196 research outputs found

    Impregnación de platino y dimensión fractal en dos tipos de sólidos microporosos

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    El presente trabajo muestra la modificación de una zeolita-Y y una arcilla pilarizada (tipo saponita) mediante impregnación con diferentes cargas de Pt (catalizadores a base de Pt). Los sólidos se caracterizaron en cuanto a su composición química y su textura. La caracterización textural revela cambios importantes en los sólidos, mostrando que se genera microporosidad en la serie de catalizadores zeolíticos y se bloquean las estructuras microporosas en la serie de catalizadores obtenidos a partir de la arcilla pilarizada. La determinación de la dimensión fractal (mediante el método de Avnir-Jaroniec) indica que la modificación con Pt afecta significativamente las características topográficas de la superficie de la arcilla pilarizada como consecuencia de la posible formación de agregados de Pt

    Una aplicación de redes sistémicas para entender las concepciones de los estudiantes:¿qué tan grande es un átomo?

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    Este trabajo describe el empleo de las redes sistémicas para analizar las concepciones de un grupo de estudiantes de la carrera de biología acerca del tamaño del átomo. Las respuestas a la pregunta ¿qué tan grande es un átomo? se evaluaron antes y después del estudio de los temas de estequiometría y estructura atómica. El análisis de las redes permitió identificar que, después del estudio de los temas mencionados, la red se hace más compleja como evidencia de un cambio en las respuestas. No obstante, las categorías de la red antes y después de la intervención didáctica se mantienen. Al final del proceso, una gran parte de los estudiantes que no tenían respuesta a la pregunta propuesta inicialmente se posicionan y adoptan como solución la comparación con elementos que conocen, siempre relacionando algo “muy grande” con algo “muy pequeño”

    Generalized (\kappa,\mu)-space forms

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    Generalized (\kappa ,\mu)-space forms are introduced and studied. We examine in depth the contact metric case and present examples for all possible dimensions. We also analyse the trans-Sasakian case.Comment: 20 pages, several changes have been done in this versio

    Chronic kidney disease and neurological disorders: are uraemic toxins the missing piece of the puzzle?

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) perturbs the crosstalk with others organs, with the interaction between the kidneys and the heart having been studied most intensively. However, a growing body of data indicates that there is an association between kidney dysfunction and disorders of the central nervous system. In epidemiological studies, CKD is associated with a high prevalence of neurological complications, such as cerebrovascular disorders, movement disorders, cognitive impairment and depression. Along with traditional cardiovascular risk factors (such as diabetes, inflammation, hypertension and dyslipidaemia), non-traditional risk factors related to kidney damage (such as uraemic toxins) may predispose patients with CKD to neurological disorders. There is increasing evidence to show that uraemic toxins, for example indoxyl sulphate, have a neurotoxic effect. A better understanding of factors responsible for the elevated prevalence of neurological disorders among patients with CKD might facilitate the development of novel treatments. Here, we review (i) the potential clinical impact of CKD on cerebrovascular and neurological complications, (ii) the mechanisms underlying the uraemic toxins' putative action (based on pre-clinical and clinical research) and (iii) the potential impact of these findings on patient care

    Chronic kidney disease and neurological disorders: are uraemic toxins the missing piece of the puzzle?

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) perturbs the crosstalk with others organs, with the interaction between the kidneys and the heart having been studied most intensively. However, a growing body of data indicates that there is an association between kidney dysfunction and disorders of the central nervous system. In epidemiological studies, CKD is associated with a high prevalence of neurological complications, such as cerebrovascular disorders, movement disorders, cognitive impairment and depression. Along with traditional cardiovascular risk factors (such as diabetes, inflammation, hypertension and dyslipidaemia), non-traditional risk factors related to kidney damage (such as uraemic toxins) may predispose patients with CKD to neurological disorders. There is increasing evidence to show that uraemic toxins, for example indoxyl sulphate, have a neurotoxic effect. A better understanding of factors responsible for the elevated prevalence of neurological disorders among patients with CKD might facilitate the development of novel treatments. Here, we review (i) the potential clinical impact of CKD on cerebrovascular and neurological complications, (ii) the mechanisms underlying the uraemic toxins' putative action (based on pre-clinical and clinical research) and (iii) the potential impact of these findings on patient care

    Neuropeptide Y as a risk factor for cardiorenal disease and cognitive dysfunction in chronic kidney disease: translational opportunities and challenges

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    Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a 36-amino-acid peptide member of a family also including peptide YY and pancreatic polypeptide, which are all ligands to Gi/Go coupled receptors. NPY regulates several fundamental biologic functions including appetite/satiety, sex and reproduction, learning and memory, cardiovascular and renal function and immune functions. The mesenteric circulation is a major source of NPY in the blood in man and this peptide is considered a key regulator of gut-brain cross talk. A progressive increase in circulating NPY accompanies the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) toward kidney failure and NPY robustly predicts cardiovascular events in this population. Furthermore, NPY is suspected as a possible player in accelerated cognitive function decline and dementia in patients with CKD and in dialysis patients. In theory, interfering with the NPY system has relevant potential for the treatment of diverse diseases from cardiovascular and renal diseases to diseases of the central nervous system. Pharmaceutical formulations for effective drug delivery and cost, as well as the complexity of diseases potentially addressable by NPY/NPY antagonists, have been a problem until now. This in part explains the slow progress of knowledge about the NPY system in the clinical arena. There is now renewed research interest in the NPY system in psychopharmacology and in pharmacology in general and new studies and a new breed of clinical trials may eventually bring the expected benefits in human health with drugs interfering with this system

    A Methodological Approach for Implementing an Integrated Multimorbidity Care Model: Results from the Pre-Implementation Stage of Joint Action CHRODIS-PLUS

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    Patients with multimorbidity (defined as the co-occurrence of multiple chronic diseases) frequently experience fragmented care, which increases the risk of negative outcomes. A recently proposed Integrated Multimorbidity Care Model aims to overcome many issues related to fragmented care. In the context of Joint Action CHRODIS-PLUS, an implementation methodology was developed for the care model, which is being piloted in five sites. We aim to (1) explain the methodology used to implement the care model and (2) describe how the pilot sites have adapted and applied the proposed methodology. The model is being implemented in Spain (Andalusia and Aragon), Lithuania (Vilnius and Kaunas), and Italy (Rome). Local implementation working groups at each site adapted the model to local needs, goals, and resources using the same methodological steps: (1) Scope analysis; (2) situation analysis-"strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats" (SWOT) analysis; (3) development and improvement of implementation methodology; and (4) final development of an action plan. This common implementation strategy shows how care models can be adapted according to local and regional specificities. Analysis of the common key outcome indicators at the post-implementation phase will help to demonstrate the clinical effectiveness, as well as highlight any difficulties in adapting a common Integrated Multimorbidity Care Model in different countries and clinical settings

    Cognitive disorders in patients with chronic kidney disease: Approaches to prevention and treatment

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    Background: Cognitive impairment is common in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), and early intervention may prevent the progression of this condition. Methods: Here, we review interventions for the complications of CKD (anemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism, metabolic acidosis, harmful effects of dialysis, the accumulation of uremic toxins) and for prevention of vascular events, interventions that may potentially be protective against cognitive impairment. Furthermore, we discuss nonpharmacological and pharmacological methods to prevent cognitive impairment and/or minimize the latter's impact on CKD patients' daily lives. Results: A particular attention on kidney function assessment is suggested during work-up for cognitive impairment. Different approaches are promising to reduce cognitive burden in patients with CKD but the availabe dedicated data are scarce. Conclusions: There is a need for studies assessing the effect of interventions on the cognitive function of patients with CKD