754 research outputs found

    Physical Logic

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    In R.D. Sorkin's framework for logic in physics a clear separation is made between the collection of unasserted propositions about the physical world and the affirmation or denial of these propositions by the physical world. The unasserted propositions form a Boolean algebra because they correspond to subsets of an underlying set of spacetime histories. Physical rules of inference, apply not to the propositions in themselves but to the affirmation and denial of these propositions by the actual world. This physical logic may or may not respect the propositions' underlying Boolean structure. We prove that this logic is Boolean if and only if the following three axioms hold: (i) The world is affirmed, (ii) Modus Ponens and (iii) If a proposition is denied then its negation, or complement, is affirmed. When a physical system is governed by a dynamical law in the form of a quantum measure with the rule that events of zero measure are denied, the axioms (i) - (iii) prove to be too rigid and need to be modified. One promising scheme for quantum mechanics as quantum measure theory corresponds to replacing axiom (iii) with axiom (iv) Nature is as fine grained as the dynamics allows.Comment: 14 pages, v2 published version with a change in the title and other minor change

    Growth factor in f(T) gravity

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    We derive the evolution equation of growth factor for the matter over-dense perturbation in f(T)f(T) gravity. For instance, we investigate its behavior in power law model at small redshift and compare it to the prediction of Λ\LambdaCDM and dark energy with the same equation of state in the framework of Einstein general relativity. We find that the perturbation in f(T)f(T) gravity grows slower than that in Einstein general relativity if \p f/\p T>0 due to the effectively weakened gravity.Comment: 15 pages,1 figure; v2,typos corrected; v3, discussions added, accepted by JCA

    SAperI: Approaching Gender Gap Using Spatial Ability Training Week in High-School Context

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe the structure of a girls summer school, “SAperI – Spatial Ability per l’Ingegneria” (in English, “Knowledge – Spatial Ability for Engineering”), and to illustrate its impact on spatial ability development and future career preferences on those who participated in the week long summer school compared to a control group that did not participate.The 5 days school,organized by Politecnico di Torino (Italy), was included in a larger project addressing 17 years old high-school students. Thirtyseven girls actively took part in a summer school, while 167 students (both males and females) were tested as a controlled group.For those who attended the summer school, significant gains were observed in four measures of spatial ability - mental rotation, spatialvisualization, mental cutting and paper folding. For a minority of participants, scores on one of these tests, paper folding, were lower when measured at the end of the summer school but this was an exception. Furthermore, when tested several months after the summer school, the gains in spatial ability that were made during the course were maintained indicating stability over time with regard to the improvement in spatial ability.In terms of the experience of taking the course, the feedback provided was very positive and all but one participant would recommend the summer school to othergirls at this stage of high school

    The universe formation by a space reduction cascade with random initial parameters

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    In this paper we discuss the creation of our universe using the idea of extra dimensions. The initial, multidimensional Lagrangian contains only metric tensor. We have found many sets of the numerical values of the Lagrangian parameters corresponding to the observed low-energy physics of our universe. Different initial parameters can lead to the same values of fundamental constants by the appropriate choice of a dimensional reduction cascade. This result diminishes the significance of the search for the 'unique' initial Lagrangian. We also have obtained a large number of low-energy vacua, which is known as a 'landscape' in the string theory.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Degeneracy in Candecomp/Parafac and Indscal Explained For Several Three-Sliced Arrays With A Two-Valued Typical Rank

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    The Candecomp/Parafac (CP) method decomposes a three-way array into a prespecified number R of rank-1 arrays, by minimizing the sum of squares of the residual array. The practical use of CP is sometimes complicated by the occurrence of so-called degenerate sequences of solutions, in which several rank-1 arrays become highly correlated in all three modes and some elements of the rank-1 arrays become arbitrarily large. We consider the real-valued CP decomposition of all known three-sliced arrays, i.e., of size p×q×3, with a two-valued typical rank. These are the 5×3×3 and 8×4×3 arrays, and the 3×3×4 and 3×3×5 arrays with symmetric 3×3 slices. In the latter two cases, CP is equivalent to the Indscal model. For a typical rank of {m,m+1}, we consider the CP decomposition with R=m of an array of rank m+1. We show that (in most cases) the CP objective function does not have a minimum but an infimum. Moreover, any sequence of feasible CP solutions in which the objective value approaches the infimum will become degenerate. We use the tools developed in Stegeman (2006), who considers p×p×2 arrays, and present a framework of analysis which is of use to the future study of CP degeneracy related to a two-valued typical rank. Moreover, our examples show that CP uniqueness is not necessary for degenerate solutions to occur

    Hamiltonian dynamics and Noether symmetries in Extended Gravity Cosmology

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    We discuss the Hamiltonian dynamics for cosmologies coming from Extended Theories of Gravity. In particular, minisuperspace models are taken into account searching for Noether symmetries. The existence of conserved quantities gives selection rule to recover classical behaviors in cosmic evolution according to the so called Hartle criterion, that allows to select correlated regions in the configuration space of dynamical variables. We show that such a statement works for general classes of Extended Theories of Gravity and is conformally preserved. Furthermore, the presence of Noether symmetries allows a straightforward classification of singularities that represent the points where the symmetry is broken. Examples of nonminimally coupled and higher-order models are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, Review paper to appear in EPJ

    Adiabatic following criterion, estimation of the nonadiabatic excitation fraction and quantum jumps

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    An accurate theory describing adiabatic following of the dark, nonabsorbing state in the three-level system is developed. An analytical solution for the wave function of the particle experiencing Raman excitation is found as an expansion in terms of the time varying nonadiabatic perturbation parameter. The solution can be presented as a sum of adiabatic and nonadiabatic parts. Both are estimated quantitatively. It is shown that the limiting value to which the amplitude of the nonadiabatic part tends is equal to the Fourier component of the nonadiabatic perturbation parameter taken at the Rabi frequency of the Raman excitation. The time scale of the variation of both parts is found. While the adiabatic part of the solution varies slowly and follows the change of the nonadiabatic perturbation parameter, the nonadiabatic part appears almost instantly, revealing a jumpwise transition between the dark and bright states. This jump happens when the nonadiabatic perturbation parameter takes its maximum value.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PRA on 28 Oct. 200

    Particle motion in the field of a five-dimensional charged black hole

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    In this paper, we have investigated the geodesics of neutral particles near a five-dimensional charged black hole using a comparative approach. The effective potential method is used to determine the location of the horizons and to study radial and circular trajectories. This also helps us to analyze the stability of radial and circular orbits. The radius of the innermost stable circular orbits have also been determined. Contrary to the case of massive particles for which, the circular orbits may have up to eight possible values of specific radius, we find that the photons will only have two distinct values for the specific radii of circular trajectories. Finally we have used the dynamical systems analysis to determine the critical points and the nature of the trajectories for the timelike and null geodesics.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Cosmological model with interactions in the dark sector

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    A cosmological model is proposed for the current Universe consisted of non-interacting baryonic matter and interacting dark components. The dark energy and dark matter are coupled through their effective barotropic indexes, which are considered as functions of the ratio between their energy densities. It is investigated two cases where the ratio is asymptotically stable and their parameters are adjusted by considering best fits to Hubble function data. It is shown that the deceleration parameter, the densities parameters, and the luminosity distance have the correct behavior which is expected for a viable present scenario of the Universe.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamically avoiding fine-tuning the cosmological constant: the "Relaxed Universe"

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    We demonstrate that there exists a large class of action functionals of the scalar curvature and of the Gauss-Bonnet invariant which are able to relax dynamically a large cosmological constant (CC), whatever it be its starting value in the early universe. Hence, it is possible to understand, without fine-tuning, the very small current value of the CC as compared to its theoretically expected large value in quantum field theory and string theory. In our framework, this relaxation appears as a pure gravitational effect, where no ad hoc scalar fields are needed. The action involves a positive power of a characteristic mass parameter, M, whose value can be, interestingly enough, of the order of a typical particle physics mass of the Standard Model of the strong and electroweak interactions or extensions thereof, including the neutrino mass. The model universe emerging from this scenario (the "Relaxed Universe") falls within the class of the so-called LXCDM models of the cosmic evolution. Therefore, there is a "cosmon" entity X (represented by an effective object, not a field), which in this case is generated by the effective functional and is responsible for the dynamical adjustment of the cosmological constant. This model universe successfully mimics the essential past epochs of the standard (or "concordance") cosmological model (LCDM). Furthermore, it provides interesting clues to the coincidence problem and it may even connect naturally with primordial inflation.Comment: LaTeX, 63 pp, 8 figures. Extended discussion. Version accepted in JCA