibrium state under those conditions. In the present paper, we show how viscosity influences the characteristic time of the aggregation process, with experimental measurements in agreement with previous theories on transient behaviour. Afterwards, we performed numerical simulations on equivalent systems with lower viscosities. Below a critical value of viscosity, a transition to a new aggregation regime is observed and analysed. We noticed this result can be used to reduce the numerical simulation time from several orders of magnitude, without modifying the intrinsic physical behaviour of the particles. However, it also implies that, for high magnetic fields, granular gases could have a very different behaviour from colloidal liquids

    Age-period-cohort modelling of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma incidence in a French region: a period effect compatible with an environmental exposure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) has risen steadily during the last few decades in all geographic regions covered by cancer registration for reasons that remain unknown. The aims of this study were to assess the relative contributions of age, period and cohort effects to NHL incidence patterns and therefore to provide clues to explain the increasing incidence.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Population and NHL incidence data were provided for the Doubs region (France) during the 1980-2005 period. NHL counts and person-years were tabulated into one-year classes by age (from 20 to 89) and calendar time period. Age-period-cohort models with parametric smooth functions (natural splines) were fitted to the data by assuming a Poisson distribution for the observed number of NHL cases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The age-standardised incidence rate increased from 4.7 in 1980 to 11.9 per 100,000 person-years at risk in 1992 (corresponding to a 2.5-fold increase) and stabilised afterwards (11.1 per 100,000 in 2005). Age effects showed a steadily increasing slope up to the age of 80 and levelled off for older ages. Large period curvature effects, both adjusted for cohort effects and non-adjusted (p < 10<sup>-4 </sup>and p < 10<sup>-5</sup>, respectively), showed departure from linear periodic trends; period effects jumped markedly in 1983 and stabilised in 1992 after a 2.4-fold increase (compared to the 1980 period). In both the age-period-cohort model and the age-cohort model, cohort curvature effects were not statistically significant (p = 0.46 and p = 0.08, respectively).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The increased NHL incidence in the Doubs region is mostly dependent on factors associated with age and calendar periods instead of cohorts. We found evidence for a levelling off in both incidence rates and period effects beginning in 1992. It is unlikely that the changes in classification (which occurred after 1995) and the improvements of diagnostic accuracy could largely account for the 1983-1992 period-effect increase, giving way to an increased exposure to widely distributed risk factors including persistent organic pollutants and pesticides. Continued NHL incidence and careful analysis of period effects are of utmost importance to elucidate the enigmatic epidemiology of NHL.</p

    Increasing incidence of childhood tumours of the central nervous system in Denmark, 1980–1996

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    The registered incidence rate of childhood central nervous system (CNS) tumours has increased in several countries. It is uncertain whether these increases are biologically real or owing to improved diagnostic methods. We explored the medical records of 626 CNS tumours diagnosed in Danish children between 1980 and 1996. Population-based registers were used to extract data on mortality and background population. Temporal patterns were analysed by regression techniques. Most tumours were verified by computed tomography (78%) or magnetic resonance imaging (14%). Overall, the incidence rate increased by 2.9% per year (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3;4.5) and the mortality rate increased by 1.4% per year (95% CI: −0.4;3.3). Among children aged 0–4 years, the survival rate after diagnosis remained almost unchanged, whereas among children aged 5–14 years, the 10-year survival rate improved from 59 to 74%. These data suggest that the incidence rate of CNS tumours among Danish children has truly increased, although alternative explanations cannot be excluded

    Genetic variants of CYP3A5, CYP2D6, SULT1A1, UGT2B15 and tamoxifen response in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: Tamoxifen therapy reduces the risk of recurrence and prolongs the survival of oestrogen-receptor-positive patients with breast cancer. Even if most patients benefit from tamoxifen, many breast tumours either fail to respond or become resistant. Because tamoxifen is extensively metabolised by polymorphic enzymes, one proposed mechanism underlying the resistance is altered metabolism. In the present study we investigated the prognostic and/or predictive value of functional polymorphisms in cytochrome P450 3A5 CYP3A5 (*3), CYP2D6 (*4), sulphotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1; *2) and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15 (UGT2B15; *2) in tamoxifen-treated patients with breast cancer. METHODS: In all, 677 tamoxifen-treated postmenopausal patients with breast cancer, of whom 238 were randomised to either 2 or 5 years of tamoxifen, were genotyped by using PCR with restriction fragment length polymorphism or PCR with denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: The prognostic evaluation performed in the total population revealed a significantly better disease-free survival in patients homozygous for CYP2D6*4. For CYP3A5, SULT1A1 and UGT2B15 no prognostic significance was observed. In the randomised group we found that for CYP3A5, homozygous carriers of the *3 allele tended to have an increased risk of recurrence when treated for 2 years with tamoxifen, although this was not statistically significant (hazard ratio (HR) = 2.84, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.68 to 11.99, P = 0.15). In the group randomised to 5 years' tamoxifen the survival pattern shifted towards a significantly improved recurrence-free survival (RFS) among CYP3A5*3-homozygous patients (HR = 0.20, 95% CI = 0.07 to 0.55, P = 0.002). No reliable differences could be seen between treatment duration and the genotypes of CYP2D6, SULT1A1 or UGT2B15. The significantly improved RFS with prolonged tamoxifen treatment in CYP3A5*3 homozygotes was also seen in a multivariate Cox model (HR = 0.13, CI = 0.02 to 0.86, P = 0.03), whereas no differences could be seen for CYP2D6, SULT1A1 and UGT2B15. CONCLUSION: The metabolism of tamoxifen is complex and the mechanisms responsible for the resistance are unlikely to be explained by a single polymorphism; instead it is a combination of several mechanisms. However, the present data suggest that genetic variation in CYP3A5 may predict response to tamoxifen therapy