860 research outputs found

    Curriculum design as an enabler of student involvement and success in higher education

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    Quality assurance, promotion, and the success of students are core drivers in Higher Education. Students shifted from being receivers in the knowledge transfer process of Higher Education to active co-producers in the learning process, which makes students more involved in the quality assurance process today than they were in the past. This shift requires curriculum developers of programmes to not only understand the nature of the change in the students’ role in Higher Education but also to anticipate future changes in their role. The Mode 1, Mode 2 and Mode 3 models of knowledge production are useful systems to help curriculum designers understand this daunting task. This research conducts a theoretical exploration into students’ shift in knowledge production as they engage with the curriculum in higher education, which explores the different modes of knowledge production. The exploratory research includes practical curriculum examples that highlight the changes in the structures of control, characteristics, and practicalities of the different modes, changes in assessment strategies, changes in teacher-student relationships, and the inclusion of other role-players such as industry and society. The first mode of knowledge production is a disciplinary and homogeneity model, with the second mode shifting to a transdisciplinary, heterogeneous, transient, and more systemic model which includes industry stakeholders, with a permeable boundary. The third mode of knowledge production is situated in the fourth industrial revolution space and looks at the combined future of science, knowledge, and technology

    LP (a) levels and apo (a) phenotypes in urban black South African men

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    CITATION: Carstens, M. E., Burgess, L. J. & Taljaard, J. J. F. 1998. LP (a) levels and apo (a) phenotypes in urban black South African men. South African Medical Journal, 88:139-142.The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.zaObjective. To investigate the lipoprotein (a) (Lp (a)) levels and apolipoprotein (a) (apo (a)) phenotypes in a group of urban black South African men. Design. Cross-sectional design. Setting. Lead acid battery plant, East London, Eastern Cape. Participants. Blood samples from a study on the association between lead and renal failure were kindly donated for the present study and 111 of the donors participated (K Steyn - personal communication). Outcome measures. Lp (a) levels and apo (a) phenotypes. Results. Three groups were identified: those with normal ( 700 U/l) plasma Lp (a) concentrations. Nine apo (a) phenotypes and 26 combinations thereof could be discerned. Apart from the single- and double-band phenotypes described before, triple-band phenotypes were also present. As the Lp (a) values increased, the relative frequency of the single-band phenotype decreased, whereas the relative frequency of the double-band phenotype increased. The relative frequency of the triple-band phenotype was highest in the group with high Lp (a) concentrations. No correlation was evident between the size of the apo (a) isoforms and the Lp (a) concentrations. Conclusions. Raised plasma Lp (a) levels have been associated with coronary heart disease (CHD). In addition, it has been proposed that the apo (a) gene determined plasma Lp (a) concentrations. These studies were performed using plasma from white subjects. CHD is uncommon in black South Africans. The reason may be that, given the lack of relationship between the size of the apo (a) isoforms and the Lp (a) concentrations observed in the present study, factors other than the isoform size may determine the Lp (a) levels in this particular ethnic group.Publisher’s versio

    LP (a) levels and apo (a) phenotypes in urban black South African men

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    Objective. To investigate the lipoprotein (a) (Lp (a)) levels and apolipoprotein (a) (apo (a)) phenotypes in a group of urban black South African men.Design. Cross-sectional design.Setting. Lead acid battery plant, East London, Eastern Cape.Participants. Blood samples from a study on the association between lead and renal failure were kindly donated for the present study and 111 of the donors participated (K Steyn - personal communication).Outcome measures. Lp (a) levels and apo (a) phenotypes.Results. Three groups were identified: those with normal (<300 U/I), intermediate (300 - 700 U/I) and high (> 700 U/I) plasma Lp (a) concentrations. Nine apo (a) phenotypes and 26 combinations thereof could be discerned. Apart from the single- and double-band phenotypes described before, triple-band phenotypes were also present. As the Lp (a) values increased, the relative frequency of the single-band phenotype decreased, whereas the relative frequency of the double-band phenotype increased. The relative frequency of the triple-band phenotype was highest in the group with high Lp (a) concentrations. No correlation was evident between the size of the apo (a) isoforms and the Lp (a) concentrations.Conclusions. Raised plasma Lp (a) levels have been associated with coronary heart disease (CHD). In addition, it has been proposed that the apo (a) gene determined plasma Lp (a) concentrations. These studies were performed using plasma from white subjects. CHD is uncommon in black South Africans. The reason may be that, given the lack of relationship between the size of the apo (a) isoforms and the Lp (a) concentrations observed in the present study, factors other than the isoform size may determine the Lp (a) levels in this particular ethnic group

    Pemasaran Hijau Yang Semakin Menjadi Kebutuhan Dalam Dunia Bisnis

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    Green marketing is a type of marketing where a company sells a product that is envi-ronmentally friendly. In the concept of green marketing, a company has done greenmarketing since the beginning of the production process which transform raw materi-als into environmentally friendly finished product, called green product. The growingglobal warming make the green marketing is a major issue in today\u27s business world.Green marketing has become a necessity for both producers and consumers for thecreation of a healthy environment. A company can do green marketing that matchesto the company\u27s business. Implementation of green marketing can cover many ac-tivities depending on what the company wants to do. Automotive manufacturers arean example of a company that must implement a comprehensive green marketingbecause its products could potentially damage the environment due to pollution fromvehicle fumes

    Study Title-Based Framing Effects on Reports of Sexual Violence Factors in College Students

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    Objective: There are many methodological issues in studying sexual violence, including potential framing effects. Framing effects refer to how researchers communicate the purpose of a study to participants, such as, how the study is advertised or explained. The aim of the current study was to investigate if framing effects were associated with differences in participants’ self-reported experiences of sexual violence and related correlates. Methods: College students (N = 782) were recruited to participate in one of four identical studies that differed in the title: “Questionnaires about Alcohol,” “Questionnaires about Crime,” “Questionnaires about Health,” or “Questionnaires about Sexual Assault.” Participants chose one of the four studies and completed measures of sexual violence as well as attitudinal and behavioral measures in randomized order. Results: We found significantly more reports of childhood sexual abuse (33.6% vs. 18.5%), rape (33.9% vs. 21.1%), higher frequency of victimization (M = 11.35 vs. 5.44), and greater acknowledged rape for bisexual people (46.2% vs. 0.0%) in the Sexual Assault condition compared to other conditions. There were no differences in sexual violence perpetration or attitudinal or behavioral measures. Conclusion: These results revealed that framing effects, based on the study title, affect outcomes in sexual victimization research. Rape was reported 1.6x more in the “Sexual Assault” condition than in the “Health” condition. It is unclear whether these framing effects reflect self-selection bias or framing related increased reports in the Sexual Assault condition, suppression of reports in other conditions, or a combination thereof

    Pengaruh Macam Bahan Organik Dan Inokulum Rhizobium Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merril)

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    Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril) merupakan tanaman pangan yang penting di Indonesia. Sebagai tanaman golongan Leguminoceae, tanaman kedelai mampu mengadakan simbiosis dengan bakteri tertentu sehingga dapat langsung memfiksasi nitrogen dari udara. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mempelajari pengaruh interaksi macam bahan organik dan dosis legin terhadap peningkatan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril). Hipotesis yang diajukan ialah macam bahan organik dapat mempengaruhi kebutuhan dosis legin untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian desa Jatikerto, kecamatan Kromengan, kabupaten Malang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2014 sampai bulan September 2014. Alat yang digunakan pada penelitian ialah Leaf Area Meter (LAM), timbangan analitik, meteran dan oven. Bahan yang digunakan adalah benih kedelai varietas Grobogan. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu faktor satu adalah pemberian bahan organik yang terdiri dari: B1=tanpa aplikasi bahan organik, B2=residu biochar dan B3= kompos 10 ton ha-1. Faktor kedua adalah penggunaan legin yang terdiri dari: L1 = tanpa legin, L2 = dosis legin 8 g kg-1 dan L3 = dosis legin 12 g kg-1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan bahan organik kompos 10 ton ha-1 dan residu biochar tidak mempengaruhi kebutuhan dosis legin. Kompos 10 ton ha-1 nyata untuk meningkatkan jumlah polong per tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril) sebesar 71,21 %. Dosis legin tidak nyata terhadap hasil panen tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril)

    Optimización de la producción de biomasa usando glicerol crudo, de una cepa mutante de Yarrowia lipolytica con actividad incrementada de lipasa

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    218-225The yeast Yarrowia lipolytica accumulates oils and is able to produce extracellular lipases when growing in different carbon sources including glycerol, the principal by-product of the biodiesel industry. In this study, biomass production of a novel mutant strain of Y. lipolytica was statistically optimized by Response Surface Methodology in media containing biodiesel-derived glycerol as main carbon source. This strain exhibited distinctive morphological and fatty acid profile characteristics, and showed an increased extracellular lipase activity. An organic source of nitrogen and the addition of 1.0 g/l olive oil were necessary for significant lipase production. Plackett-Burman and Central Composite Statistical Designs were employed for screening and optimization of fermentation in shaken flasks cultures, and the maximum values obtained were 16.1 g/l for biomass and 12.2 Units/ml for lipase, respectively. Optimized batch bioprocess was thereafter scaled in aerated bioreactors and the values reached for lipase specific activity after 95 percent of the glycerol had been consumed, were three-fold higher than those obtained in shaken flasks cultures. A sustainable bioprocess to obtain biomass and extracellular lipase activity was attained by maximizing the use of the by-products of biodiesel industry

    Sampling locality is more detectable than taxonomy or ecology in the gut microbiota of the brood-parasitic Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater)

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    Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are the most widespread avian brood parasite in North America, laying their eggs in the nests of approximately 250 host species that raise the cowbird nestlings as their own. It is currently unknown how these heterospecific hosts influence the cowbird gut microbiota relative to other factors, such as the local environment and genetics. We test a Nature Hypothesis (positing the importance of cowbird genetics) and a Nurture Hypothesis (where the host parents are most influential to cowbird gut microbiota) using the V6 region of 16S rRNA as a microbial fingerprint of the gut from 32 cowbird samples and 16 potential hosts from nine species. We test additional hypotheses regarding the influence of the local environment and age of the birds.We found no evidence for the Nature Hypothesis and little support for the Nurture Hypothesis. Cowbird gut microbiota did not forma clade, but neither did members of the host species. Rather, the physical location, diet and age of the bird, whether cowbird or host, were the most significant categorical variables. Thus, passerine gut microbiota may be most strongly influenced by environmental factors. To put this variation in a broader context, we compared the bird data to a fecal microbiota dataset of 38 mammal species and 22 insect species. Insects were always the most variable; on some axes, we found more variation within cowbirds than across all mammals. Taken together, passerine gut microbiota may be more variable and environmentally determined than other taxonomic groups examined to date. © 2014 Hird et al

    Perineuronal Nets Suppress Plasticity of Excitatory Synapses on CA2 Pyramidal Neurons

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    Long-term potentiation of excitatory synapses on pyramidal neurons in the stratum radiatum rarely occurs in hippocampal area CA2. Here, we present evidence that perineuronal nets (PNNs), a specialized extracellular matrix typically localized around inhibitory neurons, also surround mouse CA2 pyramidal neurons and envelop their excitatory synapses. CA2 pyramidal neurons express mRNA transcripts for the major PNN component aggrecan, identifying these neurons as a novel source for PNNs in the hippocampus. We also found that disruption of PNNs allows synaptic potentiation of normally plasticity-resistant excitatory CA2 synapses; thus, PNNs play a role in restricting synaptic plasticity in area CA2. Finally, we found that postnatal development of PNNs on CA2 pyramidal neurons is modified by early-life enrichment, suggesting that the development of circuits containing CA2 excitatory synapses are sensitive to manipulations of the rearing environment